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Good News Blog - stories through a year



December Solstice art or text craft parade 

 The December Solstice is December 21st 11:19 pm EST or UTC-5 , it is the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere, summer in the southern hemisphere 

 share photos of art OR text of fiction 

 The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo or any craft depicting Black people in summer in the southern hemisphere, any country <south america/caribbean/africa/south asia/australia> OR  Black people in winter in the northern hemisphere, any country <north america/europe/northern asia> 

 The text can only be fiction based on the following: Black person or peoples at the first day or summer or winter  

November 28th  

Native American Harvest Art 

 Thanksgiving is November 28th , share photos of art OR text of fiction 

 The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo concerning Native Americans enjoying food only -can include Black seminoles- no colonists from europe 

 The text can only be fiction based on the following: Native Americans communities around harvest - black seminoles allowed- no colonist from europe  

November 11  

Veterans day is November 11th, share photos of art OR test of fiction, guest comments are allowed 

 The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo concerning Black Veterans, any country any time, any army 

 The text can only be fiction based on the following: Black Soldiers who fought against the USA for the british/ Black soldiers during the Haitian Freeing/ Black Seminoles during the time of osceola/jonas caballo/Black soldiers who fought for Menelik II in the first Abyssinian-italo war 

story 1


story 2



October 31st Halloween, Oct 31st to Nov 1st is Samhain, mid september equinox to december solstice

The time of final main harvest before the winter. look at this dog, the ghost:) https://0512-97.tumblr.com/post/631277935457878016

 Story 1


Story 2




October 12th indigenous peoples day - present a story of text or images that reflect Black Indigenous people of the USA or the greater american continent


September Equinox- it is september 22nd 13:31 UTC equate to 8:31 utc-5, it is the beginning of fall  in the northern hemisphere, spring in the southern hemisphere < http://www.astropixels.com/ephemeris/soleq2001.html  >  

 share photos of art OR text of fiction 

 The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo or any craft depicting Black people in spring in the southern hemisphere, any country <south america/caribbean/africa/south asia/australia> OR  Black people in fall in the northern hemisphere, any country <north america/europe/northern asia> 

 The text can only be fiction based on the following: Black person or peoples at the first day of spring or fall 

September 21st international day of peace- a story of peace 

September 7th – Mrs. moses, born 1860 was a painter from new york state, began painting at 78,a story of an older person painting 


Statian LAbor Day- First monday of September-a story of john henry in the usa 


Ray Bradbury birthday August 22nd- I quote him: "Libraries raised me... I couldn't go to college, so I went to the library three days a week for ten years" Submit a story using three random things, solid/liquid/gas/eectromagnetic in the room where you sleep, utilizing a book in some fashion in the story. 


Cat Nights begin on August 17th - display any text or art concerning cats. <Cat Nights begin on August 17. This term harks back to the days when people believed in witches. A rather obscure old Irish legend said that a witch could turn herself into a cat eight times, but on the ninth time (August 17), she couldn’t regain her human form. This bit of folklore also gives us the saying, “A cat has nine lives.” Because August is a yowly time for cats, this may have prompted the speculation about witches on the prowl in the first place. Also, nights continue to get longer. Cats, crepuscular creatures, are nocturnal hunters. Their superior night vision means that the nights belong to them. citing 


Mid June Solstice to september equinox, Midsummer eve < equal distant days between the June Solstice and the September Equinox, august 6th or 7th in 2020, ? 2021 >  Usually celebrated August 1st , also called Lammas

This is a free subject time, think of your dreams or compose any art or prose to any subject.  


Black Cowboy day- In the USA , National Cowboy day is july 25th so I say, give this day to art, text full of imagination for the black cowboy  


Saint Mary MAgdalene- the catholic saint day is the 22nd of july, i say she warrant better, what is your craft to her?  


Aphelion is July 4th 11:04pm in 2020, the Aphelion for earth is when the earth is farthest from the sun, in its eliptical orbit. If you consider the Perihelion the beginning of a year, then the Aphelion is the trust midyear point. Every planet around the sun has an aphelion. Earth's moon like all other moons has a similar action, called an apogee to a planet, where a moon is farthest from the planet it rotates around, by having an elliptical orbit.  


 Midsummer day June 24th - summer in europe or other places was culturally started in May and ended at the end of august. Thus late july was called midsummer. Usually between June19th and june 25th. What dream did you have?  


Father's day is june 21st  


The June Solstice , in 2020, is on the 20th, it will be in the moment 5:43 PM on Saturday 

 In the northern hemisphere summer begin, in the  southern hemisphere winter begin. 

 The sun will appear to be at its highest point in the sky in the northern hemisphere, the lowest point in the sky in the southern hemisphere. 

 In parallel, during the December solstice, in the northern hemisphere it begins winter, in the southern hemipshere summer 

 The sun will appear to be at its lowest point in the sky in the northern hemisphere , while the highest in the southern hemisphere  

EQuinox, the path of the sun crosses the equator of earth extended out into space or the celestial equator.  


Juneteenth is July 19th , a day celebrated as the day when all black people in the usa knew that the slave system had been destroyed, not legally abolished, which is the 13th amendment.  State text or graphics depicting Juneteenth to you.  


Flag Day <june 14th , June 14, 1777 the usa flag was adopted : "That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.">- commemorating the Flag of the usa. IT is not a federal holiday. But, what does the USA flag mean to you? I ask for various text or graphics depicting that feeling. Here is some trivia. When is a star supposed to be added when a state is added to the union?  


Memorial Day <last monday of may originally may 30th, originally called decoration day> - create writing or art that involve the the death of Black soldiers who died serving on the battlefield for the us military or others. I ask a query? https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-aphelion-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/?do=findComment&comment=914  


Joan or Arc canonized <may 16th>+ Jumping Frog Jubilee <every third weekend in may, honoring MArk Twain's first published work>  


Mother's Day is May 10th , Photos or text involving art /live model/stories involving black mothers  


May 1st, Floralia or festival of Flora/ hellenistic Chloris or Communists/socialists international workers day for incident involving a workers march on may day, make a story concerning flowers and labor across flag borders, excluding the usa , also called May Eve ,  or MidSpring or Mid march equinox to june solstice


Earth Day, is april 22nd, show art or text or fiction involving the earth  



Easter is April 12th in the year 2020, the name is derived from Ēostre the real or unreal germanic goddess but the date and most modern traditions refer to Pascha which roughly translates to passover, the Jewish holiday. But, I want to focus on  Ēostre. For easter, include the real or unreal traditions attributed to Eostre, like rabbits, or make your own.You can show photos of art OR text of fiction 

 The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo or any craft depicting Eostra real or unreal traditions 

 The text can only be fiction based on the following: Real or unreal traditons of Eostre. Orthodox catholic easter comes a week after roman catholic easter.  


April Fool's day April 1st  


March Equinox art or text craft parade 

 The March Equinox is March 19th 11:49 pm EST UTC -5 , it is the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, fall in the southern hemisphere 

 share photos of art OR text of fiction 

 The photos can be to->sculpture/knitting or sewing/graffiti/tattoo or any craft depicting Black people in fall in the southern hemisphere, any country <south america/caribbean/africa/south asia/australia> OR  Black people in spring in the northern hemisphere, any country <north america/europe/northern asia> 

 The text can only be fiction based on the following: Black person or peoples at the first day of spring or fall  



Saint PAtrick day  


Mardi Gras is February 25th in the year 2020. I ask you to make a journal of your day in New Orleans during mardi using photos from wherever you like to paruse  


Black Hearts Day or Valentine's Day good news - 

 Any Love , story or image stating Black love, any language, any geography, any religion. Love is meant to be shared everyday,but giving it a day in the year to itself is not an evil or bad thing. Enjoy Black people together. 

 In the usa it is feb 14th  

Richard Murray Valentines day album 2020 LINK  

Mid dec solstice to march equinox,  Midwinter day in the northern hemisphere- called imbolc , ussally celebrated on february 2nd , which is also groundhog day in the usa


Martin Luther King junior Day -  

His actual birthday is the fifteenth of january but the federal holiday is in a monday for three day weekends, like others. It is celebrated on the third monday in the month of january in every year since its inception in the Statian Empire. I ask you to share , historical fictions/prose/graphical artwork in any style concerning MArtin Luther King jr....I do wonder why Blacks in the U.S.A. can not come together and demand a true day off for this federal notice. And also share, officials days in a country outside the usa for a black person in history?  

In Amendment  

Why the holiday is on his the third monday and not his true birthday?  

MLK jr's views on Financial Accountability  

 MY 2020 speech  

   Marcus Garvey Birthday Jan 17th

January Perihelion  

The perihelion is the moment in the path the Earth make about the Sun ,elliptical orbit, where the Earth's position is closest to the sun. It will occur : January 5, 2020 2:47 am EST or UTC-5. The June Aphelion is when the earth is farthest away. Please provide any art or text concerning  a sun coming closer, and don't try the twilight zone episode.  







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One day in the Serengeti, the moon blocking the sunlight above, a father giraffe is speaking to his daughter, who is jumping in the air and tumbling with laughter.

Pride and Joy

The father say: "that is why I tell the Sun when to sleep"

"But sometimes when the sun go to sleep I don't hear you say anything"

"telepathy my child, telepathy, it works all the time, like right now, I am telling you to giggle"

"No papa, no, I am laughing cause you are funny"

"well say what you want, doubter, but I once saw a child who had no doubts to their father"

"what child is this heehee papa"

"The child of the shepherd bear"

Father's Day

"What is the shepherd bear papa?"

"What?! are you going to school, shall I tell your mom you are not learning your studies"

"No, Teachers say I learn well, and mama say I always pass my test she give"

"Well... anyone who doesn't know the shepherd bear is ignorant, so I will help you my daughter... the shepherd bear comes from an ancient line. Once the shepherd bears herded the dinosaurs"

"hahaha not true papa, mama tell me dinosaurs live before us on Great mama earth"

"So are you saying you believe your mother, one person, over me plus your great grandfather"

"Mama say great grandpa tell tall tale too"

"I don't recall any tall tales, my grandfather spoke histories, facts, ok... Here is the proof, look at this stick, this was left by a shepherd bear clearly, see the structure, the alignment, even the color, only a shepherd bear would own such an item, and leave it for his child"

"the child who has no doubts"

The father giraffe nibble his daughter: "Exactly candy cane, the bear I am mentioning told his son that a shepherd bear leaves his stick so he can gauge the health of a forest over long periods of time, as shepherd bears hibernate for hundreds of years"

"how you hear the papa shepherd bear say this"

"I was lucky enough to be resting on my belly and used my neck like a snake, the shepherd bears were not hibernating, this happened five years ago"

"Oh! can I see shepherd bear?!"

