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Stefan last won the day on May 17

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  1. That was Troy on April 29. Three top university
  2. Get ready for Trump! With the way some of the simpletons on here attack and malign Black elected officials, ya'll gonna have a ball.
  3. You have to be one of the dumbest posters in memory.
  4. ProfD, The admirer of big city mayors who smoke crack and had to be cajoled home when they were drunk … I did not deign to offer advice. As the Senior News Writer and Senior News Editor I was paid to be for 26 years … I merely informed. And what did you do? You attacked. You never explain anything. You just get jealous. Just as I pointed out. But the next move is up to individuals such as yourself. So, what is the man who idealized Marion Barry gonna do? What’s your plan? Especially since Trump has offered scant details of his “Reich” scenario. One of my online pals termed Trump’s coming politico/racist/criminal agenda as: “The Turd Reich.” I did hear from a poster whose words I had longed to read. This poster is Delano. A calm, gifted and logical chronicler of events and happenings. Delano is as thoughtful as Prof D is childish. Put your Reasoning caps on, people. This coming election is not a joke. I trust Chevdove stays well. That has to come from folks like you.
  5. This was NOT the reason for my comment. Tell us something we don't know.
  6. Lord knows just how incredibly short-sighted many Black folk can be. It seems some of you want to argue, insult other Black people and ignore the signs that Trump will win in November. (I sure hope it’s not because so many of you probably WANT Trump to win). Here is what you’re missing: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott just pardoned a White man convicted of killing a Black Lives Matter protester in the summer of 2020. Daniel Perry WAS serving a 25-year prison sentence for the murder of the protester, Garrett Foster, who was attending a racial justice protest with his Black fiancee. But Perry, an armed White man, didn’t fancy that one bit. Abbott had faced pressure to issue the pardon from conservative media figures, or so he said. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/what-led-texas-governor-to-pardoning-man-convicted-of-killing-black-lives-matter-protester Then, there’s the honorary Ku Klux Klansman in the Show Me State where a judge decided this man’s opinions and beliefs on race and other matters does not mean he should be shunned. Nope. This dude can remain on the GOP ballot for Governor, the judge determined. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/missouri-judge-allows-former-honorary-member-kkk-remain-states-gop-pri-rcna152933 Ah, but I would not worry about this. Sean Diddy Combs can chase ‘em down, throw ‘em down, then proceed to beat ‘em down. They don’t even have to be near Century City or Combs’ hotel room. And this time, we get to cheer.
  7. Finally, some good news about a notorious massacre of Black blameless that People of Color can rightfully feel positive about. I would certainly be overjoyed if the full amount for the massacre memorial was guaranteed. However, we know there are millions who despise Black people and they would care a whit if one us were to lose our life unjustly. May 13, 2024, 7:05 PM EDT / Source: The Associated Press By The Associated Press BUFFALO, N.Y. — A permanent memorial honoring the 10 Black victims of a racist mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket will feature interconnected stone pillars and arches, and a windowed building where exhibitions and events will be held, community and elected leaders announced Monday. The design, “Seeing Us,” by Jin Young Song and Douglass Alligood, was revealed a day before the second anniversary of the attack. It was selected from among 20 submissions to the 5/14 Memorial Commission, which was established months after an 18-year-old white gunman opened fire at a Tops supermarket on May 14, 2022. New York state has committed $5 million to the $15 million project, Gov. Kathy Hochul said at a news conference to unveil the design. Buffalo will contribute $1 million, and a yearlong fundraising campaign is expected to make up the difference.
  8. All of you are correct. For years this nasty White man exhibited his hatred. Oh, I did come back to post an update. Here is one: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/illinois-man-allegedly-shot-neighbor-white-woman-black-sons-charged-ha-rcna151637?cid=referral_taboolafeed
  9. https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/neighbor-allegedly-shoots-white-mom-of-black-sons-after-they-say-he-racially-harassed-them-for-years-210742341986
  10. Chevdove, Black people never did count for much in the eyes of the Likud Party.
  11. Until I run out of gas? Dude, go back to sleep. What are the charges you would lay on anyone in the vicinity of the McClain incident? Oh, that's right. You have no answer. Just insults. And you relish others joining in with their nonsensical support. You could run organize a protest (if you knew how to address more than three people with working brains). But that would be hilarious. Until then, it's insult following childish putdown. Because you never answer anything
  12. I don't need to attend meetings or take medications. It was YOU who believed Marion Barry was a political and intellectual standard whom by which all Black men should be judged. I always thought of Barry as a rank idiot who knew he had to project an in your face attitide - which you thought made him a king He was little more than a clown a lot of times. You simply cannot solve me. So, I irk you. Too bad, boy. Because most Black people saw through Marion Barry.
  13. This has got to be one of the dumbest and most illogical comments on Elijah McClain's untimely and completely unnecessary death. According to news reports, ( but not surprisingly any police or paramedic reports ), the time of this incident was about 10:30 at night. So, ANYONE who happened by or whom had stopped to witness the incident should be behind bars. - according to ProfD. Who, What, When, Where, Why and How are basic questions drilled into the heads of neophyte news reporters. I learned these in grade and junior high school English classes. These questions are roundly ignored these days by so-called news writers in favor of sensational and silly nonsense. Which is why I had to peruse several news reports to discover the time of the incident. No, you don't go out and round up everyone who happened to be standing around the vicinity when Elijan McClain was killed. What would be the charges? Why don't we ask ProfD who apparently has a handle on all things law enforcement? Except of course, when it comes to crack addict Mayors. I hope more comes out about this case. And I do not feel sorry for the police or paramedics.
  14. Give Kamala a chance! No one thought much of Lyndon Baines Johnson either. But he proved the critics, the racists and the doubters wrong after he was thrust into the role of POTUS following the assassination of JFK.
  15. I am pleased that two paramedics have been sentenced to serve time behind bars. BUT IT IS NOT ENOUGH! Elijah should not have been stopped in the first place. And after he was stopped, judging from his mannerisms and his timid behavior, he should have been let go.
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