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The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

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While we're over here on this site bickering over mundane issues and sniping at each other, the rest of social media is in a growing state of consternation.  Half the USA's population in on the verge of a nervous breakdown, frustrated by the idea of having to helplessly stand by while Donald Trump and all he represents gains momentum and the tide slowly turns in his favor. Daily his despotic power grows as he, with his finger on the pulse of those who represent what Americans really are,  grow in numbers and trickle into his camp.  And now with increasing opportunities to begin stacking the Supreme Court with right-wing conservatives, this incompetent, unscrupulous tyrant can place himself above the constitution and remain in office, maybe indefinitely like his heroes Vladimir Putkin and Kim jong Un.


This is not hyperbole.  It's what is happening right under our eyes where Fuhrer Trump will soon have it in his power to make this country over, a transformation which will last for generations unless there is a civil revolt. Planned Parenthood, Gay Marriage, LGBT Rights, Voting laws, Affirmative Action, are just a few of the liberal gains in jeopardy, not to mention the foundling fathers' instructions about the separation of church and state.


Meanwhile, Democrats are scurrying around, wringing their hands, some mewing about civility, others  gearing up for battle,  placing their hopes in the ballot box, the traditional route for change, but a way which Trump forces now have the muscle to control. Chaos could be the winner. 


America is on the path to becoming a fascistic, theocratic, oligarchy.  Some are apathetically all right with this.  Others are vigorously opposed.  A clash seem inevitable. Thomas Jefferson, flawed Aristocrat that he was, could never be accused of not being  on point in his utterances. To wit: "I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." Ol Abe Lincoln, luke warm about freeing the slaves, observed that: "a house divided against itself cannot stand."  Malcolm X thought change should come by "any means necessary". 


What does the future hold for the Divided States of America?    🙄


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For most of my life I considered myself pretty lucky given the years I was I was born.  Sure I was raised in a straight up ghetto, but I never came close to being hungry.  I've always has access to clean water and air (mostly). I was never at risk of going to war; I was too young for Vietnam (fortunately) and had access to doctors, medicine and affordable housing-- in Manhattan. 


The country was in the midst of a technical revolution.  Gas was cheap and educational opportunities abounded (I did not pay for my master degrees and my BS cost relatively little).  You were essentially free to do anything you wanted.  I could get in my car and drive 3,000 miles without a visa or anyone's permission.  On so many levels, all things considered, me and my contemporaries, really had it made. 


The idea someone like Trump could become president would have been laughable.  On some level, I know there may come a time where making a statement like that could actually put my life at risk... No @Cynique, I do not think you are being hyperbolic.  There is cause for profound concern here.


When white folks start compiling about the status quo something is SERIOUSLY wrong! White American does not really appreciate how good the actually have it.  If a few more of them got a passport and traveled outside the U.S., they might get a clue. Still white folks have been so manipulated by the media they think things was far worse for them they they really are.  45 can tweet about muslims and Muslims are banned from entering the country.  He can tweet about MS13 crossing our southern border and we rip families apart and put the children in kennels (this is not really done but the media say this and white people believe it). 


White people regularly grab a guns and go on killing sprees, the are committing suicide at alarming rates, and OD on prescription drugs.  Educationally they lag the rest of the industrial world and their best and brightest work in companies building social media platforms.


White people actually have it made and they are screwing the country up for no good reason, other than greed and stupidity.  All the rest of us brown folk can do is watch...in horror.

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18 hours ago, Cynique said:

To wit: "I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." Ol Abe Lincoln, luke warm about freeing the slaves, observed that: "a house divided against itself cannot stand."  Malcolm X thought change should come by "any means necessary". 


What does the future hold for the Divided States of America? 



From the lowest point on earth to the tallest mountain, no-one is listening.  We're too busy watching sports, getting high, and chasing wealth.  Attempts to overthrow America (rebellion), sister Cynique, has been going since the first American Revolution, right down to now; to recent attempts via Russian meddling in the 2016 elections.  But this time it’s really going to happen, I think, and everybody’s involved, the American people, Europe, China, Russia, and the Middle East.


She’s had it coming for over four-hundred years and; while I do not advocate mass civil unrest, I pray matters turn-around for the better.  Mass rebellion is the only answer to problems of today, worldwide.

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Revolution. Will. Not. Be. Televised,What. Revolution?Black. Politicians ,Preachers,NAACP. ,Are. They. Mentoring. Black,Children. Before. They. Get. To. High. School?The. Rich,Cars. Preacher. Drive. Around. In   From. Stealing. Church,Money. Can. Send. Black.  Children. To. College....Benjamin. E. Mayes ,Said. Black. People. Should,Pool,Their. Money,Together,Kwanzaa. Principles,Malcolm. X.  Black. Economic. Speech,Black. Leaders,  Do. Not. Practice. In.  Black. Communities....

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@harry brownWhile all of the things you describe are going on amongst black folks, white people are at odds about what this country is supposed to stand for, and emotions are running so high, that if Trump is proven guilty of Mueller's charges, his supporters will protest any attempt to remove him from office.  Those who want him out might be fed up enough to rebel against this affront to the rule of law.  What ensues could result in a revolution or second civil war.



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@Cynique:  That's so true:  The alarm sounded 400-years ago that America would never awaken from its self-induced slumber about the reality desparities against Black folk would bring to the country.  That the very idea of involuntary servitude would trigger desparate policies that effect everyone; minorities and white folk alike.  At last, proud, rich, and powerful white America didn't want see it was facing a grave danger, one that promises to destroy the United States and its dimensions and devious complexity, is just now coming into focus. 

Black folks aren't ready for whites rebelling against each other, and white folk isn't prepared to face squarely and honestly the most profound consequences of over two centuries of the enslavement and segregation of blacks in North America; because non-Blacks will never forget and remain cynical of their own fate/survival. The dehumanization, demoralization of Black Americans during slavery has continued long after the Civil War and now American finally fear the sting of autocracy like leadership. Yet, blacks and whites continued to cling to a range of fantasies about the true nature of the relationship between America and the world, even as the nation lurches inexorably toward a possible collapse over the fundamental question of social and economic justice for the despised Black American minority.  

"Among blacks, the centuries of abuse and exploitation had created ways of life marked by patterns of duplicity, including self-deception, [and] something far more forbidding and lethal. Slavery and neo-slavery had led not simply to the development of a psychology of timidity, passivity, and even cowardice among the [Black] American masses ... Although this added element was itself susceptible to fantasy and self-deception, what ... [makes it crucially important is the depth of estrangement from both Black and White cultures] sets [is] their hatred of each other, and their sometimes unconscious but powerful identification of violence against other human beings as the most appropriate response to the disastrous conditions of their lives. Within the confines of the black world, violence was easily directed at fellow blacks; but increasingly, this violence would be aimed at whites.

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