"No they are hibernating now, but remember they have sticks like these, but I know a parent you will be able to see one day"

"Tell me, tell me": the daughter giraffe skip in a circle.

"One day, when you are mature, you will be able to put your neck into a bird nest"

"Ma say, you shouldn't invade other people's homes"

"I didn't invade, i was a guardian to the eagle chick in the bird nest, the parents knew I ate some of the greens from the tree so they asked me to look after the baby when I grazed their way, I even protected the baby from a python"

"I never saw you fight before papa"

"I know, out of respect no one dares attack your father, they used to call me in my pit fighter days, the long walk"

"Long walk": and the daughter giraffe follow her father to a drinking pool.

"yes, cause when you face me, it is a long walk to your doom, this python in question thought it could sneak into the tree and eat the eagle chick but I head butted it with my horns": the father then gets on the ground and rolls around, his daughter laughing and he speak while acting:" the snake tried to jump on me but I double knotted my neck and out twirled it, the snake in confusion got dizzy and fell to the ground, I picked it up with my teeth and flung it to the other side of the Serengeti"

The daughter giraffe look up to the sky and swing her head from side to side, panting.

"Somebodies tired, please drink some water at the watering hole"

The daughter giraffe drink and the father giraffe continue: "Well, I bid the mother eagle farewell as she fed her chick"


"Candy corn, what do you see in the water?"

The daughter giraffe lift her head and reply: "I see some water plants and rocks"

"anything else": query the father.

"no": smile the daughter.

"when you are mature, you will not only be able to see high up, like into a bird nest, but also low, into the deep ocean, like me when I saw a human father, getting his son to a date with a mermaid girl"

Deep Sea

"where you see mermaids papa?"

"You have to go to the ocean coast, the waters here are not deep enough for mermaids homes, but the ocean has many mermaids."

"did you see the date"

"of course, I merely grew my neck longer, you can do it to when you come of age"

The daughter laugh and the father continue:" the human boy had on a breathing apparatus above his bowtie and black suit, the mermaid girl had on a purple blouse, all the adults chaperoned. The mermaid women sang songs like, the first song of the sea"

"ohh please sing it for me papa"

"It was in the mermaid tongue, I learned from a friend later, the title, but I can hum it"

The father giraffe hum the song, the first song of the sea, as his daughter follow along as best she can for a first time hearing.

"IT is getting late, time to get back"

"I know the way papa"

"Oh really, I knew a baby turtle who thought like you"

"Please tell me papa?"

"of course, well as you know, all baby turtles know the sea scent. But one particular baby turtle took so long to get out of the shell it was alone, it began to walk to the shore anyway, but a butterfly stopped it"

My Dad's B'day Card Baby Turtles and Butterfly

The father giraffe walk side his daughter, heading home, and say: "the well traveled old butterfly was looking for a sign of a mountain replying to love and saw the baby turtle, he told the baby turtle to not go toward the sea, the seagull clan is waiting for him like it waited for his turtle siblings, but the baby was not deterred so the butterfly took on a parental role"

"It protected the baby turtle?"

"yes, as the baby turtle went to the sea, the butterfly grabbed the attention of the sea gulls and continually escaped their attacks until the baby turtle reached the sea, the baby thanked the butterfly as it swam into the sea, and the butterfly went on its journey"

"what were you doing, why didn't you help the baby papa?"

"Sometimes being big is dangerous to those who are little, I could had hurt the butterfly or turtle, in one way or another, so I chose to aid them both by staying away, but I vigelele upon their success, oh , there is my wife, your mother"

The daughter giraffe run to her mother, who provide, snuggles and kisses.

"Have a great night papa, thank you"

"Thank you my little Ngumu, dream well"

The mother giraffe smile at her husband: "more tall tales"

"I do not know what you are talking about, I am providing our child with necessary information, I am doing my half, but I can't speak for you my wife"

The mother giraffe kiss his face: "I want you to whisper a bedtime story to me, while I give you more kisses"

The father giraffe blush: "a perfect present": and he follow his wife in the darkening Serengeti.


Hope you enjoyed reading

If you like more of my stories check out my Short story collection series


And I am on Bookbub


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While my favorite war movies are: Paths of Glory<second phase of the world war>, Das Boot<second phase of the world war>, Buck and the Preacher<war between the state>, Posse<hybrid spanish american war-war between the states>, The Young Lions<second phase of the world war>, Seven Samurai<I will use the white european term, Feudal era in japan>, Throne of Blood <said feudal era in nippon, even though it reference macbeth, the history of the fall of osaka castle is what is referenced in it>, The Outlaw Jose Wales<war between the states>, Apocalypto <European invasion of the commonly called Americas> ;honorable mention to some moderns, not favorites for me yet, but warranted mention: Alexander, Valkyrie.

But, when I think of soldiers who died in all armies, all wars, no restriction to the usa. This year, I think to one film in particular: Born on the fourth of July.  

Yes, Oliver stone made it as a reply to "Top Gun" <a truly shameless modern propaganda film> , yes he demanded tom cruise be in it. Yes, many say it is a war film. But I do not, unlike all the other films I mentioned, “Born on the Fourth of July” is an anti-propaganda film, that masquerade as a war film.  It opens with a lie, American supremacy, american exceptionalism, american goodness, and that is a massive point.  

When people say they want to honor the spirits of the fallen soldiers, who does that exactly include? I always say, the first Black soldiers in the context of the USA black people in the usa historically must consider is the Black soldiers fighting against the colonies for the british. It is well known more Black soldiers fought against the colonies than for the colonies. Sequentially, the first Black soldiers in the context of the usa were against the Usa.  

I wonder do people in germany honor the german soldiers of the second phase of the world war, usually demonized in usa based film fiction?  Memorial is a thing of memory, the earlier title of decoration day is about decorating those who died fighting for the confederacy.  Do people, any community, honor what the losing soldier fought for?  

Historically, during the age of global white european imperialism the only successful Black soldiers in the global white european imperial global era was in the : american continent soldiers of haiti under Dessalines who died killing whites of the usa/england/spain/france, in africa was of Menelik II in ethiopia against the italians aided by russia oddly enough. Excluding the japanese a white asian peoples as people of color, people of color defined as non white european people, everywhere else was controlled directly by white european powers for hundreds of years absent a break. Do Black Americans, America as canada to argentina, honor the memory of the old haitian soldiers?  Do Black Africans, Africa as yemen to cape verde or iraq to south africa, honor the memory of the Ethiopian soldiers?  

The idea of Black Nationalism that the soldiers of Dessalines died for was not about sitting at a white table, it was about making Black tables by any means necessary. Again, why have Black people in the USA or any other country in the american continent started a black party of governance?  The religiosity in Africa is huge. But, why is it the religion of ethiopia is not highlighted, surely the christianity of ethiopia is a better suit for christian black africans than the italian catholicism, the german protestanism or some thing made out of the usa?  

Remember the memory to fallen soldiers folks, but don't lie about why some soldiers died. Black soldiers in the usa dying for white man's wars is not honor, is not to be praised, even if it is your father or uncle or mom or sister. Don't turn your love for them into a manipulation of why they died. Don't tell me that a black woman died for the betterment of the world in iraq. Don't tell me that a black grandfather died for the betterment of the world at midway. Don't tell me a black uncle died for the betterment of the world at d-day. Don't tell me a black aunt died for the betterment of the world at the border between the usa and china controlled zones in Korea.  

Don't lie and find the time to honor the soldiers that make your current life seem traitorous or uneasy. There is no shame in working for whites, marrying whites, befriending whites, living mostly around whites in a mile radius. But, don't turn your phenotypical lack of negative bias toward whites as the purpose of the Black soldiers of Dessalines, the black or native soldiers of Jonas Caballo, the black soldiers commonly called slave revolters, the black soldiers who fought for the british against the creation of the usa. Those forebears represented the best interest of black people in the american continent. Don't lie about why they died. They did not die for you to have a white friend, befriend white people, marry whites, sit at a white table, own a piece of a white table. They died hoping you will continue their fight and kill all white people who can.  

To all others, who are not Black , honor your soldiers as well. Don't Knock down the nazi's because they lost, because they are criminalized in history books written by those they faced. Don't criminalize the soviets. Soldiers at their best die for their communities to be free, completely, totally, using all means including murder. You can dishonor the death of the modern soldier who applies to militaries whose actions are not about freedom to those in their country but slavery over those in others. But honor the soldiers in the past, who fought to make the lives in their community better. They may have lost, they may not have been aracial, but those soldiers died to make your community free from outsiders influence. Honor that in your memory.
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It is afternoon, a day on earth, a black woman sit in solace; Kalima look toward her photo of a prior penumbral eclipse, made in a roadtrip across the usa.
She continue to ignore the yells from her sanguine downstairs; they are ready to go to the...

It is afternoon, a day on earth, a black woman sit in solace; Kalima look toward her photo of a prior penumbral eclipse, made in a roadtrip across the usa.  


She continue to ignore the yells from her sanguine downstairs; they are ready to go to the July 4th Fireworks parade.
“COME ON!!!… I know you can hear me K! We are now in phase three and I want us to enjoy being outside, none of us have been out in months! PLEASE!”
Kalima lay back on her bed and put on a video online.  


She can hear shuffling feet leaving the front door of the brownstone while she watch. She whisper: “see you soon” and continue to watch.
At the end of the video she sit at her writing desk and take out paper and pencil and ruler; she compose a poem using looped cursive penpersonship on clear paper using the ruler she crafted as a guidetool.  
A male red winged blackbird sitting on a tree branch outside watch Kalima and see the following on the page, Kalima finished.

