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Did LeBron James stab Cleveland in the Back?

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Every Negro should keep up on basketball.

It is one of the few things you got going.

Anyway, he did NOT stab Cleveland in the back.

Just the same, I hope he was moved out of his house, his bags was packed and he had a plane ticket in his pocket when he made that decision.

Tyger Woods is the Obama of Golf. Will LeBron be the Obama of Basketball?

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LeBron didn't stab Cleveland in the back but since he has no balls, he decided to kick The Cavaliers in theirs.

All that glitters is not gold. The trio of players about to descend on Miami might be more brass than class. The chemistry has to be right and there's no guarantee that The Heat can fuse a championship from this top-heavy conglomerate. Fate is fickle and sometimes mocks too much of a good thing.

Of course, I'm choking on the sour grapes served up by the snub The Chicago Bulls have just endured. How do I feel about LaBron James?? "BOOOOOOO-ZER!"

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LeBron is using his talents in ways that no other baller has before. He is playing the NBA rather than getting played by them. He is demonstrating control over his destiny. He has not allowed money alone to dictate his decisions.

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Of course I have a lot to say about the Bronze Bomber (did it before), but I have more to say about Miami's chances of winning a ring. I mean, the Lakers are still there, and if we do the math by the numbers (from the top) it's a no-brainer.

But I am not going to hate on the Le Bronze Tron for any of his decisions. All that silly gossip about Lebron being a coward and disloyal, is obviously coming from people that know little about basketball and the history of the NBA, and less about business.

After looking at the coments of Cleveland's owner, who would question Lebron decision to leave that team? Lebron put ugly money in the man's pocket. Now he's going around crying like a 1863 slave owner. You know, like one of those Mr Charlie's from Texas that didn't want the slaves to know that they were free. But we need guys like him. Without such, we wouldn't have cookouts... Juneteenth baby, Juneteenth!

But I am going to say it loud/like I am black and proud. Kobe & Lakers! Don't never forget the buck stops there!

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Troy I think basketball or any sport is won off the court as much as the skills needed on the court/field. If we look at the history of the NBA, there's a history of what comprises a winning team. First and foremost, we have to look at the front office. Then we have to look at the coach. Millionaire ball players are not the easiest to handle. Throw that in the mix with inflated ego's, and one better have a coach that knows basketball AND has a very special skillset of handling interacial issues and personality conflicts.

On the basketball floor, history tells us that a winning team needs a strong center (except for Jordan's years). And, everyone on the team has to know "who's the man".

Considering all of the above, I believe the Lakers thrump Maimi in several areas, if not all. But, as you said, we will see.

Hey, maybe this is the year of the Knicks? They went out and got a "star". I know you have season tickets.

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Of course, LeBron took the NBA is a different direction by immersing himself in the hype and hoopla of the show biz arena, Troy. Yes, his decision was a shrewd business move. Indeed he has set the stage for the future of professional sports. Unfortunately.

And, there is an observation that can be made about LeBron's lack of fortitude. He took the easy way out. He insulated himself with the security blanket of 2 other players who will help him shoulder the load - and the blame. An athlete with the heart of a champion steps up his game and takes on new challenges. Michael Jordan was famous for telling his critics who reminded him that there is no "I" in the word "team", an admonition to which he replied, but there is an "I" in the word "win". MJ had the killer instinct and the mental toughness to hang in there until he was able to dominate and snatch victory.

LaBron is a talented wimp. Had he been a good team leader, Cleveland wouldv'e gotten past the first rounds in the playoffs, and he wouldn't now have to hook up with veteran players who will take up his slack. I actually would've had more respect for him had he gone to New York or New Jersey, where he would have to rely on nothing more than a good supporting cast. But I'm old school. Let entrepreneurs applaud his decision. Let the games begin.

As for Cleveland's petulant owner, he did LeBron a favor, - took the heat off of him by demonstrating how his ex-boss has less class than he has.

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Cynique in LeBron's case don't hate the playa hatee he game. Professional sports was jacked when they became big business; it became more about money than the love of the sport.

Can you image a time when professional players had to work as car salemen during the off season to make ends meet. Players use to actually live in the community with the fans. Go to the local bars they were part of the community.

LeBron, if he is sucessful (wins a championship), will build a global franchise: He and his boys will make FAR more money than the relatively platry sums offered by the NBA.

The game of basketball is incidental.

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Nobody is begruding LeBron James the money, but it's not like there aren't dozens of other NBA stars who are making mega bucks without going the route that he did.

I don't hate the guy, I just don't admire him, and I don't think anybody other than the fans in Miama look upon him as a hero. This potential blacklash may even stunt his chances of garnering endorsements. Because of his grand standing, Corporate America might adopt the same attitude as the vindictive CEO of the Cavaliers.

I also wouldn't be surprised if the 3-headed monster didn't end up being loudly booed in every stadium but their home court and, of couse, all the other teams will play the Heat extra hard. LeBron's lucrative innovative experiment may just end up backfiring. But, who knows? And, actually, I don't really care cuz it's no skin off my back and no money in my pocket. LOL

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