Delano Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 I thought he would have been in prison by now. 1
ProfD Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 IMO, the chances are zero but I'll call it very slim to none that the former POTUS goes to prison. Time and again, he's proven to be Teflon in court. 1 1
Stefan Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 Old saying: It's not a matter of what you charge, it's what you can prove. I believe ProfD is right on this one. I don't even think Trump will be banned from holding office. 1
Pioneer1 Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 I think the chances are very low. They are already pointed to the armed right-wing extremists who they are ALLOWING to demonstrate outside of Federal buildings as an excuse to claim they are being "intimidated" into not taking further action against Trump for the sake of keeping the If the Democrats were a TRUE opposition party....he would have been behind bars before he even got into office back in 2017. They had more than enough evidence of him colluding and conspiring with Russia to lock his ass up and not only dropped the ball but KICKED it down the field. This is a big GAME the racist politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle are playing in public. However no matter what human beings plan....GOD has His own plans. Trump CAN get locked up. Like ProfD and Stephan said....the chances are very low.....but it can happen. Stranger things have happened in this world. The powers that be thought that massive rioting by Black males was a thing of the past. They thought it died out with the L.A. riots. They thought they locked up or killed off most of the "down" Black men who'd do something like that. .....and then the killing of George Floyd set off a spark that ignited riots ALL OVER the nation at the same time in a way not even seen in the 60s! Never underestimate the power of GOD and what can be Done if HE Wills it to happen! The SUPREME BEING my Father used to say...put an "itch in the tooth" of some Federal Judge to go off script and say fuck it and just prosecute Trump for the hell of it and next thing you
ProfD Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 @Pioneer1, the fear of right-wing extremists going crazy is one of the reasons the former POTUS won't go to prison. Another reason is fearing the right-wing base could grow larger if he's imprisoned. The GOP would reclaim the House and Senate and eventually the White House. The main thing they're trying to do is keep the former POTUS from running for political office again. Democrats like their chances of winning against anybody other than him.
Pioneer1 Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 ProfD I don't call it the "fear" of right-wing extremists because I don't believe this government is afraid of them. The U.S. military and even the law enforcement collective is among the most powerful in this world; there is no way a bunch of beer guzzling overweight rednecks who can't round up enough guys from each or their states to fill up a parking lot is going to truly "intimidate" this government. The government has weapons most of the public has never even heard of to use on those clowns...IF (key word) they wished to use them. However the REFINED racists in government....those in power....will USE those big bellied bastards standing around with rifles and waving 1776 flags as a CONVENIENT EXCUSE to push their racist agenda or NOT do their job of prosecuting Trump. They will PRETEND like they are afraid of them and don't want any "trouble" from them and use THAT as an excuse not to prosecute their boy (Trump) Kind of like the racists on the Capital police department PRETENDED to be overwhelmed and overpowered on January 6th as they stood by and let a couple hundred rednecks storm the Capital and it wasn't until a COUPLE Black cops started busting shots and driving the crowd back....then the White cops saw that the jig was up and returned to their posts and gently pushed the crowd away. These people PURPOSELY allow things to seemingly get out of control for their own agenda. It's called CONTROLED CHAOS.
ProfD Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 Right. The government has always maintained a bead on militias and white supremacist groups but it doesn't stop them from stirring the pot and acting a fool. The government doesn't fear these clowns but the people do. They have stormed the Capitol and executed Black folks and have more guns and ammunition than a small army. Locking up the former POTUS could potentially cause a bunch of brush fires all over the country started by right-wing clowns. Just like January 6th, law enforcement will be told to stand down and they'd better not fire a single shot endangering the lives of those American patriots.
Pioneer1 Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 ProfD Well..... Perhaps things NEED to "come to a head" so to speak to clear the bad blood. In other word, perhaps stirring up these violent racists so that we can identify them, pull them out, and nail them is LONG over due in this nation.
