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Authentic or Too late Wannbes...?

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The question uppermost in my mind was where is this rag tag brigade of revolutionaries gonna get the money to finance their overthrow of the government???

Ha! Ha! Ha! These gray matter challenged pathetic Negroes couldn't run a corner grocery store let alone finance an army or operate a government.

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Why don't you ask THEM?

Ask them what? I don't need to ask them anything. It's not necessary to ask a buffoonish acting enraged Negro what he is doing. It's very obvious......

What the hell do WE have to do with the Black Panthers?

Who said you did have affiliation with the New Black Panthers? I just posted a video link for those who may not be familiar with this rag tag fringe coon group.

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Ask them what? I don't need to ask them anything. It's not necessary to ask a buffoonish acting enraged Negro what he is doing. It's very obvious......

Who said you did have affiliation with the New Black Panthers? I just posted a video link for those who may not be familiar with this rag tag fringe coon group.

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Just what is your definition of a "coon", Xeon? The increasing frequency with which you are starting to use this term is leading me to believe that you apply the "coon" label the same way some black people apply the "uncle tom" label, using it as a convenient way to dismiss another black person who doesn't comply with your approach to life. This practice is not unlike calling every white person who isn't politically correct a "racist", and all of the above hark back to the times of the "cold war" when the Red scare drove fanatical Russian-fearing Americans to brand anybody who wasn't a super patriot a "Communist". Even today right-wing conservatives who fear the government programs of President Obama are employing this tactic. Bottom line is that putting people in boxes does not invalidate them.

It's so much easier to just express your disagreement with a person's stance and perhaps give a reason for it, rather than to resort to this lazy way of trying to discredit them by putting a label on them. I say all of this to say that, these latter day Black Panthers are nothing, if not sincere. In the frustration that stems from their being losers in a society that has kicked them to the curb, they are seeking to emulate a group who at one time shook up the white establishment. To call them coons or buffoons is not an accurate assessment. They are not playing the clown or explemplifying vulgar humor. Or are they degrading themselves with ridiculous behavior. They are demonstrating their grievances in the only way they know how. Does this make them coons? I beg to differ. Pathetic? Yes. Coons? No.

BTW, I'm sure that "bookfan" would accuse me of categorizing him when I responded to his attempt to categorize me by implying that I was anti-semitic. To him I would say that I was very specific in my retort which was a reaction indicative of my growing impression of him.

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