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Good point on slavery, the only question is, why did black people push against the use of the word slavery?was it the truth or what they fantasized? 



I agree with the young sista that mass incarceration is a new modern day form of slavery.
It's very unfair and racist and actually is part of a major conspiracy not just here in the United States but through out the Americas.

I was looking at an article earlier about gang members around Latin America being rounded up and shipped to some brand new "Mega Prison" down there being deemed as the largest prison in the Western Hemisphere.

When I saw the pictures of the men being hauled there....I saw THOUSANDS of brown skinned Indigenous looking men stripped damn near naked and tied up on the floor in a scene reminiscent of Chattel Slavery itself.

However this sista IS a yound sista and like a lot of young people, may not have the full understanding of how to PROPERLY correct this problem....

Simply abolishing the criminal justice system and prisons and letting all of the inmates go would be a disaster at this point because there is too much dysfunction and violence in the United States right now.  While a lot of innocent people are locked up, a lot of people who SHOULD be locked up are roaming free!
This system has made a lot of monsters and Frankensteins that must be locked up for the safety of society itself or else you will continue to see more and more brutality and theft in the community. 
Black people need to understand this and start keeping law and order in our own communities.
It's not enough for us to complain about police brutality and how unfair White folks are enforcing the laws in our community if WE won't take the initiative to do it ourselves and take the lead.  We can't have it both ways.  You can't sit around eating chilli-cheese fries and smoking blunts all day watching people get molested, shot, beat up, stabbed and grin at it finding it entertaining....but then start having a fit and doing jumping jacks when White folks swoop down and arrest EVERYBODY at the scene.
Hell SOMEBODY has to take charge and keep order!
If niggas are too lazy or crazy to do it....then SOMEBODY has to!

One of the things I love about the Nation of Islam is they have their own police unit where they police themselves and keep order in their own community.  
Not wait on White folks to do it.



According to that report from El Salvador, 64,000 folks have been arrested and locked up. The murder rate has gone down 57%.


If those numbers are true the question becomes why were the citizens allowing it to happen. Many of those families probably benefitted from the drug trade.


No doubt prison has become big business. It is a cheap labor farm. But, there are folks who truly deserve to be locked up for serious crimes.


Still, the prison population could be cut by more than half if they released all non-violent offenders.


Not going to happen considering the money being made from warehousing people in modern plantations. 😎



Just like there are many innocent people in prison; there are a LOT of cats on the street who need to be locked the hell up for the safety of the community....but they are allowed to walk free.

The criminal mindset and criminal world is chaotic and confusing because just because someone got pinched for a non-violent crime, doesn't necessarily mean they ARE non violent.  Many of them just didn't get caught for the dirt they did.
Now a days....when you're on the streets you're expected to do "whatever"......no boundaries to the crimes you commit.
If you sell dope, you're expected to be a killer too.
If you a robber, you might turn around and rape the people you're robbing too.
No rules.

The problem is....there is a VAST negative element in Black society today that has gotten bigger and bigger since the late 60s after the riots.
It's gotten so big and lasted for so long that instead of being rejected and fought against....many in our community has begun to EMBRACE it and make excuses for it.  

The sad part is, there doesn't seem to be enough good brothers willing to stand up together and clean up the communities right now.
They exist....certainly enough good brothers do exist....but many of them aren't interested in uniting to clean things up.
They don't see much incentive or reward in it.

Most men....especially most young men...are motivated by women and money.
And most people in THIS society don't think a "good man" should seek much of either.
Their idea is that a "good man" should volunteer his efforts and not seek pay and if he gets ANY pussy....it should be from his ONE wife, lol.

Until the "good bruthaz" are seen with more beautiful women and money than the thugs and gangstas....you probably won't see a change for the better anytime soon.


@ProfD my only issue is when you said 


No doubt prison has become big business. 

Prison always was and will be big business, the reason is simple. each government in all of human history has at least one group being abused by another under it. in the usa's case it is many multiples of groups but it is always at least one, and sequentially, that groups abuse requires prison and that prison populace is always more useful than the populace outside for the prisoner's lack of protection from being abused. 


when the colonies separated from england prisoners who chose to spend time as indentured servants,  were not given clean slates. And like the enslaved indentured servants is a financial labor advantage for employers. cause the wage is less than market while the hours are above market. 