Pioneer1 Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 BREAKING NEWS It appears another "extremist" of some sort tried to attack the Capital this morning: Man dies after crashing car, firing gunshots near U.S. Capitol (
ProfD Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 2 hours ago, Pioneer1 said: Well..... Perhaps things NEED to "come to a head" so to speak to clear the bad blood. In other word, perhaps stirring up these violent racists so that we can identify them, pull them out, and nail them is LONG over due in this nation. In his wisdom, a few years before he died, Dick Gregory talked about it. When the former POTUS was elected, Dick Gregory basically said white people in America would start losing their minds and doing dumb sh8t. When asked what AfroAmericans ahould do...Dick Gregory said "do nothing...this ain't about (you) Black folks". 1
Troy Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 The leaders of the confederacy were not shot for treason. If seems unlike that Trump will be punished for anything he has done. But the changes are not zer,o and I'd be willing to be that he will be imprisoned with the right odds. 1
Delano Posted August 14, 2022 Author Report Posted August 14, 2022 They have found classified and top secret documents from the White House in Trump's country club. Apparently some of those documents compromise national security. So like our previous bet unless he dies he is going to jail @Troy 1
ProfD Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 @Delano, I'm not your financial advisor but I wouldn't place that bet. From never showing tax returns to the Russian collusion investigation and being twice impeached, "mishandling" government documents will not land the former POTUS in prison. The GOP will do everything in its power to insure that nothing happens to this dude considering the amount of influence he has over them.
Michel Montvert Posted August 14, 2022 Report Posted August 14, 2022 It is sad indeed to watch the govt including Democrats do nothing about the already obvious list of felonies committed by the Orange Narcissist. What happens now will be the indicator if the system as a whole has decided to allow the USA to slide into fascism or not. Trump clearly belongs in Club Fed. Is it all a colossal sham, a show? Or can we trust anyone, even the FBI, even the progressive Democrats, at this point? The entire world is ominously dysfunctional and worse by the day. At this point I have to say, Here's hoping we survive! 2
Delano Posted August 15, 2022 Author Report Posted August 15, 2022 3 hours ago, ProfD said: @Delano, I'm not your financial advisor but I wouldn't place that bet. One of my better qualities is my ability not to follow good advice. It has made for an interesting life. 1
Pioneer1 Posted August 15, 2022 Report Posted August 15, 2022 6 hours ago, Michel Montvert said: Is it all a colossal sham, a show? Or can we trust anyone, even the FBI, even the progressive Democrats, at this point? The entire world is ominously dysfunctional and worse by the day. At this point I have to say, Here's hoping we survive! To answer your question....NO. Most Democrats at the Federal level can't be trusted (sorry and are in cahoots with the Republicans. Both are playing for the same team and it's one big game. However UNDERSTANDING this is key to breaking the spell and moving towards progress because as long as you BELIEVE that you actually have a choice you will continue to do nothing but EXPECT for the "opposition" to provide the resistance for you. Once you realize that they aren't true opposition and won't help you....then you'll get up and do what needs to be done yourself and THEN you will begin to see progress.
Troy Posted August 15, 2022 Report Posted August 15, 2022 I just posted a link to an Intelligence Squared debate on the question, "Should Trump be Indicted." A panel of smart and informed people debate the proposition. Knowing y'all I doubt anyone will change their position, but that is the goal of the debaters -- to convince you to come over to their side. @Michel Montvert welcome to the forums
Michel Montvert Posted August 15, 2022 Report Posted August 15, 2022 Thank you, Troy. OMG this forum is intelligent! Nearly all of the ones I find are just flame-war battlegrounds. I think it has always been true in the USA that African-Americans are in the forefront of the fight for justice which benefits all of us (I'm an Appalachian white). That was certainly true in the 60s (which I'm old enough to remember) and it's still true. So I'm happy to march with you, or engage in whatever form the struggle takes that I can manage at my age. We have a big battle impending, the possibility of that Orange Megalomaniac returning to power which in my opinion pushes us into full fascism. They'll be coming after black people, gays, progressives, immigrants, Muslims... oh hell and even women! This forum provides a very positive contribution to the struggle against that! Thanks! 3
frankster Posted August 15, 2022 Report Posted August 15, 2022 If Found guilty on all allegations.....House Arrest or Suspended Sentence or some type of Probation. Imprisonment I would be surprised....In any case The first Republican to win the Presidency would Pardon him of all Charges. I remember him chanting "Lock her Up" ....the Gods can be so humorous - in the end she wasn't lock up.
