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Posts posted by BobbySeale


    SEIZE THE TIME: "Bobby Seale, The Eighth
    a feature length film will chronicle the life of Bobby
    Seale, the founding Chairman and national organizer of the Black Panther Party.

    The Bobby Seale story: an American grown political revolutionary, with
    flash back scenes from early life in San Antonia, Texas to Berkeley,
    California, and later all across the USA, organizing and fighting for electoral
    people empowerment: "For constitutional democratic civil-human
    rights." Bobby Seale tells his story from the stand point of being … a
    political prisoner, in jail without bail revolving around two sixties protest
    movement historical court room trials of the century. The inadvertent but profound
    evolvement of Bobby Seale and his Black Panther Party to the point of FBI
    cointelpro instigated nationwide shooting war. A war against Bobby Seale and
    his panther organizational and coalition movement.

    The film will highlight important aspects of Seale's life, particularly The
    great "Chicago Seven" conspiracy trail that was originally
    "Eight" with Bobby Seale as the pivotal, most memorable historically
    defiant of all the defendants in demanding his six amendment rights. The other
    defendants and lawyers were Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, David Dellinger, Tom
    Hayden, Rennie Davis, John Froines, William Kunstler and Leonard Wineglass and
    Lee Weiner.


    All were charged with the "RAP Brown" law of "… conspiracy to
    use interstate transportation with the intent to incite riots" related to
    protests that took place in Chicago, Illinois on the occasion of the 1968
    Democratic National Convention. And one year later and after seven weeks of
    knock-down drag out conflict with Judge Julius Hoffman, Bobby Seale, the eighth
    man charged, was severed from the trial and sentenced to four years in prison
    for contempt of court during the proceedings, lowering the number from eight to
    the "Chicago Seven" defendants. During the trial proceedings, Seale
    was denied an attorney of his choice. His attorney of record was Charles R.
    Garry who was in the hospital recovering from a surgical operation.


    When Seale consistently protested for seven weeks that he was being denied
    his sixth amendment constitutional right to either have an attorney of his
    choice or to represent himself, Judge Hoffman silenced him by having Seale
    chained, shackled, bounded and gagged for three days in the courtroom.


    Bobby Seale and Huey Newton created and founded the Black Panther Party for
    Self-Defense in October of 1966, in Oakland California. The Party advocated
    self-defense of the black community against the racist murder and brutality of
    the Oakland, Berkeley, Richmond and San Francisco Police through armed patrols
    of police activities. The purpose of the armed patrols was to capture the
    imagination of the people for broader community electoral purposes as Seale and
    Newton observe the police making arrest of black people. The Party also fought
    to establish greater peoples' empowerment via community control politics,
    through mass organizing of more than twenty different community based survival
    programs. The party was one of the first organizations in U.S. history to
    militantly struggle for ethnic minority and working class emancipation - a
    party whose political electoral agenda was the revolutionary establishment of
    real economic, social, and political equality across gender and color lines,
    aligning itself with other people of color organizations including Cesar
    Chavez's Farm Workers Movement, AIM The American Indian Movement, The Asian Red
    Guard [i Wor kuen] {Righteous Harmonious Fist}, Puerto Rican The Young Lords
    Movement and The Peace and Freedom Party, SDS, Young Patriots, etc. The Party's
    effectiveness as an organizing vehicle lead it to grow quickly starting with
    Bobby Seale leading an armed delegation of Party members to the California
    state capitol building on May 2nd 1967 to read Executive Mandate No. 1:
    protesting the state legislatures passing of the Mulford Act, a new law that
    was designed to keep the Party from legally patrolling the police in the
    streets of Oakland CA.


    The FBI's director J. Edgar Hoover became involved in stopping the Black
    Panther Party as the party began to gain prominence during 1967 & 68. As
    COINTELPRO had been established in 1956 to police "political
    radicals" within the United States, focus and pressure now came onto the
    Black Panther Party. On December 15, 1968, J. Edgar Hoover declared, "the
    Black Panther Party, without question, represents the "…greatest threat to
    the internal security of the country"; he pledged that 1969 would be the
    last year of the Party's existence.


    Hoover has also been quoted as saying that it was not the guns that were the
    greatest threat but the Party's Free Children's Breakfast Program that was the
    "…greatest threat to the internal security of the United States of America."
    An interview with former FBI Agent M. Wesley Swearingen, whose book the
    "FBI Secrets," will highlight the Bureau's COINTEL-PRO program's
    covert campaign to neutralize, disrupt, and discredit" The Black Panther


    Under Hoover's reign, the Party suffered immensely, which resulted in many
    of its members being assassinated or imprisoned. By 1970, Eldridge Cleaver was
    in exile, key leadership members such as Apprentice Bunchy Carter, John
    Huggins, and Fred Hampton had been assassinated and Geronimo Pratt, Angela
    Davis and Bobby Seale were in prison.

    According to Seale what sustained him while locked in the
    mire of prisons deepest, darkest hours of despair and isolation, was his
    childhood memories. And this is where "Bobby Seale The Eighth Defendant"
    will begin its narrative journey to tell the life story of Bobby Seale and the
    rise and decline of his many times misunderstood organization, The Black
    Panther Party.

    All Power To All The People!

    Bobby Seale


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