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Guest Evelyn Burns

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Guest Evelyn Burns


This is the cover of a book I wrote a year ago.  I wrote this book because i am passionate to the area I wrote about.  Some feel as a black woman the images chosen should be of a black face rather than white because it would be more acceptable to a black audience.  This book was not written with the color of a skin in mind but to a wide audience whether it be black or white. on the issue of Fornication & its understanding.  I wrote this book truly geared toward the young upcoming adults who will be leading this country & this world soon.  I would appreciate the views of this audience on the question of what color of person should be placed on the cover of a book. 

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Hi Evelyn this is  a banner; can you share the actual cover (front and back) or post a link to it? 


Why include photo of people t all?  Since the subject has nothing to do with race, what does the images of people do for the book?  


Ignoring your race, which also does not have anything to do with the subject. I would probably over look a book covered with white folks -- but that is just me.  Similarly, I'd image some white folks would avoid a book with nothing but Black people on them -- why take a chance on alienating anyone.  If you really want to include people on the cover consider a more diverse group.



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