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Why do so many of these Black men like Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather INSIST on making these nobody White men rich by even acknowledging their existence?

Nobody would even know who this clownish White boy (Jake Paul) WAS unless Tyson agreed to fight him.
Then he ends up losing to him.

Just helping White men make money.

They don't want to fight another Black man and help HIM make a few million.
Just pick one no-named White boy after another and prop them up on the world stage so he can win/lose and make a quick $50 million, and then disappear.

Meanwhile they're really looking for a "great white hope" who can go down on record as having whooped the Black champ and knock his ass out; so bruthaz better be careful.

Mayweather has a perfect record....I believe.
I haven't even bothered to google it, lol.
Nobody has beat him or knocked him out.

Why he continues to have these exhibition matches with these White boys and risk LOSING that record is beyond me, but rest assured they're looking for that one White dude who can beat him and go down in history as THEE top dog.

  • Pioneer1 changed the title to Why Iron Mike? Why?

Floyd Mayweather Jr. still has a perfect record.


Money is the only reason they agree to these exhibition fights. 


Need the great white hype to sell the fight.  An unknown or lesser known fighter won't suffice.


Iron Mike is over 50 years old. Surely, he doesn't have anything to prove. 


Clearly, Iron Mike is willing to sacrifice his boxing legacy for a quick pay day.


As a boxing fan, even I wouldn't watch those money-grab exhibitions.😎


@ProfD the fight was sanctioned — apparently  to allow for betting—which is all sports is about anyway.


@Pioneer1 the answer to your question is obvious. Mike did it for money. 

His opponent is widely known through YouTube. I never heard of him, but apparently many millions of other people have, which was part of the draw for the fight.


Like the good professor, I had no interest in watching the fight either I thought about placing a bet on Paul now I regret not doing it.


Mike Tyson in his prime was exciting to watch, but he’s almost as old as I am; who wants to see that? Hopefully he didn’t take too many blows to the head. I’d hate to see him win all that money and not be able to truly enjoy. At least his descendants will benefit from it.


Mike Tyson is a savvy business man. He sells gummies shaped like Evander Holyfield's eat. So they both get a check. He is also very philosophical and says some deep snit from time to time.

  • Haha 1

I was kinda HOPING that Mike would win because it would make older Black men look better...lol.

Mike is obviously not your typical man and is clearly genetically gifted with strength and speed, however it would have looked SO good to see a 58 year old Black man go toe to toe with a 20 something year old White boy and whoop his ass...lol.

3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

it would have looked SO good to see a 58 year old Black man go toe to toe with a 20 something year old White boy and whoop his ass...lol.

Well, this is why people watch boxing. They always have some reason to support one pugilist over the other.

You apparently forgot what it was like to be 20 something 🙂

6 hours ago, Troy said:

Because the average 20 year can handle the average 50 year old. It is why you never see 50 year olds engaged in professional combat sports.

While this may be true, Mike Tyson isn't "average".
Look at how my man is built at 58 years of age.



Mike Tyson sagt, dass sein Comeback-Kampf im Februar „wirklich aufregend“  sein wird


That's not the body of the "average" 50 something year old man....lol.

That's why I was hoping he'd won.

And since the fight was probably "fixed" anyway, they probably could have orchestrated it FOR him to win and make the middle-aged fellas look better, lol.

1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

While this may be true, Mike Tyson isn't "average".
Look at how my man is built at 58 years of age.

That's not the body of the "average" 50 something year old man....lol.

No doubt Iron Mike is still cut up body-wise.  At his age, stamina and speed won't be the same.


In a *fair* fight, Iron Mike would really have had to get his opponent outta there within 3 rounds. Beyond that, he'd get tired and lose speed and power.


1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

That's why I was hoping he'd won.

And since the fight was probably "fixed" anyway, they probably could have orchestrated it FOR him to win and make the middle-aged fellas look better, lol.

The *fight* was about selling the white guy's brand. Iron Mike legitimized the *show*.


That  boxing exhibition was no different from Iron Mike being in the "Hangover" movie. Money grab.😎

12 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

That's not the body of the "average" 50 something year old man....lol.

