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Delano last won the day on December 29 2024

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    Astrology Tarot Numbers .
    I like to think, i think, about thinking

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  1. I think the next 10 to 15 years will be large geopolitical changes and mostly likely reversals of fortunes. Details I don't know, nor do I have a way to determine what the changes might be
  2. Probably not it depends on what replaces it
  3. Trump has never worked for someone and was always wealthy. He may have worked for his dad who was a big developer in NYC. So what class would you say he is a member. I didn't say that but Trump said that he likes chaos and he said that he would dismantle the DOE and his appointee what's to dismantle the FBI. My point about Jordan was that he wants to become wealthy not see equality. This is another tool.in the box. You allow a few high profile individuals to be part of the system. So the full context of my statement is the following. Class warfare is for the elite to stay in power because the numbers are against them. So instead of wanting dismantle the system you encourage people to strive to be over others.
  4. Class warfare is for the elite to stay in power because the numbers are against them. So instead of wanting dismantle the system you encourage people to strive to be over others. A good example of this is Michael Jordan and his endorsements. Kids were literally dieing to be like Mike. Mike went from poor to billionaire.
  5. It suns up the dynamic that a leader saw and capitalised on it In my life I have found it very difficult to tell if something is good or bad in the short term. The Reagan years were very profitable in the short term however the increase in the National Debt is bad in the long term. This is an example of uniting people that you wouldn't normally associated with one another. Mark Miley is a retired four star generally and he said Trump is a fascist and a danger. Dwight Eisenhower a former generally and president warned is about the military industrial complex The only war that should be waged is class. Everything else is a smokescreen. This has worked very well since slavery.
  6. Trump is touching a nerve they same way that Reagan did in the 80's He is making it popular to be intolerant He may also unite people that wouldn't ordinarily be allies .An example of this is MLK Jr supporting the garbage strike. Which primarily for him assassinated. Divide and conquer is and has been effective. Once you point out that the division is the problem but the group that benefits, you will most likely get a bullet delivered to you.
  7. Trump is touching a nerve they same way that Reagan did in the 80's I have made more connections through cooperation than conflict. Again I feel that Trump will be the most unifying and divisive President. He may also be the most important President in my lifetime.
  8. I think there are a few groups that bond beyond colour and it involves Alpha males. The military, law enforcement and sports.
  9. Donald Trump may be the uniting divisive President in history.
  10. There is a Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times."
  11. Are you referring to Constantine.
  12. I checked out the first clip. I think they're may n have been one or two things I didn't agree with our at least aren't known to me. Maternus and Valens were ancient Astrologers reading them had an impact in how I approach Astrology. One of them post charts with and then explains the technique it represents. However I have noticed another lesson in the chart which wasn't explicitly mentioned. Also one of them said it is a sacred art and should not be taught unless the student has an exemplary character. Overall I find the clip very good.
  13. Thanks @Troy I'll have a listen. My approach is theoretical but the that has to be supported by personal practice. If you know Astrology, Numerology and symbolism. The bible takes in different meanings For instance the bible says that 144,000 will be saved. If you divide 144,00 by 3600. Which is how many seconds there are in an hour you get 40. Which is the number of days Jesus was in the desert. When he got tested by the devil. If you divide 144,000 by 24 hours in a day by 60 minutes in an hour. You get 100. Which is perfection. 1 is the first number and 0 is a circle. Which is related to Infinity since it is like adding an infinite number of sides to a square. It also has no beginning am no end . So 1 is like Alpha and 0 is like Omega.
  14. Thanks hope your holidays are enjoyable. Onam looking forward to 2025
  15. Black:Women were enslaved Stomach: Gave birth to future people who were enslaved.
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