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Richard Murray Creative Table 5

MY CREATIVE TABLE Perihelion 2025 , 2024 work list , art vs artist 2024 , Poetic Critique of Luthien and Beren by jjwinters , critmas 2024 , secret santa 2024, ? THE BLACK TABLE the representatives of the people , afrofuturism from tananarive due + steven barnes , Cicely Tyson in the Blue Bird,  Miss Black America, Avery Brooks saving Sisqo , ? AALBC TABLE Perihelion 2025 how , Jack the Ripper from Lucy Worsley , ? ARTISTS LIST   GEMGFX , GDBEE , Deidre Smith B


I was unable to find the stageplay book. I imagine someone has it somewhere. But if I ever get it I will share it in this work. This isn't the first african american stageplay, my book of old stageplays have many that are older and that were popular. But Shuffle Along did have a sensation especially among whites that is underrated.  Well, enjoy the images.      Shuffle Along (1921) Posted onMarch 16, 2008by contributed by: Anthony Duane Hill Shuffle Along, a musi


richardmurray in E literature entry

ForTran Automatic Coding System from Backus & Company

The FORTRAN Automatic Coding System J. W. BACKUS?, R. J. BEEBERt, S. BEST$, R. GOLDBERG?, L. M. HAIBTt, H. L. HERRICK?, R. A. NELSON?, D. SAYRE?, P. B. SHERIDAN?, H.STERNt, I. ZILLERt, R. A. HUGHES§, AN^ .. . R. NUTT~   THE FORTRAN project was begun in the sum- mer of 1954. Its purpose was to reduce by a large factor the task of preparing scientific problems for IBM's next large computer, the 704. If it were possible for the 704 to code problems for itself and produce as good prog


richardmurray in industrial review

FORTRAN a history from John Backus

ForTran for formula translating system, I think this is a wonderful read. I must admit, while my agenda in Black Games Elite is for a set of Black people to develop games, wit my involvement as one of them. I do think as a maker, a side project of making a computer is not worthless. It will be ideal to make a computer with its machine code and build upwards , if for no other reason than the acute experience of such a thing which this history partially proves.    THE HISTORY OF FORTRAN


richardmurray in industrial review

Gutenberg - Black Literature

thank you @umbrarchist for inspiring this. I have known of gutenberg for years and used it but never thought to go through its library for Black literature.    Books in African American Writers (sorted by popularity) https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/bookshelf/6 Books in African American Writers (sorted alphabetically) https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/bookshelf/6?sort_order=title Books in African American Writers (sorted alphabetically by author) https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/bookshelf


The lesson in Percy Julian's story isn't that in the usa whites stop blacks from all things but in the usa whites defer blacks from their true goals. Yes, PErcy Julian became a chemist but by his own words this was a life as a chemist he didn't envision. It was a poisoned deal between getting something remotely similar to what you want because of white power while still holding on and embracing the usa NARRATOR: Looking back in the autobiography he would never finish, Julian offered his own

Haitian Constitution

THE 1805 CONSTITUTION OF HAITI SECOND CONSTITUTION OF HAITI (HAYTI) MAY 20, 1805. PROMULGATED BY EMPEROR JACQUES I (DESSALINES) The document below was printed in the New York Evening Post, July 15, 1805. It was transcribed into the version below by Bob Corbett on April 4, 1999. I did not translate it, only transcribed. It was printed in 1805 in English. There is no mention in the newspaper who translated it. But, given that Henri Christophe was involved in the publication and


richardmurray in old literature entry

DogoKwan of the HDKiriban series

For those that may know I have always said I will honor those who follow me but I have been too busy creating my own work. A few months ago, I realized I wanted/needed to program more and so the HDKiriban series was born and this is the first in the series. DogoKwan is a simple tile game.  You can change the settings , the dimensions or the difficulty.  For my first 25 followers on deviantart I have a dropdown list to display their work. I will continue my HDKiriban series with the sec


richardmurray in BGEarcade

Rock Paper Scissors project with Angelalita77

A friend of mine inspired this project, this is version 1, more are coming     Version1- Yellow means a draw, blue means computer won, brown means you the user won. R means Rock, P means Paper, S means Scissors. Click start to start the game. Stop to end it. You can click the R, P, or S button to set your value, the computer chooses its own away from your eyes:) but the results will be shown   Version 2- suggestions from angelalita about showing what the computer i


richardmurray in BGEarcade

Black People and The Democratic Party

Beyond the choice of whether to vote for Biden or Trump its important to put the relationship between Black people and the Democratic Party in perspective. If Biden wins there are things Black people will want. If Trump wins then for many black voters it will come down to supporting Democrats in 2028. Of course that depends on how bad four more years of Trump will be for our politics and democracy.    It's important to not deny Black agency or legitimate claims on the polity. When we d





To Be Black and Liberal

You can be black and all kinds of things politically speaking. There are Black Democrats, Nationalists, Sepratists, Marxists, Conservatives, Moderates, and Republicans. You might even call yourself a Progressive or Libertarian. But few Black people call themselves Liberal. Even if most Black people vote Democrat they would reject Liberalism.  If you're a white Liberal or Black Conservative reading this you might think I'm way off base. But being a Black Democrat is not synonymous with being a Li




National Black Cheerleading championship https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/10962-national-black-cheerleading-championship-2024/ Miss Black America https://www.missblackamerica.com/ Black Reel Awards https://www.blackreelawards.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Reel_Awards American Black Film Festival https://www.abff.com/       Thanks for helping, add in comments and I Will place in the list  @Chevdove


richardmurray in List

Ki Khanga

Have any of you played this?  I think a nice project for this group will be making an electronic version of this.  what do you think @Milton? We can work together and make it in the aalbc website?     link Buying page at  MVmediaatl Info on the book Ki Khanga: The Sword and Soul Ro

2024 Black Literature at Medger Evers National Black Writers Conference

National Black Writers Conference Daily 2024 Write up  Day 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/10856-national-black-writers-conference-best-line-up-ever/?do=findComment&comment=66190 Day 2 part 1 https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/10856-national-black-writers-conference-best-line-up-ever/?do=findComment&comment=66193 Day 2 part 2 https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/10856-national-black-writers-conference-best-line-up-ever/?do=findComment&comment=66212 Day 3 https://aa
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