Celebrating Black Books Since 1998
Book Information
We maintain a curated and growing collection of books covering a century of Black literature. You’ll find reviews, bestsellers, awards, excerpts, publisher information, a variety of purchase options, and more. Visit our Books Section ►
Author Profiles
We have profiles of more than 7,000 authors and illustrators, which includes biographies, published books, interviews, videos, and more. You’ll find writers, in every genre, from the United States, Africa, and the entire the African Diaspora. Visit our Authors Section ►
Book Reviews
Recently Reviewed Books
We’ve reviewed almost 1,200 books and hundreds of films. Visit our Reviews Section ►
Book Festivals and Events
You’ll discover almost 150 important book fairs and conferences coming up during the next 12 months, as well as videos, articles, and photos of events we’ve covered since 1998. Visit our Events Section ►