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I will not post video because it's disturbing. 



France riots: What we know about Nahel Merzouk - the teenager who was shot dead by police

Nahel Merzouk was a member of the Pirates of Nanterre rugby club and also appeared in a music video alongside French rapper Jul.

Sunday 2 July 2023 08:11, UK






Nahel Merzouk, 17, who was of Algerian and Moroccan descent, was shot by a police officer during a traffic stop on Tuesday in the Paris suburb of Nanterre.




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Yeah, they're kicking up dust in France right now....lol.

This is because of two reasons:

1. The Blacks and Arabs of France are for the most part 1st and 2nd generation immigrants so they don't look at France as "theirs" and many don't mind destroying it.
2. Europeans in general don't tolerate police brutality as much as those in the U.S. who've become accustomed to it now.

Back in 1992 the beating of Rodney King sparked riots that lasted for days.
Back in the 60s police killings and raids set off riots as the people were so strong they found it intolerable.

Today, so much of American society has become a police state and so many police killings have taken place that many Americans have become numb to it.

Also, the mass incarceration and heavily medication of young men have also contributed to why there is less outrage in the U.S. over police brutality today than in the past.

Europe hasn't practiced mass incarceration......yet....so a lot of energized youth still roam the streets.

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


Europe hasn't practiced mass incarceration......yet....so a lot of energized youth still roam the streets.



Now this is a scary thought!

I hope that history will not be repeated though, because in the past, the Europeans, GERMANS, did practice mass incarceration--of the European Jews!

They put them in ghettos, then prison camps, and then exterminated them.


Also, I read only about two days ago, that another European country is burning the Koran!


This teenage that was killed, I feel so sorry for his mother. This reminds me of Trayvon Martin.

How could someone be so cruel and evil. 


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I heard they've been opening up the zoos and letting the animals run loose all over France.....lol.

There are videos of lions and zebras running down sidewalks in major cities.

Even the ANIMALS are tired of these damn devils.


On cue, the grandmother of the victim has spoken out.  She just wants the police officer who shot her grandson to be held accountable for his actions. 


As @Pioneer1 mentioned, knowing the country isn't theirs, people of color don't worry about racism overseas.  They've already accepted whatever comes with outsider status. 😎


One newspaper report stated the officer stated, 'stop the car engine or I will blow your f_____  head off'. 

Let's hope the young man didn't understand French, and that it wasn't a Christian Muslim thing.  Those

feelings of intolerance go back over 1,000 years.


What makes police brutality so vicious and difficult to understand is that it often goes against human nature.

Police officers are given the authority to harm and even kill people.
But when someone....even a cop...is trying to harm or kill you....your INSTINCTS are to either fight back or try to get away from the threat.
You're not thinking about some LAW....you're thinking about SURVIVAL and preserving your life.

If a cop has a gun pointed at a young mans head, even though he is "supposed" to stop and follow orders....it makes sense that he would get scared and try to flee the situation fearing for his life.

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

What makes police brutality so vicious and difficult to understand is that it often goes against human nature.

Police officers are given the authority to harm and even kill people.

Police officers exercise their authority to harm and kill people of color. 


Otherwise, police officers will do everything within their power to avoid killing white folks.


There's no shortage of videotaped incidents where the police have either 1) waited out a white criminal, 2) taken the white murderer to Burger King, 3) let a white murderer walk down the street with an assault rifle in hand or 4) begged and pleaded with white folks intent on killing others and/or themselves.


OTOH, people of color have been lit up like fireworks for far less.  It's on video too. 


I think about the sista who was in a fight with a white girl.  In broad daylight, the police officer shot her dead from distance because she had a knife and thinking she was going to harm the white girl. 


if that had been two white women fighting, the police officer would have run up to them and snatched the knife out of her hand.  Both women would still be alive.  The officer would be hailed a hero.


The police state against people of color has gotten a lot worse over the past several decades.  😎



I have to go back to what I said yesterday.......
Sho' do have plenty of Black police officers and deputies...lol.

I'm not sure what they're doing or where they are when the racist White cops are getting down and dirty, but they DO exist.
Atlanta, Detroit, D.C., got Black cops by the THOUSANDS.
They have guns and badges just like the White ones.
Is there some sort of governing system on their weapons that prevent them from using them on White criminals and suspects?

1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

Atlanta, Detroit, D.C., got Black cops by the THOUSANDS.

Sure.  Those aren't the cities where Black folks are usually being murdered by white cops. 