I know I’m free, while in an unfree place  
To live in a free place… I must rally  
Against Time’s steady pace, mortality  
What certainty? The best finishing place  

Choices I see? Bliss be the unfree place  
Bliss out the unfree place, which choice is me?  
History state no case… I must rally  
Blind gamblin’ me, both length may eat my race  

A bird yell free! I wingless… stall my race  
Wait in the unfree place, one day for me  
I see Time with it’s pace, safe while I see  
I will rally, to live in a free place  

The small uncaged passerine fly away, singing. Kalima look to the window and go to her bed, and lay thinking, and sleeping.

A gentle nudge and a wet kiss on the cheek, wake Kalima up, from a figure unknown of body while familiar in voice.
“Come on K, we are all back now, we want to tell you about our trip, especially little Bee”
“Oh, hey Ma”
Kalima plus her mother embrace.  
“Here is some chocolate bars, colored like the flag, I know! but Mister Mohammed made them and I know you support Black business”
Kalima took a whiff of the chocolate, and smiled with yummies.  
Her mother pass her a photo of the clan, taken by uncle george.  


And, Kalima’s mother pass Kalima another of a firework by uncle george.


Kalima’s mother continue: “Fun…We will meet you downstairs and you can tell us about tonights eclipse ok”
“It’s late, little Bee will want to stay up, so we need to get the hammock out for him”
“ok”: Kalima’s mother leave, and Kalima look to the moon.


Kalima place her chocolate in her minifridge and open her door to the sound of laughter and joy. She smile in the night, for another day.

Thank you for reading, if you want to read more of my work read below
Poetry or More Audiobook
Visasiki Audiobook
Short Story Collection

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"It is really hot today": say a woman, chocolate skin sweating under an early June sun, her hand attach to another; she continue: "you need water raspberry pie"

"No mommy": say a little girl, same kind of skin, sweet or moisture, her frizzes capping her head.

The two keep walking on a simple dirt road, green trees adorning either side.

"Momma, Grandpa once said Tinkerbell was American"

"Of course, what did he say exactly": the mother giggle.

The little girl smile and imitate her grandfather's gestures: "An American Tinkerbell is like a woman, like Tinkerbell with a red white and blue bikini on, don't mind seeing that all out Raspberry... yeah, Tinkerbell on the beach"

Randi 4th of July Commission

The mother shake her head gently and say: "Your grandfather, called everything, like a woman, France, Joy, The spirit of America"

"How did he describe the spirit of America Mommy": the daughter giggle.

The mother smile and imitate her father's gestures: "The Spirit of America is like a woman, like a woman with a luscious afro with decorative hairpins like stars floating around her hair, she sits on a bed of fifty stars connected to the cosmos, and has a cape, like superman, but grander with the red and white stripes, feet bare and dangling like godiva chocolate statues waiting to be eaten...yeah, stylin spirit of America"

Stars and Stripes

The mother continue: "I know he was referring to your great gran, she had the best afros"

"I love GG": say a stoic little girl.

"I love her too baby": equal in solemnity, say her mother.

The two walk and finally reach the house. Suddenly a man appear from behind a bush.

"You too need a glass of lemonade, try this homemade blend"

The little girl look toward her mother who release her arm, and she lunge for the lemonade and start to drink. The man patiently wait while he get a kiss on the cheek from the mother who take her glass of lemonade.

The little girl finish and the man inquire: "well..."

"It's a little tangy, not perfect Uncle": and the little girl smile. Her uncle throw down his hat in disgust and she continue: "You will get there uncle, we believe in you, you will make the perfect lemonade one day"

"Ahh... thanks Raspy, come on and help me with the cooking for the party later"

And the uncle and niece go to the back of the house, while the mother head to the far side. She soon notice her father's old car sitting in shiny glory, being taken care of by her brother Nicodemus.

Independence Day Nomad

The mother sit in the car and remember when she showed her parents, her first paid commission, the spirt of america. They made a cake for her and celebrated. She remember her father said: "I knew I was right, I may have not gotten the description incorrect, it seems the spirit of america is like lady liberty in her teenage years, no crown or lamp, hair flying, wearing wonder woman's clothes, wonder woman wouldn't mind and she needs the vibranium, can't imagine the skin getting cracked and she being chosen to stand before new york city, but, she is still, like a woman... yeah, the badass spirit of america"

Ms America

The mother hyper ventilate and start to cry. She think to the day after when her father no longer said anything was like a woman. Between the heat side her sadness she fall asleep.


"Mommy!... mommy... MOMMY!": speak a little girl to her mother.

"hey my sweet Raspberry": the mother gently waken.

"Daddy say you need to eat... and here": the little girl kiss her mother.

"Ohh... thank you, give him this for me... and I want you to have fun with the firecrackers, with all your cousins and everybody, ok": the mother after taken the plate, hug her daughter tightly.

"Ok mommy, I love you"

"I love you"

"Don't be sad mommy": the little girl say walking away.

"I am not my little light in the sky, just remembering... go on now"

The mother eat a little food and place the plate on the dashboard, and lay back in the seat, back to sleep.

"Nzinga...why aren't you eating Nzinga": a gentle voice speak to the mother. Nzinga open her eyes and is in amazement.


"Hey , surprised huh, do you know some people where I now live visit loving ones during the aphelion"

Nzinga is still in shock looking at her father.

He continue: "... you know, when the earth is farthest from the sun, but it seems to only work when one is missed a lot... and I am not even like a woman"

Nzinga lunge and embrace her father in the driver's seat.

"I miss you papa"

The spirit embrace his daughter and say: “ I know Nzinga, but no need, I am here just for a short while for a chance to get you not to miss me so much"

"How long?!": energetically state the daughter.

"Maybe only an hour"

"What will we do?"

"Drive around of course": Nzinga's father clip the seatbelt, and she smile, and he continue: "this is my car, that is a pretty special moon there". Nzinga look to the moon as her father stare at it.

Red Moon

Nzinga's father say while she look to the moon: "It will be nice having the penumbral eclipse escort us for our short time"

Nzinga become stoic: "why won't you come back..."

"I am having too much fun with your mother"

Nzinga burst a laugh.

Nzinga's father continue: "oh and she told me to give Raspy a message, she loves telling her stories in her dreams"

Nzinga's father start the car, and Nzinga look back.

He say: "Don't worry, let the magic happen"

"Death has not seemed to stop your sense of wit papa"

"Well, my little light, let me tell you something, ok, Death, is like a woman..."


Hope you enjoyed reading

If you like more of my stories check out my Short story collection series


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Mary Magdalene a little after dawn, in a simple road in the roman empire, recalls her life, and her love.


She remembers being the daughter of a craftsman, who was also a successful merchant. People from Egypt to Phrygia sought the wares of Magdala. But while most Jewish girls with her fortune thought of marriage. She sought betterment, she sought activity, she sought a better world.


And then her awakening when mercury, the ancient spirit of messages was furthest from the sun in the sky or closest to humanity, she went into the synagogue and proclaimed to the men, standing where women do not, breaking the mechitza barrier. The men felt humiliated, felt belittled, felt they had been dirtied by her presence. The men did not try to listen to her words, try to listen to her wisdom. They only saw a woman who was wrong, and cast her out of the synagogue and threw stones. But she did not die. She was not killed.


Some did not throw stones because they knew her father, some did not throw stones because they knew her, and a strong body was enough to crawl back to her home. Her father was worried. He knew the village will look on her suspiciously and will want to control her life. He told her she must go, to be free, from the eventual persecutions that will come toward her. He knew fully well; he could not protect her when he was away from all harms. And so, she left Magdala. On the road, she met another Mary, many jewish women were named Mary, but this woman was quiet. Her husband was a craftsman and she was delivering a craft to a friend. She saw the Mary from Magdala and her spirit seemed familiar. The older Mary went over to the younger and they talked. The younger Mary talked about a vision she had of a future without boundaries, absent the shackles that bind humanity. The elder Mary asked the younger Mary if she wants to talk to others who may listen. The younger Mary said yes, as they embraced.


The elder Mary spoke to the inn keep who knew her husband and said to tell her husband she will not be back, but she is safe. Over the next few weeks, Mary Magdalene became well known amongst the disenfranchised or abused women of Palestine. She even was able to communicate to her father who supported her quietly. One day a woman asked, what will all this talk do when we have to go back to the men who abuse us. Mary Magdalene asked elder Mary, is it possible, these women can go to her home on the way south, free from the Jewish rules, in Egypt or beyond. The elder Mary agreed. When the two Mary arrived at the elder Mary's home, they were accompanied by forty women, and a sunlight. A sunlight that can waken anyone from any sleep. Mary bathed in the light, still, and saw a man.


He did not need to speak, but his walk seemed so gentle. The elder Mary told Mary Magdalene, this man is her son, Jesus. Mary Magdalene knew this man's calling. She realized what he can do. In a world where men cannot accept leadership from a woman, she saw a man who can, while giving men the face they need to be led a better way. And she gathered the woman in the sunlight with Jesus as the elder Mary watched, and her husband, Joseph, beamed with pride. From town to town, the women of Mary Magdalene spread the gospel or good news of Jesus. Where lepers were isolated, Mary and her women healed or comforted and Jesus was said to do it. Where people were said to be dead, Mary and her women tended them back to life and Jesus was said to do it. When men did not fish properly, Mary and her women, worked the nearby seas aiding the fisherman, and Jesus was said to do it. Mary had watched her movement grow. From one woman, to two women, to a group that threatened the order of things for the Jewish priests. Over time, men like Judas, became part of Mary's apostles, telling the other women, let those without sin cast the first stone. But other men came, at the behest of the jewish priest. Twelve of them came, who knew Jesus was not the miracle worker gossiped or rumored, but it was Mary Magdalene who needed to be stopped. Mary spoke with Jesus and told him, if he rejects these men it will destroy his image and all the work they have done. Thus, Jesus accepted these new apostles and though they tried to corrupt Jesus with gold or positions, he never wavered from the path Mary gave him, for he and Mary were already one in spirit, done beyond a temple/synagogue or place of worship. A simple ceremony under the sun. In desperation the twelve agents of the Jewish Priest, abducted Jesus and put him in the position of a Jewish murderer paying the roman guard to allow the switch. Mary tried to find him; her network unable to access the roman prisons. And then she heard a rumor that a jewish murderer had boasted he was freed for Jesus in a bar. Mary then realized what had happened. But it was too late. When she saw Jesus crucified for another man's crimes, she knew it was a sign.