@Pioneer1 all i can say is, I live in the most urban city in the usa and in the city with the largest black populace of any city in the usa, and I have never felt unsafe in the black community. I Will be blunt. IS their crime ? yes. But I have never felt it as you speak. Now the black community in NYC is large, millions of people, so it doesn't need to be uniform, but not all black people who live in the black community have your negative experience like you pioneer or others. And I know from offline experience, many black people concur to me, as well as many black people concur to you. In my experience the acts of violence rise as non blacks get in and around the black community. I have found most black men in my neck of the village are good guys, even if they do financially illegal activity to feed themselves. 

21 minutes ago, richardmurray said:


@Pioneer1 all i can say is, I live in the most urban city in the usa and in the city with the largest black populace of any city in the usa, and I have never felt unsafe in the black community. I Will be blunt. IS their crime ? yes. But I have never felt it as you speak. Now the black community in NYC is large, millions of people, so it doesn't need to be uniform, but not all black people who live in the black community have your negative experience like you pioneer or others. And I know from offline experience, many black people concur to me, as well as many black people concur to you. In my experience the acts of violence rise as non blacks get in and around the black community. I have found most black men in my neck of the village are good guys, even if they do financially illegal activity to feed themselves. 

You may have grown up in the city with the most Black people but they were still a minority in that city.
I grew up in America's BLACKEST major city with a healthy diversity of FBA population along with some Africans and Caribbeans though admittedly not on the scale of New York's.  
And I've witnessed OVER FOUR DECADES of AfroAmerican culture and the various changes that have occurred within it.
Some for the worse...others for the better.

I've witnessed how on my block MOST Black families had a father and with each decade the number of families with Black fathers started disappearing.
I've also witnessed how the number of fist fights among Black boys started declining drastically as the number of shootings rose.

Concerning those doing illegal things to feed themselves............
I didn't grow up in the ghetto or around poverty, but I grew up seeing quite a few brothers (and sisters) selling dope.
They didn't do it to feed themselves. They came from families with "some" money (though not wealthy) and weren't hungry.
But they wanted nice clothes, nice cars, and money to party and waste so they started selling dope and stealing to get it.
Gangsta rap and peer pressure influenced them to do this.....not poverty.




you offer two questions:

1)in the usa, are black populaces in cities better off when the black populace is not the majority populace in a city?

2)in the usa, in cities, are black communities better off with a DOS/FBA majority or with a plurality between DOS/FBA plus Caribbeans<many islands> plus Continentals< many countries>?


i honestly can't say. Based on your answers I can guess what you will say. My primary problem with both questions being answered is the absence of a successful , as I define success, black community in any city in the USA. Based on how I define success for a community, no city in the usa,  with a majority black populace or not,  with a internally mixed black populace or not, has achieved success. So, I can't say. You suggest two great questions. The day one city in the usa, has a successful black community, as I define success, I will be able to answer the questions you pose.




Man you be asking some good and interesting questions....lol.





1)in the usa, are black populaces in cities better off when the black populace is not the majority populace in a city?

This may seem a little strange but I've noticed that Black people tend to do better in cities that either have a VERY HIGH Black majority....like over 70%.....or a VERY SMALL Black minority....like under 10%.

In cities like Detroit, Atlanta, Memphis.....where we make up a clear dominant majority.
There may be a lot of crime and some poverty, but COLLECTIVELY we tend to do quite well. 
Most Black folks in these cities have money and are either working class, professional class, or rich.
The reason being, we tend to be CLEARLY incharge politically, socially, legally, etc....so we can protect ourselves and our wealth better.

I also notice that where we make up less than 10% of the population, I notice we collectively do well also though I'm not completely sure why.
One guess is that White folks don't see us as much of a threat because of the small population, so they leave us alone.

But when we make up the mid-range of say 15%-65%.....conditions for Black folks in most of those cities aren't ideal.
A lot of crime, gangs, incarceration, high unemployment, etc....
Black self-hatred is also high in many of those areas.

If you look at Washington D.C. for example.....and maybe @ProfD can attest to this.....
Although problems did exist, collectively speaking Black people did GREAT in Washington D.C. when it was 80% and even 70% Black and we were clearly in charge.
Once gentrification took hold and they started shipping more Latinos and Whites in and the Black population went down to 60% and close to 50%.....regardless as to how well the city itself may be doing....things got much worse for the Black population.

Same with cities like St.Louis and New Orleans.





2)in the usa, in cities, are black communities better off with a DOS/FBA majority or with a plurality between DOS/FBA plus Caribbeans<many islands> plus Continentals< many countries>?

Hmmmmm.......I can't really say.

