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am not surprised that the sharpest mind here is interested in the topic. Nor am I surprised by that you are not. Your need to be followed, is the reason why you are posting on a topic that you have no to little interest.

Who said I wasn't interested?
If I weren't interested in the topic of magic I wouldn't be posting so much in this thread and asking for verification.

Lol, THIS is how I treat topics that I'm not interested in:


"I didn't ask you the question because I was curious about the answer. The question evoked a response from you to demonstate your thinly veiled antagonism to the topic."

Well if your intention was to get a response from me, then congradulations.....because you certainly did.

It's not the TOPIC of magic that I'm antagonistic about, although I must admit that I am skeptical of a lot of claims that many people put out until they offer proof.....it's the CHARLATANS who make their living taking advantage of already disadvantaged and often weak minded people that I take issue with.

Your posts are more revelatory than thought provoking.

In your opinion.

((shruggs shoulders))

Now sir......
Will you kindly give us SPECIFIC EVENTS and  SPECIFIC DATES (or a reasonable time frame within a few days) that will verify your skills as a predictor of future event?

I know these are predictions and not prophecies so I don't expect them to be 100% accurate.
However they MUST be something far more direct and specific than:

:ph34r:"Some time this year between January and December Donald Trump is going to be exposed as a racist who has trouble respecting women".

I don't make these requests out of malice.
I ask out of sincere desire AND INTEREST in the subject because if you indeed have these abilities our communities are in desparate need for brothers like you and you could be of tremendous service.....if you already aren't.




But back to the specifics of the Trump spell. I dunno, while it may sound silly to me, going through the process suing all the items may help people focus their mental energy maybe it is not so silly, if it works for some. But again that sort of thing is not for me.

For me, the proof is in the pudding.

I come from a more or less scientific and logical angle.....either it WORKS or it DOES NOT.

No matter how silly it seems, if it works....I believe.
On the flip side of that, if it doesn't work....I won't believe (yet anyway).

Without PROOF or atleast a proponderance of evidence in favor of it, much of it sounds like just another form of ESCAPISM where people who are too afraid to confront their problems in life will try to look for indirect ways to improve their lot or explain away what they don't WANT to understand.

Rather than organizing a political and social movement to challenge the radical right wing, they'd rather hide in the closet and burn candles or concoct magical potions hoping THIS will make the evil racists and bigots just disappear.




I don't really do "astrology" but what you call "magical talk" is has been given validity in the sphere of Meta-physics, which has always captivated me with its concept of energizing thoughts into things by tapping into the universe which is the source of all energy. Involved in this is the projecting of visualized images into the universe and then making these images materialize by channeling them back into your life. This is known as the "as above, so below" principle and is what "bright ideas" and "inspirations" spring from. As is the power of positive thinking, which even the medical profession advocates. And, of course, for every action there is a reaction, so negative energy exists and this is the stuff of black "magic" .

Quantum physics also figures into "magic" because what it observes defies explanation when it demonstrates how an object can be 2 places at the same time, and it even casts doubt on believing what you see because, in its realm, what you look at, changes as soon as you look away from it. Fascinating stuff!

Well for one....
I understand what you're saying about quantum physics and energy,but is THAT what Delano is talking about?
From what I've read of his posts and admittedly MY limited understanding (which could be wrong) of what he's saying.....he's talking about horoscopes, Western based astrology based on a European Gregorian calendar system, and crystal balls.

I understand what you're saying about positive and negative energy but I'm not 100% sure if everything you put out comes back to you whether it's positive OR negative; just like I'm not sure that everyone who experiences negativity someone put it out in the universe first.

When you have small children being killed or seriously wounded whether in Los Angeles from a bullet or Syria from high tech weapons being used on them....what "negativity" did they put out at such a young age to meet such a fate????

Cause and effect.
They didn't get hurt because of THEIR negativity, they got hurt because of SOMEONE ELSE'S negativity.