Sorry, I was unclear. meaning take the average professional boxer who is 20 Tyson when stand a chance, same for the average man. 

And you can’t just go by looks. I would hate to imagine what the impact of the solid blow to Tyson‘s head would do to him today and I doubt he has the same level of stamina he did in his 20s.


10 hours ago, ProfD said:


Yes, and they’re very few professional boxes who could’ve attracted the box office the way Tyson can.


I still haven’t seen the “fight.”

1 hour ago, Troy said:

Yes, and they’re very few professional boxes who could’ve attracted the box office the way Tyson can.

Let's just hope Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis and Roy Jones Jr. don't decide to cash in and follow Tyson's lead.


1 hour ago, Troy said:

I still haven’t seen the “fight.”

Same here.  Zero interest in the *show fight* whatsoever.  I'd watch a random Netflix original movie instead.😁😎

On 11/26/2024 at 7:51 PM, ProfD said:

Let's just hope Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis and Roy Jones Jr. don't decide to cash in and follow Tyson's lead.


Awe man I hope they don't either.........

I'm glad Muhammad Ali had the good sense to retire and get out of the game before the White folks were able to TRY to disgrace him and his legacy.

1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

I'm glad Muhammad Ali had the good sense to retire and get out of the game before the White folks were able to TRY to disgrace him and his legacy.

They kinda tried it with the Larry Holmes fight.


Thankfully, Holmes had so much respect for The Greatest that he refused to punish him.


Muhammad Ali had zero business in the ring at that point in his life. They were using him to get a bag of money.😎

8 minutes ago, ProfD said:

They kinda tried it with the Larry Holmes fight.


Thankfully, Holmes had so much respect for The Greatest that he refused to punish him.


Muhammad Ali had zero business in the ring at that point in his life. They were using him to get a bag of money.😎

I was actually thinking of Larry Holmes when I was typing up that post.
I didn't mention him because the situation was different.
Larry wasn't White and I think it was a legitimate "come up" for him as a Black man to fight another Black champ.

With somebody as good and as outspoken as Ali, they aren't counting on another Black man to take him out and potentially TAKE HIS PLACE.
Another physically and mentally dominant and charismatic Black man for the world to look up to.

They were hoping for a WHITE man to take him out.

They don't call it the "great white hope" for nothing, lol.

39 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

I was actually thinking of Larry Holmes when I was typing up that post.
I didn't mention him because the situation was different.
Larry wasn't White and I think it was a legitimate "come up" for him as a Black man to fight another Black champ.

Muhammad Ali was in no shape to be in that ring mentally or physically. He was nothing like Iron Mike even at 58 years old.


White folks were still behind the money part of making that *fight*. 😎



I'm inclined to agree either way, however can you be a little more clear.........

Are you saying Ali at 58 was nothing like Tyson at 58?
In which, I DEFINITELY agree.
You don't find too many 58 year olds built like Tyson was able to train himself up to be.

Or are you saying that even in his PRIME Ali wasn't as built as a 58 year old Tyson.
Based on the pictures I've seen of Ali back in his youth, I'd agree to that also.
He was definitely in shape, but never too muscular or "ripped" looking.

🤔.........and what's up with Tyson KISSING a man and literally showing his ass before the fight?????

20 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Are you saying Ali at 58 was nothing like Tyson at 58?

Yes, that is what I was saying, but I wasn’t completely serious, which I hope the smiley face had indicated. It would’ve been great to see an Ali versus Tyson fight with each of them in their respective prime.


20 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

KISSING a man and literally showing his ass before the fight?????

I did not see the fight, not even a clip from the bout, so I have no idea what you’re talking about. That said Tyson always was known for unusual behavior…

20 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

🤔.........and what's up with Tyson KISSING a man and literally showing his ass before the fight?????

I haven't seen the fight or any backstage footage.


I heard the guy Iron Mike was talking to and kissed was his son.


The camera crew must have caught Iron Mike walking around in his jock strap. Only way to catch him.azz out.😁😎


I haven't seen the fight either, but this has been going around the internet for a couple weeks now.
I'm surprised neither of you have seen it.