I want to say that the diversity of Black people makes us better because it broadens our horizons and makes us stronger.
However given how Black people get along with eachother, having more Black folks from different backgrounds just gives them another reason to mistrust and fight amongst eachother.


  • Like 1
44 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

If you look at Washington D.C. for example.....and maybe @ProfD can attest to this.....
Although problems did exist, collectively speaking Black people did GREAT in Washington D.C. when it was 80% and even 70% Black and we were clearly in charge.

AfroAmericans did very well in Washington DC especially from the 1970s through late 1990s.


As Washington DC is becoming less chocolate, the middle-class and affluent AfroAmericans just moved to suburbs on the outskirts of the city.


That's why a suburb in Maryland consistently ranks high as one of the most affluent enclaves of predominantly AfroAmericans in the United States. Washington DC deserves much credit for making it happen.😎


Yes, I've heard a lot about the "DMV" area and all of the Black wealth there.
I had a girlfriend from Silver Springs Maryland.

A great deal of gratitude should be bestowed upon the late great Marion Barry because he's the main reason for most of the wealth that Black people in the D.C. and DMV area have!

He was a strong and intelligent Alpha male from the old school who didn't pull punches or take shit from the racists.
He knew them and what it took to get along with and defeat them if necessary.
And like Coleman Young of Detroit....he also knew the White folks he needed to get along with and made sure NOT to piss them off while fighting for his people!

Too many of the younger generation of Black politicians are so naive and fall for the ole "can't we all get along" okey-doke.  They end up selling out much of the wealth and property the older generations fought for while the young Whites and Latinos and Asians move in to gobble it up.
As far as they're concerned, any White man who sits down to smoke some weed with them MUST be a "cool" White man, and they'll sell that devil the family farm.

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@Pioneer1 to be fair, you asked the questions this time, all i did was articulate. 


and you ask another question, which many in this forum do  while I do not. The question is: what will it take for black crime to not be an issue to 95% or above of Black people in the usa? 


I admit, I have never been convinced that Black crime is a problem but offline or online, luckily not in my home , Black crime seems to be a huge issue for a very large percentage of black people. so the question is, what will it take for it not to be. 




@Pioneer1, DC Mayor for Life Marion Barry and Mayor Coleman Young of Detroit were those dudes.  Today's AfroAmerican politicians are a far cry from them. 


@richardmurray, I'm not sure of why Prince George's County, Maryland turned down a DC United stadium. If I had to guess, it was probably because AfroAmericans aren't huge soccer fans.😎


@ProfD you clearly aren't from nyc, to say that, in nyc, afro americans were soccer fans before the immigration act of 1965. 


Maryland is part of south and that is gridiron country so I can see your point but, I admit, I find I am more interested in black people who have's activities than black fiscal poor. Black fiscal poor people stealing/selling illegal products/doing business activities outside the legal system in the streets which means they have to protect themselves by all arms,  I accept. I don't see it as an issue, cause it all makes sense. but black people who have, who tend to complain about what the larger community isn't doing, rejecting a black person with money who wants to bring a high media item to their community... If you can find more it will be appreciated. I want to know. 

3 hours ago, richardmurray said:

ProfD you clearly aren't from nyc, to say that, in nyc, afro americans were soccer fans before the immigration act of 1965

My conjecture had nothing to do with NYC.  It was in response  to your question about the soccer stadium not being built in Maryland.


However, I've been alive long enough to know that soccer hasn't been popular among AfroAmericans especially compared to American football.😎


@ProfD I comprehended  you. 

but consider this, iceland has a population of ceiling 377,000. They have a flag team and fanatic fans that play in big tournaments in UEFA. You may not know what uefa is but the point is, a population of 377,000 supports  ahigh profile team in soccer. You say soccer is not popular but again i disagree. I concur soccer is not as popular as the gridiron in the black statian community but in a populace of 47 million, the black statian populace, one percent is 470,000 which is more than the populace of iceland. I think far more than one percent of black statians are fans of futebol/calcio/soccer in face i am sure of it.  sequentially, a large enough fanbase in the black community exist to support a black person who owns a soccer team to be supported by a supposedly pro-black black financially affluent community. 

Again, I ask, please, if you live in that area as Pioneer suggest, please ask someone from prince george county why ? 

The USA is a country of over 300 million, every sport has millions who support it in the USA, no sport is unpopular, the only issue is which sport is the most popular, not if it is popular. And the issue of the most popular is irrelevant to the issue of investing in sport.  because millions in the usa support all sports in the usa. 

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