harry brown
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Some. People. Believe. There. Are. Invisible Spirits. Around. Us...Dr. King. Should. Be. Amazed. At. The. Church. Corruption. ..Preachers. In. Prison. For. Raping. Black. Children. ,Murdering. Their. Wives. ,Stealing. All. The. Church. Money. Not. Helping. Poor. Black. Communities. ,Getting. Their. Girl. Friends. Pregnant. ...Church. Is. A. Pimp House. Slave. Cabin. .NAACP. ,Church. Black. Politicians. Support. Church Corrupt. And. Fake. False. Preachers. .....Black. Politicians. Black. Churches. Support. Black. Genocide. Every week .....His. Promised. Land. Speech. .??? Christianity. Is. White. Terrorism. .They. Use. Religion. And. Politics. To. Stop. Black. Unity ...The. Racist. White. Politicians. Organize. Drugs. And. Guns. To. Be Dumped. In. Black. Communities. ... They. Attack. The. Wealthy. Black. Entertainers. Athletes. If. They. Try. To. Help. Uplift. Poor. Black. Communities. .......Racist. White. Attacking. Black. Football. Players. That. Was. Kneeling. Down...
Where. Was. God. During. Slavery. .Black. People. Lynched. From. Trees. ,Burned. Alive. ...Bible. Bible. God. Supports. Slavery. ,People. Can. Be. Kidnapped. Forced. To. Be. Slaves. ,Tortured. Raped. .Bible. Supports. Genocide. Ethnic. Cleansing. .....God. Was. Not. Angry. During. Slavery ,,Black. People. Lynched. From. Trees. ...God. Is Never. Angry. With. White. People. Evil. Wickedness. Racist. Hatred. .....Christian. Jesus. Terrorist. ....
She. Believed. His. Loving. Words. To. Her. He. Spoke. .She. Believed The. Loving. Love. Letters. To. Her. He. Wrote. Then. Found. Out. He. Has. 10. Children. With. 10. Women,,,She. Takes. Him To. Court. ..For. Her. Child. Make. Him. Pay. Child. Support....
Black. Christian. Men. Black. Religious. Men. Are. No. Different. From The. Crack. Cocaine. Sellers. ,Pimps With. Pimp. Houses. ,Gangsters. Thugs They. All. Genocide. The. Black. Community. ....Black. People. Pay. Preachers. To. Preach. Every. Week. Just. Like. Crack. Users. Buying. Crack. From. Crack. Sellers. Men. Going. To. Pimp. Houses. Buying. Sex. ...Black. Preachers. Preach. Bible. Jesus. Christian. Made. Up. Crap For. Money. Preachers. Worship. Money .Black. People. Got. Every. Racist. White. Religion. ..Black. People. Pay. For. Their. Enslavement. Every. Week. ..Islam. Just. Like. Other. Religions. .Preacher. Farrakhan. Not. Talking. T. D. Jakes And. Puffy. Combs. Preachers. In. Prison. For. Raping. Black. Children. Murdering. Their. Wives. Stealing. ,Preachers. Caught. With. Prostitutes. Getting. Their. Girl. Friends. Pregnant. .Neither. Is. Preacher. Warnock. ...Black. Christian. Men. And. The. Nation. Of. Islam. Men. Should. Take. On. The. Street. Gangs. .NAACP. Black. Politicians. Black. Lives. Matter. Will. Not. .....
Claim. Your. Throne. The. Author. A. Christian. Bible. Follower. Talks. About. Black. Boys. With. No. Fathers. And. No. Directions. ..These. Black. Christian. Bible. Worshippers. Do. Not. Talk. About. The. Bible. Supporting. Slavery. ,Children. Being. Murdered. ,,Mothers. And. Babies. Murdered. Genocide. Ethnic. Cleansing. ,Sex. Slavery. .Fathers. Can. Sell. Their. Daughters. To. Be. Sex. ,Slaves. You. Do. Not. Hear. Preachers. Preach. This. ,You. Do. Not. ,Hear. Gospel. Singers. Sing. About. This. .Because. Of. Money. ...They. Worship. Money. .....Christianity. Is. A. Slave. Chain. ....Book. ,Claim. Your. Throne. By. Jay. Barnett. ......
