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Roland Martin Loses Talk Show

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When I heard that Roland Martin lost his talk show, my first impression was damn don't tell me Roland sexually abused someone too!


I have not dug deeply into the reason for the show's pending cancellation, so I don't really know why it is being cancelled.  I was not a fan of Martin's show and did not watch it. I caught a few youtube videos and I just did not vibe with Marin's personality.  His show was one of a shrinking number of political talk shows and I would rather have his show exist than for it not to exist. That might sound like a contraction, but it really is not.


We have so few platforms where Black people can talk about Black issues with a large audience.  Having Martins shows is absolutely better than having nothing.  Makes me long for the days when Tavis Smiley was on BET.


In my book, the true giants of Black talk were Gil Noble (Like It Is) and Tony Brown (Tony Brown's Journal).  I watch Gil's broadcasts today.  Gil Noble introduced us to deep thinkers.  You would never see Noble or Brown gossiping about what one celebrity said about another, the way I've seen Martin do on one too many Youtube clips of his show.  


Another Brother I like is Rock Newman (sp?) I only recently discovered him to YouTube, I'm not sure where his program broadcasts or even if it is on TV.  I just notice Rock as high quality guests.  They may not be celebrities, but they are deep people with important information to relate. 



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Exactly.  I thought what Martin did to Umar was foul.  I've seen him treat others the same way.  I when I have a second I'll dig up that video.  I seem to recall Martin was working off hearsay and could not provide anything evidence to justify sullying Johnson's reputation.  Now I'm not saying Johnson is above reproach, he probably is not, but it was just the way he handled it was funky...

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The REAL shocker is PBS firing Tavis Smiley !

I don't picture Tavis groping or coming on strong to women.....lol.

I think the right wing racists in this nation feel the heat from so many of their leaders getting caught up in sexual misconduct and have decided that if THEY have to go down.....they're going to take as many liberals and others down with them.
So they dig up dirt on Franken and force him to resign.

They're also using this as an opportunity to remove as many Black voices from the media as they can.
That would explain the removal of Congressman Conyers, Roland, and now Tavis.


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Wow, I did not know about Tavis until just now.  I'm not surprised at all. Now if someone accused Barack Obama I would be surprised, but Tavis Smiley not at all.  This is not to suggest that I think Tavis is slimey I have no reason to think that. I actually thought he might be gay.  At any rate, maybe he mistreated some women or treated them unfairly.  This would not be an unusual thing for a powerful Black man to do.


Plenty of people are legally fired without "due process," Why did BET get rid of him?  I seem to remember people being outraged about that and wanting to do something about the loss of his show.  Interestingly i have not heard anything about this regarding Tavis this time around, they way I have already heard outrage for Martin, but it is still early.


Maybe someone will create a platform for Roland and Tavis to do there thing. 




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I actually thought Tavis might have been gay too, which is why I said what I said and put a "lol" at the end of it.....LOL.

They still haven't said WHO made the allegations, so I'm hoping it ain't no DUDES making the claims.
I don't know if you remember but years ago the conservative talk show host GLEN BECK got sued by a bunch of men for sexually harassing them...lol.

When it comes to working for private institutions, there is no real "due process"....despite what the company policies may claim.
If you aren't in some sort of union....you aren't really protected.

On a related note.........
I make it clear to the women I work around and have worked around that I FLIRT.
I flirt BIG TIME.

I tell the women in advanced so that those who don't welcome my flirting can let me know clearly and plainly and I leave THEM alone.

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