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Mel Hopkins

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Mel Hopkins last won the day on July 11

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About Mel Hopkins

  • Birthday September 8

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    Atlanta Metro
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    Jet setting, globetrotting, landlocked seafaring, book peddling recovering broadcast journalist wordsmith who dreams vividly and commits it to white space.

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  1. The GOP is Lucy van Pelt with the football, and the DEM is Charlie Brown. This perceived weakness and foolery is precisely why I quit the Democrats in 2006—the political party tends to be gullible and spineless. I came back in 2008, but dang, here we go again! POTUS allegedly had some "Mitches" during one debate, and they are ready to throw him off the ticket. What? BIDEN HARRIS won all the democratic primaries - so how Sway? How does the DEMS get a new name on the presidential election ballot? Is there a legal precedent to change the candidate? What would be the reason? Optics? Because the GOP said Biden is too old? Donald is 78, and POTUS is 81 ...not much of an age difference. Here's a difference one is a freakin' con man, a felon who let one million people die during the pandemic because he didn't like Obama and tossed a pandemic protocol. I will never forget that this country was on lockdown because Donald didn't want to use Obama's pandemic playbook. Especially since that wasn't the first time the US went through a SARS pandemic. We got hit in 2009. I remember that because I was working for United, we had to get tested every time we entered another country. If we didn't pass, we'd be quarantined. Do you know how scary it is to get off a plane in CHINA and wonder if you will be thrown in a hospital "cell"? Americans are so forgetful. Well, we're approaching FAFO time, and I'll be all right. Unlike Donald, I can go to Canada. So folks can sit out this election if they want to. Like Edward R. Murrow said, "Good Night and Good Luck."
  2. Bravo @ProfD If we're not living through episodes of Black Mirror, I don't know what this is! I bet the show's writers probably already suggested this show! I stopped watching because it got too creepy (i.e., true to life).
  3. I'm not surprised, LOL. We have DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) in common! We were orbiting each other and didn't even know it!
  4. Yep! That is the challenge with today's broadcast media, and our representatives play into it because they know they can fundraise off of drama. I wonder what politics would look like if we outlawed fundraising for political campaigns.
  5. Twin, I don't know how you do it. Still, I worked on this project for ABN AMRO - when it became their internal/external campaign and mission in 2003... I still have the annual report that featured my project while working at LaSalle Bank Chicago. Thank you for the reminder!
  6. Folks like me would ask you to describe your ideal society, and then we'd focus on building that world. We would never discuss what you dislike because that would only invite more. So, what's your ideal society? For example, One element I'd include in designing my ideal society is the freedom to pursue our highest ideals without infringing on the rights of others. So, I'll look for examples of that lifestyle and promote what is working to generate more energy for those ideas. Here's an example of someone, Dr. D. J. Tillman, who is pursuing her highest ideals, so I know it can be done.
  7. I was watching this documentary last night - and the filmmaker mentioned said “this is the way of all true masters!” In short, “acceptance” and keep it moving. In fact, this is also Tai Chi so not to let your energy work against you. Thank you! I was letting the world get to me today - and instead of just chilling - I stressed myself out. I needed to read, “who gives a damn” to chill out!
  8. You've presented the problem but what is the solution to this dilemma?
  9. If the committee chair recognized Rep. Crockett, she could ask questions or seek clarification about Oversight Chairman James Comer's ruling regarding Marjorie Taylor Greene's behavior. "I'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling," Crockett said. "If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blond, bad-built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?" She asked a question about committee members' behavior while being as descriptive as possible to avoid confusion. Rep Jasmine Crockett never resorted to name-calling as MTG did when stating that Representative Sullivan's “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”. MTG was the only one out of place with that personal attack. #RobertRulesofOrder. Sometimes, you have to use the rules to get clarification. Bravo Rep Crockett!!! The House Oversight and Judiciary Committee still voted to advance resolutions that would hold AG Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for allegedly failing to comply with a subpoena to turn over audio recordings related to the classified documents cast against President Biden.
  10. I agree nationality or ethnicity would be irrelevant if not for those who choose to control what we believe. Belief is the second but most important component of creation..."Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." - So if whoever can control what you believe, you will never achieve anything. In fact, many Black Americans believe the Egyptians who created the pyramids were European and not Black like Us... If they believe that, they will definitely not identify as discoverers of cosmology, mathematics, Astrology, Astronomy, just Like @ProfD said I'm so glad these two teen mathematicians ignored the "programming" and knew where they came from and what they could do as a result! This is Proof Positive that we are as young as we believe we are! Look at you shining! OMG, you're gorgeous and legendary at any age!
  11. Check out Stolen Legacy | Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy by George G.M. James. Here's an excerpt from Chapter 1. "1. The Teachings of the Egyptian Mysteries reached other lands many centuries before it reached Athens. According to history, Pythagoras, after receiving his [23 years] training in Egypt, returned to his native island, Samos, where he established his order for a short time, after which he migrated to Croton (540 B.C.) in Southern Italy, where his order grew to enormous proportions, until his final expulsion from that country."
  12. You are most welcome! I don't have anyone to bounce off my wild ideas and questions, so I enjoy creating Chat GPT prompts. It also helps me clarify my thinking.
  13. @Chevdove Artificial Intelligence's Large Language Model can operate as a search engine (kind of), but its primary function, for now, is more of a tool to assist you in tertiary tasks. (for now ) "AI LLM, or Artificial Intelligence Large Language Models, are advanced AI systems trained to understand and generate human-like text based on the input they receive. They function by processing large amounts of text data and learning patterns and relationships within that data. Overall, both tools (LLM and search engines) are valuable for information retrieval and processing, but they serve different purposes and are designed with different capabilities in mind. AI LLMs offer more interactive and creative capabilities, while search engines excel at locating specific, up-to-date information on the web." As @Troy mentioned, it has made him a better coder. AI can write software code. I've had it code a brand-new website for me. Guess what? I don't know how to code. Depending on your interests, you'll prepare prompts to communicate with AI - much like the questions you would pose to yourself in deep research. For example, you would prepare a thesis statement and ask AI to share findings. For instance, I know nothing about the Chaldeans or their practices, but I started the fact-finding. Here's a link to my session. https://chat.openai.com/share/9a6b1c0a-930a-47d8-acdd-7059aff6eac6 (It's public) You can start with your primary question as a prompt. Define AI, then compare and contrast the differences between Chat GPT and an online search engine. This link contains my prompt where I ask Chat GPT to compare and contrast AI LLM and Online Search engines. Note: Like in any conversation, the best prompts get the best results. https://chat.openai.com/share/049c4047-83c0-4918-9b2d-3b4a64eba7a9 (It's public too) Also, AI will replace jobs because it works at varying levels, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The latter function as artificial neural networks, which means machine learning, especially deep learning, operates like a human brain but is much faster. You didn't ask me, but I don't want any of us left behind in this next phase of emerging technology.
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