I'm sorry but a lot of what this new age doctrine sounds too much like the religious dogma the elitists have been using through out history to oppress people.
Somehow BLAMING THE VICTIM for their condition rather than the victimizers.

Hindus used to say people who were born in a low caste as slaves and servants to be abused somehow deserved to be there because of some "negativity" they commited in a previous lifetime.

Christians who enslaved Black people blamed some Hamitic curse as the negativity that justified their condition.

Now you have a group of people today claiming that people who are suffering somehow put out negative energy....often times unknowingly.....and that's why they are in their condition.
All they have to do is "believe hard" and "think positive thoughts" and things will be alright.

....rather than blaming  a corrupt and wicked system that oppresses people and focusing on replacing it.

I believe in cause and effect, but I believe in a more DIRECT version.

Like I said before, without concrete evidence and proof, much of it seems to be a form of escapism where people avoid taking direct action to improve their condition.

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@Troy    I don't think spirituality and quantum physics are related but i do think inexplicable magick may have something to do with quantum physics.  I do think meta-physics are involved in spirituality because  generating energy and visualizing images involves the participation of a focused human entity 


@Pioneer1 Positive and negative thinking are probably more applicable  "after the fact" than "before it".  Before-the-fact is more akin to wishing.  After-the-fact is about trying to influence an existing condition, something that often calls for the kind of extraordinary powers which everyone doesn't possess. Luck is a random dynamic, and it is something that figures in both good and bad occurrences.



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#Troy a while back i mentioned the physicist from what the bleep donwe know. Have you read him

 I believe his name was Amit Swami.

Cynique You are sounding more and more like a Magus.


@Pioneer statistics is my hobby. The bit where I was doing free readings here has past. I offered a Magic Spell to Mel. People arent generally appreciative of free stuff.

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No, Del I have not read Amit's books but I have seen parts of the film.  Below is a link to your original post on Amit from 2013, for the benefit of others.  I have read a few books on the subject.  

What I find most amazing is that I went through 8 years of college and had no idea about the field of quantum mechanics.  My idea of the behavior of an atom was from the stone age.  It is a fascinating field and would probably interest kids if there were passionate teachers and systems willing to teach this stuff.  I did even understand the relationship between atoms and chemistry, magnetism and light--nothing!

You don't even have to get into the "we are all connected" stuff.  I'm wowed by what little we know. 


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8 hours ago, Troy said:

I went through 8 years of college

College, as I've learned doesn't do the job it intended...which is to teach us how to learn, unlearn and relearn.  It is more of an apprentice shop-light for the field you've chosen as a vocation.   Sort of like a school for monomaths vs a school for polymaths. 

Once I figured that out, I chucked all that I learned in college and returned to the mechanics of  what I learned at  Tech (which does teach you how to learn (or at least it did when we attended)).   All this to say,  the study quantum mechanics, which isn't for kids per se, even if you're a mathematical genius, because you have to live and observe for it to make sense is about as close to an explanation of spirituality - then any other discipline. That is,  since we no longer study natural philosophy.   It's sort of like how classical physics' law of conservation "thermodynamics" allows you to understand the nature of god as an energy.  In fact, if you put the two together, energy that can't be destroyed or created - and we are all energy vibrating at different levels - then magick makes sense from a quantum mechanic POV...   Want to know at what level you're vibrating? Just look around you, we attract what and who we are...because that's our vibratory level.   I majored in EE at Tech and we were constantly playing with the oscilloscope making sine waves.  For some reason I remember that your input is the same as your output.  Now I have to go look that up LOL

Edited by Mel Hopkins
typos and stuff
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Gastrointestinal distress is more billable  than tummy ache.

@Mel Hopkins constructs and symbols have imputed not inherent meaning. Numbers; Language ;Sex Roles; and consciousness and visual interpretation some of theese are not real some may not be real. I leave it to the curious. 

Are numbers discovered or created? Who knows.

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26 minutes ago, Delano said:

Are numbers discovered or created? Who knows.