She thought a caring, honest, loving man could be the face of a movement of women. But as she watched his bleeding body, she knew, that asked too much of him. Her father's kindness saved her from stoning the first time. Jesus's love saved her from death the second time. She must have cried all night. The next morning, Jesus's mother woke her. She wanted to know where her son was buried. The two Mary's went to the tomb and Mary Magdalene held her stomach and touched the stone covering the tomb. Suddenly, she had a feeling. And when she turned, she saw her husband. It was like the first time she met him. His mother cried and Mary Magdalene hand embraced his, and she had an epiphany.


The two Mary's went back to Nazareth and spread the final gospel, that Jesus was resurrected. The twelve spies weeks later, checked to see if the tomb was empty... and it was. They went to Nazareth to confront either Mary or Joseph but none were there. They had left. The twelve searched and searched and eventually found the male member Judas. He tried to find a woman like Mary to start a new group, with him in the role of Jesus, but was unsuccessful. The twelve tortured Judas but he either did not know or was strong enough to not say the location to any member of Mary Magdalene's sect. The twelve eventually became the originators of Christianity, using remnants of what they experienced, pieces of a true movement to create another, all the while in awe to what they knew.

... while Mary seeing the child between her and Jesus running to her end her remembering


And, she smiles, in a new town, far from palestine, or the twelve spies, in the outskirts of the roman empire.

... today, few know the truth of Mary Magdalene, the movement she started, or its times. But, the children of her enemies cannot even deny, she was gifted, she had spirit. And, for now, that is enough, for tomorrow will be brighter, and it will shatter all lies with truth.



Hope you enjoyed reading

If you like more of my stories check out the gospel of joseph


or other stories in my Short story collection series

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Or poetry in my poetry or more series

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The world seem dark, stepping hooves are still audible. A hand lift the veil of unending night into a day aside a rodeo troop.  

“What did I tell you about walkin around when the horses are about with your hat down?” : speak a visibly mature female in an honest rodeo rider gown, gentle while luscious smile absent lipstick, smooth chocolate skin reflecting the light in the day; the little girl she is speaking to shrug her shoulders.  

“Come on Candace”: speak another female troop member. The little girl, a third candace height or width with hair in a bun while some mud is in her face, look about the troop getting ready.

“hey, Emae , be good ok and when we finish the afternoon show I will tell you a story from any card you want”: and Candace get on her horse, in front of the troop. Emae look to Candace horse.  

“Jambalaya, please take care of Candace”

The horse look down to Emae and winkle both nostril. Emae walk around the march and take something from her back pocket; it seem to be a card set. Suddenly, Emae drop the card set with a shimmy.  

“Beebee!”: Emae shake her head while picking up the remaining fallen card. Beebee sit in the railing and Emae eventually join her.

“Why do you take your cards out Em, I keep mine safe”

“Cause Candace always gives good information on any one I choose in various times, I must be ready”

“I don’t have that one, who is that”


“This is Nat Love, my sister said he once jumped off of the Rio Grande Western Railway to catch a horse that was possessed by a vengeful spirit.”

“you and your stories”: but Beebee listen.  

“All are true!, the train was taking magical native american items from Mesa Verde, Colorada to Salt Lake, and from there to New York and go cross an ocean to Finnyland”

“Well that explain the horse’s anger”

“Yep, the horse was trying to cause an avalanche on the mountain side, but Love waited for it, climbing outside the train cars to the front of the train, and jumped on it, using his years of experience. No one in the company saw him wrassle a horse before. And he and horse tumbled aside the mountain. He was so tough. He saw the spirits in the horse and asked them what was wrong as he rode the bucking beast. GO CANDACE!”

Beebee cheer. And, Emae continue talking as they watch.  

“… backflip it Sara!… well, the spirits spoke to Love and they said, they don’t want to leave thier home. Love realized what needed to be done. The ancient spirits needed another vessel. But with so many spirits in need, the horse wasn’t enough, so Love made a bargain with the spirits. He will offer his body if he fail to return all the spirits to their ancestral home… eventually the train reached Salt Lake and with the spirits help, he acquired a set of horses, more than enough to hold all the spirits with room to spare and he escorted them back to Mesa. My sister said she will tell me how he fought the ghost panther, an ancient enemy of the spirits who tried to stop them from going home”

“hmm, I got to get him, I like that one, Ohhh! I love that one”


“You got a boyfriend!”

Beebee punch Emae on the arm and continue: “My pa always dress up as him for harvest. Do you know about him?”

EMae shake her head negatively.

“Ned Huddlestone, later Isome Dart, was a thief of the range. He stole thousands of cattle in his lifetime, selling them illegally”

“A real dangerous one”

“Yes, but his early years proved he had a bright future ahead. During the War Between States, he aided hungry Confederate soldiers while freeing enslaved blacks in Arkansas. What whites didn’t know was he was a double agent, thus the two guns he always sported the rest of his life, one for the northerners and one for the southerners. One time, a wicked whitey named Nathaniel Price tried to undo his plan. He was a union soldier whose family once owned Ned. So he tried to stop his switches of food for people. Whenever Ned got boxes of food, he would organize with the Whispers Road”

“Oh I love tales of the Whispers Road”

“As you know, the Whispers Roads communicate by marks on trees or homes, but only the members know the places that are meant to be, but after the slaves reached Ned’s location he placed them in the boxes and prepared them for their journey. That is when Nathaniel Price came. He thought with Ned’s back turned he couldn’t attack him. But, Ned both guns ready, but unsure to which could hit, had to try both. He was in front of a old unused hearth in the shed and waited. Nathanial said to him- I got you know nigger, I will take these messages to the union back to their southern masters and their agent will be undone.”

Beebee then got off the rail and took a pose facing it and continue: “agent, I am no agent to the north or south, my only goal is freeing my people, by any means necessary- and Ned faster than lightning, took a half step forward with one foot, half step backward with another , turned his torso ninety degrees and unleashed both guns and shot them, the two bullets hit off the old hearth, the southern bullet hit a wooden wall somewhere, but the northern bullet reflected straight on to Nathanial Price and through his scheming heart. ”  

Beebee then start to walk slow or bowlegged like and continue: “well well, said Ned, it seems you are union after all, well no matter”, and Beebee made gestures with her hands like guns spinning before being holstered and then made a stylish pose. Emae clapped, shaking her legs in the rail. Beebee joined her back on the rail smiling at her successful telling.

They both then cheered seeing a trick and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon show.  

Later, Candace is refresh after the afternoon show and meet Emae at a table: “How is Beebee?”

“She’s fine, you were great out there, we will be better than you and Sara one day”

“of course you will, you better”: and Candace smile at Emae, and hand her a breakfast.  

“Thank you … ”

“I know, I know, ok, pull the one you want me to talk about… ok… yes, this guy was Bass Reeves”: and Candace give the photo back to Emae.  


Candace continue, while she sit and eat an apple: “I never told you about him, well, Bass Reeves was a student of a Black Seminole family, led by their matriarch, Llorando Camino, she was a granddaughter to Osceola and chose to lead the Black Seminoles”

“I know about them”

“yes”: Candace smile:“… the Black Seminoles who were allowed to stay in the territory, while, as you know, the majority of the Black Seminoles followed Jonas Caballo to Mexico and true freedom. Anyway! She taught Bass many things, which she learned in a life fighting US army, bandits, drunkards or any in between, in close combat or the range. After the thirteenth amendment, he left since he didn’t have to worry about being enslaved again, with his skills first and the law second… you want more, well , you better eat and not just look at me talk… he eventually became a us marshall, you see, in the indian territories, many criminals tried to hide and murdered many native americans over the years. Bass never forgot his teacher and helped protect the lands from vile outsiders, one was called Jimmy the Breaker Stone. He came from a family of murderers for hire in europe, known for using their hands to murder people. Jimmy Stone escaped from law enforcers and went into the territory. He was in a cave, only one way in or out, but it had a small break of light inside where it was under a mountain and had a garden in it alongside a stream of water, allowing for food or survival. No one dared go into the Stone Cave as it was known. In the dark, who could face this raw killer. But, Bass Reeves was trained to fight absent the light. He went into the cave with a rope and no gun and three hours later, Jimmy Stone was being dragged out, hogtied. The other law enforcers never forget the face Stone gave Bass, but the words were more potent, The Justice of the Dark… good, nearly finished eating, well I will get ready for my evening show, do you want to wait for me or go back home with grandpa?”

“You please”: say Emae with sandwich in the mouth. Candace shake her head and continue: “alright… have another card ready for the road”: and Candace leave Emae at a table.  

Later in the evening, Emae is playing a game on her mobile video game player in the passenger side of the truck while Candace drive them home, smiling.  

Emae react to something outside.  

“Just thunder and lightning Emae”: calmly say Candace.  

“Its so big”

“Ahhh , so you are afraid of thunder and lightning like that”

Emae shake her head in confirmation. Candace pull out a card from her shirt pocket and Emae interest rise. Emae take a flashlight out of her carry bag.  


“This is a luxury edition card”

“yes, and who is that”

“Will Pickett, bill pickett bill pickett”

“good… do you know how he bull dogged the white buffalo?”

Emae shake her head in ignorance while smiling.  

Candace continue: “do you even know the white buffalo? ”

Emae ask: “Is it a buffalo with white skin?”

