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The Critical Race Theory : Subject of Interest or Agent of Distraction?

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For several months now the internet and media has been buzzing about the Critical Race Theory and even more focus has been places on the arguments happening in school board meetings and townhalls all over the nation.
Some say it should be taught, others say it shouldn't.

I'm not exactly sure what it is and when I've asked those who support and promote it's teaching to give me a clear solid definition of it they can't.  Instead they give me examples of subjects that may be taught IN Critical Race Theory, or they may give me one of CRT's objectives.  But no definite clear definition OF it.

Not even Merriam Webster's online dictionary offers a definition of it!

I've come to suspect that the entire CTR debate is a DISTRACTION generated by those who are preaching so hard against it, the right-wing Republicans.

I believe many of those teachers and professors who teach with CRT in mind are sincere in their fight for social justice, however I think the debate and the attention it's getting is a strawman built by Conservatives as a boogie-man to point to and focus negative energy against. 


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Yeah, this term has been popping up in conversations I've been having too.  I don't know what it means either.


All I know is that we, as a nation, need to teach history; like the African's role in ancient history and stop teaching myths like Columbus discovered America.


If we taught actual history and taught people how to think; subject like "Critical Race Theory" and "Anti-racism" would be unnecessary.

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