Created as is everything else - but as a form of communication and expression, I'll keep it.   Numbers correspond to letters - without letters there's no need for numbers and vice versa.  Also numbers systems are created as well. The Canaanites used base 7 for several millennia  and cuneiform script ...

So far we have no record of a numeric system corresponding to cave drawings. Correct? 

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52 minutes ago, Delano said:

The Greek and Hebrew alphabet are interesting because each letter and and its name have numerical values.

doesn't that give you reason to  pause?    - did you know every individual has a unique rhythm to their heartbeat -  no two heartbeats are alike...

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@Delano,  it's data like that makes me go hmm.   we attempt to make sense of the world around us but we make it up as we go and operate on agreement.   I suspect, this is why I do  a lot of things by feeling and not "facts".  Sometimes I just don't feel like agreeing with constructs.   I'm a believer that we are governed by nature  our environment- just like four-legged furry feathered beings.   I do however trust numbers to communicate within our world more than any other medium  - It seems that numbers are closest to being the universal language. 

Yes, my twin daughters are 51 minutes apart and my friend's mom did their charts when they were born. Very different.

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A friend visited  me last week.  I said your subconscious knows everything and i acces this information with numbers.  I asked him for three numbers.  Afterwards he said i was reading his body language. I said think of someone you know very well. Them give me the first word that pops into your mind. Afterwards he said i think you have something. 

i have found there's a difference between skeptics and disbelievers. I have no interest in playing stump the judge. 

About 1 in 5 it doesn't work. I'm okay with those numbers. 

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Interesting discussion. Delano, you remarked  I was becoming a "magnus". All I can say, is that I would not  read something about spirituality or metaphysics or extra sensory perception and come away thinking I had been informed.    My reaction would instead be that reading about such things didn't  enlighten me, but rather confirmed what I always believed.   And, actually, I haven't done a lot of reading about all of this paranormal stuff, especially lately but I am stimulated by discussions about these subjects, and I say things off the top  of my head which I think may be a conduit for my brain/mind.This kind of plays into the idea that humans already know the answers to life's mysteries which are just waiting to be discerned and people should go with their instincts and gut feelings. This is not to declare that what I contend is factual or true.  But it is to say that  there are no definitive answers to these deep spiritual subjects, so who is to say what's true or real?  .  

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Cynique your statements are indistinguishable from a Magus. Even though you say you haven't studied Magick. There's a sure footedness to your statements. 

A Magus seeks to understand the tenets of Magick. While seeking the Philosopher's Stone,  knowing that it is inside. 

It took me about 14 years to see the answers are inside.  And that other people in our lives are the external projections of internal states. 

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You can derive a proof that no one understands. 

Versus something that is unknowable. 

What ishe nature of consciousness may be unknowable.  Since we have to use consciousness to answer thr question about itself. 

Unprovable may be because currently the technology is non existent. 

The difference is one is a matter if time or knowledge. Although I may have to give it some more thought. 

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12 hours ago, Del said:

What ishe nature of consciousness may be unknowable.  Since we have to use consciousness to answer thr question about itself. 

I'm in the camp that once we contemplate a concept, it is no longer unknowable. It is the beginning of  the journey to understand its nature.   Consciousness is not unknowable because we know of  it. We've even named it.  Now to understand it, takesus to another stage of investigation. 

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20 minutes ago, Delano said:

what would be your approach to understand consciousness? 

:) Ask ... as with every mystery, my approach is to ask questions, seek answers and knock on the door that may contain them.   Consciousness is an interesting subject but not one I choose to investigate at this time.  If it were though,that would be my approach.

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Mel, there are thinks that are simply unknowable.  For example, questions like; "What was there before the universe was created?" simply can't be known. We can, and do, speculate, but nothing we dream up can ever be tested, proven or observed. 

Also trying to use consciousness to understand consciousness is flawed. Even understanding ones own motivation is very difficult, if not impossible because we make up stories to explain much of what we do--creating inherent biases in our understanding. 

BTW that article you shared from the motherboard website was fascinating.

