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    The issue is about the definition or usage of marriage as a communal construct. A subsidiary issue is the variance in said definition or usage in financial tiers in the black community. 

    What is the definition of marriage? 

    Some say it is when a man <defined as someone born with a penus> side a woman <defined as someone born with a vagina> decide to join eternally. Some say it is when a pastor as a christian church performs a ritual. Some say it is when a registration form from a government is issued. Some say it is natural law. Outside humanity, other children of earth have from ancient times lovingly or legitimately married in all forms: the entirety of life <eagles>, brave premortem <spiders> legendary multispousal <lions> proud single parenthood <tigers>, or more. I say marriage is as those involve want it to be. The imposition of the outsider to those in a marriage is the great flaw. to restate, if you wish to marry one way, why are others forced to use your method or be judged by your method. 

    The usage of marriage in non humans is ancient and like humans inconsistency exists. Non humans have many examples of mating outside species so that can be deemed no other than the variable forms in humans. Over time things can change. In the same way, many lions will not have a pride their entire life or lose a pride for the remaining years of their life. A human can be married in a christian fashion, and then end their life in common law. 

    SEquentially, the definition or usage of marriage doesn't have a standard, should not be viewed as something to gain concensus on or have a respectable form. It is for the marred to define or use, all others outside a marriage , if they want to do something positive, wish well, if they want to do something negative, judge or make determinants

    Now, the last issue pertains well to Rihanna and that is marriage in financial tiers of the black community. History matters. For most of the post war between the states years in the usa, the financial aristocracy in the black community was over ninety percent male + christian. But today, in the year 2022, the financial aristocracy of the black community in the usa is not ninety percent male + christian. Said fiscal aristocracy has women, muslims, areligious, and yes... black people in the collage of independent or disconnected races called LGBTQ+. What does this mean for the fiscal wealthy? their attachments to the common marriage culture of black fiscal aristos dominant in the past is dead. And, in the usa, one other factor exists. The financial legality of divorce. In the usa divorce is a mess when one has money. It is a way for lawyers to make tons of money and a way for media to gain tons of clicks and should be avoided by anyone with money. But what is the only way to avoid that, while still having children, a marriage , comfortable home, is to not get married through the government or religion. And, to be blunt, absent a piece of paper from a government or clergy, if you live with someone, with the intimacy plus fights and possibly the children, that is called marriage. The good news is that using forms of marriage defined outside the christian  community or government means breaking up is easier. And anyone who has been in relationships knows, breakups can happen. 

    So, I wish Rihanna side the baby, side her partner, all the best in the world. 



    1. richardmurray


      Someone in the internet said, Celebrities are not role models

      In my mind the question is about guidance. ....If someone asks me, who have I most paid attention to in a reference to my life. It is my parents. BUT, some people are orphans. Some people have terrible parents. Some people have terrible school teachers. Some people live in terrible situations. The people one uses to help guide them in life can be anyone or anything. How many black people were guided by the Huxtable parents? And I have always professed a dislike for that show. I am not a fan of the cosby show. But, it doesn't mean that some black person somewhere can't be guided by the fictional huxtables. Some people are guided by Superman, a fictional character. As you read this, if you made it this far:) some kid is talking about Black panther or chadwick boseman. Do I feel the same way about boseman or black panther or superman? no, but that doesn't mean someone else can't ...This is why I always disagreed with charles barkley when he said that famously to himself. Anyone can guide another, be their role model. The most important thing is to never be a clone. Always try to be your unique self. This doesn't mean you can't do similar things. It means you don't have to.

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