Stefan Posted August 16, 2022 Report Posted August 16, 2022 @Michel Montvert A lot of people (including many die-hard Leftists), do not believe Trump will be imprisoned. I am not a Progressive or a Socialist. In fact, I blame Bernie for 12% of his supporters voting for Trump in 2016,according to Vox. What is happening to this government these days is unprecedented. No one ever thought a POTUS would spirit away highly classified documents, some clearly marked 'Top Secret.' But Trump did and the worry now is who actually packed up these documents, who walked around Mar a Lago and who took a look at them. Trump was known for bragging. He once ordered a bombing raid on Syria to show off his power to Chinese President Xi Jinping while scarfing down a chocolate cake for dessert. ( ) We know at least two Chinese women who were caught with spying equipment at Mar a Largo. ( ) So, who knows what will happen.? My feeling is Trump won't be see the inside of a real prison cell unless he visits. Trump fans still have their hearts set of imprisoning Secretary Clinton and former President Barack Obama.
ProfD Posted October 9, 2022 Report Posted October 9, 2022 I'm still at zero chance the former POTUS goes to prison. In fact, I believe he's more likely to get re-elected than to put on a jumpsuit matching his skin color.
richardmurray Posted October 9, 2022 Report Posted October 9, 2022 @Troy your point is the key. but I Want to extend beyond Schrumpft and go into the USA itself. One of the problems is the USA people in the USA want isn't the same. Many whites still want the USA that existed before the confederacy or the usa that would had been if the confederacy won. Some people want the usa that never existed. Others do not want the USA of yore or the dream that never existed. A country of over 300 million and growing doesn't have a consensus on what they want the government to be tomorrow.
Pioneer1 Posted October 9, 2022 Report Posted October 9, 2022 ProfD Not only do I agree with you that Trump isn't going to prison. I'm also questioning whether or not Russia's war with the Ukraine is a "serious" one. I know people are getting killed and property is being destroyed, but we know the Racists will do this for "fun". They'll blow up entire cities for fun.....just to rebuild and keep the economy going. I thought Putin may have been going rogue and going off script from the other racists to do his thing, but if things in Ukraine are going the way the media here are portraying them to appears that Putin is PURPOSELY destroying his own military by allowing a much weaker Ukraine to defeat and humiliate it.
ProfD Posted October 9, 2022 Report Posted October 9, 2022 4 hours ago, Pioneer1 said: I'm also questioning whether or not Russia's war with the Ukraine is a "serious" one. I know people are getting killed and property is being destroyed, but we know the Racists will do this for "fun". Bingo. Wars boost the economy. Human suffering too. Human beings are expendable as evidenced by the fact that millions of people have died in wars throughout history. Same thing applies to diseases. Everything about this conflict is enriching others. Interesting that it started as the pandemic was waning. Watch their hands. Follow the money.
Troy Posted October 9, 2022 Report Posted October 9, 2022 On 8/15/2022 at 9:28 AM, Michel Montvert said: Nearly all of the ones I find are just flame-war battlegrounds. This might sound like a conspiracy theory, but after running a forum continuously longer than anyone I know, I do believe that are people who deliberately create descent in an effort to hurt Black indie forums. This is not just regular mischievous trolling, but trolling with a specific intent to hurt Black-owned properties. On 8/15/2022 at 12:14 PM, frankster said: The first Republican to win the Presidency would Pardon him of all Charges. We he can't pardon Trump on the charges the NY State charges (as far as I know). Regarding bets on 45 being 47 or getting locked up I'd say "pick em,'" it is a toss-up. I do believe Trump will be convicted of something, but again, I'd flip on coin on whether that lands him in prison.
