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  • Birthday 11/27/1969

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  1. I do look at data. I don't always feel like citing it. It actually happens more than reported that a *good* person with a gun neutralizes a *bad* person. Again, the question remains....*why* do Americans need so many guns.
  2. Love the typo...ProdD. I'm fully aware of how and why Black folks flock to the Democratic party. It's similar to the reason poor white folks are Republican. Right. Mainly because I see both political parties as two sides of the same coin especially when it comes to Black folks. Reparations is a debt America owes to Black folks. From emancipation to present, like a trust fund, white privilege still benefits from the compound imterest generated by slave labor. You're right. Both political parties are working towards that end state ultimately to evaporate the idea of reparations and further marginalize Black folks. I can exercise my right to vote without being delusional when it comes to the game being played by the political parties. Sure. I'm fortunate enough to have options regardless of which way America goes. Having survived growing up in the hood, I'm not one to flee anywhere. Now, if I decided to take a vacation, I'd go to Africa to chilll among Black folks. Too many white folks in Canada. Being retired and living on a pension, you won't get sprayed if sh8t starts flying and/or hits the fan.
  3. Surely, there are many non-open carry states with lower murder rates than Texas. I can think of several reason for it too. Here's an interesting breakdown: 1) 36 states all open carry without a permit or license 2) 9 states require a permit to open carry 3) 4 states and Washington, DC prohibit open carry entirely Considering the number of states that allow open carry, the data doesn't suggest it. A mass shooting is defined as an event where 2 or more people are shot. Several months ago, there was a mass shooting in Maine (upper-most NE corner of the US). I don't believe any country should have nukes. I do find it interesting that the United States gets to decide which countries can and cannot have them.
  4. Exactly. Which makes the point that guns aren't the whole problem. It goes back to the mentality and/or circumstances of the person with the gun. People are less like to rob, steal or kill an armed individual. Criminals and mass shooters usually look for soft targets i.e. unarmed people and unsecured places. They don't want the smoke.
  5. Every election, Black folks have been told to vote against the opposition and expect nothing in return. The only thing Black folks have received in return is a few crumbs, symbolism and tokenism. The Democratic leadership has proven to be weak and spineless. Fear-mongering is the latest ploy for getting Black folks to vote against the Orange Jackazz. Black folks already know what to expect if he returns to the White House....nothing. Life won't get any better or worse for us. Holding pattern. That's been an ongoing problem for decades now. Those demands need to be codified in order to realize tangible benefits. Scaring Black folks into voting for a do nothing political party in opposition to the Boogeyman isn't going to work this time. White folks will ultimately decide if America maintains the facade of a democracy or flirts with neo-fascism. If America goes in that direction, the 4 years will go by faster than a fart in a tornado. Regardless, the situation for Black folks in America will remain unchanged. We'll be all right.
  6. Understood. Interesting. As I mentioned in the other thread, Black folks really don't have any expectations or demands of politicians. That's been our real problem.
  7. The same thing she's going to promise Black men...nothing. It will do nothing for any Blacks folks. The current administration flopped on Roe v Wade. They aren't doing much to stop the GOP majority Congess and conservative SCOTUS from flipping the script on other freedoms. Reparations should be the #1 priority of AfroAmericans regardless of gender. That issue alone would bring out the true colors of every politician. Par for the course. The Democrats aren't offering Black folks anything either. Still, the question remains ...what's the point of voting for either party without expectations. What do Black men stand to gain in voting for either party? Politicians are bought by special interest groups for one reason only...what they can do for them. Black folks aren't the primary donors to either political party. Just a monolithic voting block favoring the lesser of two evils. Black folks haven't used their political power correctly in 50 years and counting. Both political parties are aware of it. However, there is hope for the younger generation of Black folks. They aren't shackled by memories of the Civil Rights movement. Younger Black folks won't be guilted into voting just because "somebody died for their right to vote". They're asking the right question...what is the benefit to them. The Black Boomer and prior generation voting block doesn't have too many elections left. Whichever way this country is headed won't affect them. Not to worry...the kids will be all right.
  8. https://www.reuters.com/world/trump-says-he-will-meet-with-netanyahu-wednesday-2024-07-23/ The Israeli Prime Minister is here in the US to address Congress regarding the conflict in Gaza. It seems on Friday, former POTUS Orange Julius will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Mar-A-Lago. POTUS PJB will meet with PM Netanyahu tomorrow. I don't recall any other former POTUS meeting with world leaders when they come to visit. Since he left the White House, they've been treating former POTUS OJ as if he is shadowing current POTUS PJB.
  9. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/joe-biden-drops-out-oval-office-address/ POTUS PJB officially bowed out of running for re-election. Highlighted his record of governance. Tepidly endorsed VP Harris as nominee. POTUS PJB says that democracy is on the ballot. He seems to believe the country will be less great if Dems don't win again. POTUS PJB vows to continue doing his job until it's time to leave office. Remains to be seen how much he'll support VP Harris as his successor.
  10. A shotgun is the best for home defense because the sound of cocking it is an alarm before firing a shot. A small caliber handgun is fine for personal protection. Again, showing it is usually a deterrent. Really knowing how to use it is important. An illegal firearm leads to other issues especially one has to use it. Despite the gun violence in America, most folks never have to use their weapons. Texas is an open carry state. There is a reason they don't have the highest murder rate in the country. It's because so many folks are strapped.
  11. POTUS Roosevelt also died in office which led to a constitutional amendment. America is not and will not be at war if former POTUS OJ gets re-elected. He won't be a wartime POTUS.
  12. Don't vote for anyone until they can give tangible benefits. Not just an alternative to the other person.
  13. The question remains why do we have to vote for these folks who clearly do nothing specifically for AfroAmericans but help other groups of people.
  14. Supreme Court cannot make that call. it would take an act of Congress to overturn the 22nd amendment of the Constitution. Difficult but not totally impossible especially if the GOP becomes a stronger majority. However, I believe American voters would step up to prevent a POTUS from more than 2 terms.
  15. Facts. She ticks the boxes in terms of credentials. VP Harris is far more qualified than both former FLOTUS Obama and the Orange Jackazz on the other side. I know there's nothing she can do about that nasally voice of hers. I just wish the words that came out of her mouth were more intelligible. The sad reality is that even she gets elected POTUS, VP Harris won't be overly interested in doing much to help AfroAmericans.
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