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Let me get this straight.......

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A White man in Kentucky KILLS 3 cops and wounds many more and he get's taken into custody alive and relatively unharmed.........

but a Black man in Ohio who is actually trying to run away from the cops gets shot over 60 TIMES and is killed?

In the words of Flava Flav:  Yo Chuck, is they serious man????


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Yeah. When I heard the news this morning...my 1st thought was here we go again. 


The double-standard in the way police officers and race soldiers operate is very real. Yet, black folks should KNOW this by now.


I don't understand why n8gglets are running from a routine traffic stop.


Riding dirty, regardless of whether one has warrants or weapons, that sh8t isn't going to end well especially to jump out and flee. 


Just put that belly on the ground with hands locked behind the head. Live to see another day even if it's locked up...behind bars.


It's not worth getting shot up and ending up in the cemetery with pictures and  poems on T-shirts.😎

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This is why I keep saying we need to POLICE OURSELVES.
We need our own specially trained police department designed specifically for OUR communities so that shit like this doesn't keep happening over and over again.

It indeed is a sad and difficult situation.

The unarmed brother didn't deserve to be executed like that, especially by a a firing squad.
However if he didn't jump out and run, he'd probably be alive today.
In jail probably....but alive.


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The police force is *supposed* to be a reflection of the community it has sworn to protect and serve.


However, it's by design that white cops are policing black communities. That's a failure of black leadership and black elected officials in those areas.


Law enforcement is one of the issues that should be codified into an agenda and considered when black folks are voting for politicians and other elected officials in their cities. 😎

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You are leaving out something very important.

The white man complied with the police and did what the police ordered him to do.

When you comply, you don’t get shot.

Pretty simple.  That’s why blacks get shot, they don’t comply and when that happens, things can go wrong real quick. That’s why you should always comply, no sudden movements. 

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The white man murdered a few cops and injured others. He killed a dog.


That would have been an automatic death sentence at the hands of the police for a non-white person. 


It doesn't make sense to chase someone for a routine traffic stop. Either meet up with them back at the house or mail a citation.


At least that's what they would do in Mayberry USA.😎

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When Coleman Young....Detroit's first Black mayor....became mayor, one of the first things he did was MAKE SURE that no White cops were patroling Black neighborhoods alone.
He made sure that in Black neighborhoods either there would be Black police officers (of which there were very few when he first got into office) or a White office WITH A BLACK PARTNER.

But what was totally unacceptable is to have two or three White cops riding around in a Black neighborhood by themselves like Starsky and Hutch shooting up the place and conspiring all kinds of devilishment with no oversight.






Was the White man "complying" with police orders when they went to serve him a warrant and he refused to come out of his house and instead started shooting at them???


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Again- each and every time a black person gets shot by law enforcement, its because they dont comply with the police and make “ sudden movements”. They were also breaking the law.  It also happens to whites and hispanics but its the blacks that riot.

Remember Duante Wright? He had a loaded hand gun. We arent talking about decent law abiding people either.

Comply and you dont get shot. Any excuse to riot !!!!

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4 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

When Coleman Young....Detroit's first Black mayor....became mayor, one of the first things he did was MAKE SURE that no White cops were patroling Black neighborhoods alone.

Yep. Brotha Coleman Young did it right.


DC's mayor for life, the late Marion Barry did the same thing. He insured that black folks held a majority of the power positions and jobs in the city.


That's how black leadership is supposed to roll. Provide security and protection and pathways to success for our people. As a living witness, I know it can be done. 😎

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That's the difference between the OLD SCHOOL Black politicians and the new cats who came along after so-called "integration" who grew up confused as hell and don't know who their enemy is.

The old school Black politicians spoke directly to the concerns of the Black community and didn't pull any punches. The new Black politicians (those under 65 today) who went to school with White folks, smoking weed and drinking with them at parties, and getting blow jobs from White girls have a totally different outlook.  They really believe in this "can't we all get along" garbage that seeks to be friends with and compromise with their open enemy.

Most of those born in 1960 or later don't know the full STING of racism and how wicked White folks really are because they usually don't witness it until it's too late.

When it comes to mayors like Young and Barry....a lot of young Black people mistakenly believe that THEY are the reasons that so much of Detroit, D.C. or other inner cities controlled by Black mayors are run down or have a lot of crime.
What they don't realize is BEFORE these Black mayors took over....the majority of the city may have been clean but the segregated ghettoes Black folks were forced into were run down and crime ridden because of extreme poverty.  When these brothers took over, they provided relief for OUR community and expanded the wealth so that it would reach us.



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When Coleman Young was Mayor of Detroit, the overwhelming majority of Black voters supported Democratic candidates.

Just look at the turncoats on this discussion board, using every excuse they can to defend White Supremacists and the pretend Black people who castigate our race ad nauseum. And then excoriate those who defend and uplift Black Folks. 

Every act of violence committed us against brings a smile to their face. Coleman Young would never approve.

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It seems that Bill Clinton changed the face of the Democrat Party.

The last Democrat President before him....Carter...was a a solid Liberal who promoted Liberal ideas and policies.

"Slick Willy" came along and decided the easiest way to get in office on the heels of the Reagan-Bush era is to offer the public a "Republican Light" policy which pretty much amounted to being a Democrat in name only but promoting Republican policies like ending welfare and other social programs, being unfairly tough on poor criminals, and selling out the unions and wage workers.

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