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Posts posted by Chrishayden

  1. I must admit, I can't figure out why he didn't just go on and teach the classes.

    Did they want him to teach four classes every day (something that most high school and gradeschool teachers do)--or what?

    Especially these days with jobs real tight--I don't figure it. I would teach four classes for 100 thou plus--Dr. Madhbuti (who was once Don L. Lee) may be making a bad move.

  2. The Great Norman Spinrad African SF Contretemps

    The Fatal Paragraph

    So, for now at least, and in the apparent absence of a significant body of science fiction written by born and bred Africans, this Caucasian American (Mike Resnick) is probably the closest thing there is or has been to an African science fiction writer, with the exception of Octavia Butler. Who did write the same sort of thing, and did it well, and was Black to boot, but I use that politically incorrect word rather than “African American” because aside from her genetic heritage she was no more African than Mike Resnick.

    The reaction


  3. So, whatchoo got to say this morning, Carey after Butler's humiliating rout in the championship game? (I know it was only 2 point difference and they could have won if that last 3 point attempt had gone in, but you know me!)

    I am sure somebody pulled you aside at some time and told you never to bet on the outcomes of sporting events.

    People--like yourself--get too excited and caught up.

    I even do it sometimes.

    But then I remind myself that I ain't playing not one second in it--so I ain't got no dog in the hunt--unless of course I have made an unfortunate wager....

    Contemplate all this on the Tree of Woe..

  4. I will do that.

    Anytime you have any questions feel free to post here. There's lots of people here who try to help new writers.

    Just remember one thing and this goes even with regard to my sterling observations (some, like Cynique, would say even MORE so)...take it all with a grain of salt.

    Seek and ye shall find.

    Ask and it shall be answered.

    Cast down your buckets where you are.

  5. But I'll tell you what, I am open for suggestions. I mean, I'll listen to a few words of wisdom. Maybe somebody knows more about this basketball thang than me. But don't forget, CareyCarey said the nets will be cut down by one light skinned brotha with a white girlfriend, four 3 point shooting white guys, and a coach that has a nose that's looks like that thang that hangs off the end of a fried chicken back... but a little longer.

    "You see. This is what I am talking about.

    Here, in the 21st Century, a man pushing white supremecy over a basketball game.

    Imagine if he finds out white folks invented mashed potatoes.

    At one time professional basketball was dominated by the Jews. Oh yes. You think they give a damn that they got Negroes starting on all the teams now?

    Jeezus. Get your mind up out the gutter, Black Man!!

  6. Lots of black artists, especially young ones, but some middle and old age, think that black artists do not do this.

    Seek and ye shall find.

    There are plenty of artists around you who will offer you tips and support and help but you got to go out and find them. They are not out searching for somebody to help. They are usually trying to get their own thang together.

    I decided to go out on my artistic journey. I finally decided to give writing a serious shot. I had no idea of how to do it.

    One day I was reading the local black newspaper and two local writers announced they were starting a workshop for writers. They were Eugene Redmond and Shirley Leflore. I got hold of them and started.

    I was in a workshop with several fine writers just starting out, one of whom grew up to be Jabari Asim, who is editing the NAACP's Crisis.

    I have been in a number of workshops since. Contact with a writer on this site, Kola Boof, led to the publication of my novel "A Vampyre Blues".

    I could go on and on all day about the support and help people gave to me and give to me even at this moment.

    Understand. Nobody owes you a thing. And everybody ain't giving, one way or another.

    You might be the best writer or artist in the world and humanity might be blessed and uplifted for all time if only somebody would reach down and make you a star.

    Tough shit. Join the Club.

    You got to do it yourself--you got to ASK for help. And ask again. And prepare to be turned down again and again.

    The first thing a professional wrestler learns is how to fall safefly. Because he is going to be falling a lot.

    And the first thing an artist or writer has to learn is how to deal with rejection.

    Nobody is going to hold your hand. That shit that happened to J.K. Rowling happens to a handful.

    One thing you should think of, at a certain point, is whether or not it is FOR you. If you are not willing to take the possibility that you might join the ranks of the never heard from, then don't get out there...

    I hope this was some help.

  7. April 4, 1968--

    Martin Luther King got his brains blowed out in Memphis. I am so crude because everybody likes to act like he just "passed away" or something.

    No. His brains were blowed out, all over the balcony at the Lorraine Hotel, like he was a crip or a blood or something.

    He had his pants hitched up. He used the King's English. He preached non violence. He was married to the mother of his children and supporting them--best he could while he was running all over the country trying to do right by folks. He was not strapped. Nor any of his associates.


  8. You are correct. Until Negroes accept the reality of mastering or at least possessing the ability to speak functional English, they will continue living on the fringes of society as a whole

    (This bullshit proves the point of the person who wrote the essay--though I don't agree with everything he said.

    ITEM: The most successful criminal attorney in St. Louis history was one Morris Shenker. He made millions of dollars and had stakes in hotels in Las Vegas. When he talked, he sounded like he just got off the boat. Peppered his speech with yiddish and other sayings.

    ITEM: Look at the Asian and Arab and other businessmen taking over our areas. Same thing.

    The language that you speak in America is MONEY. Negroes somehow can't get this through their thick skulls, I guess because, having a slave mentality often, they are afraid of power and money.

