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Ann Coulter Epitomizes the Essence of Being an American

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Ann Coulter is a trip.  Her interview with our Kam Williams had me laughing out loud.  She is irreverent and quick witted for sure.


Over the years I've published hundreds of interviews Kam has performed. Kam usually asks a series of canned questions like: "If you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend the time?" Most people say something like, "spend the time with loved ones and family". Ann's response, "Waiting in line for my Obamacare doctor." 


Of this question, If you could have a superpower, which one would you choose?  Most people say, The ability to "fly" or "invisibility". Ann's response, "The USA."


I hadn't really realized the canned questions are only interesting when someone provides a very different response. Ann's responses were funny and refreshing.   You can read the full interview with Kam Williams here


Of course a great many people have negative things to say, Kevin Powell called her, "Un-American and Very Dangerous Mind."   In fact even  Kam, in his review of Mugged, described Ann as, "...a politically-incorrect, right-wing zealot unafraid to play the race card."


I think Ann epitomizes the very essence of what it means to be an American: She has taken her "All American" looks and controversy and ridden it all the way to the bank.  A true American success story.  That is how it works in the good 'ole U. S. of A.


This video from The Boondocks is on point :-)


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  • 3 weeks later...

"What did you think of how the cartoon The Boondocks depicted you?"

Ann replied; I’ve at least heard of The Boondocks. But again, I have no idea how that was done. I wouldn’t know all that I do about history, if I spent my time watching cartoons and other TV shows. [Chuckles]

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The right-wing Republican-oriented media is bogged down with blonde, blue-eyed ditzes like Ann Coulter and ex "View" panel member, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, air head extraordinaire  The latest example of the absurdity that exists in the ranks of this sisterhood comes out of the mouth of Fox TV host, Megyn Kelly.  She is who broke the news that Santa Claus and Jesus were white, just in case some miguided black folks didn't realize this. She further advised that dissidents should just resign themselves to accepting this "fact' since they can't change it.


We have to assume it was the tooth fairy who told Ms. Kelly that the symbolic ol guy dubbed as Santa Claus is white, and that the Easter Bunny confirmed this belief.  As for Saint Nicholas, the figure who Santa Claus,  was copied from, many have come forward to inform that he originated in Turkey, and was arabic, not caucasian  Jesus, of course, depicted in Western Civilization as blue-eyed and fair-skinned with flowing tawny locks, was Jewish and in all probability was swarthy and dark-eyed as were most members of the Semitic tribes.  And the BIBLE even noted that JC had hair like a wooly lamb. If Megyn Kelly's ignorance wasn't so appalling, it would be hilarious.


Me, I figured after Santa exited the sleigh which was drawn across the sky by 8 reindeer, and then wiggled his way down a sooty chimney, that he would be black by the time he crawled out of the fire place.  But, of course, fools like Megyn are so afflicted with tunnel vision that they live in a mythical world where history, itself, is more of a fairy tale than a rendering of the truth. It never occurred to this plastic Barbie doll that, as figments of the imagination, fictional figures like Santa Claus can be whatever color children of all ages prefer him to be. (The same goes for Jesus.)


What was most offensive about Ms. Kelly's assertion was that people should accept what they can't change.  Puleeze.  Nothing should be automatically accepted as permanent.  Making an effort to change detrimental things should always be an option.  But this apparently never occurs to creatures of Ms Kelly's ilk who are determined to defend the status quo - as long as their status is the standard.


Fork-tongued bitches aka numb-skulled twats.

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In reality, I don't really care.  However I don't think Ann is a racist in the "get a rope" sense that you seem to be implying Harry. I find her more humorous than dangerous. I believe she is probably more like the person McGruder portrayed her as in the Boondocks cartoon above.


I also do not believe that Carson, Cain and Rice can, or should be grouped together simply because they are Black and Republican.  That is like grouping Al Shaprton and MLK together because they are ministers, or equating Ghandi and Obama because they both received Nobel Prizes for Peace.

