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The Constitution VS. The Law

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The US Constitution: Facts about the country's founding document ...





Most of you may or may not believe this but the VAST MAJORITY of the laws that have been made in this nation AFTER the Constitution was established were made specifically to RESTRICT AfroAmericans!

That's right!

Those who helped to establish the United States wanted to make a NEW nation separate from the old nations of Europe dominated by centuries of laws, rules, and customs along with Kings and Queens who had the right to just make up any old rule they felt like.  They intended to set up a nation with FEW restrictions and only one solid Constitution that was supposed to prevent tyranny and limit excessive authority and rule-making.

If you study U.S. history, you'll find that well over 75% of ALL the laws (federal, state, county, local) in this nation saying you CAN do this and you CAN'T do that are actually UN-Constitutional.

And if you study the history behind those laws and why the various legislative bodies that enacted them decided to do so...it's usually because a BLACK MAN took advantage of his CONSTITUTIONAL rights to do something and because it either threatened Caucasian power OR it was a good idea and Caucasians hadn't thought of it first....they decided to MAKE a law against it where before there had  been none.   


The entire concept of LICENSING came out of racist intentions!
Before Emancipation, you didn't need a "license" to do ANYTHING in America.
You may have needed the money or knowledge to do it....but you didn't need a license or permission.
This was AMERICA!
You were "FREE" to pick up your toys and go ahead and play with them!

But during RE-construction so many AfroAmericans were building and inventing and establishing businesses and making money that Caucasians had to find a way to CONTROL them and limit their success, and that's when you started seeing long lists of law after law after law after law at the federal, state, and local levels restricting people on what they could do, have, say, and acquire.

Some of you may be surprised to know that we didn't even have an INCOME TAX in this nation until AFTER the slaves were Emancipated and started making a lot of money!




The Constitutions says you CAN DO this but when a Black man DID that......

The White Supremacists didn't like it and got together and made a Federal law AGAINST that.








The Constitution says you have a right to SAY this, but when Black man SAID that......guess what?

Some Caucasian man didn't like it so him and other White Supremacists at the state level  got together and made a State law against you saying that.

Governor Baker Signs Legislation Directing $2.4 Billion to Climate ...



You see, where a law or rule doesn't exist, instead of just leaving it alone - they'll MAKE UP one against you.
And this should come as no surprise to most of you because even on your job you know if you did something Caucasians didn't like but it broke no rules they'd get together and have a meeting about you and literally MAKE UP new rules specifically to curtail you and any more negroes of the future who try to do what you did.



Higher Education Committee | Association of Certified Fraud Examiners


Talk back to me....am I lying?

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The Constitution was designed BY Caucasian men FOR Caucasian men.
The rest of the federal, state, and local laws were designed for others.


EVERY municipality from the Federal down to the Local should do a complete re-evaluation and overhaul of ALL of their laws to see which ones line up with the U.S. Constitution and then get rid of the laws that don't.


For a person to be convicted of a crime, do their time, and let out with half of their Constitutional rights stripped away from them is a crime in and of itself.

The question is, is an ex-inmate STILL a citizen of the United States?

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In Florida ex-felons were permanently stripped of their right to vote. We all voted to eliminate this form is disenfranchisement. Then white guys flipped the script requiring the newly renenfranchised, former felons, to pay full restitution for costs associated with their convictions. 


Those most effected would be people who would vote to prevent these evil legislators from being elected.


Of course the Constitution was written to advance the interests of rich white men. What else us new Sherlock? 😀

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Yeah, there is a word for that -- hypocrite.


They recognized oppression when it suited them as in when they are victims of it. Immediately after forming this nation our founding fathers, and their spawn, embarked on a imperialist rampage that put Great Britain to shame. 

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In Florida ex-felons were permanently stripped of their right to vote. 


I think that is not only unfair but absolutely terrible not to mention COMPLETELY un-Constitutional.

I used to argue that people who were actually IN PRISON should be able to vote too, but it was brought to my attention that when you are actually IN prison you are no longer considered a "citizen" of the United States.  
I'm not sure if that's true or not but certainly when you GET OUT you should be.


The only way to LEGALLY deny someone the right to vote or own a gun is if they are NOT a citizen....where the Constitution wouldn't apply to them.
I don't understand the methods that judges and the system use to justify taking those rights away from U.S. citizens who are NOT incarcerated and no lawyer can explain this.


It's clearly an attempt to disenfranchise large segments of the population but my question is how are they legally being able to get away with this from state to state and why haven't the AfroAmerican politicians around the nation demanded a repeal of such un-Constitutional laws that are clearly aimed at targeting and disenfranchising the AfroAmerican community.








The signers of the declaration of independence were all men of means except for a few. 


Except for a few???

I thought they were ALL wealthy to various degrees, lol.


You mean they were allowing a bunch of broke ass nig dudes to scribble their names down on the Declaration of Independence?

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