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Oprah. Winfrey. Network !

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If. Oprah. Winfrey. Owns. Her. Network. She. Should. Talk. About. ,,,White. Police. Fired. For. Being. Klan. Members. The. Past. 14 ,,Years.  White. Police. On. Tape. Saying. Nigger. .Racist. White. ,,Police. Officer. Said. He. Want. To. Shoot. Niggers.  When. The ,Race. War. Begins. ..He. Was. Fired. In. North  Carolina. ...,White,,,Police. Involved. In. The. White. Terrorist. Attack. On. The,,Capitol. Building. January. 6 ,I. Stroll. Channels. ,Oprah. Winfrey,,Talks With. White. Preachers. Has. She. Talked. With,Minster. Farrakhan ?  She. Had. The. Idiot. QB. Tom. Brady ,,Who. Super. Bowl. Wins. Were. Rigged. For. Him. To. Win. ,,Did. She,,Talk. With. Black. Football. Players. That. Were. Kneeling ? The,,Idiot. Tom. Brady. Close. Friends. With. Trump.. She. Still. ,Pleases. The. White. Audience. White. People. Who. Watch. Her,,Network. .. Was. Not. Watching. Her. Interview. Show,,Only. A,Few. Shows. On. Her. Network. Worth. Watching.......

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I believe (I don't know for sure) that Oprah DOES indeed own her network.
And theoretically she CAN talk about whatever she wants to talk about on her own network.
However, there's a few things we must keep in mind.

Will talking about these controversial topics bring her more money and viewership?
Or will they just increase divisiveness and turn much of her largely Caucasian audience away?

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Angry Black Man Reacting to His Partner by Stockwood on Envato Elements

"SO WHAT????
So what if she turns most of the Caucasians away, these topics need to be talked about!!"

Well....Caucasians are her bread and butter.
She doesn't claim to be a civil rights activist or icon, but an entertainer.

Yes I think those subjects need to be talked about indepth...and more than simply TALKING about them we need to actually DO something that will SOLVE these problems.  However the fact is, for Oprah to talk about these subjects MAY NOT solve these problems because we already have thousands of people talking about them over and over again but the problems seem to not be getting solved.
The only thing that MAY end up being done is she loses much of her Caucasian support and much of her wealth.

Now if she loses it while actually SOLVING the problem....that's one thing.
But to lose it WITHOUT solving the problem and not a damn thing is being done....what was the purpose?


In other word..................


Suppose I'm a Black man who's a billionaire:

And I made my billions talking about pound cakes and icecream.
Caucasians pay me HUNDREDS of millions of dollars a year just to talk about that and that alone.

Now I CAN talk about racism and social injustice instead, but I'd be doing so at my own risk.
Plus, what can I expect to accomplish by doing this besides looking funding from the Caucasians?

Will these problems get solved?
Will me stop talking about cake and ice cream and instead talking about police brutality and racism SOLVE those problems?

If not, why risk losing hundreds of millions to do something that doesn't even solve the problem?

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