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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2020 in Posts

  1. It seems, that I have not only seen, but also personally witnessed the degradation, humiliation and systematic dumbing down of the Black Consciousness over the years. I feel as if the self destructive culture that has originated and been perpetuated by Blacks in America have served a vital role in helping those who would want us economically dependant on the same system that brutalizes us. It uses us, it uses Black music, black artists, and ghetto "black" culture, while fetishizing our women and emasculating our men. While they squeeze Blacks in America for every penny they can produce, they simultaneously feed us lies and debauchery, scandalous behaviour and a vehement, zealous defense of the rabid, radical, grotesque commercialization of black culture to fit every narrative and to bow to every notion they give us. It is an absolutely disgusting, disingenuous, demoralization tactic used by the defenders of Americanism to subjugate the world, and it worked. But slowly, over time, I have seen, or at least realized the reawakening of the Black Consciousness over the past 10 or so years. And so I ask, what do you think started this outbreak of Black Intellectualism, and do you think that this time, unlike the first time Brother Malcolm stirred up the Black Consciousness, that the outbreak will not only start to evoke real change, but it will stick for a longer period of time, possibly becoming permanent?
    3 points
  2. To: Pioneer 1 Firstly, I'm a first generation Haitian in America, although I was born in America, I've visited Haiti many times, and still keep a deep, close and personal relationship with the land of my ancestors, and I even plan on returning eventually after I strengthen Haiti's economic influence in major American cities to bring more money back home, but that's a different thing entirely. Also, I'm glad you know of Brother Boukman, he was and is symbol and icon of black freedom, and he died a martyrs death. On the topic of my username, I used Ali, because one, I like the name Ali, and I use it as a sort of alias wherever i am online, and two, I made it up thinking about Muhammad Ali the famous NOI Boxer. I know it doesn't sound very Creole, but most Haitian people either wear white American names or French names, and I'm not fond of either since they both invaded my homeland. While I do agree that Jews and Whites have discovered a very intimate relationship, I do believe that Jews, unlike whites, actually have something that we could learn from Jews and how they congregate. And Musa (Moses) along with many of the people that were enslaved in Egypt at the time were Hebrews, not Jews. Some of them were Jews, but I digress. I agree also with your stance on the immorality of gangster rappers as people, and I do believe that Gangster rappers have an obligation to not only represent us correctly, but to play in the media's eye to eventually end up helping us. And sometimes they do help us. Thank you for the compliment, and I'll be sure to check him out. And also thank you for showing interest in my history. Boyer was of mixed race, both African and French ancestry, Dessalines was pure black, former slave too. Boyer was more of an aristocratic figure, who could deal with the whites as well as deal with his own people. No problem.
    1 point
  3. Pioneer 1 Thank you for replying to my post, and I will be not only clearing some things up in this post, but bringing up some new points for you to think about, so thank you. Firstly, I agree with your idea that gangster rap has had a lot of influence in dumbing down black intellect, and I think its one of the main reasons that we should not only restrict its use, with the idea being to eliminating it entirely to stop the White and Jewish record label owners along with the rappers themselves from generating wealth from our suffering. Secondly I would say that the last 10 years has been relatively stimulating for black intellectualism. Some of the people I am going to mention will have started before that and I understand, but their popularity has gained significantly in the last 10 years, and especially in the last couple of years. Black Intellectuals such as Dr. Umar Johnson, Thomas Sowell, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Dr Claud Anderson, some that you may see on the news like Cornel West, and I'd even say the Late Dick Gregory. I agree with this statement and I think that you and all Black communities in the world should take a piece out of my communities playbook. If you recognize my profile picture, you would realize that it is a depiction of Haiti's second/third president (depending on if you count our King's time as a "President") President Jean Pierre Boyer of the Haitian Republic of 1818. It would be easier than easy for me to tell you that I'm Haitian. And I think and truly believe that if Black People want to attain a level of economic prosperity, being one of the biggest voting blocks in American politics, and also having the most potential out of every other Black ethnic group for mass wealth accumulation for the purposes of increasing the standard of living, you should copy the Haitian diasporas' homework once in a while. Really every ethnic group does this but Haiti is pretty good at it. Since Black people are already concentrated in the South, step one is already completed for you. Step 1: Gain an ethnic or racial majority in an area Step 2: Start creating businesses in that area, and only buying things from your own people's businesses Step 3: Slowly establish economic control over an area with your own people running the banks and controlling the way that wealth is spread. Step 4: Make sure that money doesn't (or seldom) leaves and area while money from the outside can pour in Step 5: Establish a higher standard of living and encourage branching out into other neighborhoods as well. And over time, this is how you slowly take over an area to the point where there is nothing they can do but watch. No guns, no violence, but economic warfare. The most callous way of getting back at this system which has castrated us and exploited us. If they want to use american capitalism as a means to exploit us, we are going to use the system for its intended purpose, but reverse the roles.
    1 point
  4. Colonialization is the culprit. Colonialization permeates every part and parcel of our very being and it is only with constant vigil can we hope to nullify some of the effects of said condition. This very language that we use to communicate with one another is that of the colonizer and slaver. That is only the beginning. Once we can recognize the root cause we can then move on to the rest of the equation. It is in the best interest of white amerikkka to keep the decedents of the African Kidnaped in an inferior position mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, economically, and any other way possible. Reason is that white amerikka fears Black Man and Woman with good cause and for many reasons. Read "The Isis Papers The Keys To The Colors, Frances Cress Welsing, M.D." White amerikkka fears revenge which in reality is the least of the fears. What is the real reason for fear is that whites will be conquered in every field of endeavor by Black People and that white women will look towards Black Men for "Everything". Please take time and "google" happy Asian women, then happy Black women, then happy white women...............Interesting
    1 point
  5. @artGriot Please feel free to post a link the website where readers can learn more about your book.
    1 point
  6. YES, St. Maurice and The THEBAN legions!!! LOL @Pioneer1 no comment. I hope that we can discuss and debate without jiving and insults! @Pioneer1 @daniellegfny But, I just popped in to say, I am very stressed right now--I just got a call that my father is deteriorating and he is in nursing home. They have him isolated. They're making my Dad suffer and I am overwhelmed.
    1 point
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