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  1. Trump wants to be King....He seeks Power - The Divine Right God given Power of Kings who are a Law unto themselves. To do this Trump must Use The Executive Power to Challenge The Judicial Power while the Legislative Deliberates Power trumps Money everytime.... He is about to test the resolve of the people who must stand up for the Constitution.......Loyalty to Trump or Loyalty to the Constitution. Will the Sheriff /Marshals Office arrest a sitting President if a Judge demands/ writs it..... Will this Supreme Court defend the Constitution and the Rule of Law? or Will SCOTUS Reinterprete and or Repudiate and Strike Down Laws and Precedents. A common easily identifiable enemy....tends to unite those who relish in the suffering and oppressions of the defenseless.
  2. Whose reversal??? Thats always true.....Change is a Universal Constant
  3. True... Trump is a maverick...he may do it though Many have been doing so for sometime now..... Maybe more and more will - with more convincing evidence.... True... We can hope. This shakeup is a preparation for .... Fascism Republican style For sure.. Disclosure has been fine...if a little disappointing so far Revelation should be soon
  4. True.... Based on the people doing the Dismantling and Replacing what outcome seems mostly likely to be the Eventuality?
  5. Usually the media ask the questions for us.....but in this instance we had politicians local law enforcement and the media doing the asking.
  6. So it seems... The FAA is a government body...so it makes its information available to the public thru FOIA
  7. The Elite.. Do you think dismantling the DOE and FBI is a good thing? How do you know that to be true? Tokenism is a part of the system.... Jordon did not design the system...he was allowed to used the system True Is that not how the system is
  8. You can believe what ever you want.... I know the drones were a either a cover for what else was going on or their to gather more closer intel on what is out up there. Depends on who you say is doing the confirming... True...that's their primary responsibility... The FOIA is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. Under the FOIA, agencies must disclose any information that is requested – unless that information is protected from public disclosure. FAA posts a great deal of information on its website so before making a request you might want to look through it first. You may find that the information you are interested in is already posted. At the bottom of the page you will find links to a number of information categories. https://www.faa.gov/foia Our Trusty Media reported it was shut down... What evidence or proof do you have that it was not shut down?
  9. So which class Trump is in....? is Trump a member of the elite? You think Trump is dismantling the system? No....not a good example. Nothing that Michael Jordon has done or is doing is in anyway helping to dismantle the status quo..
  10. They lied.....so they are Liars Knowing they are liars....Why would you now believe them when they say they knew what it was? The public whom they are supposed to serve... How then can we trust them to be true tell the whole truth and scientific? What National Security....These things were not hiding and they were over many cities and countries even shutting down Military AFB touching a nerve is a nice way to phrase it. And that is a good thing? like who or what? give an example? For MLKjr and Memphis Sanitation Department workers it was about Injustice Wages Poor working conditions and the Right to form a Union So are you saying that Trump is going to support a strike? or Bring some civil rights organization and a governmental organization/municipality together? Martin was killed because he was empowering Black people and his growing popularity with whites made him a possible presidential candidate. True. Who is Trump dividing? Who is Trump conquering? Everybody knows division is the problem What is needed is common ground and mutual benefits Who would this group be? Yes....if you are standing in their way.
  11. Traore Launches Burkina Faso's First Locally Made Electric Vehicles Amidst Trump Order. Africa Reloaded Zim innovator unveils self-powering electric vehicle An electric car that does not require conventional recharging
  12. No.... I do not think they do They pretty much said so....during the recent drone crisis That is only true if it has to do with National Security.... Everything else that FAA knows should be available to the public.... Understandably so..
  13. True... The amount of these they are are receiving as cell phone camera tech evolves more and clearer photo will be seen.....astounding How you know that the FAA knows that ? Yes it could be military....but I do not think it is How so give an example True Divisive yes... Unifying to those who are fascistic and race mongers To me Obama is the most important.....
  14. True.... Yes... It's not a physical penetration of territory Some clear and some fuzzy.....mostly of the cell phone type Caught on camera: Possible UFO reported over New York's LaGuardia Airport | Banfield
  15. I have already address this question I earlier mentioned the Dogons...their cultural heritage clearly speaks of star people called Nommo As well as many ancient Christian paintings depicting what we today call UFO... The Bible and the Vedas also share stories that are very likely alien encounters Yes that is true.. Such action or use of tech is not considered an Incursion....at this time. It is not seen as an act of aggression to look see and or record from a stand point outside of territorial space air land and sea Why? The amount of new sightings due to cell phone camera and infra red is astounding. What is now being considered is setting up a clearinghouse to categorize and study the overwhelming amount of new footage.
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