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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2020 in Posts

  1. Bacon, there is actually is no such thing as "mixed race." Culture is a completely separate issue and you should learn about both of your parent's cultures. We are all better served by learning about other cultures. That is one reason I operate this site, to provide a way for people to learn about different so called "Black" cultures.
    1 point
  2. The. Homeless. They. Lay. In. Alleys And. By. The. Street. Wearing -Tattered. Clothes. And. Tattered. Shoes. On. Their. Feet. They. Once-Had. Jobs. And. Homes. . Now. For. Jobs. And. Shelter. The--Streets. They. Roam. People. Pass. Them. By. Again. And. Again.. Does. Anyone. Care. For. Those. In. This. Rich. Country's. Poverty -Chain ? Mothers. With. Children. ,Their. Pain. And. Misery. They -Cannot. Hide. Upon. The. Ground. The. Homeless. Lie. Corrupt-Politicians. ,Preachers. Money. ,Control. They. Desire. Not. Caring-About. Those. In. Poverty. ,As. Poverty. Homelessness. Remain....-Does. Anyone. Care. For. Those. In. This. Rich. Country's. Poverty-Chain?
    1 point
  3. Well you should be even more scurried that the Nation is gonna "got" YOU....lol. Del A lukewarm response If IMITATION is the highest form of flattery....you should have been flattered into ecstasy by my "lukewarm" response.
    1 point
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