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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2018 in Posts

  1. Books are just one way to relate our culture, it may not even be the best way. Art, poetry, film, song, and the spoken word are other ways of defining and relating what is important a culture. I enjoyed Black Panther film for the entertainment that it was, but I refuse to allow my culture to defined by a film created solely to enrich Disney and that was made up by some young white boys for a comic book. Is the made up world of Wakanda how we communicate Black cultural values today? Has it really come to this? There have been other films with powerful Black people and evil white folks -- the entire Blaxploitation era was full of them. Why is Black Panther regarded as so highly? Is it because it was so profitable. Is it because it was such a great film? I suspect it was because were were told to embrace it. Now I only use social media to post links to my website, but I could not avoid all the hype surround this film. Lerone Bennett's passing went completely unnoticed (assuming anyone knows who he is). I shared information about his transition but Facebook did not show it to anyone. I posted something mentioning Black Panther and that got engagement not as much as my posted used to get and hardly anyone click the link to visit the site but you see my point. The hype surrounding Black Panther was carefully crafted and we all fell in line.
    2 points
  2. I think the American culture is one defined by consumption which is directed by the marketers of massive multinational corporations. "Needs" are created then exploited in order to drive profits for the owners of these companies. Do you believe the owners of Disney, the ones writing Couglar's check, care about uplifting Black people or making money? @Delano if you can you, and everyone, should watch this program on Netflix called Dirty Money, It really illustrates just how screwed up we are as a nation. I watched the first two episodes. The second one talks about Pay Day loans scandals. This is our culture. The only need Black Panther filled was the need of Disney to maximize revenues. Disney simply exploited our wretchedness on the way to the bank.
    2 points
  3. I think culture isn't just important to the nation it is the nation. Notice I am saying nation not country. The Black Nation has it's own culture within larger white culture. Pictures are an important part of culture. It shows what is important. So what gets made and what gets watched is important. The Black Panther is more successful because it fills a need. Just like cave painting .
    1 point
  4. Say what you will about the blockbuster film Black Panther, love it or hate it, I could care less, you cannot deny it’s brilliance. And that brilliance begins with the emergence of Erik Killmonger. A young man driven, not just by his hatred of the oppressors of black people, but by the animosity of those that live with peace in the private kingdom of Wakanda. I believe a lot of writers could learn a great deal from a character like Killmonger. Marvel purposely set out for everyone to feel compassion for the bad guy. That was a new twist in itself. Marvel wanted you to understand, to relate, to fear the bad guy’s demise. They gave Erik, what so many others did not have, a soul. How many of us walked out of that movie theater believing ol’ boy had a point? How many Killmongers do you think is out there right now because of the injustice of black people in America? How many black families feel left behind by other black families that found a way out of the ghetto? You see my point? We can relate to his assessment. We understand his compassion for revenge, for validation. So many novels, fantastic novels, lack the character growth of their villains. You never care about why they are trying to take over the world, you just know they need to be stopped, by any means necessary. And usually, if not almost always, the bad guy’s reasons for the hostile takeover is for self gain. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, is better than reading a story that involves an antagonist with a heart. An antagonist that is so complex and conflicted with himself you begin to question your own beliefs. Erik Killmonger may not be the greatest bad guy of all times… but he damn sure is the most relatable one.
    1 point
  5. The source of these words can be traced to human opinions. Are they true? Who knows? I. WONDER.
    1 point
  6. The possibilities are unlimited.
    1 point
  7. Where is the flaw in telling people they in control of the own lives and to think positively?
    1 point
  8. Pioneer if you don't understand my analogy, you may not understand the word "never." Del it is not clear to me why you insist the science could not exist without religion. I'd argue that science -- especially in the last several hundred years -- exists despite religion. The BC/AD strikes me as weak way to draw a relationship between the two, indeed some use BCE. In any case, the names are irrelevant to how science is practiced. This is like arguing that since the planets are named after Roman gods, that science is would not exist without to Roman mythology. Would you also make that argument too?
