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  • Birthday November 27

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  1. There's definitely going to be a surge in white nationalism here in the US. I wouldn't be surprised if as illegal immigrants are being deported they start importing whites from South African, Ukraine and Europe. Thankfully, I've got an African exit plan if sh8t here goes too far sideways.
  2. In the movie, the conversations Malcolm X had with brotha Baines and Elijah Muhammad himself about sleeping with those young women and their responses has been ongoing since the beginning of humanity. I was referring to living your life to the fullest while you're still here. We don't get to re-do the past.
  3. You're right. Having a Democratic operative running NYC could very well be in the Musky Trump plan.
  4. I knew Santa Claus was a crock of crap from the jump. I figured out religion was a hustle before I turned 12 years old. I've always subscribed to believing half of what I see and none of what I hear. Human *intelligence* leads us to believe in all types of stuff. One thing is certain...we are born to die. Nobody escapes it. @Pioneer1, don't look it being religious as time wasted. You didn't miss out on too much of anything. We learn a bunch of sh8t that we'll never use. It's OK. The main thing is to live your life to the fullest until the wheels fall off.
  5. Jay-Z went to the media proclaiming his innocence and demanded a criminal complaint instead of a civil lawsuit. He said it was extortion, Well, that's why the 1st obvious question is why a civil lawsuit but no criminal charges. But, we live in a society where alleged victims cannot be victimized. The accusers have all leverage. So, defendants are guilty until proven innocent or the case goes away for one reason or another. in legal speak, there is a popular saying that a ham sandwich can be indicted. As a felon, I wouldn't be surprised if POTUS OJ tries to get laws changed making it harder to criminalize folks especially for things he's done. Right. A settlement will remain off the record. Again, I don't believe a payment was made. The accusation was leaky. It had too many holes in it.
  6. No difference. Many politicians can be accused of doing the same thing. Mayor Adams was being punished by the Democrats for his stance on immigration. He was too vocal in his displeasure of NYC being a sanctuary city. On cue, Rikers Island has been made available to house deportees.
  7. True. White folks are definitely aware of their population decline. There's a reason for stockpiling weapons both personally and militarily. More importantly, they practice to stay ready. White folks are determined to maintain power by any means necessary.
  8. Payoff is a possibility. Let's see if that information gets leaked. However, considering how defiantly Jay-Z denied the accusations and asked for his day in court, I don't believe he paid them off. Anything is possible under this new Department of Justice (DOJ).
  9. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2025/02/14/new-york-city-mayor-eric-adams-corruption-charges-dropped/78409879007/ Here is the receipt.
  10. A few weeks ago, I listened to an interview with Mr. John Boyd Jr. He was on his way back to court in Washington DC on behalf of the National Black Farmers Association. It's great that Black farmers got the $2.2 billion dollar payout. It should help keep the farms up and running and away from predators of all kinds.
  11. Hopefully, the place would be nice and peaceful enough that one wouldn't commit crimes.
  12. Makes sense for Black folks to be majority owners especially in their home countries. Yep. The Big 3 is Ice Cubes venture. Black DOSers best chance of making a ton of money is here in the US because it is homeland to many of us. The main thing is putting an investment group together capable of buying a franchise when it becomes available and/or building our own sports lesgues. I believe the US is heading in a direction that will force Black folks to make investments in their own infrastructure out of necessity.
  13. Understood. A decade ago, I knew a few Black folks who considered themselves aboriginal, non-citizens of the US. We'll have to wait and see how long it takes for Africa to become united and capable of offering a blanket citizenship to the entire continent. I don't need a blanket citizenship to Africa. If sh8t goes sideways here in the US, I'm relocating to Burkina Faso. I'd be perfectly fine with being stateless too.
  14. https://apnews.com/article/new-york-city-attorney-adams-trump-6627665d0dd41e766d6e94598fba11ff Corruption charges against Mayor Eric Adams have been dropped. Mayor Adams brought the wrath of POTUS PJB,'s administration with his response to immigrants showing up in NYC. That's when charges were filed. When POTUS OJ got elected, I figured charges against Mayor Adams would go away. I doubt that Mayor Adams will win re-election in NYC. He might flip from blue to red as well. While Mayor Adams is still in office, he will work with POTUS OJ's administration to round-up undesirable immigrants. After his mayoral term is done, I believe POTUS OJ will give Mayor Adams a posiion in DHS (Department of Homeland Security) or some other agency.
  15. https://people.com/jay-z-claims-victory-as-rape-case-against-him-and-diddy-is-voluntarily-dismissed-11680508 The young lady who alleges she was violated by Jay-Z & Diddy has dropped her civil lawsuit. This is why the court of public opinion needs to be restrained until a jury makes a decision and the dust settles. Jay-Z can move on with his life. Diddy is still on the hot seat and being held at a detention cneter. I'm curious to see if/when POTUS OJ intervenes on Diddy's behalf.
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