Moody Holiday

Moody Holiday photo

Moody Holiday was born in Brooklyn New York, joining a brother, sister and doting parents. During her formative years, Moody’s mother remarried and moved to Orange, New Jersey where Moody attended private school until her senior year of high school. Holiday graduated from Montclair State University and thereafter pursued a law degree at Seton Hall University School of Law.

Married for seventeen years, Moody has two sons and a Labradoodle named Diesel. A busy career mom by day, Holiday is also a sought after Zumba instructor where her love of dance and fitness is shared with a loyal Zumba following.

An avid writer, Holiday has an insatiable appetite for spinning delicate tales of seduction and drama. A gift handed down from her biological father, Holiday is constantly on the computer during the wee hours and is known for dabbling with two manuscripts at once. Holiday is popular for filling her novels with lots of characters, conflict, and seduction, which is in great demand among her drama driven audiences.

Learn more at Moody Holiday’s official website

5 Books by Moody Holiday