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Campaign rhetoric is just loaded with coded phrases contrived to convey the goal of getting that black president out of office and "taking this country back"! Race-wise, America is regressing. White movers and shakers are not yet ready to share their power. And racial equality has reverted back to being a myth..

As far as the upcoming election goes, if the best interest of Liberals are to be served, alliances and voting blocs are going to have to be formed in order to stave off the conservative tide that seeks to restrict people's sexual, gender, and religious choices. Women are going to have to step up and vote for their reproductive rights, and Independents are going to have to exert their influence against the Republican Evangelicals who want to impose their puritanical/hypocritical religious values on everybody. Whether this will happen or not remains to be seen because it's hard to gauge what people's priorities are now days.

All of this along with the ongoing problems that include the economy, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the specter of war with Iran do not bode well for the future. the United States as we know it is going to undergo change. America no longer has a national character or common beliefs and goals. Those of like minds will inevitably gravitate toward each other and maybe even settle in different regions of the country. Hopefully the fragmented governments will be able to co-exist without doing battle for control.

America, at any time, could either implode or explode. And ironically it may be the climate that will strike the final blow.

Happy Doomsday, everybody! :D

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Biotumelo, I hope you resolve you PC problem soon :(

Cynique, the country is already quite stratified. In places as "diverse" as NYC segregation is quite evident within individual neighborhoods.

Shortly after Obama was elected I predicted that he would not be reelected for a 2nd term. I stand by th prediction today.

Before Obama annouced his candidancy I predicted that he would be the next president.

The predictions are based upon the same sentiments, people are desperate for a "change" for the better.

Unless there are some very fundamental changes in our system, things will only get only worse in America.

Black folks, as usual are the canaries in the mine shaft leading the way in every negative category, but as Black folks go so does the rest of the country...

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