    1 point
  9. @Mel Hopkins, I actually understand and agree with Guest Ben T. Mel comments. Of course I understand and agree with yours too. It is that elephant thing. You and Cynque were raised very differently than I was so your world views are different. I became an educated adult so my world view has changed. When I was a little kid, for example, I remember how excited and surprised I was to see the little Black boy in the book a Snowy Day. I had no idea a Jewish guy wrote the book -- I would not have even known what a Jew was. All I knew was that I was happy to see a little boy like me in a book. I learned to read on the lily white Dick and Jane books. Today I know that White supremacy was responsible for me not seeing Black images in books and TV. Now if you did not grow up the way I did the impact of white supremacy would be less (thought I'd still argue present). Similarly, I later discovered the great contribution of Black people and how white supremacy made it necessary for our history to be hidden. As a result I've been able to throw off the shackles of white supremacy... to a certain extent. Today, for me, the vistages of white supremacy have to do with access to networks, opportunities, and capital; which are limited as a direct result of racism. Among my peers I was one a few who went to college. Many of those that went were the first in out families to so. In many communities this is still the case in 2018!! People are more likely to have a family member in Jail than in college. The lack of access to quality education of a direct result of racism and the way we practice capitalism. I understand many successful Black are entirely unaware of communities in which these conditions exist, so it is hard for them to understand how anyone could still be adversely impacted by white supremacy. Cynique, Nat Turner's story did not get the same reaction from Black folks because white folks did not generate the same level of hype -- perhaps because a Black man would have stood to make too much money. We simply do not have the market might to make a "big" film. I just looked up the box office for Nate's film and see that it took in less than $16M. BIll Cosby show was so very important because it was both entertaining and there was a deliberate goal uplift Black people. Today this show has been pulled from syndication because of Cosby's personal life... or because another Black man stood to wield too much power.
    1 point
  10. @Delano I'm just offering observations. I did not propose any solutions. But I will say this unless we do everything for ourselves we will never be able to truly define a culture, for we will always be at the mercy of another culture. Del, If you can make good deeds profitable you could indeed change the world. The problem is I don't think this is possible in our current system. I'm open to examples to the contrary. Please don't say the Black Panther movie for I think you will discover that it will not change the world and make it better for Black people -- despite all the hype to the contrary. Indeed when ever you see massive profits generated it is always exploitative and the real wealth accrues to only a few. Of course you'd have not trouble coming up with plenty of examples of this on your own. Virtually all criminal activities, by their very nature, drugs, extortion, gambling, prostitution, loan sharking, protection, etc. The white boys on Wall Street get away with their crimes, but the Brothers in the 'hood get thrown under the jail. The illegal activities for the very wealthy are less rigged, but for us they are the very definition of rigged.
    1 point
  11. I feel these words are true for me, anyway. This is why I believe any cosmological theory goes in my metaphysical bag. No one can we prove origin. And why would we want to prove origin? I love to speculate and enjoy my experiences as it relates to consciousness and energy. It is like having my own secret garden where I can play with others who are of same mind. It's a garden that no one can destroy.
    1 point
  12. One of the things that comes to my mind after perusing this discussion, is to compare the "The Cosby Show"of the 80's with "Black Panther". The aim of this TV production under the helm of a black man, was to portray an affluent middle-class African American family headed up by professional parents and filled with characters molded to fill the need of blacks yearning for a positive show about people who looked like them. It wasn't long, however, before critics complained that the average black person couldn't relate to this show. I don't anticipate that "Black Panther" will experience a lot of such complaints, however. Black folks want to "keep it real", but not too real. "Black Panther" is pure fantasy and, best of all, it takes place in AFRICA! Black moviegoers can leave theaters after watching this picture and feel fully entertained. But are they really inspired to do anything other than lash out at white people who can't understand what all the hype is about. The movie is a phenomenon for the silliest of reasons. When it comes to fictionalize comic book heroes, blacks want to be able to beam "Me, too". "The Birth of a Nation", a recent film directed and written by a brother, told the story of Nat Turner, an authentic Black American hero. It scored good reviews but was a flop, stigmatized by past charges brought against its black director in regard to the suicide of a white woman, and by the criticism of black women who resented how they were marginalized in the movie. I've never found observing people who look like me to be a big turn-on.