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As is often the case, I miss postings probably because of the method I use to access a thread, which consists of clicking on the the last post under a heading. So, I didn't see the video of Ann Coulter until I accidently stumbled across it today.  It was quite funny.  But what I really was impressed with was what appeared when her video was over, which was a collage with links to a roster of conservative oriented topics. 


One of these topics was an  interview with Thomas Sowell, a prominent black academic who I've often glossed over because I considered him too far to the right.  But he had some very interesting things to say about intellectuals.  Something I always suspected.  He contended that intellectuals enjoyed an inflated status, and he outed them as pedants who weren't held accountable for their pontificating because they dealt in abstract ideas as opposed to brick and mortar results, and that they were fixated on their own points of view.  He also dismissed "experts" as unreliable because they are paid to embelish whatever claims they are hired to verify.


Sowell really has some inconoclastic views about people who are getting by on reputations and credentials which qualify them for nothing more than opportunities to promote their personal theories and philosophies.  In other words, half the people in the world are not objective enough to know what the hell they are talking about.  I wanted to ask Sowell, if that applied to him. 


Me, I've always felt that there is the world as it is verbalized and condensed into language which can be misinterpreted.  And then,  there is the real world as it actually exists.  But - what do I know? 

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I think you meant "...objective enough to know what the hell they are talking about..." and of course that would apply to Thomas Sowell too, but to a much lessor degree than most people I suspect.


I've have read several  Thomas Sowell's books.  I discovered Sowell in a local tabloid newspaper that I have not read in years.  Cynique I think you would like his columns too.  I have not kept up in recent years, partially because I've read them for a decade and there does not deem to be any new ideas.  I always find his "Random Thoughts on a Passing Scene" articles interesting and funny.  You and he are close in age, so you can probably relate to his opinions more than I (despite his right wing stance on many issues).  From time to time, I check him out to get his perspective some current news story.


When I hear an Ann Coulter speak I don't assume that she speaks for white people or even all white republicans.  However I get the feeling that white people think Al Shaprton speaks for all Black people.  But given that Al's view point is supported by the main stream media, and even Obama, while people like Sowell's are unknown in the Black community. 


Also Cynique you can book mark this link:

http://aalbc.com/tc/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=viewNewContent&search_app=forums or simply click "View New Content" in the menu above to find the most recent posts that you have not read.

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Yes! I meant "objective"! I corrected it. It's funny how one wrong word can change the whole gist of a statement. My ageing thought processes are catching up with me. :blink::(


Ann Coulter is the physical template of Republican women in the media but her airhead colleagues cannot match her in deviousness. She has a response to every liberal argument because she is a supreme sophist, skilled at advancing specious arguments. As a cynic, I have to giver her credit for bamboozling the public. Thomas Sowell's tendency to be a detached observer of the passing scene is also what makes him tolerable to me. Al Sharpton has tempered his militancy since joining MSNBC, even to the point where other Blacks are calling him a sell-out". But his loud mouthed delivery can still be a turn-off to Whites who don't judge Al by his words which might not be that different from those of Sowell, but by his pimp persona. Just another example of the influential effect of image. :angry:B)


The longer I live, the more I realize that the world is gonna "do what it do", and in the long run People are at the mercy of trends and cycles and are just along for the ride. :wacko::huh:

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"People are at the mercy of trends and cycles and are just along for the ride." This is so true.


Al and Ann Laughing all the way to the bank...


Cynique, I don't think I can think of two people more different than Sowell and Sharpton. 


I can completely understand why some Black folks, including Cornell West, have called Rev Al a sell out.  It appears that he has become just that.  


But I suspect, the vast majority of us in Al's position would do the same thing in order to become a TV personality, have access to Obama and weild whatever power he can exert from his role as the leader of the National Action Network. 


Sowell does not seem to do much besides write articles which are not read by too many Black people.  So on some level it is difficult to assess Sowell's impact on the Black community, relative to Rev. Al.

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  • 8 months later...


