The Vial of Woe's stillness
short fable + colored page with textured themes + coloring page HAVE FUN! + 3d model
The Vial Of Woe's Stillness by richardmurray3d on Sketchfab
The Virgin Birth Motif is found in many Ancient Cultures is a Human Archetype
The one that is most important is the Esoteric meaning
ASTROLOGICAL....the first science
When the Sun moves from the House of Virgo in your Birth Chart
Virgo is the Virgin and You are the Sun/son
The Birth of the Solar plexus seed....2.5 - 29.5 days
ESOTERIC.....the eternal science
Virgin Birth is of the Spirit....A Spiritual Quickening - Rebirth.
The Birth of Christ in You and Every One else....Is a Virgin Birth
OCCULT....the science of Manipulation of life spirit and matter
Parthenogenesis where in an embryo develops from unfertilized human egg of vestigial Virgins.
Using Venus The Sun and The Moon to Birth a Spirit in Flesh - Reincarnation....Father and Son is the Same One
All life is Female....within the female is the male.
Religion has been use to abuse