    1 point
  13. Wow, this part right here is quite sad... no, we are not all beholden to white supremacy. Women like me cower to no one. Still, the fact that so many of Black Americans have their minds shackled is heartbreaking enough. Who has time to think about anyone else when those we give birth to perish due to their own ignorance. @Troy , I agree a lot of it comes from culture. From public school, media and culture it was hard not hear about slavery but for a lot of us, we were far removed. For example, I grew up in East Flatbush were West Indian pride was strong ; you'd be hard pressed to hear a Jamaican, Bajan or Trinidadian mom or dad talk about slavery. It was all about education - - I think a lot of cultural differences within the black community have to do with the expectation of our parents.
    1 point
  14. To me, black American culture has always been more about what blacks want, instead of what they need. Currently, captivated by a herd mentality, blacks want to see fictional super heroes with the same color skin as theirs, comic book characters thriving in a non existent country in Africa. What they need is to get real, and become inspired by the good authentic role models who look like them and live right here in this country.
    1 point
  15. @Troy Oh no! I was just looking him up and Moneta Sleet Jr. just a few weeks ago! What a huge loss to the black community. He was a great mind, researcher and historian! No, Guest Ben T. Mel, I cannot agree to this as it is written. First one must choose to feel inferior. if this did not occur in my own family - I would not assume this to be true for any other black family; enslaved or not. So, no I'm going to throw this whole sentence away, so that I may read the rest of what you've written with an open mind.
    1 point
  16. @Troy business cares about making money. If you can make good deeds profitable you can change the world. The Black Panther crew has power because they have a story that reaches the masses. I worked on Wall Street hung with Rock Stars actors former drug dealers. I don't need to watch a clip to tell me what I already know. We are complicit in the dirt by the magnitude of our silence. Troy Coogler and co have the power to tell our stories and make Corporate America money. Did you hear what Angela Bassett said about working on the Black Panther movie?
    1 point
  17. Hey @Delano if it wasn't you who posted that link, I would have immediately deleted it and banned your account (seriously, I do this regularly). Can you tell us what one would encounter by clicking the link? @Mel Hopkins I always assumed all on my ancestors were enslaved. This is what ever taught to assume, that I had not history beside or beyond slavery. As an adult I learned on my maternal grandmother's side there is no evidence of any of those folks being enslaved and my maternal grandfather side I find my grand grandparents on the 1850 census, so they obviously were not enslaved then. I think much of my own slave mentality as introduced early on through our culture. It was only once I was well into adulthood that I became conscious of the brainwashing and have been trying to shed it ever since. So, I understand why Black people are sensitive if you critique the Black Panther phenomenon...
    1 point
  18. Yes @Delano I've heard that argument, and again I'm simply reacting to that realization. The sad and pathetic truth is that in 2018 despite access to great technology, a trillion dollars in buying power, the availability of a great deal of information on our history, and all of our collective intellect, Black people are still so needy of strong powerful images! Yes, I agree we need to see strong positive images of ourselves, but I guess running AALBC.com I get a heavy dose of powerful, brilliant, and successful Black people on a daily basis. But I know most people have no clue who Imhotep or Mansa Musa -- let alone the great things we've done in the country, beyond MLK, Malcolm X and a handful or others. We have no clue Black people travelled the globe long before Columbus "discovered" America. I share these stories almost daily, but social media all but stopped showing my posts instead the share the fictional world made up by some cats at a comic book company 50 years ago. We have no agency, we do not drive the narrative. We are seemingly at Disney's mercy for images of strong Black images, huh? Guest just watching thanks for contributing. The thoughts of others are always welcomed. It remains to be seen how much Black unity this Disney flick generates in the Black community. I'm not holding my breath.
