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Kola Boof

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Status Updates posted by Kola Boof

  1. "....the only injury George Zimmerman has is a torn rotator cuff from high fiving the police." ---Bill Maher LMFAO. And you know that shit is true. _______________________________

  2. **Kola Boof in Bed is a new feature that starts tomorrow SEPT. 1st where I leave a journal entry about something from that day. My random thoughts on it. http://sexypartofthebible.webs.com/kolagoestobed.htm

  3. 8 of the first Black American slaves were the direct children of Queen TinkaTekur II of Gambia.

  4. 8% of the population of NIGER are slaves. Let us not forget that fact. #BlackPeople remain the most "strategically" inferior group on earth.

  5. A FRIEND in NYC just asked me to send him a Cell Phone PIC of my titties....and I did it. Awwww. I feel like Bette Grable for hurricane boys

  6. AMAZING PHOTOS from my book signing in San Francisco are coming up!!! You will love these pics!

  7. As an African mother who COMES FROM North Africa, my unwavering support is for Israel...not the Arabs (Palestine). It amazes me that Blacks in the west fail to see the "Arabization & Colonization" of North and East Africa (and Nigeria) by the Arab Muslim Imperialists. It amazes me that they demonize Israel for being White & Jewish...but lick the asses of Arabs who hate Blacks far more & have done much more evil against us.

  8. Attention This is Rahel Thorsten of Atlantic Library, an assistant for Kola Boof. Please do not attempt to vandalize her page while she is away receiving care. I will be monitoring and controlling her page for the next few days and will report to Facebook anyone who tries to post porn or hate images to Ms. Boof's board. This goes for Inbox hate messages as well. Thanks. Rahel Thorsten

  9. DEAR FRIENDS... One thing I really resent....is when people forget that my JOB & Profession is being a WRITER...and that it's my goal to be the best & most successful at my profession....just as you would want to be at yours. (Continued)...

  10. EMORY MEDICAL UNIVERSITY in Atlanta Ga. Presents: ~*~ KOLA BOOF lecturing at Whitehead Biomedical Auditorium *This Friday March 30th at 6:15 pm __________________________________

  11. God Bless America. I sincerely mean that....I love this country. It's my favorite place to live. **

  12. I don't like Facebook anymore. I really don't. ~*~

  13. I met WHITNEY HOUSTON. She invited me to her party. She was the sweetest, most beautiful, most misunderstood person I think I've ever met. This kills me (more..)

  14. I WISH that Kimora Lee Simmons's Nigger Toes .....(Black Nigger Bitch Fans)....would stay off my pages....I've BLOCKED 47 *black maids* today. Kimora & none of you want shit with Kola. You really fucking don't. Go ASK Kimora.

  15. Ilahat al Nasr ......**Shaima Alawadi**...ana bihabak... Ilahat al Nasr ......**Shaima Alawadi**...ana bihabak... Ilahat al Nasr ......**Shaima Alawadi**...ana bihabak...

  16. Just found out...that Lauryn Hill (by request) has written a DEMO song for Whitney Houston's new CD. Chan told me, so it's totally legit.

  17. KOLA BOOF in person! NEW YORK CITY: Sat. Sept. 17th at African Symposium in Queens Sun. Sept. 18th at Brooklyn Book Festival _____________

  18. Kola Boof in person............**SAN FRANCISCO*** Sat. August 27th at 6 pm at MARCUS Bookstore (Please be there!) Kola Boof on Tour

  19. MAN DIED this week from TOOTHACHE INFECTION because he couldn't afford medication. _____________ http://abcnews.go.com/Health/insurance-24-year-dies-toothache/story?id=14438171

  20. Many women are finding that they have to go lesbian to get the "real love" sexual experience. It's actual & factual.

  21. OVERHEARD: The closest a real man gets to painting eggs.... is when they don't pull out ~*~ ~*~

  22. PLEASE.....do not call me "Brown," "Woman of Color", "Queen", "Goddess" or "Strong Black Woman." I am a Black Woman. A womanist writer. I am the LIVING woman....I live my life. I am not always strong. But I am LIVING my life.

  23. PROUD TO SAY....that I am the first **WRITER** to have Drag Queens impersonating me!! I LOVE IT! I LOVE THEM. They R my best thing! KolaChix "Gay men dressing up as Kola Boof" .....I take that as a HUGE compliment. It humbles me.

  24. REMINDER: I don't do "friend suggestions." If you suggest someone to be my friend, I will delete the request. Kola Boof

  25. RIP Ayaina Jones....age 7.....shot and killed by *Detroit* police in her sleep during a police raid on the wrong house. ~~~

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