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Playing Both Sides Of The Argument

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Over the past few days we've seen Caucasians on both sides of the political aisle PRETEND to fight and argue with eachother over when America should be "re-opened".   Trump and the Republicans are PRETENDING that they want to hurry up and open the businesses back up and get the people back to work.
They really DON'T want that to happen, but why are they saying it?
Because they know it's NOT going to happen anytime soon...but it makes them look good and popular with the people if they PRETEND to be on our side and want the restrictions eased.

You must remember that Neely Fuller Jr. has warned us for years that White Supremacists have learned to play BOTH SIDES of the argument in order to create confusion and maintain power.






Just like a man comes along and poisons you and his brother comes along an hour later to sell you the antidote (because they're both working together)....one group locks the nation down and the other group comes along and pretends to be with "the people" and demand the restrictions be eased. Meanwhile the laws and restrictions stay in place.

Bill Clinton used to make an ugly face and say, "I feeeeel yure pain"

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4 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

They really DON'T want that to happen, but why are they saying it?


Wait a minute--Why would they NOT want to re-open!? That makes no sense to me.

Our economy seems to be very bruised and this does not seem to be good for them as Republicans either.


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Wait a minute--Why would they NOT want to re-open!? That makes no sense to me.

Because Trump and most of the Repubicans in office are smart educated people (they just act like they're not)  and they know that opening up businesses and allowing the public to mingle with eachother too soon will spread the virus and cost more lives.

But their BASE is ignorant.

The base of Trump and the Republican party are poor half-educated Caucasians who smoke packs of cigarettes a day and don't give a damn about thier health or even their lives. They just want to get out and do what they want to do. So Trump and the Republicans who just want to get re-elected play to THEM and THEIR desires and PRETEND to want to open everything back up so that they'll continue to get that support. 
But most educated people regardless of party affiliation known that's a mistake whether they say it or not.

This isn't the first time politicians played to the ignorance of the public.

Back 60 or 70 years ago the dead racist Strom Thurmond of South Caronina was running against a man for senate and he kept telling the various crowds he spoke to that he heard from multiple sources that his opponent was a practicing "HOMOSAPIENS"....lol.

He didn't lie...lol.
But he knew his base was ignorant and didn't know "homosapiens" from "homosexual" and that the ignorant and stupid among them would assume this meant his opponent was a practicing homosexual.

This is just one of many many examples of how the ignorance and stupidity of a sociey is used against their own interests.

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This is not white supremacy at work. The is greed, narcissism, sociopathy, and stupidity at work.

What do you think DRIVES white supremacy....if not greed, sociopathy, and narcissism?

They don't mind sacrificing eachother for a larger purpose.
In many of the protests that are going on around the nation you see some people holding up signs saying that society should open back up because covid 19 is just Darwinism at work so that the elderly and weaker among them will die.
This is the way they think!

Even more diabolical.......
In parts of Europe like Denmark and Sweden (places many Caucasians and even a few foolish negroes love to hold up as utopian societies) , they are opening schools back up before the numbers of covid 19 cases have even declined and are now letting little children play around without gloves or masks KNOWING that they are spreading the virus and a number of them will get sick and die.
Because they see it as the quickest way to getting back to "normal" and they are all on board with this "sacrifice".

You must acquaint yourself with how Caucasians think......REALLY think.

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21 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Denmark and Sweden...


Utopia, please, what have they contributed to the world? They live in their heterogenous white countries benefiting from the rest of the planet's productivity. Let them open their schools.


21 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

You must acquaint yourself with how Caucasians think......REALLY think.


Again, caucasians are not a monolith. John Brown thought differently than an evil southern plantation owner. Racism wasn't even "a thing" a few hundred years ago.


Racism is a tool of the psycopathically greedy.

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Yeah the Nobel prize ... celebrating the accomplishments of other countries. I'm sure they are greatful.


Dynamite, I thought the Chinese came up with gun power. Well thanks Sweden for the crude application of another country's discovery.


I know I'm veing hard on those countries but I'm tired of them being held of as paragons of civilization. They would not have the livestyles they enjoy today without the U.S. 


They are good at sheltering our money.

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Utopia, please, what have they contributed to the world? They live in their heterogenous white countries benefiting from the rest of the planet's productivity. Let them open their schools.

Excellent point


Again, caucasians are not a monolith. John Brown thought differently than an evil southern plantation owner. Racism wasn't even "a thing" a few hundred years ago.

People like John Brown (and Tim Wise) are notable exceptions to the rule.
This just proves that Caucasians are human and occasionally go "off script" from time to time, lol.


Dynamite, I thought the Chinese came up with gun power. Well thanks Sweden for the crude application of another country's discovery

Another excellent point that I had also made to Del just before reading YOUR comments!










Sweden gave us Dynamite and the Nobel Peace Prize in that order

How do we know this?
Perhaps dynamite....like gun powder and pasta....already existed in other cultures but a European like Marco Polo upon traveling there "discovered" it and claimed it as THEIR own invention.

If you read about the epics of ancient India they speak of wars and major explosions that destroyed entire cities.
They must have had "something".

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11 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

This just proves that Caucasians are human and occasionally go "off script" from time to time, lol.


