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Why did the meaning change?

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When I was a child I was told racism was when one person hated another for the color of their skin or their racial background.


When I became a teen people told me racism was either thinking one race was superior to another or when someone was scared or didn't understand a racial group different than themselves.


When I became an adult racism was said to be racial discrimination with power plus privilege in effect and therefore only certain groups could be racist.


Is racism soon going to be when you don't validate someone's belief that they can be another race besides the one they were born?


Why does the meaning keep changing?


Who is deciding this?


And what is racism to *you*?

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Definitions of ALL words change depending on who is in power and or what the majority thinks the definitions are.

I study many many different philosophies and many of them often contradict eachother but I give them each their due respect.
However I have my own definitions for certain things.
This is necessary to avoid confusion within one's self.

The next step....to avoid confusion with OTHER people...is to find out what THEIR definition of a word is so that you both can establish an agreement on the terms used.

My personal definition of racism is relatively simple:

Racism =  Negative thoughts, speech, or actions towards others primarily because of their race.

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I want to add one point to the commentor's above. The USA has the strongest culture of individualism in all humanity. And part of individualism is a dislike for collective things by default. Individidualism by default says the one has the right above the group. Racism by default is a group based philosophy. IT always takes at least two to be a race. 

The challenge for the usa is how to be a race of individuals. but comprehend, all are racist if they use any collective label to themselves, including human. I repeat, if you call your self, human, your a racist. 

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This is my preferred definition: Racism is not bigotry nor bias nor prejudice.  It's when one group has the power to institutionalize and enforce bigotry, racial bias or racial prejudice. Black folks can practice bigotry, bias or prejudice against others but they don't have the power to make these slurs public policy. 

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fair enough @SpeakHerTruth

We all like what we like. And liking i never universal in consensus.

Maybe as a literalist in prose i prefer root meanings.

Race/prejudice/bias/bigot all have roots. 

Race means a classification. 

Prejudice means to judge before knowing. 

Bias is to favor, which always goes in twos.

Bigot is a modern artifice, it is only figurative in meaning, its literal has been lost. In the past it was used for religious folk who swear , which comes from the very unmodern idea that taking oaths should not be done, especially to a divinity, ala by god. the antiquated idea is false oathing, especially to a divinity harms the soul. 


Sequentially, you have answered your original question.  Why did the meaning change? it changed cause somebody always doesn't like the prior meaning, and it will change in the future for the same reason. 

But the functional question, collectively, is how do those in a group function together positively absent consensus on a meaning of the words they use? Some will say actions speak louder than words but in groups communication is the blood of the body. Absent communication the only way individuals in a group can work together is if they act in a strict set of rules absent the ability to liken otherwise, ala they are machines.  


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On 3/20/2023 at 6:56 AM, Cynique said:


This is my preferred definition: Racism is not bigotry nor bias nor prejudice.  It's when one group has the power to institutionalize and enforce bigotry, racial bias or racial prejudice. Black folks can practice bigotry, bias or prejudice against others but they don't have the power to make these slurs public policy. 

Contrary to now popular opinion.....racism has little to nothing to do with power.
You can be racist with absolutely NO POWER what so ever.

Power is not a factor in whether or not something or someone is racist.

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40 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

Contrary to now popular opinion.....racism has little to nothing to do with power.
You can be racist with absolutely NO POWER what so ever.

Power is not a factor in whether or not something or someone is racist.

Bro, as you know from the teachings of NF Jr., the system of racism is the most powerful force on the planet. It provides top cover for racist individuals and suspects.😎

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The System of Racism is indeed powerful.
But it's not the RACISM that makes it powerful, but the amount of knowledge they have gained and utilized for practical purposes that makes it powerful.

Go to some parts of the hood and you'll hear niggaz sitting around smoking weed and cussing about the White man all day long and how much of a devil he is and how he ain't shit.  Some even throw Asians into the mix and call the "Bruce Lee muthafuckaz".  Call Latinos some "taco eating muthafuckaz"......lol.
Clearly racist, but  they can't do shit about the people they're complaining about....because they have no power and little knowledge.

Being weak doesn't let you off the hook from being racist any more than being broke and homeless means you're a "good person".
It is what it is.

White folks have what they have not JUST because they're racist.....although their racism drives them and it's a heavy motivational factor.
They have what they have because they TOOK ACTION to seek the knowledge and build a world that benefits them.
If they just stayed up in the caves hating on Black folks down in our civilizations.....they'd still be up there.....racist as hell and savage.

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