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57 minutes ago, Troy said:

but nothing we dream up can ever be tested, proven or observed

:)  contemplation allows us to "know"  a thing. It's the nature of that thing that is not yet known or as you put it, tested, proven or observed... But lack of these things but especially observation doesn't make a concept or element unknowable. 

For example, before the quark was a concept - it was an unknown.  Then it became a known because of what existed along with the particle - but still no one knew the nature of the particles.  Now physicist have figured out its nature but guess what?  No one has ever observed it!

So how do you know that you aren't observing the very thing you are contemplating.  It's like existing in 4th dimension, until you can see it, you can't. 

  What is unknowable may be your perception of the thing.  Therefore, the concept of "unknowable" is a mental construct... So my question as always "who does it benefit to create a construct for "unknowable" elements? "  


1 hour ago, Troy said:

BTW that article you shared from the motherboard website was fascinating.

I know right? These effing people with their politricks

I have another one article that blew me away... It's  a subculture , I had no clue existed but is  a society unto itself.

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You can theorize something unknown by the effects it has on the known. Which is how yhe outer planets were discovered. Philosophy, Logic and imagination are useful in navigating the unknown. 

There's a few questions in philosophy that may be unknowable: Is reality a simulation is one of them. Since it is difficult to think outside of your consciousness. However I like your methodology @Mel Hopkins 

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Mel even the person who conceived of the quark did not "know" it to be true and would never have stated it with such certainty until it was proven, until then it is a theory, usually one of several theories.  Even now it is possible some other experiment will change what we know or think we know.

I think we have to resign ourselves to the fact that there are some things we simply can not know.  Even something as mundane as what happens to "us" after we die can't be known.  Of course, people of various faiths will claim that they "know," but this is a function of faith rather than reality.  This becomes readily apparent when you compare various faiths and quickly discover they can't all be true.

Often some of these "spiritual" people will kill those with beliefs that oppose their own. 

Even the concept of a state of existence is a function of how we perceive our existence.  The concept of time itself is more a function of how we experience the universe, not a complete reflection of how it truly is "really."  If you could hop a ride on the back of a photon there would be no concept of time.  No past, past present or future.  

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21 hours ago, Troy said:

 If you could hop a ride on the back of a photon there would be no concept of time.  No past, past present or future.  

@Troy Somehow, I get the feeling you're with me on unknowable tip - unknown is different from unknowable -

But once again, this discussion board inspired another blog post...Maybe I will start up a blog here too just so I can provide commentary to our discussions!  Here's the The Unknowable got you under a spell



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Yes, of course, Mel to be clear I do mean unknowable to us, in our present fleeting corporeal form which is locked into this particular timeline, in the space-time continuum of one of an infinite number of universes in the multiverse.

Wait, what? Did I miss something about you and an NDE?

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46 minutes ago, Troy said:

which is locked into this particular timeline

That's just it!  We are NOT locked into this particular timeline.  We choose to be.


47 minutes ago, Troy said:

Wait, what? Did I miss something about you and an NDE?

And yes  but it wasn't near... I was a  goner but returned.  I guess my body was viable enough to inhabit it once again.   My experience in eternity was nothing like you described especially "time" because there isn't any.

Yes we all remain who we are but there is a oneness so there's no need to individuate in eternity.  Or maybe it's not possible while you're in eternity because you are ONE... Some people say my earthly perception of what eternity would be like influenced my experience but it did not.   I grew up in the church - fire-brimstone church and when I returned to the ONE it was nothing like preachers talk about - NOTHING...  Prior to my death. I was heavily in to magic spells and casting - when I returned, I didn't anymore.   I became extremely interested in life , and experiencing it while searching  for that feeling - that wholeness, completeness or agreement  that I felt when I was in eternity... The weird thing though when I was there, I said I had to go back because I had something to do - and as quickly as I said I had to go back... I was back here. 

