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Black First:  Hard in the Paint—the Long Game

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After more than three weeks of challenging the 2020 election results, it appears that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and Kamala Devi Harris will ‘run the yard’ for the next four years.  A few questions that we might ponder as a Cultural Ethnic Group are:  First, will more of us become active warriors for a ‘Black First’ agenda when it comes to politics in America?  Secondly, if so, are we willing to go hard in the paint to address issues that are necessary for our survival?  And third, as a team member are we prepared to stay in fight for the long game?  Since the Holiday seasons are approaching perhaps this would be a good time for us to critique what a Biden/Harris presidency might mean for us.  As a group, it is imperative that we learn to have the conversation about “White Supremacy” often.  For centuries the mind-set of white supremacy has ruled all societies.  From my experience, the subject of white supremacy is the only subject that makes those who enjoy white privileges uncomfortable.  Furthermore, critiquing white supremacy and religion make most Black People uncomfortable also.  In order for us to advance The Black Agenda we must become politically educated.  The old philosophy of ‘separation of church and state’ can no longer serve as an escape hatch for Black People to revert to when seeking to avoid discussing the historical damages from these institutions.  Regardless if it’s the ‘faith’ tradition of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism , new ageism or whatever,  all of these philosophies are grounded in a principle of ‘belief-trust’ that’s embedded into the foundation of societies.  Two other flawed philosophies in America are the two political parties of the Democrats and Republicans.  Difficulties arise every time crucial conversations are needed in the Black community where ‘trust/belief’ in these opposing sides of the ‘white supremacy’ political system seem to have equal value as that of their religion. Social engineering taught Black Families the art of deflecting whenever the political structure of white supremacy is the topic under the guile of the separation of church and state.  The invention of Church and State came out of Northern European philosophy.  It was practiced by the Colonizers under the British Crown.  Indigenous people from the areas now known as Africa and the Americas shared a global mindset where there were no separation between spirituality and how people operated their societies.  Shamans or Spiritual leaders helped their communities understand the relationship they shared with their Creator.  Unlike the Clergy from Europe who worked hand and hand with the state using such tactics as ‘the bible and the gun, (specifically on the continent of Africa).    2020 was a year of change and global shifting.  Some of us are still trying to ‘stay in Egypt’ when the time has come for us to determine our own path forward.  The path of Black Empowerment can only be achieved when we are willing to go hard in the paint on every issue that has crippled us as a Cultural Ethnic group.  That being said, listed are a few scriptural references that are reflective of some the behaviors we can currently find in our community.  Numbers 11:1-15, 2 Chronicles 7:14-22, Hosea 4 and the book of Jude (25 verses). Rather fiction or non-fiction, these texts shed light on us as a collective group. Just as the movie “The Wizard of Oz” showed how Dorothy’s dream revealed unconsciously what she was struggling with in the natural; likewise these scriptures show the current condition in the American society.  Many of our family members use the Bible as their primary source of guidance in life.  Covid-19 changed that dynamics for organized religion.  Although as early as 2015, the Pew Research reported that the organized Church in America was dying, Covid-19 is amplifying the decline.  It is not a coincidence that the two institutions that the Nation prided itself on—Government and Religion are falling apart.  Meanwhile at the grassroots, the descendants of the former Slaves/Sharecroppers are advocating for the Nation to pay the debt that is owed to us.  During the early primaries, Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris strongly opposed addressing the issue of Reparation, but changed their tune when they discovered toward the end of the election campaign that the white suburbanites and the white Hispanics/Latinos were not enough to secured the white house bid.  They needed the Black votes.  Mr. Biden tried to tie his ‘brown’ and ‘native’ people idea to our justice claim and we caught that.  His tactic is known as a pivot.  Also, this an example where we have to go hard in the paint against any and all who insult our intelligence when it comes to our justice claim.  Reparation is a debt that is owed us by the American Government and quite frankly by some of the ‘native tribes,’ (stories for other days).  It is necessary that we instill the idea of searching for our own genealogy in the minds of the younger generations, using old documented records in this country, over and above a DNA testing.  Old documents such as the census, burial records, and court documents give more credence to our story and those of our Ancestors’ roots to this soil much better than a DNA test.  Researched evidence will provide your journey with a cohesive congruent narrative of the Ancestors’ journeys.  This type of narrative has been missing in many of our stories and their legacies.  We are Black because the legal system relegated us the bottom of the caste system in this society.   The idea of the so-called one-drop ruled revealed the ignorant, the arrogant or both of the Northern Europeans understanding of biology from the inception of the Euro-centered regime called the United States of America.  If in fact the one-drop rule was an actual gage to measure human identity to biological blackness; then all Europeans and Asians would be Black, since (the Human RACE, or Homo Sapiens) started from the land mass now called Africa, according to historical data.  The question that has to be critiqued and unpacked by future generations is; when did the mind-set of pale-skinned Hybird humans shift from domination to total alienation against the descendants of the original Homo sapiens?  Scientists continue to find new evidence that indicate that Homo sapiens were melanated when they left the crater of civilization.  They inbred with other species over and over again, coupled with the environmental changes created ‘Hybird’ humans.  By definition, ‘Hybird humans’ became Ethnic groups or Nationalities of pale-skinned people of Eurasia (the land mass of ancient Europe and Asia).  Researchers state Hybird humans (my description) of Asian and European descent share more DNA with the archaic species of Denisovans and Neanderthals than the original Homo sapiens who did not migrate to Europe and/or Asia.  The construct of ‘white’ became a part of the legal system when Hybird humans from Northern Europe descents who established the first rules of governance in the Colonized Americas.  Before that time in history ‘white’ was mostly used to describe the ruling elites.  The Colonizers in the Americas began to use ‘white’ as a marker denoting ‘supremacy’ or superior over ‘blacks or the inferior.’ From that point forward the term ‘white’ was assigned by the Hybird people of Northern Europe (WASP) to whomever they chose to be ‘white.’ Basic beliefs, attitudes, biases and value system of the power structure of ‘ruling elites’ could be seen during the time of Julius Ceasar and Cleopatra.  Throughout the centuries the evolution of ‘white’ ruling class has evolved into the doctrine of White Supremacy.  In 313, the ‘church and state’ merged under the Roman Empire.  In 1045, the fight for ‘supremacy’ based on theology and political doctrine created a divide between Eastern and Western Europe.  In 1347-1352 the Black Death decreased the (Hybird population) in Europe.  After a century of plagues, starvation and destruction of the environment, in 1452, a religious leader (Pope Nicholas V) ‘used ‘The Assumption’ that it within his power to determine certain people to be ‘subjects’ for life or slaves. Forty years later in 1492, Hybrid humans began their search to rebuild the European economy—hence the institution of Slavery in the Americas.  From the time of the Roman Empire to the current American Empire, the mind-set of Hybird People has been in a state of constant wars for dominance.  As Mr. Neely Fuller taught us, “If you do not understand white supremacy—what it is and how it works—everything else that you understand will only confuse you.”  I might add, if one does not understand that ‘White Supremacy’ is an evil spirit, then attempting to address WS without that awareness will confuse you, misdirect you and recruit you to participate in your own elimination.   Our Ancestors were the driving labor force that built the global economies. The debt was never paid.  We are owed more than a check and the check is only a down payment.  Just as the government cut a check to bail out Wall Street in 2008 and again in 2020 without any studies, the Country can pay what is owed to us.   The second item on the Agenda is to push for justice in the court systems against the murders of unarmed Black people.    After Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were announced as the winners of the 2020 selection process, there were several articles of propaganda that stated Ms. Harris as the first Black, Asian woman as Vice President.   Without Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as his running mate, she would not have been in the limelight.  She was the first candidate to drop out of the presidential race.  Her record as the Attorney General of California and a prosecutor showed that Kamala is a ‘Trojan horse.’  Some Black females might be falling for the con of Kamala’s identity as it relates to themselves, but Kamala Harris is not and has never been a Black Woman.  No sooner than Biden and Harris were projected to be the election winners, a San Francisco artist began to make money off of Ruby Bridges historical image with Kamala as her ‘replacement.’ Ruby Bridges parents were not immigrants whereas Kamala Harris parents were.  It’s important for us to become more aware that white supremacy uses subtle marketing tools to bait us to participate in our own demise.  The picture the artist used of Ruby Bridges depicted her in a silhouette or shadow while showing a real picture of Kamala is a powerful statement, but who is the target audience?  Kamala’s parents and the Bridges stories were not the same.  As a prosecutor, Kamala who have been the person to put Ruby’s mom in Jail. Mr. and Mrs. Bridges moved from Mississippi to New Orleans in an attempt to give their daughter a better life.  Kamala’s mom came from India’s ‘Brahmin class’ of their caste system to study at Stanford, had a child where she listed herself as a Caucasian (white: code for ruling class) on the birth certificate and later moved her family to French speaking Canada.  Kamala spent her adolescent and teen years in French speaking Canada.  Her story is not our story.  Three years after Ruby made history in New Orleans, fours little girls were killed in a Birmingham, AL Church bombing.  Our narrative cannot be left to the so-called education system or the white media to inform the younger generations.  It is our responsibility to remind them that there were powerful females who participated in 1960s civil rights movement and the civil right movement before the 60’s.  One of the most powerful personality during the 1960’s civil rights movement was Fannie Lou Hamer.  Before Mrs. Hamer, there was Ida B. Wells Barnett, an investigative journalist, educator, and civil right leader. Before Ms. Wells there were Sojourner Truth and Maria Stewart the first female to address the public on ‘political issues.’  These are only a few of the women who fought with Black men for Black People civil rights.  Our Ancestors and the Elders operated with the mindset of a Black Agenda for Black empowerment.  During the civil rights movement of the 1960s there was a shifting of power in the Black communities with the killing of several leaders.  The propaganda arm of white supremacy (the white media) intentionally portrayed two of the leaders (Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X) as enemies.  This was a lie.  These two men were not enemies of each other, but the enemies of the United States Government.  Author and Theologian, James H. Cone, wrote a book that explained the leadership styles of these two powerful men.  The book is entitled Martin & Malcom & America. There is enough data available to research and learn how we have been manipulated for decades by the public media and by each other.  Before Malcolm and Martin were assassinated, the state of Mississippi allowed the assassination of Meager Evers.  A year and seven months after MLK was killed in Memphis; 21 year old Fred Hampton was assassinated in Chicago while he slept.  Nearly fifty one years later, Beonna Taylor died in her home at the hands of law enforcement in Louisville, KY which brings us to the subject of Mitch McConnell.  An episode PBS Frontline recently aired the relationship between Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell that spanned for more than three decades.  McConnell talked about the revenge that he was going to get on the Democratic Party after the Robert Bork Supreme Court hearings in the late 1980s.  Joe Biden led the hearing.  These two men are no strangers to nasty politics.  Mitch McConnell and Joe Biden have been fighting for political power against each other since that encounter.  These two men are more dangerous to us as a group than Donald Trump was.  Donald Trump only had four years of political power.  They are the manifestation of the phrase ‘two sides of the same coin.’  McConnell has been packing the courts (supreme and state) for decades and Biden was responsible for the federal legislation to cage Black bodies, specifically Black men.  Recently, Biden named Ron Klain as White House Chief of Staff.  Ron Klain helped Joe Biden craft crime bills since graduating from law school in the late 1980s.  As stated earlier in this essay, the Democratic and Republican parties are flawed and do not share our ideas of a Black Agenda.  It is incumbent for us to stay vigilance.  We are in ‘warfare’ in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Politically sharp minds are needed for the battles ahead.  The mind-set of White Supremacy is losing its grip on the entire world.  We must be ready to take control of our power when the time comes.  Until then, our job is to push the political power structure toward ‘Justice’ ie…the Black Agenda.   Our agenda is possible when we put Black First, by going hard in the paint for our issues—and persevering for the long game.  