It was brought to my attention when I heard Tariq Nasheed mention it in one of his broadcasts.
When he said it, I couldn't believe it until I saw it for myself.
People were claiming it was some sort of "buck breaking" initiation.

Not sure about this but.
Showing his ass is one thing.  It's goofy but not TOO disgraceful.
Actually kissing that man...especially BEFORE showing his ass...is the REAL disgrace....in my opinion.

I don't know of any FBA man of any generation that thinks kissing a man you're not immediately related to, is ok.

17 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Showing his ass is one thing.  It's goofy but not TOO disgraceful.

It does seem weird that a camera crew 1) filmed him and 2) didn't edit the footage before making it public.


17 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

I don't know of any FBA man of any generation that thinks kissing a man you're not immediately related to, is ok.

In his prime, Mike Tyson used to kiss his trainer Kevin Rooney on the cheek same way right before he went in the ring and KO'd his opponent. 


Again, I believe the guy interviewing Iron Mike was his son.  Sounds like he say's "love you dad".  Iron Mike responds in kind.😎



Again, I believe the guy interviewing Iron Mike was his son.  Sounds like he say's "love you dad".  Iron Mike responds in kind.

Ok, I HOPE this is true.
That would make more sense.

You don't hear much about Mike's children, especially his adult and male children.
What got the most attention was his daughter being killed in that exercise equipment accident, not the goings-on of his other children.

After you said that went back to listen carefully and it DID sound like he said that.


Why did they have to show his ass?

And why wasn't some sort of caption shown with the dude's name (Amir?) and "Tyson" last name on it to provide more context?
I went through a bunch of these clips to find a "good" one that showed both the kiss and the ass shot together and in none of them did they offer the viewers a background of who that guy was with the mic who was interviewing Tyson.
Nearly ALL of them showed the same thing...just some young Black man in a suit giving Mike a brief 10 second interview before he walks off.

How are people supposed to know that was Mike's son unless his name was up there.
You barely even see a good view of the dude.

This does NOT look good to the rest of the world.
Especially those who don't speak English or aren't familiar with American culture.

They don't see Mike being affectionate to his own son.
All they see is one Black man kissing another one before walking off showing his ass.
That's what they SEE....and no background or context for a further explanation.
So I still say it was in poor taste.


9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Why did they have to show his ass?

And why wasn't some sort of caption shown with the dude's name (Amir?) and "Tyson" last name on it to provide more context?

How are people supposed to know that was Mike's son unless his name was up there.

This does NOT look good to the rest of the world.
Especially those who don't speak English or aren't familiar with American culture.

They don't see Mike being affectionate to his own son.
All they see is one Black man kissing another one before walking off showing his ass.
That's what they SEE....and no background or context for a further explanation.
So I still say it was in poor taste.

Black folks do not own or control the media outlets responsible for the narratives or images being projected out into the world. 


Add that to the list of things that need to be *fixed* in dismantling the system of racism white supremacy.😎

On 12/6/2024 at 1:49 PM, ProfD said:

Black folks do not own or control the media outlets responsible for the narratives or images being projected out into the world. 


But most Black folks DO own and control THEMSELVES.
Nobody is making them engage in such silly and disgraceful behavior that would ALLOW their enemies to humiliate them like that.

Why would Mike or his son do such an interview with him walking around in a jock-strap with his ass out?
We know Mike doesn't have too much sense, but his son....is he mentally deficient as well?
It would seem that between the two of them, atleast ONE of them would have thought about how such a scene would look going out to the world.

1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

It would seem that between the two of them, atleast ONE of them would have thought about how such a scene would look going out to the world.

You're right. Iron Mike should have insisted on being dressed before anyone was allowed in the dressing room and cameras started recording.😎


Maybe y’all are putting too much on iron Mike. Doesn’t he has people around him, handlers, who I assume will take care of and protect him?