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If there are an infinite number of universes, there are those who believe you can occupy any one of them--effectively changing your reality.  In this universe, I'm slogging away in relative obscurity trying to uplift my people.  In another, I'm in corporate America living a comfortable life, complaining with my pals about those ghetto negroes and their laziness.  We choose our reality...

Mel, is it possible that you did not actually die? Where you officially pronounced dead? Could it be than what you experienced were that last throes of brain activity prior to physical death?  I ask not to dispute your experience (I can't do that), but to clarify what happened to you and to see how you may have addressed alternative explanations for the experience.  This stuff fascinates me :-)

Perhaps one reason you came back was to help AALBC.com :D  

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4 hours ago, Troy said:

Mel, is it possible that you did not actually die? Where you officially pronounced dead? Could it be than what you experienced were that last throes of brain activity prior to physical death?

@Troy, As a former high-flying flight attendant for 8 years, I learned one thing about death in this dimension - you can be dead as a door nail for hours or until your flight lands and pulls into the gate but as far as the state is concerned  you are "alive". 

Next time you hear of someone being unresponsive but on the way to the hospital ... that means they've left earth as we know it but no one in authority has pronounced them dead. 

Death here in America is a legal term - but when you give up the ghost that's an esoteric ... Yes, my soul departed my body... when they joined together again I was lying on the street in the arms of an angel who happened to be a nurse... How wild is that? She actually cradled my body and when I returned I heard her say "Come back to me, baby. Come back" 

The next thing I remember was being in the hospital having an ear reattached, my face sewn up and a doctor talking to my mother and stepfather.  It was all surreal but not is surreal is being among the dearly departed... Another reason I know I "eft" is because when I returned I was able to occupy several dimensions and the ability remains. (I say dimensions for a lack of a better definition  because really there's no here or  there...there's only here and now. 

4 hours ago, Troy said:

Perhaps one reason you came back was to help AALBC.com 

I believe so too! :D

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@Mel In keeping with the idea of multi-verses, perhaps you did die in another world where your death was mourned. You are alive and well in this one, and maybe disabled in yet another one where you are describing how you became crippled.  There are infinite possibilities in this school of thought.

As for there being a oneness to humanity, this idea plays into another school of thought about there being a "god head" from which everyone came and to where everyone returns. The late Carl Sagan described humans as star children because they are all made up of the same elements as the stars.  Implicit in the big bang theory is that it spawned everything, making us all parts of a whole.     

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3 hours ago, Delano said:

The mind, the soul and,information reside non locally. 

If I believed there was such a thing as unknowable - ^ THIS would go in that category!   I agree because when I was out of my body... I "traveled" with my consciousness.  I was "me" traveling to a "place"... I conversed with THE ALL in  the space I  call the "Aether" ... but that place was not a location. 

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Most people claim to see deceased relatives when they visit the other side too.

Anyway, I LOVE reading about near death experiences and hearing stories from those who've had them.
They've fascinated me for well over 20 years.
I've followed Dr Raymond Moody's work as well as PMH Atwater and others.
I've said for some time now that we really need to hear more stories from Black NDR'ers.
After all..............
Our great grand fathers and mothers were telling stories of leaving their bodies and journeying to the other side and seeing spirits for centuries before it became "fashionable" among Whites to admit it.

Perhaps one reason you came back was to help AALBC.com

Besides coming back to help AALBC....another reason you came back was probably for the same reason millions of others who've been to the other side and came back to tell it have...to help dispell the lies of organized religion and to usher in new beliefs for a new world.

Beliefs that are based on TRUTH and not scare tactics.


You should have posted this story in the "Spirituality" thread.

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@Delano , some one I know really well and person you have met, reminded me about their astral projection.

They were hovering over their body and actually observed some one else in the apartment.  They noticed each other but did not communicate.

The person said the observed what appears to be a cord connecting them to their body.  I read about that cord and hear if it breaks you will not find your way back to your body and you will die.  Sometimes when people are discovered dead for no known reason this could be the cause.

Still it could be a mind trick... 

They say if you ever feel like you've been dropped into your bed. That was you returning to your body.

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