AALBC.com Crossword – December 20, 1998

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Puzzle #01122497 Copyright � 1997 by the African American Literature Book Club

1 5th Day of Kwanzaa
4 Exclamation of surprise
7 Semitic people for the Arabian Peninsula
12 Tavern
13 Mineral spring
14 Strange and mysterious
15 Moses without the "n"
16 Akin
17 Swahili Lion
18 Greek goddess of strife
20 Hank with a bat
22 Staggers
24 P.E.'s or LL's output
25 The "Fat Boys" like to
28 Sponsorship
30 (1918-1996) The "First" Lady of Jazz
31 Created the department of agriculture at Tuskegee Institute
34 Principal writer during the Harlem Renaissance
36 First AA on a Davis Cup team
37 Author of "Vive Noir!"
39 Which person
40 For each
41 Duck with soft down
45 Radioactive gaseous element
47 Charles I. (1956-)
48 Ella Josephine (1903-1986)
51 Fairy queen
53 Ruthie Bolton 1994
54 More or less vertical
55 Black bird
56 Consumed
57 Harvests
58 Negative
59 Amiri's Poem "Calling black people"
1 North of Nigeria
2 Accustom
3 "____ Allen" Brooks Pulitzer (1950)
4 "Free your mind and your ____ will follow"
5 Capital of Western Samoa
6 Swahili Greeting
7 Made "don't count your chickens before they hatch" popular
8 Restraint
9 Upper limb
10 Basketball great Hen.
11 Ocean
19 "I am the dream and the hope of the _______"
21 Bob Marley's "Dreadlock _____"
23 ___ See Rider
25 Tree
26 "Miller"
27 used with Feathers in this torture
29 1993 Poems by Ai
30 Reddish dye
31 Call of the crow
32 Powdery residue
33 Sigma Gamma
35 Public Enemy #
38 First black woman member of the Screen Writers Guild
40 Gordon and Rosa
42 Free from gas
43 Muse of lyric poetry
44 Esters
45 Countee Cullen: "We shall not always plant while others ___"
46 Swahili Eight
48 "The Shark ___" of NYC
49 Monkey
50 New Zealand parrot
52 Bank Hank

Puzzle 01124097 and Solution Below


















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