frankster Posted October 10, 2022 Report Posted October 10, 2022 16 hours ago, Troy said: This might sound like a conspiracy theory, but after running a forum continuously longer than anyone I know, I do believe that are people who deliberately create descent in an effort to hurt Black indie forums. This is not just regular mischievous trolling, but trolling with a specific intent to hurt Black-owned properties. Its not a theory....its a Conspiracy. 16 hours ago, Troy said: We he can't pardon Trump on the charges the NY State charges (as far as I know). As far as I know you are correct a President can only pardon federal crimes....but I stand by my assertion that he will be pardon of all Charges 16 hours ago, Troy said: Regarding bets on 45 being 47 or getting locked up I'd say "pick em,'" it is a toss-up. I do believe Trump will be convicted of something, but again, I'd flip on coin on whether that lands him in prison. Personally I do not think Trump will be Imprisoned....Convicted yes. I am more interested in Discrediting Trump and exposing his Hypocrisies.
Troy Posted October 10, 2022 Report Posted October 10, 2022 26 minutes ago, frankster said: I am more interested in Discrediting Trump and exposing his Hypocrisies. I think t Trump's hypocrisies have already been exposed, but it does not seem to matter to his supporters. Indeed it is a badge of honor given Trump's great successes.
frankster Posted October 10, 2022 Report Posted October 10, 2022 2 hours ago, Troy said: I think t Trump's hypocrisies have already been exposed, but it does not seem to matter to his supporters. Indeed it is a badge of honor given Trump's great successes. Trumps Hypocrisies has not been exposed to his base....Only his exploits.
richardmurray Posted March 31, 2023 Report Posted March 31, 2023 On 10/8/2022 at 9:45 PM, richardmurray said: @Troy your point is the key. but I Want to extend beyond Schrumpft and go into the USA itself. One of the problems is the USA people in the USA want isn't the same. Many whites still want the USA that existed before the confederacy or the usa that would had been if the confederacy won. Some people want the usa that never existed. Others do not want the USA of yore or the dream that never existed. A country of over 300 million and growing doesn't have a consensus on what they want the government to be tomorrow. no @Delano because I didn't answer your original question. Whether schrumpf goes to jail or not, to me was less important than the question of the usa population itself. I admit being in the black community has taught me the importance of comprehending the internal multiracial condition of any community. I wish more black people would comprehend the internal multiracial reality of the black community in the usa or under any government. All black people are black, but we do not share the same ideas about tomorrow and that matters. And it extends to all communities. The over 300 million people in the usa don't have a consensus on tomorrow. and that is the real problem. The government of the usa isn't flexible enough to handle it so you get this chaos. I have said publicly many times, i don't like schrumpt, for many things before his presidential era. But, even though I dislike him, the problems surrounding him have little to do with him and more to do with the truth of the usa which sadly, many people in the usa want to ignore or not see or hope to override through a mix of media plus education programs plus peer pressure. To the case. The first legal fact is , this entire case hinges on the fact that donal trump isn't a new york city resident. if donald trump was listed as a nyc resident the statue of limitations on this case would not allow it, to go forward. which means this case is a witch hunt. The reality is, the district attorney , alvin bragg, could had given this case a pass. He chose not to... but , while I am no lawyer nor do I like schrumpf, i find the basis of this case, a case that would be thrown out if schrumpf lived in nyc, which concerns nothing but a payment to pornstar... people in nyc media are trying to spin this as good law but come on:) this is clearlya witch hunt. and why does that matter? witch hunts only make more witch hunts. cause the point of any witch hunt is to attack someone deemed undesireable by a group that has the power to take advantage, it is never for the betterment of any community. So will he go to jail, I still don't care, and it may happen, but the legal underpinnings, as a non lawyer, I see as soft.
