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  1. I just popped in briefly. Good to know you are ok. @Pioneer1 I'm also very busy lately.
  2. Well, I am happy they got him for this hate crime, but he should have been stopped long ago. I hope the mother has a full recovery. What a horror.
  3. Beautiful! My goodness you do not look your age. @aka Contrarian I have one of those relatives. My auntie is 91 years old. Shout out to your grandmother! Amazing! @ProfD
  4. Thank you! @Mel Hopkins This is extremely helpful. I've read over this post several times and even shared it with relatives. Now I do not feel so intimidated about AI LLM and have spent some time posing questions.
  5. Thank you @Troy. clicked the link and ask a few questions. I still do not completely understand the big difference in just not asking a search engine though. I also don't understand why people say that AI will put some people out of work. The first question I ask was, 'What is AI'? There were four bullet points, and one was that AI could mean the chemical symbol of Aluminum and another was for the name Alan. Then I ask what is the definition of 'black'? And there were bullet points one of which was referring to color and another about race category. The response goes on to explain that the answers may evolve. The reason why I decided to ask about 'black' was to see if it gave a deeper response because my deep research about this word goes in more depth and I just wondered if AI would give more. My deep research of this word connects it to the ancient Chaldeans and their major symbolism of the BULLOCK; the Black bull.
  6. I can't wait to share this! I've watched this several time but still I do not grasp the entire idea. I've also watched other videos about these young girls proofs and it's funny how one video NOW adds on that long before Pythagoras there were others who came way before him that came up with similar findings. Definitely BLACK EXCELLENCE!!!
  7. Well, I may be reading too much into it! No, I don't believe that Black people count that much right now with what is going on over there but, I do believe that the Original people are always on their minds.
  8. Interesting POV. I see your point, but I think that, unfortunately, this kind of behavior will be encouraged now due to what is going on over there in the Middle East. So, I don't believe that Black people will be able to stop it and if this is so, then when/if it escalates then we will be put into a position to have to address it. We did not start this. What has happened to Black people being targeted though, I believe is different. White Jews fall into two categories [1] they are a white ethnic people and [2] they are White, and for this reason their attack against Black people is on a whole other scale and adds to the severe oppression meted out against Black people. If upper class Black students did the same hatred and mockery against innocent White Jewish young male students, I do not believe it would be ignored. It's inevitable and will happen eventually but not until this government is overhauled because America thrives due to Black-on-Black Hatred that was fostered in it's foundation.
  9. Yes, I do believe the pandemic has made an existing issue much worse. Yes, but it's like having 'tunnel vision'. Just because they know how to do that 'in a crazy way' does not add to their whole intellect at all. I wish I understood what Al really is. Months ago, I did understand when I looked into it but now, i've forgotten. I see a recent discussion thread about it, but I haven't commented because I just do not understand. A local library recently offered a class to teach about Al, but I missed that one, however, I hope to take a class because I keep hearing about it and think it might be important to understand. I absolutely agree. I was unaware of this. can you name a couple of examples from the last decade or two? what about Thomas Edison? I think he was so severe and could not keep up that he was expelled from school. He may have been illiterate but I don't remember off hand. And his invention came to completely change this world. I don't know of any recent people a decade or two ago. I just googled and have to edit. I turns out that today, it is said that Thomas Edison is not described as illiterate but had dyslexia. However, some reports say a scientist named Michael Faraday was illiterate and became renown.
  10. I do now wonder about Farrakhan. He is an awesome spokesperson though. But after recent research I am surprised about some of his early support coming from overseas interest and how his fabulous dwelling was financed. That article was very interesting in how some of the brilliant artist were not able to pocket the money that came in from their talent. This reminds me of one of my favorite films about how the Temptations made it to fame. I remember one scene whereby they had to change their name because the earlier woman that produced them owned it.
  11. Yes, and it still is probably going on today. I sat at a table in a 'Black' book clubs years back, and an Islamic 'brother' said pretty much the same thing to me. He told me not to get drawn into the hype about Black talent and that although celebrities like 'Michael Jordan' was indeed talented but in reality you can find and produce many other Black talent to achieve that same level if fortune hunters wanted to do it.
  12. This was too funny! LOL WHEW! I don't believe I've ever heard of Roy Woods Jr. I don't how he managed to navigate that! He's got substance.
  13. This is painfully true. Divide and conquer tactics, i suppose. Well even though it may seem like it was stupid and should be downplayed, no, I am glad that Africa diaspora got it though. it may seem alright for others to be racist, but for those students to do this against those precious little African boys is unacceptable. hopefully the White Jews will think about this then, and clamp down on their racism against Black Africa because that is just crazy to allow divide and conquer tactics to occur. Blacks and Jews should know better than to allow this. Yes! Clearly it is violent. And i too do not understand the details. But sometimes, I feel like leaders are trying to get AfroAmerican to be involved in it.
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