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The Internet is Down - Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp Go DOWN Worldwide

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Has this impacted any of you all?


What would you do without internet forever?


Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp go DOWN worldwide







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I don't use Facebook, Instagram or Whatsapp so I'd be fine.


If the internet went down forever, I'd play my keyboards, read, cook, knock out home improvement jobs, hold court, travel, etc. 


Yeah, pretty much the same sh8t I do now including the internet. 😁😎

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It didn't bother me much because I'm not a fan of Facebook or Twitter anyway.

I'm more of a YOUTUBE type of fellow...lol.

I signed up for Facebook many years ago and put in a fake name and they kicked my registration back telling me something like they don't accept false names and you must use your REAL name.

I said WTF????
How can they tell who's using a fake name or a real name unless they have some sort of database somewhere keeping track of people???

So Ieft facebook alone.

If the internet was down, I'd be out in the public doing community organizing and reading physical books in my spare time.
At this point if the internet went down there would be MASSIVE CHAOS in the streets....so having a strong and safe community would be priority.



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FaceBook is my conduit to family: near and far; friends: old and new.  i also belong to  Pantheist  and Quantum physics groups on there, both of which I learn things from.  I  find social media a diversion and i consider the source of what it reports.   i never respond to memes that give  instructions or ask questions.  I would miss FaceBook if it was gone but I'd find other diversion on line and on TV. The difference between FB and my children and grand kids and dog and cat is that i can click away from it when it bugs me. Not so with them. When all else fails solitude is my haven.  And music.





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So, heres the thing, the Internet can’t really go down, if the entire Internet “went down,” we’d have much more serious things to worry about.


Sadly, the reporting equates Mark’s massive sites with the actual internet. Sadder still, for many people Facebook, and a handful of other sites IS the Internet. 

I was completely unaware of Facebook’s outrage until I read it here. I would have thought a multi-hour outage of these fault tolerant, highly secure, globally distributed website would be immune to such a thing. 


We do not have the entire story sports fans, and given the state of journalism today we may never learn it. All we’ll get are conspiracy theories and Facebook’s own propaganda.

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@Troy. how come i have to post as a guest here when I'm on my smart phone. Then even when I try to post as a guest using the name Cynique, I'm  rejected.  Knowing my password might make a difference, but i forgot it.  

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@Cynique it should not matter which device you are using to access the forums, as long as you credentials are valid. There should be a way for you to reset your password, if necessary.   


Of course no one is allowed to use your screen name, as a quest, to post -- not even you.

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