John Brown was WAY off script -- especially for his day. Even Fred Douglas was said "dat nigga's crazy!" 😀


Yeah Tim Wise is cool; he is even on this site. Wise is not alone there are many conscious white folks. Once you realize that you can see they are not all devils and are needed to make this country better. Even Malcom the 10th knew that.

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I didn't know Tim was on this site.
You should invite him to come to the Culture/Race forum from time to time so we can all chop it up!

White people can not only make this country better but they can make the WORLD better by simply doing what John Browne did......using all of their available means to obstruct and counter the behavior of their evil brethren.

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2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

You should invite him to come to the Culture/Race forum from time to time so we can all chop it up!


Man personally inviting someone to participate in the forums makes sense. I should do that. I seriously doubt he'll come here and chomp it uo on the regular but maybe talk about his book makes sense.


Man I should have thought about something like this long ago. Thanks!

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If you want to put some money in MY pocket.......
Build that school, make me Senior Professor (along with Delano as my trusted side-kick & paper-passer-outter) , and put me on a steady salary......lol.

On a real tip, I don't know Tim Wise personally or interact with him enough to invite him anywhere.
There ARE people that I know personally who would make great contributors to the conversations we engage in in this forum, but as I've said over the years I try to keep my online life and my REAL life seperate as much as I can.

The battle me and K2 had a few....years has it been????...ago is an example of why it's not good to share your personal information with people you meet on highly opinionated forums. All it takes for things to go south is a few cross words and next thing you know threats are being made.

I've recommended the site in general to a lot of AfroAmericans I know.....especially the authors and poets. And to my suprise many already knew about you even before I mentioned you! But as far as the discussion forums that I may frequent on this and other sites, I don't talk about them.

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Are you saying K2 threatened you? Seriously?!


Authors and others who could benefit from partipating here are too enamored corporate sites. They really can't see the benefit of actively engaging on a Black-owned indie platform and how it is superior to a white run corporate site -- even in 2020.


It is why we, for all practical purposes, don't have any Black-owned stores that focus on Black books. Black authors relentless support of Amazon has gutted the platforms who could support their work the most. Now they feel Amazon is the best option and Anazon only cares for them in so far as they can pay. But I understand it took me a long time to really get it too


As Woodson showed our education is the reason why.


I fundamentally I agree Pioneer we need our own schools -- run by consciousness, culturally Black people -- if anything just to save Black boys.

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He didn't threaten me directly, he was too smart for that.
But like many negroes do when they get angry he talked OF violence and how he COULD be violent.....lol.
Typical foolish behavior you see online when the emotions come out, which is why we must be careful.

Some White Supremist could watch 2 fools go at it and take advantage of the situation by commiting an act against one and the public would assume it was just 2 Black folks fighting eachother!

As for our people getting our own schools.....YOU sir...can make that happen.

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You mean like that dude... His name escapes me now.


They questioned his educational credentials, overweight, had a shameful public beef with Tariq Nasheed. He took all this contribution money claiming to be raising it for a school which never opened as far as I know...



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Yeah, I was going to ask you were you talking about Dr. Umar Johnson but Del claimed it first.

My example of AfroAmericans building their own educational institutions wouldn't be Dr. Umar Johnson so much as it would be the Nation of Islam and the various Muhammad University of Islam schools they have scattered all over the nation.

MUI Young Girls Classes – Muhammad University of Islam


Brother Jesse on Twitter: "Muhammad University of Islam - Chicago.… "

Having no straight Black male teachers AND all of the injustices mistreatement that you were dealt as an AfroAmerican male should be enough to make you wish that NO other AfroAmerican boy experiences what you did.

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Yes my education left a lot to be desired, but it was apparently a lot better than what kids in the same neighborhoods are getting today.


I don't know anything about the NOI schools, but if I had to attend a racially segregated school with just Black kids, like the ones i went to in elementary and middle school, I would rather be taught by Black teachers than the Jewish women, however well meaning, that I had.

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One of the reasons Black children got a better education in the past even though there was less technology available to them is because of 2 things:

1. You had a lot of teachers (of all races) who ACTUALLY CARED about teaching children.
This is why many of them became teachers in the first place; because they actually loved teaching people.
Unlike today where a lot of people choose to be teachers because they have a degree and can't get the job they REALLY want so settle as teachers as a last resort. Not all ofcourse, but many....too many.

2. A major reason why so many AfroAmerican children get a better education when they are around other AfroAmerican children is for the same reason so many AfroAmerican students do better in HBCUs more so than when they go to Caucasian universities......because they have motivation to do so. It raises your self esteem when you're around more of your own people who look like you and share the same values.
When you're around people you can relate to and have fun with and are vibing at a similar level you actually LIKE going to school!!!!

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1. Maybe.

I had some good teachers who cared while others who did not give a shit. I had one teacher in high school who used to let us shoot craps and drink beer in the back of the class while he read the newspaper -- and I attended one of NYC's best high schools.


2. I dunno.

Many HBCUs have horrendous graduation rates. I went to a big private majority white university. However it had a largebenough contingent of Black students that you could in your own social Bkack bubble.


Besides people with the wherewithal to attend a major white university, self esteem is usually not our problem -- it is our strength. A white university is a cakewalk compared to an inner city ghetto.

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"It is obvious 45 is not above risking lives by playing politics with Covid19. In this case 45's whiteness is incidental. This is not white supremacy at work. The is greed, narcissism, sociopathy, and stupidity at work."



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