Maybe on some level he’s being exploited encouraged to go into the ring again, allowing him to be captured and less than complementary situations. he was not the only one who made a of money maybe the people around him don’t have his best interest at heart who knows…



Honestly, I'm not blaming Mike too much for this.
I know his cornbread isn't baked all the way through and he has a well documented HISTORY of not making the wisest decisions.

But even HE should be more careful about kissing a man while wearing a g-string, especially with the camera rolling.

I blame his handlers even more.
The White ones....who knows what kind of devious shit they're up to; but the Black ones should have been more protective of images like this.  They should know better.  

Some of this shit is just common sense.

Do you think Oscar De La Hoya or Roberto Duran would have been caught on camera in a g-string with their ass out kissing another man even if it was their own son?

Latino men wouldn't even let that image get out.
Not only do they value the "macho" image more, but they are more self-aware about the image they portray in public.

9 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Honestly, I'm not blaming Mike too much for this.


I blame his handlers even more.
The White ones....who knows what kind of devious shit they're up to; but the Black ones should have been more protective of images like this.  They should know better. 

A grown azz Black man shouldn't need handlers.  Especially if they're not looking out for and controlling everything within his best interests.😎

4 hours ago, ProfD said:

A grown azz Black man shouldn't need handlers.  Especially if they're not looking out for and controlling everything within his best interests.😎

Mike Tyson isn't really a "grown" ass man.
He's physically grown, but mentally he's still a child.


1 hour ago, Pioneer1 said:

Mike Tyson isn't really a "grown" ass man.
He's physically grown, but mentally he's still a child.

Iron Mike isn't mentally compromised at all. 


Check out the one man show he did many years ago. 


Mike detailed his whole life in those sold out shows.  Made a lot of money too.😎


As I just wrote in the other thread, Iron Mike has made a ton of money as a boxer, actor and businessman. He owns a legal weed dispensary.


If mentally compromised, Iron Mike hasn't done too bad for himself chasing money.


I have no idea of why Iron Mike showed his azz but I doubt it was a mental problem.🤣😎


I don't think any of us are in a position to determine if Mike is mentally compromised.  We only know what we see in the media, which is always a distortion, if not outright deliberate manipulation.


If I had to guess, I'd say Mike is within a standard deviation of average intelligence.  I think biting off a man ear reflects some psychological issues, but I'm not in a position to make a diagnosis.


Mike's celebrity and great fighting skill is responsible for his financial success, as these things are highly valued in our culture -- much more than above average intelligence.

2 hours ago, Troy said:

We only know what we see in the media, which is always a distortion, if not outright deliberate manipulation.

Right. Part of being a celebrity is playing up to the narrative. They become actors in real life. 

2 hours ago, Troy said:

I think biting off a man ear reflects some psychological issues, but I'm not in a position to make a diagnosis.

That was definitely some crazy sh8t.🤣


Iron Mike could plead temporary insanity in that situation.😁


Evander Holyfield wasn't afraid of Iron Mike like previous opponents. Holyfield was whupping his azz. 😁


Iron Mike short circuited and went into defensive mode and became Cujo.🤣

2 hours ago, Troy said:

Mike's celebrity and great fighting skill is responsible for his financial success, as these things are highly valued in our culture -- much more than above average intelligence.

Even after being robbed of millions of dollars by a few people, Iron Mike is still well off  financially.


I don't believe that would be the case if Mike was at or below average intelligence. 


H8ll, people above average intelligence can't figure out how to make millions of dollars.😎

  • Haha 1

Troy & ProfD


So yall believe Mike is mentally average?


🤔.....eat your asshole alive?









🤔....a trained professional fighter admitting on national television that he hits women?


And there's FAAAAR more videos I could show.
This is just a sample.


You two SERIOUSLY believe that men of AVERAGE intelligence would speak and behave the way Mike does?

Oh, I'm sorry....you're UNDECIDED.
Despite all of his well documented and publicized behavior over the decades, you still "can't determine or judge" whether Mike is mentally deficient or has psychological issues?

Still on the fence on this one, huh?

Ok.  Gotcha -😉


Oh, by the way...........

Y'all talk about he must not be mentally impaired if he was able to become a millionaire.

