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God, thank you for everything that you made in this enormous universe and this gifted beautiful planet earth for us to live.




THANK YOU  SO MUCH for everything you're done for us. 

How can I give back to your love for us. 

What I can do is not much but hope I can give you back what's good and being beautiful to your eyes. 

Hope I can live my life to do your work and be of  help even if it is a bit. 

THANK YOU GOD that you have trained me and guide me patiently until I came to where I am and what I am to be. 

God, I love you so much as much as you do. 

I am just a small human being but all I wish is to work with you and express myself in your hands to make beautiful messages together so that people will see you through my post and my videos, and even in my photos, too.


THANK YOU for blessings my new family and friends of the family. 

Hope one day we finally reach the level of more wiser and better human beings from the way what God want us to be. 

And hope one day, we return to our God and become one. 

I wish love and luck and peace to all the people on earth who live today. 

Especially during the Christmas season, I wish everyone love and joy in life. 

Much love and my best gratitude from deepest of my heart.


Amin Parker パーカー・アミン


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