ProfD Posted March 31, 2023 Report Posted March 31, 2023 For once @richardmurray and I are in agreement. These charges for which the former POTUS is being indicted are the equivalent of a witch hunt. The former POTUS has more dirt on him than paying hush money to a porn star over 7 years ago. NY is wasting a ton of taxpayers money. The former POTUS will not be going to prison for this BS. 1
Delano Posted March 31, 2023 Author Report Posted March 31, 2023 They are getting him on tax evasion and possibly fraud. Then if the can show this has been his business practice. Trump's will be shown to be a criminal organisation. Which will mean they will confiscate it's assets.
ProfD Posted March 31, 2023 Report Posted March 31, 2023 4 hours ago, Delano said: They are getting him on tax evasion and possibly fraud. Then if the can show this has been his business practice. Trump's will be shown to be a criminal organisation. Which will mean they will confiscate it's assets. They were trying to get him on tax evasion before he became POTUS. Other infractions he's committed: 1) Admitted to grabbing women's body parts 2) Impeached twice 3) Sided with Russia 4) Election meddling 5) Incited an insurrection 6) Kept classified documents Of course, not everything is punishable in a court of law but it is punishable in the court of public opinion. Yet, the clown still has a ton of supporters all over the country. My point is...the man clearly understands the power of white privilege. When the dust settles and smoke clears, the former POTUS will walk away scot-free. OTOH, NY DA Alvin Bragg might be working at the Car Wash.
richardmurray Posted March 31, 2023 Report Posted March 31, 2023 @ProfD if it can happen it will I don't know how this will end, it is possible Schrumpf ends up behind bars, it is possible he will not. I don't think any outcome is certain. But for me, this is a witchhunt.
Chevdove Posted March 31, 2023 Report Posted March 31, 2023 40 minutes ago, richardmurray said: But for me, this is a witchhunt. lol. It is but I guess, he was so outrageous, it was bound to happen.
ProfD Posted March 31, 2023 Report Posted March 31, 2023 I still find it ridiculous that this former POTUS gets so much attention. The media isn't covering Carter, Clinton, Bush and Obama nearly as much. As @richardmurray alluded, the real question is what do the American people expect to happen to the clown. I guess the only benefit to putting the clown bars would be to keep him from becoming POTUS again. There's no guarantee in that either. Those goofy azz supporters might get the clown re-elected anyway.
richardmurray Posted March 31, 2023 Report Posted March 31, 2023 @Chevdove well, based on his policies he is no different than any other president. Schrumpf merely continued barack obama's immigration policy. Obama was the one who started separating the illegal immigrant children, not schrumpf. Schrumpf merely continued it. Schrumpf focused on china as an opponent and Biden is continuing it. The wild financial system has been given free reign since Reagan, all presidents since reagan have capitulated to the banks and financial sectors, all of them. Schrumpf differs from all the other reagan era presidents by one thing alone, his advertisements. From Reagan to Biden all the presidents outside SChrumpf don't advertise negativities. Reagan undercut public schools, which public schools never recovered from, but he never said, taxpayers money should go to taxpayers schools. Bush jr. went into iraq to continue the war machine to get control of oil but never said, the usa needs to reclaim the global oil supply to make cost of living like it was before 1970s for the usa empire. Clinton damaged the labor system with welfare to work and mismanaged the internet allowing the private sector to dictate its elemental structure. But he never said, I am unwilling to curtail the business plan of the private sector for the poor and I am willing to accept this new media outlet be a wild west to the detriment of all who interact with it. Bush jr. made two illegal wars. but he never said, the usa has to have a greater militaristic presence in the arab world whether they want it or not. Obama broke the first rule of fiscal capitalism and insulted every fiscal poor person in the usa giving a black check to the banks and automotive firms and others. but he never said, I don't have the courage or desire to destroy the generational wealth from the time of george washington in the white community and force everyone in the usa and the global economy to start on truly equal footing. Biden threatened the oil industry while wanting the oil industry to help him while financing a war with a country that supported the usa illegal invading another. but is unwilling to say, the usa empire has to spread its wings to show rivals what their place is and the military will force all including china to the usa's will if need be. Schrumpf said, russia is a friend, cause russia is, a fellow empire that spent from the end of the second phase of the world war to the fall of the soviet union joining the usa in using every other country as a proxy battlefield. Saving the ussr/russia and the usa from any of the war zones that plagued south america/eastern europe/africa/asia and china is an enemy, china is the first non white european country to achieve the military ability to be respected by the usa/the financial ability to be respected by the usa since the fall of