I'm not sure if you're really a racist idiot or just a troll. Look at what race-baiting liberalism has done to the black population. They have been voting mostly Democrat for decades yet they still have to deal with proportionately higher crime and poverty within their solidly-blue communities.


These three folks you mentioned, along with Allen West and Clarence Thomas, are proof that you don't need government handouts and "race-quotas" (i.e. legalized racism) to make it in America. Instead of being mad, you should admire them. 100 years ago we had White Democrats attacking Black Republicans because they were black, but now we've got White Democrats attacking Black Republicans because they're Republican, or at least that's what these double-standard liberals claim anyway.


If you want to complain about racism, go after these race-baiting hypocrites who dictate what party all people of color should vote for under the threat of being called an "Uncle Tom" or "traitor" or "acting white." They'll cry "racism" regarding criticism of Obama but then say the most horrid things about Carson, Cain, Rice, West, Thomas, and any other black conservative who isn't "down with the struggle." There is nothing "white" about being financially and socially responsible. Compare Asia's success to Africa's blight.


I think you meant "...objective enough to know what the hell they are talking about..." and of course that would apply to Thomas Sowell too, but to a much lessor degree than most people I suspect.


I've have read several  Thomas Sowell's books.  I discovered Sowell in a local tabloid newspaper that I have not read in years.  Cynique I think you would like his columns too.  I have not kept up in recent years, partially because I've read them for a decade and there does not deem to be any new ideas.  I always find his "Random Thoughts on a Passing Scene" articles interesting and funny.  You and he are close in age, so you can probably relate to his opinions more than I (despite his right wing stance on many issues).  From time to time, I check him out to get his perspective some current news story.


When I hear an Ann Coulter speak I don't assume that she speaks for white people or even all white republicans.  However I get the feeling that white people think Al Shaprton speaks for all Black people.  But given that Al's view point is supported by the main stream media, and even Obama, while people like Sowell's are unknown in the Black community. 


Also Cynique you can book mark this link:

http://aalbc.com/tc/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=viewNewContent&search_app=forums or simply click "View New Content" in the menu above to find the most recent posts that you have not read.

I'm sure only white liberals think that way about Sharpton. He's nothing but an opportunist who shows up during times of turmoil to stir up tension and grab attention. Of course Sowell and other black conservatives like Armstrong Williams are going to be relatively obscure because they don't get the same media exposure, or positive spin, as liberals like Sharpton or Jackson, which is intentional because it would contradict the notion that all black people vote Democrat and all Republicans are white supremacists. It's ironic given that the GOP was the party of emancipation while the "Solid South" was reliably Democrat well into the 1970s. It's also worth pointing out that the Democrats' policies of banning religion and supporting gay marriage seem to contradict the views of many black voters who, like many whites, are devoutly spiritual and against homosexuality in general.


I don't have much to say about Ann Coulter other than her views on the Iraq invasion don't sit well with me, and her swipe at John Edwards, while I don't care much for him, was disgusting. Still, it's interesting to hear her views on other issues, some of which I do agree with.

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You keep jocking the Republicans as the party of the Emancipation.  Yeah right, until the Southern Democrats became the Dixiecrats and embraced the racist Republican Party which has no use for any Blacks but Uncle Toms.   Banning religion sounds like a good idea to me.  Just about everything wrong with this world can be traced back to religion.  Who cares if Gays want to marry each other?  Is that any worse than shooting down unarmed black kids? 

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You keep jocking the Republicans as the party of the Emancipation.  Yeah right, until the Southern Democrats became the Dixiecrats and embraced the racist Republican Party which has no use for any Blacks but Uncle Toms.   Banning religion sounds like a good idea to me.  Just about everything wrong with this world can be traced back to religion.  Who cares if Gays want to marry each other?  Is that any worse than shooting down unarmed black kids? 

You obviously know nothing about history. Look at an election map from anytime before 1980. The South is solidly blue whereas the Northern and Western states are variably red. Even Wikipedia will tell you this. Before 1964, black voters were about evenly split with both parties.