I. Heard. There. Were. Preachers. ,Politicians. Among. Puffy. Combs Freak. Off. Gatherings. ....Read. NBA. LeBron James. Was ,,Involved. With. Puffy. Combs. ....Fake. Preacher. T. D. Jakes ,Puffy. Combs. Power. Bottom. Was. He. Swallowed. Up. By. Men. At. Puffy. Combs. Sex. Freak. Offs. .......Usher. Justin. Beaver Whatever. His. Name. ,Getting. On. My. Nerves. .....Under. Age. Boys. Teenage. Girls ,Where. Were. The. Parents. ? Jay. Z. Seems. To. Be. Going. Down. ,,Next. ..Singer. Jaguar. Wright. Says. Jay. Z. Is. Worse. Than. Puffy. Combs. ......R. Kelly. And. Jay. Z. With. Young. Teenage. Girls. ......Where. Were. The. Patents ? Was. Puffy. Combs. Sexually. ,Involved. With. LeBron James. ..On. YouTube. LeBron. Saying. To ,Puffy. Combs. There. Ant. No. Party. Like. A. Diddy Party. .....
I. Read. Actor. Denzel. Washington. Is. A. Minster. He. Has. Money. He. Want. Be. Stealing. All. The. Church. Money. To. Buy. Cats. And. ,Houses. Like. All. The. Black. Preachers. Do. .....He. Will. Be. Another. White. Jesus. Worshipping. Black. Christians. Who. Forgives. The. Racist. White. For. Black. Genocide. Every. Day.....He,,Will. Not. Preach. What. The. Bible. ,Really. Says. He. Will. Not. ,Preach. About. The. Bible. Supporting. Slavery. ,People. Can. Be. ,Kidnapped. Forced. To. Be. Slaves. ..Slaves. Can. Be. Raped. And ,Tortured. ..Sex. Slavery. ,Children. Murdered. ,Mothers. And. Babies. Murdered. ,Genocide. Ethnic. Cleansing. ...He. Will. Not,,Talk. About. Black. Preachers. In. Prison. For. Raping. Black. ,Children. ,Murdering. Their. Wives. ,,Stealing. ,Caught. With. Prostitutes. ,Preachers. Getting. Their. Girl. Friends. Pregnant .Their ,Mistresses. Pregnant. .He. Portrayed. Malcolm. X. .Malcolm. X. Was. About. Black. Unity. ,Black. Men. Having. Free. Minds. Unity. ,To. Lead. Black. Communities. ....He. Will. Like. All. Black. Preachers. Will. Be. Enslaving. His. People. With. The. Made. Up. Bible. Christian. Jesus. Myth. Crap ..The. Bible. Was. Used. To. Justify. Slavery. ..Preacher. Washington. Should. Read. The. Willie. Lynch. Letter. ,And. How. To. Make. A. Negro. Christian. .......
Lot. Of. Books. About. Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa. Will. Not. Happen. Because. Of. Religion. And. Politics. ..Black. Politicians. NAACP,Black. Churches. Black. Lives. Matter. All. Against. Organizing. Kwanzaa. ....Black. Preachers. Preach. Christian. Bible. Jesus. For. Money. .They. Steal. All. The. Church. Money. To. Buy. Cars. And. Houses. ..Black. People. Pay. For. Their. Enslavement. Every. Week. .......Racist. White. Politicians. Democrats. And. Republicans. Dump. Out. Guns. And. Drugs. For. Black. Genocide. ...Poor. Inner. City. Schools. ......Kwanzaa. Thinking. Uplifting. Black. Communities. Black. Unity. Cannot. Happen....
In. Black. Churches. And. In. The. Nativity. Christmas. Displays. In. Black. Communities. You. Will. See. White. Images. Of. A. White. ,,Baby. Jesus. With. Blue. Eyes. And. With. Blond Or. Light. Brown. ,Hair. Amazing. .This. Image. Is. A. Slave. Chain. .Preached. By. Money. Worshipping. Black. Preachers. And. The. Racist. Christian. ,,,White. Terrorist. ......I. Read. That. Years. And. Years. Before. The. ,,Europeans. Created. Their. White. Jesus. ,,.Other. Cultures. Other ,Countries. Had. Stories. About. A. Virgin. Mother. A. Savior. Baby. ,,Who. Did. Miracles. Had. Disciples. .There. Is. No. Proof. Those. Stories. Ate. True. About. A. Savior. Born. Baby. From. A. Virgin. ,,Performed. Miracles. ..All. This. Made. Up. Stories. ...Bible. And. Christianity. Was. Used. By. Slave. Owners. To. Justify. Slavery. ..Willie. Lynch. Letter. ..,..And. How. To. Make. A. Negro. Christian. ....Every. Religion. The. Racist. White. Man. Has. Black. People. Embrace. It. ..At. This. Time. Of. The. Year. Black. People. Love. Their. White. Christian. Jesus. ..White. Jesus. Was. Leading. The. ,,White Christian. Terrorist. Attack. January. 6. ,3. Years. Ago. Bible,,Christians. White Jesus. Is. White. Supremacy. White Terrorism ......