japan. and china unlike the japanese has a much large anti european culture in their modern form. When schrumpf didn't go to the arizona senators funeral that was the correct thing to do, you don't go to the funeral of somebody you can't stand. Russia is willing to join the usa against china. Biden wants russia to join against china too but he also wants russia to allow western europe to dominate it. Cause with russia's help the usa can control the oil conveniently until the USA can control the next major energy technology. Schrumpf advertises his views and ways clearly. he doesn't trick, he uses blunt power and the whites/blacks/native americans/women who have money in the usa are used to forked tongue behavior. The Black church was a large supporter of the war on drugs which hurt the larger black community but couldn't admit their role and still don't admit it now. while many fiscally wealthy black people are part of black church communities designed to merely collate their wealth. Women say they want empowerment but whenever women have a chance to become the dominant owners of an industry, like a woman sport, they don't cause women are afraid to risk their money or believe in themselves. Whites in NYC talk about equality and speak ill of whites who are deemed "conservative" but the white liberals and goodie goods support policies that deny any opportunity in the black community whatsoever. Bill clinton and the white plus black democratic party officials in nyc were huge supporters of the harlem empowerment zone that didn't empower one black owned business in harlem, and led to the death of many of them. Schrumpf does what all his peers do but he doesn't talk like them. He doesn't tell black people he loves them or play the saxophone. He doesn't tell women he wants them to have a seat at the table or be his equal, and pays for women to service him. He doesn't tell immigrants he wants them for anything but cheap labor and he doesn't want to help their kids, knowing that is why many came to the usa. Is he positive? no. he is very negative. but he did nothing others didn't do or are doing. but he doesn't speak like his presidential peers and that is his true problem in the larger usa. The black senator from brooklyn hasn't helped the black community in brooklyn. Eric Adams is not raising the black community. Eric adams is helping a select set of blacks mostly related to black cop families, another 1%, financial black elite in nyc. De Sanctiss don't care about white farmers. He isn't trying to improve the white community, but simply ingratiate himself and his white elected elite stay financially safe, no matter the cost. But none of them say it. SChrumpf is willing to say things that show a level of unconcern to keeping up the lies that are at the foundation of the usa. This is why he has so many enemies on both sides. Schrumpf isn't a hero or worker or advocate for the common people, but his way of communicating goes against what the majority of the have's in government or the private sector like. @ProfD yes , those other presidents are not a threat to the system, everything they do is within a confine. They speak the way they are allowed to speak, they do the things they are allowed to do. Schrumpf loves going off script and that is something the others dont do. so nothing to talk about. The People in the usa need to do ask what will happen to themselves:) I Ask again, what I always ask in these post eventually. what do you want tomorrow for the group to be? I usually mean black people only, here or there. But in the usa context, what do you want tomorrow to be for the populace in the u.s.a.? That is the question, but that question is hard. It is easy to be about yourself alone. Look out for number one, I got mine get yours. I do for me. The problem is, the usa has a populace of over three hundred million people , with tons of hatreds/dislikes/financial inequalities /various criminal acts between them. Any group of a certain size needs management, needs to be governed. A group of individuals is not enough, not satisfactory. Schrumpf realizes that no one in power: the elected officials, the banks, the global firms, the fiscal elite, the military are interested in anything but an individual mantra. The only problem is, people will cluster until they either make it a public policy or start working towards organizing the group. But the reagan/bush sr or jr/clinton/obama/biden centrist individualism is just not enough for the group. Yes, a minority of whites/blacks/womens/men/christian/muslims/atheitst/latinos/anglos/sinos/native americans are thriving and will thrive, but the majority in every group needs more, needs more. Schrumpf doesn't offer it but he knows said majorities when they get angry enough, will want someone who will tell them how they truly feel , which is a truth his peers are unwilling or unable to do
Delano Posted March 31, 2023 Author Report Posted March 31, 2023 Trump wants to be emperor. He incited a riot to overturn election results. That could have gotten the VP killed and did result in a death. Establishing a pattern of behaviour of planned malicious intent is a big deal. Premeditated murder is the highest penalty. The entire Trump organisation could be found to be a criminal organisation. Time will tell
Pioneer1 Posted April 1, 2023 Report Posted April 1, 2023 When he's in cuffs and behind bars......for over a week....then I'll believe he COULD end up in prison.
