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nels last won the day on November 15 2024

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  1. Sorry, but that sounds like circular nonsense. Race is a relic of a crutch that cripples Black America.
  2. Only you should know. Laugh now, cry later. One thing is certain, black Americans are not he sharpest knives in the drawer. Your dullness overwhelms us. As is the prevailing sentiment across the entire country and even within the flailing Democrat Party, Democrats have not (yet) learned anything from the 2024 election, nor have they smarted from their disastrous record that they have amassed over the last 80+ years. Look forward to you singing the same tune (after they lose to the Republicans again) in 2028. The Project 2025-con nonsense has obviously suckered in a lot of anti-Trump folks. Lawbreakers.
  3. AALBC and Black America as a whole can become exponentially relevant and impactful if they move away from race and drop the race card.
  4. So. perhaps tell that to the unblackers and outbreeders who tend to talk out of both sides of their mouths?
  5. The recent fires that have ravaged Altadena, CA and Pacific Palisades, CA have something unique in common. Both are highly liberal Democrat-focused enclaves that (housed many who) tended to look down their noses at the average everyday person; i.e., the small fry world. Altadena’s average home price is $1,248,945. Pacific Palisade’s average home price is $3,462,178. Each of the(se) two areas impacted, sit(s) directly at the foot of towering mountain ranges and take in majestic views. Two days before the reported up to 109 to 110 mile per hour-plus winds and pillars of fire savagely burned through everything like gigantic atomic powered flamethrowers, the Hollywood Golden Globe Awards show mocked and laughed at God, with amusement, glee and disdain. God took notice and thus they were silenced, all the way from Pacific Palisades, Brentwood, Bel Air, Beverly Hills and Hollywood, to tony Encino, Altadena, other ultra-upper bourgeoisie areas, and the like. As it looks right now, there is a reasonably good possibility that God is not finished and what has just happened, will pale in comparison to what’s coming. For those directly affected by this catastrophe, if they weren’t religious before, they most likely are now or soon will be. Divine retribution is merciless and unstoppable.
  6. That doesn't make anyone smart and neither does having a high near 200 IQ. Most great execution and effectiveness is about applying plain old common sense, which seems to be in short supply these days.
  7. Michelle Obama is nothing more than a deceptive snake and for all intents and purposes, good riddance. She swoops in to smugly lecture black men (and men in general) about who they should vote for, and then quietly retreats back to one of her 3 or 4 multi-million dollar homes and laughs at us all. The Obamas were selected by then top senate leadership somewhere around 2007 to get handle on black Americans, and it worked. Little did Black America know that Barack Obama himself was merely a puppet who was used as a tool to keep Black America in line.
  8. Just the fact that you describe the incoming POTUS in such a way tends to shed light on the seriousness of last week's election. President Trump's victory was a referendum on America First, and that is what people are concerned about. Had Kamala Harris been able to honestly show and articulate her position on Amrerica FIrst and had she not recklessly locked up so many black men in California alone, she might have indeed won. However, she squandered an opportunity to explain herself in detail and instead, listened to a cadre of headless minions who knew absolutely nothing about nothing. When you live in a world where it seems like everyone is trying to kill you, survival of the nation takes on a whole new meaning. Beyond their (yet unadjucated) theft of the 2020 election from President Trump, the Democrats continue to believe that everyone else but them is just plain stupid. At the rate things are going, they could well find themselves out of power for at least the next 25 years. Sure sounds like someone doesn't care too much for white people.
  9. In recent times, America has been ready and hungry for a (real genuine) black woman president, but Kamala isn't black and she was the wrong choice from the start.
  10. Wonder how much time and thought it took to come up with the moniker.
  11. One can always go to rent-a-box.
  12. From that statement alone, it appears clear that "loser" does not apply.
  13. The race (-hustling) card is dead. Get over it. You might want to rethink that.
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