    Put that scepter down, Rastus. That ain't fer you.

    A Negro with command of the King's Enlish is just a coon speaking the King's English. All this stuff happening with Barak Obama ought to show you that, but you can't figure it.

    I used to have a job which took me to mostly white small towns. I wore a suit on these trips, had to. Part of the job. When I went in knitted up speaking like Richard Burton I had a hard time. When I took off the coat, unknotted the tie, rolled up the sleeves, used some ain't I got what I wanted.

    You know nothing. You do nothing. You get in the way of people who are trying.

    When God carries these old cotton picking Negroes you'll see a BIG improvement.

  9. Well, once again Obama proved if you want him to cooperate with you you should kick his butt.

    (If he came into a bar with Michelle I would hit on her right in front of him)

    So, how do you think he did?

    Actually, I think he should never have announced a boycott and he did pretty well under the circumstances.

  10. You have a love hate relationship with your country because it has a love hate relationship with you.

    Your black face calls America a lie. Lots of white folks can't live with that.

    They love your food, your music, and have their babies suck our womens titties.

    Then they say we are dirty, nasty, foul and inhuman.

    Kind of schizophrenic, don't you think?

  11. black theatergoers have not avoided the movie like the plague. More importantly, those that ran from the plague,

    "Either they have, or they haven't. They have, haven't they?"

    Now, for all of those individual that you said avoided the movie, the begging question is WHY?

    "Maybe because they, like most movie goers (most are youngsters and especially young males between 13-24) go to movies for escape. Maybe because they like to imagine they are the character in the movie and don't want to imagine themselves as a fat stupid black girl with AIDS.

    Maybe because they know plenty of fat stupid black girls with AIDS unlike lots of folks who are championing this movie, and they don't want to wallow in it.

    A few weeks ago I sat in a room full of black folks, men and women with AIDS who are getting ready to get the money they get for medicine (they can't hold regular jobs, imagaine that)wondering whether they were going to live or die because the doctors told them that if they stop taking the medicine they would die.

    Naw, I don't want to see Precious after that and don't think anybody is brave or black because they can go in a goddam metroplex and eat popcorn and jujubes and think they are handling the AIDS problem.

    People like you give me a pain. You cry and scream over a movie full of people who are PRETENDING they have AIDS and stare with blank stupidity at somebody really dying of it in the street.

    Jeezus. I don't know where you stay but WHITE FOLKS own all the theaters around here and they are getting all the money, not those coons out front.

    So what else be new?"

  12. I am not a Romance FAN but I did study the genre for a while and I did write a few for magazines like Intimacy Black Romance (maybe more confession?) and other mags back in the 80's back before they found out Chris was not short for Christine and they stopped buying them from me.

    But i digress.

    Discussing realism in the same breath as Romance is the same as discussing it with any other escape genre which means there ain't none.

    It's all escape, just like Science Fiction and hardboiled fiction and others. Women, and sometimes male--readers, who are often lonely vicariuosly participate in some doings that only occur in film and on tv and in other romance novels.

    The fact that I, a male, could write such doings in the first person proves it.

    Not hatin on ya. I hope you make as much money as Danielle Steele. At least you are probably still writing your own books..

  13. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/03/08/dan-makes-watermelon-quip-depicting-gop-attacks-obama/

    Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather, speaking on the GOP's expected strategy against Democrats in elections this fall, said Republicans would describe President Obama as "a nice person ... very articulate" but an ineffective leader who "couldn't sell watermelons if you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic."

    O jeez! Ain't it November, 2012 yet?

  14. As if to order


    "I said goodnight to the bridesmaid. I sat at down at the table where my whole staff was, all of them, by the way, bachelors. One of them looked at me and — as they would do after, I don't know, 15 gin and tonics and goodness only knows how many bottles of champagne — a staff member made an intonation to me that maybe I should be chasing after the bridesmaid. His points were clear, and his words were far more colorful than that.

    "And I grabbed the staff member sitting next to me and I said, 'What I really ought to be doing is frakking you,' and then tossled the guy's hair and left, went to my room, because I knew the party was getting to a point where I shouldn't be there."

    "Was that inappropriate of me? Absolutely."

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0310/34051.html#ixzz0hbQZIs0e

  15. By the way you DID show the good sense to run this by somebody else before you did it.

    Upon further reflection I must assume if they asked you to do this they know what they are getting. I mean, just like when they got Richard Pryor to do that Gay Benefit in Hollywood Bowl that time.

    But I might still run something by your gal or the bride and groom if you thought something was rather risque. (Why, when I close my eyes do I see and hear you telling that joke about Jesse James robbing the train?)

  16. Carey. I ain't gay, so you have to filter this advice through that.

    If you can't do it without "jokes" don't do it.

    A wedding is supposed to be a solemn occasion. I assume that this holds true for gay people. Any jokes that you, as a straight person, will make are going to fall flat at least and might provoke violence at worst. This is THEIR wedding. Not yours. They don't want nobody shitting on their big day.

    It sounds to me like you ain't very comfortable about doing this. To be absolutely honest, I must admit I wouldn't be.

    I was born in 1950. If you must do it, say what you would say if you were presiding over your mother and father's wedding. Be brief as you can and sit down.

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