“You haven’t been reading the legends book… well, The White Buffalo is not white, it is a buffalo from the spirit world that comes through a gateway made through storms, whenever a storm occurs over these lands, The White Buffalo can come through, all electric”

“Like Storm of the Xmen”

“Right, but with a body made of electricity and the legends say, if he can get through the gateway a storm will persists until he returns… well, one day, all the ranchers heard of a brewing storm. It was growing between Oklahoma, texas, arkansas and louisiana. Every day getting bigger and bigger. Natives said the White Buffalo is free, he must return to his world. But they were prepared to move as they always have been from ancient times. Ranchers complained about the growing storm destroying their livelihoods. Pickett knew as a ranchhand, he will lose pay and didn’t have anywhere to go. So asked a friend Sam Tootall, to help him speak to the Elders and see if he can help. The Elders agreed to see him and told him that The White Buffalo must agree to go back into its world. With so many of the native people murdered they are unwilling to risk their strongest and will leave as in the past. Pickett comprehended and rode a horse to the center of the storm. While the thunder and lightning was a vibrant symphony, the wind was relatively still, at first Pickett thought it wasn’t there but after patiently waiting he cognized a buffalo shape that will appear at times. He had no weapon but he galloped on his horse in a circle within a white brilliance and when he finally caught a moment where his stride, the buffalo’s motion were in synch, he leaped off his horse and grabbed The White Buffalo by the horns. Pickett’s horse immediately left and the Buffalo bucked upwards as if any piece of sky could be its ground and Pickett held on in the clouds and back near the ground again and again, some Natives recall their forebears saying they saw him in the sky russling lightning. Pickett was getting tired and The White Buffalo seemed to have no end of energy. Pickett then noticed inside the mouth of the White Buffalo seemed more solid and he chose to bite on its tongue. The White Buffalo spent wildly but Pickett held on and rasstled him to the ground. The eyes of The White Buffalo were incredulous. Pickett merely smiled and met his gaze, they seemed to speak without words, and pickett let go of the legendary life form and watched as it went through the gateway, and ”

Emae yawn with sleepy eyes.  

Candace continue: “you like the story… yeah, good, well, Pickett watched the White Buffalo go past its gate and I will tell you how Pickett was given a task by The White Buffalo later to save its child from the Red Cougar later, pleasant dreams”

Candace watch Emae nodding while sleep, and drove home.

Sunshine bath Emae in her bed. Suddenly, she get up and exit her room, and run down stairs.  

“They are gone for today, Candace said she will bring you to another show later, but she is proud you spent all day with her yesterday”: say an elder female voice in a kitchen, sounds of frying food reverberating. Emae look downward. A male elder speak: “Get washed up Em, and come down for your morning meal”

“ok Grampie”: Emae walk slowly up the stairs.

Fresh, Emae sit down reverse her grandparents. She look to a younger photo of her grandfather.  


Emae grandfather turn to the wall and smile:“ are you looking at me Em?”

Emae shake her head in confirmation and say: “yes Grampie”

“Good times, good times”: and he look back to the wall and see another photo.


He continue while looking at his wife: “your grandmothers, father did not like me you know Em”

“Here we go!”: say the Grandmother.  

“I am telling it like it is”

Emae smile while eating porridge with fruit in it.

“I wish I could persuade you to not listen to him Em, but I am fully aware that his storytelling ways is part of the myth telling gene in this house”

The Grandfather wink at Emae and say:“Em knows truth when she hear it”

“ok, Hector, convince me, of your truthtelling”: and the Grandmother smile, arms in a fold.  

“See it all began when I first met Mr Lemon, I thought it was funny, calling Mr Lemon, Mr Lime when he got angry, but I didn’t realize that his experiences with various citrus were on the adventurous or personal side because of his father Bob Lemon…”

And, Emae sat eating her fruit porridge listening to her Grandfather tell a story to her side her Grandmother.

Thank you for reading, if you want to read more of my work read below
Poetry or More Audiobook
Visasiki Audiobook
Short Story Collection

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A Seventeenth Witch

It was a quiet morning, in an eighth seventeenth

Miss Sarah, a witch, had a really long day

A witch, that she is, that she is

The clouds full from night dings, all seem calm underneath

Miss Sarah, wait an encounter, in the street

A witch, that she is, that she is

A tree crack begin a sing, mashes like titans teeth

Miss Sarah, now no human feet, but purring

A witch, that she is, that she is

A girl cry, I am falling! shouts from anger bequeath

Miss Sarah, know hands weave cruel from the lightning

A witch, that she is, that she is

Cat shade, spells from lightning cling, in nights eighth seventeenth

Miss Sarah, four legged, know where the light land

A witch, that she is, that she is

Through parks, dodge wild cans, running, past bright cars underneath

Miss Sarah, absorb the cruelty fore the street

A witch, that she is, that she is

Boom! she leap side hot white bling, she fall on concrete teeth  

Miss Sarah... feel wet licks and a quiet warmth

A witch, that she is, that she is

Eyes open to soeur earrings, We Won! now eighth eighteenth

Miss Sarah, in the pawed coven, knew the price

A witch, that she is, that she is

A teen wait for a purring, cause her mother bequeath

Miss Sarah, in her daughter's arms, now home, safe

A witch, that she is, that she is

No image through tweet will bring, witch pride last seventeenth

Miss Sarah, side sisters, saved all, quietly

A witch, that each is, that each is

If you see a black, purring, rubbing, please don't seethe

Miss Sarah, or sister maybe, just friendly

A witch, that she is, that she is

Richard Murray

If you want to enjoy more poetry from me, consider the following work
Poetry or More - Audiobook series

Poetry or More- complete text only


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 International Day of Peace story

A man one day thought to himself, I will disturb nothing else, while laying in a bed, formerly his. He pee on the bed, defacate on the bed, so that he will not disturb the floor, the door, the world outside. His body hurt when he become hungry and he shake in the bed, stirring in the odor.
Finally, he realize he has to disturb where he lay. He can never be completely peaceful, and gets off his bed at peace.

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I remember the autumn gatherings when I was a girl; sparkling gala’s where my parents dressed me plus my siblings in glittering attire. I loved it. I felt always like a princess.
The pumpkin pie, the cranberrry sauce, the rice pudding, the apple...


I remember the autumn gatherings when I was a girl; sparkling gala’s where my parents dressed me plus my siblings in glittering attire. I loved it. I felt always like a princess.
The pumpkin pie, the cranberrry sauce, the rice pudding, the apple custard, the watermelon slices, the corn bread … I loved it all. A peaceful rearing for me, the magic was in merely being alive; I had no need of unicorns from mystical worlds gated in forests or aliens from beyond the sky or anything unearthly.
I had a brilliant summer, and now my Autumn.

My autumn is simple and in continuity, a life from a woman alone. My job I like to do while it pay the bills, allow me to save, and give me time off. I am unmarried, but I have all sorts of comforts: masculine,friendly,inhuman; I am not alone. I am the autumn, and I am at peace as when I was the summer.

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Fairyland - Arteet

An autumn wind speak this morning. It speak that the autumn is here for good, until the winter wind come. Let me boil some syrup. I need to get the wood, give me a moment. <Sniffle> I remember when I came here. The tantalum rush was amazing. Can you imagine a stream of automated vessels, frozen bodies inside , risking fate, between harvested body parts to raided goods to slavery on an A.B. hideaway , streaming from the spaceport in Addis Abeba to Beijing2 on Europa. I recall viewing it,nightly, with my ElectronMacroscope, from here on Titan. Few of those brave travelers made it here; the terraforming of this moon was the last initiative of the United Nations before the fall. But, millions came to this moon for the Tantalum. I worked my way here: a labor ticket to the moon from Earth, thirty years serving Senor Quetza who is still a lunar lord, paid my way to the graneries of mars for thirty years of overseering the self-automates, then enough money to take a long arc frozen trip around the AB and the battles of Jupiter. From out of my mother's womb to Titan took ninety one years. At seventy-eight I was content. I never found a woman on the way who wanted eternity with me or likewise. I helped a few people become mature. But, I just wanted to reach this place. Took me five years but I found this little enclave between mountains, no Tantalum, but everything I truly wanted. Some place to rest after a life lived.

I hear something. I am getting dressed to go out. Sometimes my fellow minors lose themselves in their depression. <creeeeek> I don't see anyone. ... I hear it again. Let me check the river. Ahh....

Autumn ornamented deer

The Autumn Deer is looking at me from the frozen mist down the mountain in the nearby wood. Amazing how the deer evolved here. "Hello Friend!" Ahh, he is going into the ice blue mist. Enjoy life my friend, as I have. If anyone find my audiorecordings this land is in your caretaking. The tantalum can not be mined forever. And the beauty here can not outlast the dying sun, but will last longer.


Thank you for reading, if you want to read more of my work read below

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I watched the local news yesterday and when I look at the photo all I can see is a forest fire consuming me and all of my belongings or that river over flowing it's banks an washing everything I own away...


More seriously;


I guess were are in the midst of autumnal equinox. Here in Florida that is usually heralded by a drop in the humidly, the end of the afternoon thunderstorm, and the arrival love bugs. Since the tree leaves don't change color and die here it is like the springtime.


@rosa "...with someone" is the important part. That experience would be goo alone, but great with someone. 🙂

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Thank you @rosa yes, alone is not the best, not desired:) your right

haha your right @Troy I didn't think about the forest fires, los angeles, look red from above, have you seen those photos:)

ahh florida, equatorial life:) is a blessing at times:) always green, nice. Glad to see another season with you troy

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This was the party I planned for months to attend. You have to realize, this woman is so sexy, and is a star trek addict. So, I usually am weak in the knees when I am around her. But she talked about the Halloween Party of the year the second day we...

This was the party I planned for months to attend. You have to realize, this woman is so sexy, and is a star trek addict.  So, I usually am weak in the knees when I am around her. But she talked about the Halloween Party of the year the second day we met, three month ago. I love Mr. Spock too, but I will be blunt. I never saw a Vulcan as sexy as her.  


So, here I am. I am prepared to the party. I am dressed as a red shirt, willing to die tonight. I gave her a text and she said she was at the porch with friends. At the stairwell, I glanced at a Cheetara, not really complete; in truth she was more like Fairuza Balk, and I had an issue looking away from her cute face.  


It didn’t help me that she had a healthiness around her heart. As a gentleman, I smiled and she spoke to me. She said: “hi, my name is Mikaela, will you tell me about your world?”  

I replied, placing out my tricorder: “I come from earth in this collection of planets called the federation. But I arrived to this planet on a ship called the Enterprise” 

“Do you want me to escort you around my planet?” 

“why not, let’s try up there” 

We walked up the stairs and guided through the collectives of various people. At the top of the stars, we saw a guardian. 