The Evils of America—White Supremacy—Racism—The Results—Documented research since 1965.  

Businessinsider.com—racism has cost the US economy $16 trillion in the last 20 years—and will keep costing the country money if things don’t change. 10/12/2020.  Npr.org—Cost of Racism: U.S. Economy Lost 16 Trillion Because of Discrimination, Bank Says: 9/23/2020.  Bloomberg.com—Economist Found $16 Trillion when She Tallied cost of Racial Bias. 10/20/2020. Beckershospitalreview.com—39 health systems declare racism a public health crisis, vow to fight it. 9/29/2020. Marketwatch.com—The Racial Wealth gap is at the heart of America’s inequality. 7/15/2020.

Pewtrusts.org—Racism is a Public Health Crisis, Say cities and Counties. 6/15/2020.  Brookings.edu—Examining the Black-White wealth gap. 2/27/2020.  Smithsonianmag.com—The 1968 Kerner Commission Got It Right, But Nobody Listened.3/1/2018…Brookings.edu 9/25/2018.  Epi.org (Economic Policy Institute)—How African-Americans have been shortchanged out of the materials to build wealth. 2/13/2017.  CSIS, Center for Strategic & International Studies. Benign Neglect. 11/27/2017.  Theatlantic.com—the Moynihan Report: An Annotated Edition, 9/14/2015.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Structural Racism and Health inequities, 2011 article. Publication.  Nytimes.com—Racism has Always Been an Economic Issue. 10/24/1990.  WordPress.com—‘The Three Evils’ Racism was only the first. Address delivered by Martin Luther King in 1967. 1/19/2016.  Aeaweb.org—American Economic Association. What Has Economics to Say about Racial Discrimination? Spring 1998.  journals.sagepub.com. Notes on An Economic Theory of Racism. 4/1/1973.  Nytimes.com. “Benign Neglect’ on Race is proposed by Moynihan. 3/1/1970.  Nixonlibrary.gov—Benign Neglect. 1970.  Dol.gov. U.S. Department of Labor. The Negro Family: The Case for National Action, March 1965.

Iad2bfree@outlook.com 11/25/2020

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You said it right....the "long game"

Because that's exactly what AfroAmericans have been participating in for centuries in this nation.....ONE BIG GAME.

And they've been losing.
And it seems that many if not most aren't ready to STOP playing games with these White Supremacists and get down to the serious business of nation building.

Because that requires THINKING.
And if there's anything many AfroAmericans hate worse than uniting with other AfroAmericans...it's THINKING.
They hate having to think more than they hate having to unite!


I said if Biden get's in office you're not going to see anything besides more big ole grown ass Black men on CNN crying like little girls for one reason or another.

He didn't even get into the SEAT and already you've seen Van Jones humiliate himself and AfroAmerican men before the entire world a few weeks ago crying and snotting up all over the screen.




"Now my...my son can walk to the
store and don't have to...
((sniffle sniffle))
...worry...((sniffle sniffle))... about people 
looking at him funny."



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