If you truly believe the party behind Abolition and Reconstruction simultaneously created the KKK, then you are horribly misguided. You might as well blame Lincoln for "taking jobs away from black people."


You claim to be in favor of individual freedom and then bury black conservatives for not thinking monolithically, i.e. using race as an excuse for not succeeding, when they themselves have succeeded by rising beyond race. I'm not telling you so much "vote Republican" as I'm telling you people should have the right to vote for whomever and whatever they want regardless of what they look like and without fear of being ostracized and called racist slurs by you and other race-baiting liberals.


Seriously, how is this form of Democrat harassment all that different from Democrat harassment a century ago? Intimidating voters to only vote a certain way is pretty much the same as intimidating them to not vote at all. Furthermore, how is "Uncle Tom" any different from "nigger?" They're both racist and demeaning.


Look at what atheism has done to society: children don't respect their elders, degenerate behavior runs rampant and is constantly being promoted, people no longer think they have to be held accountable for their actions, and believers are ridiculed just for saying "Bless you."


A 6'4 thief assaulting store owners and even cops is anything but "innocent." You may not want to believe it, but society has changed during your lifetime. Look how long ago the Amadou Diallo shooting was, and how long before that the Rodney King beating was. These events have become so rare since the days of Jim Crow that they do draw much attention when they do happen. Contrary to all the media spin, it's not like they're happening every day like black youths killing each other. Where's the outrage there? Is black on black not newsworthy? How about brown on black? Lord knows black on white never gets any coverage.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah.  I've heard all of this Republican propaganda before so put a sock in it. The  case you state for them is full of holes. Or am I interested in hearing your maudlin preaching.   I have no use for Republicans/conservatives because, at my advanced age,  I trust my radar which is reinforced by a gut feeling, both of which instinctively tell me that these snakes in the grass do not have the best interests of black people at heart.  The only ones they care about are those who make up corporate America, the one percenters who have facilitated capitalism's take-over of democracy while burdening the middleclass and blathering about god and country and the American way.  Barf. They are, as I am sure you are, the syncopants of Faux News.  Who's your favorite talk show commentator?  Rush Limbaugh?  I'm sure you think Dr. Ben Carson will make a good president since he knows how to crack people's skulls and incise their brains, while suffering from amnesia when it comes to how he got where he is. And what a legal scholar Clarence Thomas is.  A rubber stamp lackey who can't even write his own opinions. Your naivite is amazing in that you apparently have no concept of tokenism when singing the praises of certain Blacks who have had doors opened for them.  


I lived through the Civil Rights struggle, and all your subtefuge about red states and blue states back in the day doesn't resonate with me. I know what I witnessed and who I witnessed doing it  You're all over the place,  spouting statistics and relying on Wikipedia for your facts(?), spreading your right wing gospel.  Knock yourself out.  I prefer the liberal philosophy of "lifting others as you climb" as opposed to the conservative "I got mine, now you get yours" approach.  I may not always practice this in my pragmatic personal life, but I know which way I would go, if I had the wherewithal to make change.  Conservative America with its fascistic leanings, myopic mysogynism, gun nut fanaticism, religious zealotry, capitalistic piracy are not my cup of tea. They totally turn me off. 


As for your thinly-disguised defense of unarmed suspects being gunned down in the street, - it sucks.

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Interesting exchange. In my mind both parties are corrupt, or rather, under the control of the wealthy and powerful. 


If you look at outrageous incarceration rates, the mortgage crisis, the current crisis in education, needless lives lost in senseless wars, a tobacco (and food) industry allowed to profit off products known to be deadly, and so much more, you will see all of this was presided over by both parties.


Of course each party will say well they have to clean up the other party's mess, or they are being blocked by the opposing party.  But at the end of the day all of these politicians are paid very well and get benefits so generous it is obscene.  Few seem concerned with the people they were elected to serve.


As a result, I have no faith in either major party and by extension the current political system.



Also, I was just thinking about how I have not heard from Cornel West in the media lately, while Sharpton is everywhere.  One would think West is doing nothing, based upon media coverage.  I don't think this an accident.

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