I spoke in shock to my guide: “who is this, the tricorder says she is full of diakente energy” 

The guardian twirls and said: “I am Sailor Andromeda, can I be of assistance" 

I reply: "I have a guide from this world, escorting me around. I am trying to get to the porch, see what the mountains are like” 

Sailor Andromeda replied: “I will help, follow me” 

So, we three went to the porch. And I saw my chocolate Vulcan, kissing a male Vulcan. It occurred to me, I never asked her about her private life. I assumed because she never said. I tried to usher my party away but she saw me, and waved. So, I used my tricorder and ventured to her party. I must admit, the greetings didn’t help me. And, I recall little of the Vulcan I wanted’s smile or the smiles of the two other guys that joined us, one to embrace Sailor Andromeda, or the other to embrace my original guide. We ate food, under the moon. We moved our clocks back. And at the end, I hugged all three beautiful women. And went home alone. But I remember the night well because I saw my new neighbor for the first time. And, she happened to want someone to watch her star trek collection. 

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It is the night when the season is between the equinox in September and the solstice in December. The woods are dark or cool. The spirits of indigenous warriors are allowed under the Hunters Moon to inhabit the crows. The march of the pumpkins always arrives through night mid-September equinox or December solstice; they are filled with spirits of children killed before born by the hand of fate. But, in this rare night, the crows found assistance in the crows.

The Pumpkins

Usually, pumpkins have to travel far in the night to get their inner souls released. Most humans these days don't allow pumpkins to be housed for souls, cutting shapes that the spirits can naturally induce. But the spirits in the crows under the Hunters Moons know. And they choose pumpkins to free their spirits; they choose based on how courageous a pumpkin is. One of the pumpkins selected was the first to reach the top of the hill, any hop forward and it will slide down.

Halloween Feast

It tried to help the crows break it free by glowing as much as possible. Eventually, it became free and then absent the pumpkin shell, became a light in the sky. Like all others who became free, it lifted high enough to be seen as a star in the sky by anyone on the ground. And, per fate, a young witch noted the spirit in the sky, like a star.


She flew up into the sky and met the spirit and asked it, in an ancient tongue: "young spirit, I lost my ability to have children in an accident but I will love to be your mom, if we work together, I can help you get a body"


The spirit reply: "Thank you, I didn't expect to be gathered by a human. I have been on the march for hundreds of years, since Wounded Knee"


The witch opened her mouth and the spirit came inside. She slowly descended on her broom with a brightness, and went into her home for a cup of coffee. After a bath in herbal salts, she leaves her home, and sits on the grasses outside her home with a cup of coffee. Butterflies flied about her solar brightness in the evening, a new mother with a child honored by the warriors.


The End

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A teenage boy sit side his parents in a living room, surfing the net while eating breakfast, the quiet is nullifying. He see a trailer for a film.
“Black people in Mexico!… you hear this”: the teenager shout.
“yes, you didn’t know, Hakim”: pleasantly...

A teenage boy sit side his parents in a living room, surfing the net while eating breakfast, the quiet is nullifying. He see a trailer for a film.  


“Black people in Mexico!… you hear this”: the teenager shout.

“yes, you didn’t know, Hakim”: pleasantly inquire his mother.  

Hakim father chime in a vocal gesture, a nod, and words: “Black people live, all over, the earth, always have, always will”

“You guys didn’t tell me about that”

The parents look to each other, and the father speak: “now you know”: and the father laugh.  

“Can either of you tell me more about them”

“I will go make muffins Sweets”: and the father begin to leave the living room.

“Ok Cowboy…You see that envelope Hakim… yes, open it and pass me the photo inside… thank you, this is your grandfather, he fought in what you were taught is called World War 2”

“it wasn’t called that”

“not to him, he said, Black folk all around the world been at war and still at war with whites for hundreds of years, no one called that a world war… you know, he died when I was a little older than you, I missed him a lot, you want to know how I saw him later, and how it relates to Black Mexicans”

Hakim give a nod and his mother tell a story.


A girl cry in her room unaware of, what she will do or be, where she can go. She look through a photograph book and see her mother side Aunty Bessie, when they served in world war 2.  


She remember her father telling her: “Never join the military Dulce, never, never serve another unless it is for your own safety, don’t let your enslavers sell you their lies till you can’t eat anything else, I was forced, like many, don’t do it unless they force you to”

Dulce’s mother was less clear; she suggested to Dulce: “I know your father’s ways but no matter what you do, I will accept it”

But Dulce want to uphold her father; she want to uphold his truth; her problem is few opportunities exist outside joining up. Dulce does not want to clean homes. Dulce does not want to open doors. Dulce does not want to be a secretary. Dulce want to play basketball; no female teams exist, even though she play side all her friends in South Essex.

Dulce continue to cry, nearly twenty and unsure. The rain pour over everything outside. Dulce hear droplets from the crack in the window; she has to close the window so the rain do not come in. At the window she see an odd member in the graffiti on the back side of Uncle Benny’s Ice Cream Parlor.


It wink at Dulce; and she go outside to take the trash; her mother call out her name at the back door; she reply, just taking out the trash ma, and get a simple affirmative.

In the back alley she approach the graffiti soldier. His eyes look to her, she shuffle backward and gasp, and he speak: “Glad you came out to see me, glad you got your hood, preparation is good for any soldier”

Dulce look about worried: “am I in the Twilight Zone or something”

“No need to worry young one, but your father told me all about you”

“My Daddy… but he”

“is dead? yes, but what most of you living folk don’t know is, when a soldier dies, part of their spirit is unrest till their country is found”

“my daddy was an american citizen”

“yes, he was, but…”

“he never loved the usa”

“thus, the part of his soul that is a soldier has no country, think of it, like a spiritual veterans day, you living folk honor the soldiers who live based on your rules of citizenship, but we spirits, honor the soldiers who died based on the countries they were fighting for, take my hand”

Dulce step back again.  

“I want to take you to your father”

Dulce step forward, and again, and again, and take the outstretch hand of the graffiti soldier.

Dulce and the Graffiti Soldier begin to walk in the spirit world, hand in hand.  

“Don’t worry, you are only in here because of me, if you let go my hand, you will be back in the rain, no problem”

The two walk about in the forever fading world and she see soldiers, who look like her daddy in uniform.


She see soldiers from other times


She see soldiers she think is from the war between the states

Dulce see soldiers that look like the Graffiti Soldier: “they look like you”

“yes, some from the Black Brigade, most of the Ethiopian Regiment”

Suddenly, the Graffiti Soldier grab her hand tight and say: “remember, you can’t leave me”

Dulce is excited as she see her father, sitting among other troops, about a fire.  

Dulce father smile bright when he see her and break to only stand firm and salute the Graffiti Soldier:“ Thank you Colonel Tye”

“No problem soldier, I wish I could leave you two alone but”

“It is alright sir, thank you for this”

“Well little one, I will sit here and you can sit beside me while you two talk”

Dulce sit side her father while the Graffiti Soldier sit as arm far as possible.

Dulce and her father hug: “Daddy I miss you”

“I know, the part of me that is your father, your mother’s husband, feels your love all the time, thank you, but know a part of me has a timeless love for you”

“Can I help with finding a country”

“Well, I know some spirits have been waiting for, well, longer than I can explain, over there are Loyalists, who fought for the British, the country they fought for may never happen, the best stories come from the Black Seminoles, their oldest ones were actually descended from loyalists who are here, can you imagine a family reunion here, truly wild”

“Well, can I come back here”

“I am being helped by my comrades to do this, I wanted to show you some of those guys over there, Warriors who fought with Jonas Caballo. They died so that Florida could be its own country, where black or indigenous people could live free absent raids or any sort of attack from the usa, they said something special happened”

“what tell me please”

“well, they say, that the people must have found a home, cause no soldier joined them who said they died out, the last soldier said they were in mexico and were heading south”

“Black people in mexico”

“well now you know, though I have seen many soldiers, I tell you, Black people live, all over, the earth, always have, always will, just like whitey, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, the whole world has native black or white people, look a little different here or there, but everywhere has black or white people”

“Should I tell ma something?”

“No need, I see her in dreams… I want you to know, the country I fought for, has never existed, but if you need to sign up, even if you know about this place, do it”

“Thanks poppa!”: Dulce embrace her father very tightly: “I still miss you”

“I know, you get back in the house ok”

Dulce feel Colonel Tye releasing his grip; she try to grab him back but rain pour on her in the back alley, instead. She stand up and lean over to get the rain from falling on her face, and enter back into the house.  


“Alright everybody! muffins are made”: speak Hakim’s father, entering the living room with a warm buttery smelling plate.

He sit down and Hakim ask him as his mother begin a needlepoint: “you know the story of when Ma met OldPa”

Hakim’s father laugh.  

“Ma, is this your home? thank you”

Dulce put down her needlepoint: “Well… the home soldiers fight for, thank you… soldiers die for, soldiers return from war to, is not the home of the heart, like our little apartment, it is the home for their people”

“But why didn’t you try to find that home…for our people, the home where grandpa’s spirit can be at peace”

“I think … that is what your grandpa wanted to tell me, that he will be alright, part of him has eternity to wait and pretty good company, I need to find my home of the heart first, before I can find a home for the people”

“I will find the home grandpa’s spirit can return to”

Hakim’s father hand him another muffin: “I bet you will, but put some jelly on that first”

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It is an afternoon sun through calming clouds on the private catholic school Institution Marmoutier , along the Loire river. A boy take his lunch and go to his favorite riverside, alone.

Loire Mill

He unfurl his mat and lay on it, placing his lunch beside his head, and look to the gentle clouds, tears budding at the corner of each eye. He sniff and take out an earbud to hear a Carl Sagan recording. His dad liked Carl Sagan alot, as a kid his dad listened to Sagan with his grandfather. The youth cover his face using the back of his hand while tears flow down cheeks.


Abrupt yelling interrupt his woe. He see a girl running from other girls, and he leave his food and mat yelling: "Arrete!"/"Stop!"


He chases them to the abbey; it is quiet cause most of the students are in their rooms or the game room or cafeteria.

Marmoutier Abbey

He go inside the abbey and silence. He see the portrait of Saint Martin, third bishop of this abbey.

St. Martin of Tours icon

And he recall his father telling him on his first day at the school.


