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5 Reasons to Support Lambda's LGBTQ Writers in Schools! 

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  1. To Resist: The Trump administration rescinded protections for transgender students in public schools. The most vulnerable among us urgently need your support. 
  2. To Educate: LGBTQ-specific curriculum in schools is still rare and Lambda's Writers in Schools Program provides valuable instruction about queer lives through queer literature.
  3. To Support: Anti-LGBTQ bullying is a problem in schools. Reading queer stories changes hearts and minds and helps create more supportive environments for kids.
  4. To Foster: When a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender writer visits a classroom, they give LGBTQ students positive role models which assures them they are not alone.
  5. To Save Lives: Most of us have a story about a book that offered us guidance at a time of extreme need. LGBTQ books save lives every day. 

i got this email this morning and for some reason it made me think of @Pioneer1 ;)

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