What: Party, Mix and Mingle on the Hudson
River as we celebrate book industry professionals,
authors and friends
When: Saturday, May 30, 2009, 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Pier 66 Maritime
26th St at the Hudson River (Westside Highway)
New York City, NY
Admission is free, food and drinks
available for purchase. This is outdoor
venue, dress is casual.
The Black Pack Party is a party
hosted annually during
Book Expo America. In 2008 the party was hosted in
Los Angeles, CA.
These photos in the video on the left
are highlights from the 2007 party hosted in Harlem, NY
by Troy Johnson of AALBC.com, Ron Kavanaugh of
Mosaicbooks.com and Daniel Tisdale of
Harlemworld Magazine.
The party brings together the Black "Literarti"
for an annual celebration.