"Souvenez-vous, soyez altruiste, comme Saint Martins"/"Remember, be unselfish, like Saint Martins"


He prayed for days that his father will recover and come home, be a veteran. He is afraid of memorial day communication from relatives in New Orleans in the USA.


Sobbing interrupt his prayers and he go to it. Nestled in a small corner of a hall is a girl his age, by her dress pattern.

Real Catholic Schoolgirl

He ask: "Qui a fait ça?"/"Who did this?"


The girl do not reply but the boy notice blood from her inner right thigh. He take off his jacket and put it over her and rip part of his shirt and give it to her. She wrap her thigh. A chaplain arrive. The boy is nervous. The chaplain place a calm hand up and say: "Sois calme. J'ai vu ce que tu as fait."/"Be calm. I saw what you did."


The girl rise and go to the chaplain. He whisper in her ear and she turn slightly, her hands on the jacket. The chaplain calmly dissuade her and she exits out the abbey.


"Avec moi"/"With me": gently demand the chaplain to the boy. They walk quietly through the halls and into the chapel.


"S'il vous plaît, priez avec moi, là où saint Martins a prié"/"Please, pray with me, where saint Martins did pray"


The boy at first kneel and close his eyes, peering slightly to see if the chaplain was doing similar. The chaplain smile while praying and the boy close his eyes. The silence made the boy dwell on his thoughts to his father, and he prayed in earnest after a while, and lost track of time, until.


A bell sound a new hour and he rise up.


"profiter de l'école, tout ira bien"/"profit from the schooling, all will be well"


The boy run to class, an official stand outside the classroom door he run to; his jacket is on a hanger.


"bein etudient, aller aller"/"good student, go go"


The boy put his jacket on and enter the classroom, and his day progress as most school days do.


But, in the evening at his dorm room, a knock on the door. He cut on the light and run to embrace his father.


"Vous avez laissé ça dehors"/"You left this outside "


The boy smile looking to his father and notice a wrapping; the right thigh of his father has a tight strapping.


"Oh, ma jambe, j'ai essayé de sauver la vie d'une fille, elle est morte plus tard d'une explosion, mais je jure, j'ai pensé à elle dans mon coma"/"Oh, my leg, I have tried to save the life of a girl, she is dead after an explosion, but I swear, I have thought to her in my coma"


"Merci , Saint Martins"




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I remember when I saw Hialeah after waking up. The members of the raiding band cautiously behind me. She was cooking food for all.
I knew few english words, my name being John; but she didn’t mind. I met her eyes and she already knew mine. We fell in...

I remember when I saw Hialeah after waking up. The members of the raiding band cautiously behind me. She was cooking food for all.  


I knew few english words, my name being John; but she didn’t mind. I met her eyes and she already knew mine. We fell in love, and I joined her raiding party. We survived tons of gunfire as colonist numbers grew and grew. We even got through a pregnancy in a winter woods in the MicMaq lands now called New England. Aponi, our little treasure, skipping in the snow. Hialeah’s feet after the pregnancy always needed extra comfort. I had to make special shoes for her.


Then, the colonists in 1775 finally wanted to not be english. We talked about what we should do. She reminded all of us, her people were assaulted by the colonist and had to flee. The colonists fable of being aided is their version of saying they stole from native people. Her people of the Powhatan Confederacy had to protect our food from colonists, who eventually raided across the Tsenacommacah and made it Virginia. She will never forgive the colonists, whether they call themselves english or american. And the persistence of their myth of friendship, sickens her very soul.

I agreed, some others joined me and her, but most chose to go farther west. I didn’t know about my people across the great water, but I will never forgive the colonists, no matter what they call themselves either. And, we few went south. We were at the battle for Jersey. I even saw a flamboyant soldier defend against the colonists.  


After meeting Richard Freeman, he told me that Ethiopia is a place across the big water. Since I never heard of a place across the great water where I came from before, I called myself John Ethiopia.  

And then, the war got worse. My beautiful land was shot during a raid, I held our butterfly, as her mother sung her last song to her.   

And, in 1783, the war ended. Me plus our daughter, the last of our band, were sent to Nova Scotia. The cold was too much for the little butterfly and she died.  

Alone, cold, my memory of her with our little life losing color or definition in the last thoughts in my life.


My spirit now gives thanks not living under the colonists, as their kingdom grew. A kingdom full of thieves. I give thanks for being eternally free from its lies, side my loving wife and child. Beyond the confines or the reach of the eagle.

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“Look up mommy”: speak a voice, looking up, in the night.
“I see the conjunction; do you remember the planets?”: speak an older voice, looking down at her daughter.
“umm yes, Mshtari and… and, don’t say it! Zohari”
“Very good… do you want to hear a...

“Look up mommy”: speak a voice, looking up, in the night.


“I see the conjunction; do you remember the planets?”: speak an older voice, looking down at her daughter.

“umm yes, Mshtari and… and, don’t say it! Zohari”

“Very good… do you want to hear a story about them?”


A blanket covers the two as a third sit down next to his wife in the blanket; he says nothing while looking up.

The mother clears her throat.

“Once many, many, moon turns ago the planets, who were young then, made forms to travel beyond their bodies and record experiences, Zohari chose a form and wanted to experience the ability to play find and seek with the Sun”


“While the avatar to Zohari was on a way to Ra, Mshtari made an avatar. ”


“Mshtari wanted to play shadow evasion with the Sun. And the avatar of Mshtari intercepted the avatar of Zohari.

The two avatars need not speak; they knew their intentions and they began to fight.

The avatar of Ra noticed the battle while waiting in its crown. ”


“The avatars fought with so much passion, they brightened all of space. That grabbed the attention of Hathor, of the old divinities. She appeared about Ra.”


“She spoke to Ra and suggested a solution. Since the two are fighting over hiding in the dark or staying in the light, why not make it where they both can have fun.  

Ra did not know how. Hathor answered, what if you use a planet. With Zohari’s avatar on the side not facing you and Mshtari’s on the side facing you, you can search for Zohari while dance with Mshtari.  

Ra liked the idea and flew to the fight. The two battling avatars agreed and their spirits soon separated, dimming the heavens. And all three ended up playing on every planet they can find.  

Till they ran out of energy and needed to go back to their sources.”

And the two parents, sandwiching thier child, cuddled tighter and looked up to the old light.

If you enjoy my stories and want to read more consider the following
Illustrated fables, from a city near you
The Goods News through the year- stories throughout the calendar

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It is the shortest night in Avare, in Sao Paulo in Brazil, a farmer walk to a simple orange tree, growing away from the grove. The sun sets and the stars brighten as they get their chance to gather. The farmer begins to grab stars and place them into the tree, where they can talk and gossip the news across eons.

Stars 8

The farmer listen into a faint star dangling low near the base of the tree.

"I recall the Lonely Man, the two Weepers and the Three Brothers of the Rim, looking across my universe...the glare of our light never allowing him to see anything ahead, his back eternally fixed"

Constellation of the Dragon

"...He was still looking out, when I came here, bitter, angry"

The farmer walk out to the edge of the tree and grab a star, and it speak to him.

"I am a member of the Golden Ladle... my cousins, the dippers, tell me many sailors find their way, using them, on this world...but I know a world where the skies decides where the sailors sail"


"A sky of said world tried to discover what effect we stars had on their fellow skies. It measured distances and changes, the sailors of said world loved that sky cause it was calm at sea level, allowing the lesser winds to govern the actions above the sparkling sea... that begins the legend of Narda the sailor and the seas of night... now place me there"

And the farmer, place the star where it gleamed to. Suddenly, a number of stars laughed on a lengthy branch. And the farmer edged close to overhear a particularly glinty star

"...alright, alright, remember all of you flashes, everything I say is the truth... I once saw the spirit of the existence, that is right... the spirit of existence, which turned from a star brighter than my dreams into some image of a fleshy female creature, was talking gibberish."


"Everything the spirit said was gibberish, just a flickering about. I asked it, what is the problem? That is right, I am a gentlestar. The spirit suggested some fleshy male creature, tricked it. I said impossible. I told the spirit of existence, my cousin is what those fleshies call the north star, if it shine bright with me, it will forget all of the tricks of the crawlers. So, the spirit of existence, chose to shine with me. Yes, that is right, it shined with me, and me alone. No one else saw because the rest of you were busy talking to yourselves, not gleaming all around you. I of course, am aware of what is going on and saved all your lives. The spirit even touched me with a flare. Yes, it did and said, my simple focus inspired it to select me to have a child. We will call it, Horus or Hercules or something. Shut up Cassia! Your just mad you didn't get a chance with the spirit"

And the farmer chose to move on and pick another star. For when the night end, only oranges will exist where the stars were. A juice not to be sold, but savored.


If you enjoy my stories and want to read more consider the following

Illustrated fables, from a city near you


The Goods News through the year- stories throughout the calendar


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Guest United Statian cowgirls?


On 7/26/2020 at 4:27 AM, richardmurray said:



The world seem dark, stepping hooves are still audible. A hand lift the veil of unending night into a day aside a rodeo troop.  

“What did I tell you about walkin around when the horses are about with your hat down?” : speak a visibly mature female in an honest rodeo rider gown, gentle while luscious smile absent lipstick, smooth chocolate skin reflecting the light in the day; the little girl she is speaking to shrug her shoulders.  

“Come on Candace”: speak another female troop member. The little girl, a third candace height or width with hair in a bun while some mud is in her face, look about the troop getting ready.

“hey, Emae , be good ok and when we finish the afternoon show I will tell you a story from any card you want”: and Candace get on her horse, in front of the troop. Emae look to Candace horse.  

“Jambalaya, please take care of Candace”

The horse look down to Emae and winkle both nostril. Emae walk around the march and take something from her back pocket; it seem to be a card set. Suddenly, Emae drop the card set with a shimmy.  

“Beebee!”: Emae shake her head while picking up the remaining fallen card. Beebee sit in the railing and Emae eventually join her.

“Why do you take your cards out Em, I keep mine safe”

“Cause Candace always gives good information on any one I choose in various times, I must be ready”

“I don’t have that one, who is that”


“This is Nat Love, my sister said he once jumped off of the Rio Grande Western Railway to catch a horse that was possessed by a vengeful spirit.”