Delano Posted April 6, 2023 Author Report Posted April 6, 2023 The first three charges will hang him for the rest. Payment is a tax fraud. Improper handling of classified document. Seeking to overturn the election and inciting a riot.
Pioneer1 Posted April 9, 2023 Report Posted April 9, 2023 On 4/1/2023 at 8:49 AM, Pioneer1 said: When he's in cuffs and behind bars......for over a week....then I'll believe he COULD end up in prison. And ofcourse he WASN'T cuffed....and DIDN'T spend a week or even a damn NIGH behind bars. They didn't even put HANDCUFFS on the man for ceremonial purposes. Didn't even PRETEND to treat him like the average person. In the old days, they used to atleast PRETEND to treat these elites and big shots like the average citizen. Put a pair of cuffs on a person just for a him with his hands raised in a suit. When the press leaves, they take them off of him. Now, they don't even do THAT. "Look at all of this love! The police love me! Hey! I keep tellin' you.....I can shoot a guy on 5th Avenue and won't spend a night in jail. What does it take for you guys to believe"
ProfD Posted April 10, 2023 Report Posted April 10, 2023 The NY DA wasn't interested in putting the former POTUS in handcuffs or behind bars. The whole exercise was a charade. Another show under the big top circus featuring the clown.
Troy Posted April 10, 2023 Report Posted April 10, 2023 On 3/31/2023 at 2:44 PM, ProfD said: The media isn't covering Carter, Clinton, Bush and Obama nearly as much. You know our media. if Clinton was still getting head from young women or if Obama started grabbing the genitalia of random women they would be both all over the media too. It took Carter being at death's door to get any ink. It seems unlikely that 45 will do any time for the Stormy Daniels affair. The likelihood of him doing time for this charge, or any in the future, seems small, but it far from zero. Vegas does not think Trump will go to jail. DONALD TRUMP TO BE SENTENCED TO JAIL? ODDS Yes +600 No -1500 6.25% is the implied probability that he will go to jail. No is the "favorite," and you'd have to bet $1,500 win $100, or you can bet $100 to win $600 (I'd take that bet ).
Delano Posted April 11, 2023 Author Report Posted April 11, 2023 Give me 3 to 1 . I'll bet you 33.33 he's going to jail. If I lose I pay you 33.33 Of you lose you pay me 99.99 @Troy
Troy Posted April 11, 2023 Report Posted April 11, 2023 Hey @Delano, lets define a time boundary and you have a bet. Does before the end of 2024 work for you?
Troy Posted April 12, 2023 Report Posted April 12, 2023 Given that he is an ex-president with the best health care imaginable Trump may outlive us both How about I give you 4 to 1 ($100 to your $25) that Trump does no time in prison before the end of 2024? That does not include house arrest.
Delano Posted April 12, 2023 Author Report Posted April 12, 2023 4 hours ago, Troy said: Given that he is an ex-president with the best health care imaginable Trump may outlive us both How about I give you 4 to 1 ($100 to your $25) that Trump does no time in prison before the end of 2024? That does not include house arrest. Make it a guilty sentence by the end of 2024. He has to beat the charges in an appeal for yo to win. And he has to go to prison for me to win. Winning is conditional on the outcome of his appeal. So if he isn't sentenced you win.
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