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This section contains a couple hundred author and poet profiles -- featuring interviews (some in audio), biographies, book descriptions, and excerpts. Areas include the Harlem Renaissance period, Religious & Spiritual, New Authors, Poets, Gay & Lesbian and more. Also check out our the virtual poetry reading and our Black Arts Movement section.
Contains a wealth of information for writers and those interested in the book business. You'll find related articles including a in depth article on eBooks, a list of bookstores, calls for submissions, literary agents. publishers, Internet Terms & Definitions, and much more!
Here you'll find the AALBC's monthly best seller lists, children's' books (including all the Coretta Scott King Award winners), New Books, Educational, Family, Gay & Lesbian Books. Below is a list of our current categories.
In this section you'll find Book Reviews (of course), movie Reviews, and the very interesting AALBC Reviewers' area. You'll find the reviewers are always interesting and opinionated sometimes controversial -- check them out!
Here you'll find links to fun and interesting things: Like contests, surveys, quote submissions, Afro-centric literary crossword puzzles, free gifts, and giveaways, comics and more.
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About Found at the bottom of, virtually, every page; this link connects you to the on-line Media/Press Kit. From this page you'll also find demographic information about the's visitors, information about the founder, Author Profile and advertising rates as well as other interesting information about the AALBC. |
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