“you and your stories”: but Beebee listen.  

“All are true!, the train was taking magical native american items from Mesa Verde, Colorada to Salt Lake, and from there to New York and go cross an ocean to Finnyland”

“Well that explain the horse’s anger”

“Yep, the horse was trying to cause an avalanche on the mountain side, but Love waited for it, climbing outside the train cars to the front of the train, and jumped on it, using his years of experience. No one in the company saw him wrassle a horse before. And he and horse tumbled aside the mountain. He was so tough. He saw the spirits in the horse and asked them what was wrong as he rode the bucking beast. GO CANDACE!”

Beebee cheer. And, Emae continue talking as they watch.  

“… backflip it Sara!… well, the spirits spoke to Love and they said, they don’t want to leave thier home. Love realized what needed to be done. The ancient spirits needed another vessel. But with so many spirits in need, the horse wasn’t enough, so Love made a bargain with the spirits. He will offer his body if he fail to return all the spirits to their ancestral home… eventually the train reached Salt Lake and with the spirits help, he acquired a set of horses, more than enough to hold all the spirits with room to spare and he escorted them back to Mesa. My sister said she will tell me how he fought the ghost panther, an ancient enemy of the spirits who tried to stop them from going home”

“hmm, I got to get him, I like that one, Ohhh! I love that one”


“You got a boyfriend!”

Beebee punch Emae on the arm and continue: “My pa always dress up as him for harvest. Do you know about him?”

EMae shake her head negatively.

“Ned Huddlestone, later Isome Dart, was a thief of the range. He stole thousands of cattle in his lifetime, selling them illegally”

“A real dangerous one”

“Yes, but his early years proved he had a bright future ahead. During the War Between States, he aided hungry Confederate soldiers while freeing enslaved blacks in Arkansas. What whites didn’t know was he was a double agent, thus the two guns he always sported the rest of his life, one for the northerners and one for the southerners. One time, a wicked whitey named Nathaniel Price tried to undo his plan. He was a union soldier whose family once owned Ned. So he tried to stop his switches of food for people. Whenever Ned got boxes of food, he would organize with the Whispers Road”

“Oh I love tales of the Whispers Road”

“As you know, the Whispers Roads communicate by marks on trees or homes, but only the members know the places that are meant to be, but after the slaves reached Ned’s location he placed them in the boxes and prepared them for their journey. That is when Nathaniel Price came. He thought with Ned’s back turned he couldn’t attack him. But, Ned both guns ready, but unsure to which could hit, had to try both. He was in front of a old unused hearth in the shed and waited. Nathanial said to him- I got you know nigger, I will take these messages to the union back to their southern masters and their agent will be undone.”

Beebee then got off the rail and took a pose facing it and continue: “agent, I am no agent to the north or south, my only goal is freeing my people, by any means necessary- and Ned faster than lightning, took a half step forward with one foot, half step backward with another , turned his torso ninety degrees and unleashed both guns and shot them, the two bullets hit off the old hearth, the southern bullet hit a wooden wall somewhere, but the northern bullet reflected straight on to Nathanial Price and through his scheming heart. ”  

Beebee then start to walk slow or bowlegged like and continue: “well well, said Ned, it seems you are union after all, well no matter”, and Beebee made gestures with her hands like guns spinning before being holstered and then made a stylish pose. Emae clapped, shaking her legs in the rail. Beebee joined her back on the rail smiling at her successful telling.

They both then cheered seeing a trick and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon show.  

Later, Candace is refresh after the afternoon show and meet Emae at a table: “How is Beebee?”

“She’s fine, you were great out there, we will be better than you and Sara one day”

“of course you will, you better”: and Candace smile at Emae, and hand her a breakfast.  

“Thank you … ”

“I know, I know, ok, pull the one you want me to talk about… ok… yes, this guy was Bass Reeves”: and Candace give the photo back to Emae.  


Candace continue, while she sit and eat an apple: “I never told you about him, well, Bass Reeves was a student of a Black Seminole family, led by their matriarch, Llorando Camino, she was a granddaughter to Osceola and chose to lead the Black Seminoles”

“I know about them”

“yes”: Candace smile:“… the Black Seminoles who were allowed to stay in the territory, while, as you know, the majority of the Black Seminoles followed Jonas Caballo to Mexico and true freedom. Anyway! She taught Bass many things, which she learned in a life fighting US army, bandits, drunkards or any in between, in close combat or the range. After the thirteenth amendment, he left since he didn’t have to worry about being enslaved again, with his skills first and the law second… you want more, well , you better eat and not just look at me talk… he eventually became a us marshall, you see, in the indian territories, many criminals tried to hide and murdered many native americans over the years. Bass never forgot his teacher and helped protect the lands from vile outsiders, one was called Jimmy the Breaker Stone. He came from a family of murderers for hire in europe, known for using their hands to murder people. Jimmy Stone escaped from law enforcers and went into the territory. He was in a cave, only one way in or out, but it had a small break of light inside where it was under a mountain and had a garden in it alongside a stream of water, allowing for food or survival. No one dared go into the Stone Cave as it was known. In the dark, who could face this raw killer. But, Bass Reeves was trained to fight absent the light. He went into the cave with a rope and no gun and three hours later, Jimmy Stone was being dragged out, hogtied. The other law enforcers never forget the face Stone gave Bass, but the words were more potent, The Justice of the Dark… good, nearly finished eating, well I will get ready for my evening show, do you want to wait for me or go back home with grandpa?”

“You please”: say Emae with sandwich in the mouth. Candace shake her head and continue: “alright… have another card ready for the road”: and Candace leave Emae at a table.  

Later in the evening, Emae is playing a game on her mobile video game player in the passenger side of the truck while Candace drive them home, smiling.  

Emae react to something outside.  

“Just thunder and lightning Emae”: calmly say Candace.  

“Its so big”

“Ahhh , so you are afraid of thunder and lightning like that”

Emae shake her head in confirmation. Candace pull out a card from her shirt pocket and Emae interest rise. Emae take a flashlight out of her carry bag.  


“This is a luxury edition card”

“yes, and who is that”

“Will Pickett, bill pickett bill pickett”

“good… do you know how he bull dogged the white buffalo?”

Emae shake her head in ignorance while smiling.  

Candace continue: “do you even know the white buffalo? ”

Emae ask: “Is it a buffalo with white skin?”

“You haven’t been reading the legends book… well, The White Buffalo is not white, it is a buffalo from the spirit world that comes through a gateway made through storms, whenever a storm occurs over these lands, The White Buffalo can come through, all electric”

“Like Storm of the Xmen”

“Right, but with a body made of electricity and the legends say, if he can get through the gateway a storm will persists until he returns… well, one day, all the ranchers heard of a brewing storm. It was growing between Oklahoma, texas, arkansas and louisiana. Every day getting bigger and bigger. Natives said the White Buffalo is free, he must return to his world. But they were prepared to move as they always have been from ancient times. Ranchers complained about the growing storm destroying their livelihoods. Pickett knew as a ranchhand, he will lose pay and didn’t have anywhere to go. So asked a friend Sam Tootall, to help him speak to the Elders and see if he can help. The Elders agreed to see him and told him that The White Buffalo must agree to go back into its world. With so many of the native people murdered they are unwilling to risk their strongest and will leave as in the past. Pickett comprehended and rode a horse to the center of the storm. While the thunder and lightning was a vibrant symphony, the wind was relatively still, at first Pickett thought it wasn’t there but after patiently waiting he cognized a buffalo shape that will appear at times. He had no weapon but he galloped on his horse in a circle within a white brilliance and when he finally caught a moment where his stride, the buffalo’s motion were in synch, he leaped off his horse and grabbed The White Buffalo by the horns. Pickett’s horse immediately left and the Buffalo bucked upwards as if any piece of sky could be its ground and Pickett held on in the clouds and back near the ground again and again, some Natives recall their forebears saying they saw him in the sky russling lightning. Pickett was getting tired and The White Buffalo seemed to have no end of energy. Pickett then noticed inside the mouth of the White Buffalo seemed more solid and he chose to bite on its tongue. The White Buffalo spent wildly but Pickett held on and rasstled him to the ground. The eyes of The White Buffalo were incredulous. Pickett merely smiled and met his gaze, they seemed to speak without words, and pickett let go of the legendary life form and watched as it went through the gateway, and ”

Emae yawn with sleepy eyes.  

Candace continue: “you like the story… yeah, good, well, Pickett watched the White Buffalo go past its gate and I will tell you how Pickett was given a task by The White Buffalo later to save its child from the Red Cougar later, pleasant dreams”

Candace watch Emae nodding while sleep, and drove home.

Sunshine bath Emae in her bed. Suddenly, she get up and exit her room, and run down stairs.  

“They are gone for today, Candace said she will bring you to another show later, but she is proud you spent all day with her yesterday”: say an elder female voice in a kitchen, sounds of frying food reverberating. Emae look downward. A male elder speak: “Get washed up Em, and come down for your morning meal”

“ok Grampie”: Emae walk slowly up the stairs.

Fresh, Emae sit down reverse her grandparents. She look to a younger photo of her grandfather.  


Emae grandfather turn to the wall and smile:“ are you looking at me Em?”

Emae shake her head in confirmation and say: “yes Grampie”

“Good times, good times”: and he look back to the wall and see another photo.


He continue while looking at his wife: “your grandmothers, father did not like me you know Em”

“Here we go!”: say the Grandmother.  

“I am telling it like it is”

Emae smile while eating porridge with fruit in it.

“I wish I could persuade you to not listen to him Em, but I am fully aware that his storytelling ways is part of the myth telling gene in this house”

The Grandfather wink at Emae and say:“Em knows truth when she hear it”

“ok, Hector, convince me, of your truthtelling”: and the Grandmother smile, arms in a fold.  

“See it all began when I first met Mr Lemon, I thought it was funny, calling Mr Lemon, Mr Lime when he got angry, but I didn’t realize that his experiences with various citrus were on the adventurous or personal side because of his father Bob Lemon…”

And, Emae sat eating her fruit porridge listening to her Grandfather tell a story to her side her Grandmother.

Thank you for reading, if you want to read more of my work read below
Poetry or More Audiobook
Visasiki Audiobook
Short Story Collection


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