1. He got rich as a by-product of making OTHER people richer.

2. He became rich because of his ATHLETIC/PHYSICAL talent....not his mental abilities.

He's a gifted athlete with strength and speed and he was trained on how to use it by people much smarter than him.
People who often took advantage of him BECAUSE of his mental problems.

I personally think it's a good thing that we live in a society where a person CAN use their talents to enrich themselves and make their lives more comfortable despite their other short comings.

There are probably better more intelligent fighters in impoverished nations who wished they had a FRACTION of the opportunities afforded to many of us here in the United States to improve their lives.

2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

You two SERIOUSLY believe that men of AVERAGE intelligence would speak and behave the way Mike does?

He has to be at least average in order to function independently.😁


 Most people on the planet are of average intelligence.


53 minutes ago, Pioneer1 said:

Oh, by the way...........

Y'all talk about he must not be mentally impaired if he was able to become a millionaire.

1. He got rich as a by-product of making OTHER people richer.

2. He became rich because of his ATHLETIC/PHYSICAL talent....not his mental abilities.

He's a gifted athlete with strength and speed and he was trained on how to use it by people much smarter than him.
People who often took advantage of him BECAUSE of his mental problems.

Sure.  The "dumb jock" belief has been around for a very long time. 


Some of Iron Mike's behavior over the past several decades would definitely fit that narrative. 


I still don't believe he's mentally impaired or as unintelligent as some folks think.😎




He doesn't function independently.
Almost every time you see him in public...he has people around him.
I'm guessing to keep him calm and watch him to make sure he doesn't say or do anything to get himself in trouble.



I still don't believe he's mentally impaired or as unintelligent as some folks think.


Aaaaah...moving the goal posts just a little bit, lol.


First he wasn't mentally impaired AT ALL.

Well, he may be just a LITTLE bit touched.
But he's not AS impaired as people claim he is....lol.

4 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

He doesn't function independently.
Almost every time you see him in public...he has people around him.

Iron Mike is still a celebrity. Of course people will around  him when he's in public.


But, I'm willing to bet that all by himself, Iron Mike jumps in his vehicles and rides around in Nevada or wherever he resides now. 

4 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

I still don't believe he's mentally impaired or as unintelligent as some folks think.


Aaaaah...moving the goal posts just a little bit, lol.

Re-read what I wrote. No moving goalpost. 


I'm not defending Iron Mike either. He's said and done crazy sh8t over the years. That tattoo on his face made no sense.🤣


Still, I don't believe Iron Mike's actions are an indictment of his mental faculties.😎




Still, I don't believe Iron Mike's actions are an indictment of his mental faculties.


Well if a person's ACTIONS aren't an indictment or INDICATION of their mental faculties, then what is???

How do you know if a person is crazy or not if they aren't out there ACTING crazy?


If you see a nigga running in and out of traffic butt naked throwing pieces of candy at cars as they pass by....
Would you reserve judgement about his mental stability?

4 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Well if a person's ACTIONS aren't an indictment or INDICATION of their mental faculties, then what is???

How do you know if a person is crazy or not if they aren't out there ACTING crazy?


If you see a nigga running in and out of traffic butt naked throwing pieces of candy at cars as they pass by....
Would you reserve judgement about his mental stability?

We don't know if people are legimitely crazy or high on drugs or both.🤣😎

On 12/9/2024 at 10:03 AM, ProfD said:

H8ll, people above average intelligence can't figure out how to make millions of dollars.😎


Again, if they could box like Mike and the willingness to train,  a millions a dollars+ would be automatic.  Look we pay football players 3/4 of a billion dollars while teachers, in the south struggle to make decent wage.


@Pioneer1  Again it is easy to find unflattering stuff especially about Black people.  If I spent time looking for examples of Mike Sounding of at least average intelligence.


As @ProfD says and Tyson admits drugs is was a factor in his behavior, he has dealt personal trauma that has resulted in low self-esteem. He was not well educated. He may be a little punch drunk. But none of this means that he is dumb or below average intelligence.


