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The Dogon Speak on Space Travel, Technology, and the 117 Year Old Dogon

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What did you get learn from the video Del?  I mean you took the time to share it, so I have to assume you found something of value.  Because you posted it, I listening to it but did not hear anything interesting. 


Often you post links to articles or videos without any commentary. It would be helpful when you shared content if you provided some context what piqued your interest or why you think it is worth a read or listen.  Does that make sense?

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Oh, brother Uhuru.....let me check out that video.

((20 minutes later))

I'm gonna have to agree with Troy in not getting too much out of this video.

I'm a little disappointed that when brother Search for Uhuru (forgot his actual name but remember him) was told that the elder was 117 years old that he didn't make THAT the main topic for a minute and spend more time on it.

It's like......
Dude just TOLD you that my man was 117!!!!!

No amazement....
No emotion.....
No further questioning about his age.....

Just moved on to talking about a bowl and some horns stuck in a mud building.

I'm not sure if he didn't believe it and just ignored the statement or what, but he should have spent atleast a FEW minutes on a man who claims to be 117 and still THAT put together.

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@Delano did you listen to the whole video?  Because it did not discuss Dogon cosmology.


@Pioneer1 Yeah lol 117 is just about as long as a human has ever lived and probably makes him the oldest person in Earth. Honestly I did not take that claim as serious and overlooked it....


The question about going back to a star tripped me out. The people are shoeless living in a mud hut and this guy is asking them about interstellar space travel. WTF?!

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Yeah lol 117 is just about as long as a human has ever lived and probably makes him the oldest person in Earth. 


I'm not sure of that.
When I was  a Bible believer I thought nobody could live past 120.  
I realized that that was a misinterpretation of scripture and since they accept that plenty of people can live past that age.


Black people live a LONG time when we are in our natural environments eating the right foods.
You shouldn't be losing young brothers in their late 30s from cancer and AIDS like Chadwick Boseman, Old Dirty, and Eazy E.



Honestly I did not take that claim as serious and overlooked it....


I was looking at his body language.
It was more than simply disbelief and astonishment....it was an INDIFFERENCE that in my opinion showed a disrespectful lack of curiosity.

If I'm talking to a man or woman and someone tells me that they are 90, I immediately humble myself and comment on their long life out of respect and sheer curiosity.
The young tattooed brother just brushed it off as if the man said something as common as being born in Alabama.

Even if he didn't believe it he should have shown more interest in it, especially for the audience he's doing this video for.
This video is more than just a poor selection from Del, because I've seen MANY videos this Search for Uhuru brother has done and this is typical of his style.
He's smart and adventurous but he's not much of a journalist and doesn't seem to ask the important questions that are very relevant to the subjects he features.  






The question about going back to a star tripped me out. The people are shoeless living in a mud hut and this guy is asking them about interstellar space travel. WTF?!


Yeah, I know what he's TRYING to ask and I also know what they are TRYING to tell him!

One of the problems is neither one of them are being very clear or articulate with eachother and it's leading to a lot of CONFUSION between them.

The Dogon's actual beliefs are quite clear and easy to understand and make sense when properly explained.....but I'm not allowed to go into too much detail on the topic.




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3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

Lol......"de nada" por que?

de nada(








1. (expressing courtesy)

a. you're welcome

¡Gracias por el regalo! - De nada.Thanks for the gift! - You're welcome.

b. you are welcome

¡Gracias por las flores! - De nada, espero que te gusten.Thanks for the flowers! - You are welcome. I hope you like them.

c. it's nothing

Muchas gracias por dejar que me quedara contigo. - De nada.Thank you for letting me stay with you. - It's nothing.

d. don't mention it

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White "information"....like White "history"....changes with whichever direction the wind is blowing.


First the oldest person "recorded" is 117.
Next year scientists will "discover some artifacts" to show that the oldest recorded person was actually 243....lol.


White people's so-called knowledge fluxuates because they're always "discovering" new information.

They are a NEW people and just like a little kid running around their parent's house....are constantly finding out things that have ALREADY been around.

Hell, for thousands of years they thought the world was flat until they "discovered" the truth about 600 years ago.


Truth is, they have people in Africa HUNDREDS of years old who can still walk around and talk.

Like Herodotus said, African people are LONG LIVED.

Dr. Sebi (if anyone on her knows him) was in his 90s and was still making babies!

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