But, that blue wall of silence is real regardless.  That's why Black police officers don't say or do anything  even when they know racist cops are on the force. 😎

2 hours ago, ProfD said:


But, that blue wall of silence is real regardless.  That's why Black police officers don't say or do anything  even when they know racist cops are on the force. 😎

The wall of silence is real but I still have to wonder what the breakdown of percentages of the Black cops who don't speak up actually looks like.

Which reason do the MAJORITY of Black cops who don't speak up and challenge their racist White colleagues fall in to:

1. The blue wall of silence
2. Fear of retribution
3. Simply not caring about non-law enforcement Black folks




What you have to comprehend, and I hope you embrace the following idea well, most countries in modern humanity are filled with liars, the rich lie about where their wealth comes from, the poor lie about why they are denied wealth, the governments lie about the nature of their system, the governed lie about the reality of living under the system. The USA, rich or poor or government or general populace the governed , lie more than any one else in humanity, but has created an environment where most countries mirror the lying culture of the usa. 

France has always been anti non white or anti non european. But, a few rich in France, have some non white friends or non european friends and tout this egalitarianism. The government of France needed closest to enslaved labor but couldn't operate in the usa global system as in the past, so they had to invite poor people into france, the usa model.  But they only wanted their cheap  labor , in the same way the usa or england only wanted or wants cheap labor. But, the government of France was unable to say in the usa global system that they never planned on the cheap labor or any of their descendents to be anything in france but that, so France doesn't compute race in their statistics. A strong cover in a humanity whose media in nearly every corner of humanity, led by the USA of course, love statistics to prove or disprove, thus france can say, france is an aracial country cause no racial statistics exist. But the africans in france are liars as well. JAme sBAldwin in his book, I am not your negro flat out said, the algerian is the negro of france. I don't know how better to say it. Any african in France talking about being abused when you think about the relationship of senegal or algeria to france is a liar at the least or at the most a fool plus liar. The truth is a simple thing. It isn't desired by liars cause it invalidates their position. The government of france wants to say it is built to embrace all, when it isn't. The rich of france wants to say, they are open to profit for all when they don't. The poor of france wants to say they are a multiracial community when they are not. The poor of france in parts can't stand each other. The immigrants to france from outside europe, no matter the generation feel they should be accepted or embraced into france when they knew they were not and know they don't need to be. 

I have been to north africa, yes, their is poverty, alot of it, and the wealthy north africa has no interest in sharing wealth or supporting their impoverished neighbor. But, the immigrants to france from north africa can go home, home being where they came from. 

I know I have preached and I apologize. But, in this issue people are focusing away from the primary point. 

The lies eventually are undone by the truth. No shame in telling the truth even if it is a negativity. 





very simple, most in humanity are reared to be liars or aid or abet in the maintenance or proliferation of lies. 

Lies often are the least violent of negativities until the truth comes forward, which usually yields the most unfortunate results or consequences of all negativities.

On 7/3/2023 at 10:36 AM, Pioneer1 said:

heard they've been opening up the zoos and letting the animals run loose all over France.....lol.

There are videos of lions and zebras running down sidewalks in major cities.


Are you serious!? @Pioneer1

I hope not! Who could do such a thing to animals. That is cruel. 

It sounds like things are really getting out of control.



On 7/3/2023 at 12:30 PM, zeke1234 said:

One newspaper report stated the officer stated, 'stop the car engine or I will blow your f_____  head off'. 


But why would the police say that and with that kind of intensity just for a triffic violation!?

Something sounds wrong. 



On 7/3/2023 at 2:10 PM, ProfD said:



The police state against people of color has gotten a lot worse over the past several decades.  😎


Yes, @ProfD this is what I believe too. But I wonder if there is a conclusive reason for why this is NOW happening!

I believe that one reason has to do with putting Obama in office but I don't believe that is the main reason. 

On 7/3/2023 at 8:39 PM, richardmurray said:


I have been to north africa, yes, their is poverty, alot of it, and the wealthy north africa has no interest in sharing wealth or supporting their impoverished neighbor. But, the immigrants to france from north africa can go home, home being where they came from. 

I know I have preached and I apologize. But, in this issue people are focusing away from the primary point. 

The lies eventually are undone by the truth. No shame in telling the truth even if it is a negativity. 



Weel said! @richardmurray


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On 7/5/2023 at 1:24 AM, Chevdove said:


Are you serious!? @Pioneer1

I hope not! Who could do such a thing to animals. That is cruel. 

It sounds like things are really getting out of control.


I would think that it's a rather GOOD thing they did to those animals by freeing them up like that....lol.
Let zebras and gorillas run wild through the streets of Paris....lol.


Now the French government is talking about banning police protests.

  • Haha 1

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