    1 point
  19. OK I did see your website: www.deeliot.com, but when you wrote: "my novel is written by a black man, published by a company owned by black people," I went looking for a Black owned publishing company, do you see why I was confused? There is a difference between publishing company and self published author. I know many self-published authors describe what they do exactly the way you did, but I discourage this because it is confusing and not exactly accurate. Do you see my point? Being "self-published," no longer carries the stigma that it once did. I describe authors like yourself as "Independently published authors" or "indie authors. I like it because it places the emphasis on independence/ and who can disparage that. Having your own website already puts you ahead of the game! If an indie author does not have web presence outside of social media, I don't even look at their stuff. The linking thing is simple, you can join Amazon's affiliate program or link using another book-sellers affiliate code. The format of the URL is shown below just replace the bold text with your ASIN (for books this is the ISBN10) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1501181823/ref=nosim?tag=aalbccom-20 So for your book, Ruined, the links would be: Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0692927611/ref=nosim?tag=aalbccom-20 Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077STV527/ref=nosim?tag=aalbccom-20 The other benefit is that these sales are factored into my bestsellers list, simply because I can track them. If you make our bestsellers list this will result in a lot of free promotion.
    1 point
  20. The character KIllmonger was written with some depth. While this is good, it is not at all unusual. A good villiams is always developed in such a way as to help the reader, or the theater goers ,understand the characters motivation. I liked Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs, he was a complete monster but we go to know him -- that and the character was brilliantly portrayed by Anthony Hopkins. I also like the character Khan in Star Trek and many others. But there are great Black character, villains or anti-heros that were just as compelling -- pretty much all of the gangster from The Wire would qualify. One thing that puzzles me about the love affair with The Black Panther film is how crazy we we are over this flick. Wakanda is something some white boys at Marvel made up. Now Black people are talking about this movie uplifting the Black race and it "telling our story." This reactions just tells me how collectively desperate we are for positive images of ourselves... it really is rather pathetic when you think about it...
    1 point
  21. @D.E. Eliot Not to be contrary, but I felt sorry for Loki, Thor's brother who was adopted. He felt he could never legitimately be worthy of the throne or his adopted father's love. Loki had so much animosity for his brother that it allowed him to be the perfect villain. Except when he realized his love for his brother. I do understand your point. The best antagonist is the photo negative of the protagonist . This way the antagonist is able to trip up the protagonist because she knows her counterpart's weaknesses.. This causes the protagonist to step up her game and defeat the antagonist because in reality the only true battle is the one we are in with ourselves. Awesome observation. I haven't seen the movie, yet but they pretty much follow the same script. *** I forgot to add - that I'm referring to "Loki" in the film not the comics - I don't read the comics.
    1 point
  22. I bet there were a few of you yesterday, not all but a few, thinking: who the heck is this new dope begging for a free book review, posting mushy quotes with bad grammar, and talking about the importance of black women. Answer? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Noooo? Ugh… fine, I’ll answer the freakin question myself, thank you very much. My name is Domovoi Elias Eliot. I’m a writer. Not inspiring. Just a writer (an author if you’re nasty). Truth is I’m no different than Tayari Jones, or Toni Morrison, or Ta-Nehisi Coates except they know Oprah and they are New York Times Bestsellers and I’m quite sure they’re better writers than I am but besides that there is truly no difference between us. I’m what you would call The Ready Unknown as in I’m ready and very good enough to someday be on everyone’s bookshelf or in their Kindle library but when will this miraculous moment happen is truly unknown. It may never happen. I might not ever meet Oprah. But I will never stop trying to seize opportunities to impress willing readers with stories that may twist the mind and quotes that may sooth the soul. If I’m lucky… I’ll do both. Write On!!! https://www.amazon.com/Ruined-D-Eliot-ebook/dp/B077STV527/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
    1 point
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