I have higher than average intelligence (academic, book), but I regularly do things that are objectively dumb.  There are different types of intelligences, so maybe we should talk about the intelligence you are referring too.







53 minutes ago, Troy said:

Again, if they could box like Mike and the willingness to train,  a millions a dollars+ would be automatic.  Look we pay football players 3/4 of a billion dollars...

Not automatic.


Opportunities and luck are factors too. 


Plenty gifted and talented people never made it for one reason or another.   Bad luck.  Limited or no opportunities.


OTOH, no shortage of ungifted and non-talented folks have made a fortune.  Luck and opportunities.


53 minutes ago, Troy said:

...while teachers, in the south struggle to make decent wage.

From a capitalistic perspective, teachers are undervalued because 1) there's no shortage of them and 2) their services while important don't make money.


OTOH, athletes and entertainers generate wealth.  They fill sports stadiums and concert halls with fans who pay to see and hear them including teachers.


Here in America we pay medical professionals huge amounts of money because the pharmaceutical industry is big business and makes a ton of money


In other parts of the world, medical professionals get paid like teachers here.  No big business boosting them.


Being intelligent and/or gifted doesn't automatically make money.  


The ability to capitalize on intellect and talent  and other attributes and assets directly or indirectly makes money.


There's also a reason that so many smart people work for dumb people.🤣😎

4 hours ago, ProfD said:

1) there's no shortage of them


There is shortage of good teachers.


4 hours ago, ProfD said:

2) their services while important don't make money.


Of course they do ever hear of Harvard?


4 hours ago, ProfD said:

Not automatic.


It is about as automatic as it gets man. 


4 hours ago, ProfD said:


Being intelligent and/or gifted doesn't automatically make money.  


Agreed, because intellect is not values as much as brawn -- particularly when it comes to Black men.  

2 hours ago, Troy said:

There is shortage of good teachers.

I've been hearing that for many years.  I'd like to know what qualities makes a *good* teacher. 


Schools certainly aren't closing due to a teacher shortage.  The teachers must be *good enough* to keep the doors open. 

2 hours ago, Troy said:

Of course they do ever hear of Harvard?

Teachers or in the case of Harvard, professors make a salary but they do not generate money for the institution. 


Money pours into institutions from athletic programs, grants, donations and tuition.


2 hours ago, Troy said:

It is about as automatic as it gets man. 

I don't know what you're referring to as automatic.


2 hours ago, Troy said:

Agreed, because intellect is not values as much as brawn -- particularly when it comes to Black men.  

Actually, most of the wealthiest people in the world are smart to some degree.😎

8 hours ago, ProfD said:

I'd like to know what qualities makes a *good* teacher. 


You ever put kids through school? 


We can compare the performance of our schools against other countries, or look at the performance of the schools in our low-income neighborhoods


8 hours ago, ProfD said:

The teachers must be *good enough* to keep the doors open. 


Yes, of course, but that is a low bar.


8 hours ago, ProfD said:

Teachers or in the case of Harvard, professors make a salary but they do not generate money for the institution. 


Think that one through a bit more my Brother 🙂


8 hours ago, ProfD said:

Actually, most of the wealthiest people in the world are smart to some degree.😎


Yes, Like Iron Mike.

1 hour ago, Troy said:

We can compare the performance of our schools against other countries, or look at the performance of the schools in our low-income neighborhoods

If the US was really serious about education, it would put more effort into mirroring states with the best schools. For example, Massachusetts ranks #1 in the nation. 


However, education is a collaborative effort between educators and parents and communities. 


Poor people and low-income neighborhoods are conpromised by several factors before children start school.


It's by design that some people are poorly educated here in the US.


Still, the overall literacy rate in America ranks high and brawn insures its protection.😁


1 hour ago, Troy said:

Think that one through a bit more my Brother 🙂

Baseball player Juan Soto just got a 15 year/$765 million dollar contract. He generates money for his team.


There's not a professor on any college campus in America who either makes $50 million per year in salary or who generates that much money for the institution.


1 hour ago, Troy said:

Yes, Like Iron Mike.

Iron Mike is rich. He's not wealthy. Check Forbes.😁😎

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