Black. Communities. This. Time. Every. Year.. The. Virgin. Birth. ,Savior. Story. Black. Communities. Forced. To. Hear. .....For. Money. ,Preachers. Reading. Bible. Scriptures. ..Knowing. This. Virgin. Birth ,Savior. Story. Came. From. Similar. Stories. From. Other. Cultures. Years. And. Years. Earlier. ....Christmas. Day. In. Black. Communities. ,Everywhere. ....Do. Not. Be. Surprised. To. See. In. Black. Churches. ,And. Black. Communities. A. Jesus. Image. Of. A. White. Baby. With ,,Blue. Eyes. ,And. With. Blond. Hair......
Outside. Cold. Winds. Blow. ..Trees. And. Streets. Covered , From. ,The. Falling. Snow. ..Inside. We. Are. Warm. ,Listening. To. Soul. Romantic. Music,,While. We. Embrace. And. Kiss. Beneath. The. ,,Mistletoe .....
Nikki. Giovanni ,She. Was. A. Great. Talent. .Poet,,Writer. Activist. ..From. Her. Writings. She. Gave. Education. ,Enlightment ,,Inspiration. ........She. Was. A. Educator. On. Race. And. Society. .......
1941. WW 2. Japanese. Attack. Pearl. Harbor. .Navy. Segregated. .Black. Sailors. Did. The. Cooking. ,Serving. Food. The. Laundry. ...When. The. Attack. Happened. Doris. Miller. Came. On. Deck. And. Begin. Helping. The. Wounded. Sailors. .Then. He. Got. To. The ,,Machine Gun. And. Begun. Firing. At. Japanese. Planes. ...Read. He. Received. The. Navy. Cross. .He. Was. On. A Escort. Ship. It. Was. Bombed. By. Japanese. .Doris. Miller. Was. Among. The. Dead..I. Read. There. Was. A. Ship. Named. After. Him. .....Will. He. ,,Be. Remembered. When. On. The. News. They. Talk. About. ,The,Attack. On. Pearl. Harbor. By. Japan. In. 1941....Schools. Talk. About. This. Country. Wars. Black. Soldiers. ,Sailors. Buffalo. Soldiers. ,Black. Pilots. Not. Talked. About. ...
Malcolm. X. A. Life. Of. Reinvention. .Book. About. Malcolm. X. As. A. Troubled. Youth. ,Becoming. A. Follower. Of. Marcus. Garvey,, ,,Supporter. Of. Black. Unity. ...Book. By. Author. Manning. Marable ,,Black. Unity. Will. Not. Happen. Because. Of. Religion. And. Politics. ,.Most. Black. People. Worship. The. Racist. White. Religions. And. Their. Racist. White. Jesus. ...Racist. White. Politicians. Control. Black. Politicians. ...They. Do. Not. Want. Black. Unity. Is. This. Country. ..Black. Politicians. ,NAACP ,Black. Churches. ,Do. Not. Want. Black. Unity. In. Black. Communities. ..Where. Is. Black Lives. Matter. With. All. The. Millions. Of. Dollars. ,,They. Got. ........Black. Politicians. Will. Not. Speak. Malcolm. X. Name. ,,Or. Organize. Kwanzaa. Thinking. To. Uplift. Black. Communities. ...Some. Black. People. Are. Amazed. There. Was. A,Black. Wall. Street. .Over. A. Hundred. Years. Ago. ..Amazed. We,,Cannot. Have. A. Black. Wall. Street. Now. ......
Bishop TD Jakes Suffers Medical Emergency
harry brown replied to ProfD's topic in Culture, Race & Economy
Preachers. Are. All. Corrupt. They. Worship. Money. They. Are. All. ,Liars. ,.They. Preach. Bible. Christianity. For. Money. ,Enslaving. ,Their. Own. People. For. Money. Profit. ...T. D. Jakes Is. A. Snake. ,All. Preachers. Are. Snakes. ...