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Everything posted by Delano

  1. Isn't being focused on something the opposite of taking a wide point of view?
  2. https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/trump-trial-pending-mcconnell-calls-it-vote-of-conscience-20210116-p56umb.html
  3. Objects move in space not time. The universe expands in time, since it fills all of space. If you are two meters away from me we are separated by space even though our meeting is in the future. If you are in non local space, the arrow of time doesn't move in one direction. Your mind exists in non local space but local time. Your unconscious also lives in non local space but may also access non local time. Which would explain intuition and some aspects of psi. Time may be like space it exists all at once. And time is spread out. Lets say that an island is time, the centre of the island is now. The west is the past and the East is the future. So all of time exist at once but you can only see your local area. Not the entire island. I have another idea but I am not certain I can explain it clearly. If time is like an island. Your most western point is your birth and your most eastern point is your death. You exist at every point in between. And if you were to notate this line it would be your biography. So you exist at all of these times. Not just now. So I think the only thing that can time travel is information. So i think you can have freedom of choice among a limited number of options. Which means the future is contingent or is the sum total of your choices. Which implies at minimum a loose predestination. Or the future is a function of a series of menu choices. Which implies or rather restricts possible outcomes, at least in the short term 1 minute or one day.
  4. The previous leader was the Canadian founder of Vice magazine.
  5. The passage of time is a measurement, and time is more than it's measurement. Just as the qualities of space are more detailed than it's expanse. The universe expands in time, since it fills all of space. If you are two meters away from me we are separated by space even though are meeting is in the future. If you are in non local space, the arrow of time doesn't move in one direction. Your mind exists in non local space but local time. Your unconscious also lives in non local space but may also access non local time. Which would explain intuition and some aspects of psi.
  6. They literally have no concept of what I am saying. I like critical and original thinkers.
  7. I have realised I can't have a conversation with people that can't think conceptually.
  8. The protestors that stormed the Capitol Building weren't wearing mask. So we will see how things transpire.
  9. Every Soul is worth saving, but not every soul is worth buying. I can't recall who said this.
  10. Well done. It is neither my job nor my responsibility to reduce your ignorance. You have helped me answer a question I had today. How to respond to people, who assume they are in the right and I that am mistaken or some how misguided. Unlike Troy I no longer want to make an effort to communicate ideas with concrete thinkers, it is too hard.
  11. https://www.closertotruth.com/interviews/2764 https://www.closertotruth.com/interviews/55644
  12. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/information-in-the-holographic-univ/
  13. Sometimes you have to accept that you are too ignorant to have an intelligent position. However this is easier to see in others than yourself.
  14. The only thing he cares about is winning and destroying his competition.
  15. https://www.closertotruth.com/series/can-science-theology-find-deep-reality
  16. There are two dictionaries that I would consult. Oxford and Merriam-Webster. Start there and let me know how you go. Otherwise I have nothing to say concerning your request.
  17. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-01-11/us-house-proceed-with-impeachment-legislation-donald-trump/13047226
  18. Cynique indirectly gave me an invaluable piece of information. Don't argue with a person that can't think conceptually. Since they can't understand what you are saying.
  19. @daniellegfny what about the actions by President Trump, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and the protestors Capitol Building?
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