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  1. Yep Everybody for the most part is playing by the decency rule book...being the bigger person or as Michelle Obama put it - When they go low we go high... Trump on the other hand is a maverick and plays by his own rules.....remember Trump made fun of the Paul Pelosi beat down - then retracked it. His own Secretary Of Defense Mark Esper said Trump ask if he could shoot the George Floyd Demonstrators. But will this method work to the Democrats advantage when we are dealing with individuals who are die heart bible thumping evangelicals...A resounding No in my opinion An a appeal to Reason Logics and Rationality will not convince the die hearts....like the youtube below Trump’s 40 Biggest Broken Promises Revealed | Robert Reich To thin his base of die hearts an appeal to emotions is the only way....
  2. False Flag Operation The Sopranos | I’m a marksman
  3. hello $14 trillion in reparations proposed to Black Americans Reparations around the country: from Palm Springs to Evanston
  4. Yes of course it does....all options are open - At-Will and Your Leisure Yes This is a discussion board....We have not had the discussion - lets discuss What are we agreeing to disagree about? We have as of yet only clarified the Issue....now we must delve into its constituents to see wherein lies both the agreeable and the disagreeable In the Spirit of what a Forum is ....be thee contrary aka Contrarian or the cynical Cynic come let us make fun while we learn from and of One the Other. You have chosen your persona....The stage is set - We each our Role Must Play
  5. The Primary reasons why Jamaal Bowman lost is two...in my opinion 1. His Rigteous Indignation to speak Truth to Monied Power.... 2. Gerrymandering/Redistricting......renders electoral politics void of True representation for Black and Brown Americans. Electorial politics as it is practice in most of the world is flawed in that money plays a large role in who gets elected...in other words votes can be bought both directly and indirectly - it is the Capitalist way and as such to many it may not be a flaw. For every "shortcomings" their is a reason or cause....Black people have many. To which shortcomings of us black people do you specifically refer? Where do you see the cause and reason for this....in otherswords where in lies our fault? Yes I know them well. Black Corruption is real Black Consumerism and Black Conspicuous Materialism Are also both Real. The Stress and Oppression of White Supremacy is Real....to me Are you saying that Black Corruption and Black Consumerism should not be Attributed to the Opression of White Supremacy experienced by Black Africans? Or Are you saying Neither White supremacy and or The Oppression of Blacks exists? Where ever Truth is being communicated I will co-sign and have. My co-signing does not make it official...as I am Not an Authority or have any Authority on the issues we discuss here Like You and @ProfD I am only sharing my opinions and enjoy hearing others...Especially Yours on this topic
  6. I learn from your questions and share what I know with all as best as I can. Here in the West and the Arab East it would appear to be an Economic, Abled Bodiedness and Knowledge.... The Europeans first enslaved the local Taino Indians but they could not with stand the rigors of Plantation life and Whites who were used to replace them did not fare(perform) much better. It was Bartolome Las Casa who suggested Africans and so Racism(slavery based on color) White Supremacy was Born. What kept it going was that it was immensely profitable leading to the Industrial Revolution and the Invention of Capitalism. Chattel Slavery was new because it reduced a Humen being to a thing or animal.....All other forms of Slavery maintained the slaves Humanity There is reason.... Africans could produce so much and still survive to breed not matter how harsh the treatment or how hard they were pushed. The rhyme... India and China was on their way to Industrialization.....African enslavement gave Europe the ability to overtake them So Let me try to alleviate your chronic pessimism by share a Toaist Tale Saii Weng shi ma The Story of the Old Man and His Horse (Sai Weng Shi Ma, Yan Zhi Fei Fu) 塞翁失马, 焉知非福 Never Forget All Humanity is benefiting from our Sacrifice/Suffering Every Race has experience Enslavement at one time or other in there History There is absolutely no way of answering your query definitively. Past Behavior is said to be the best predictor of future behaviour....if this be true Most African led Nations/States of the Past are known for their Tolerance and Mixed societies....Moorish Spain(Al Andalusia) Two Recent One is Zimbabwe and South Africa and even Haiti There was no reprisals against whites in general in either Haiti Zimbabwe or South Africa on a State sanctioned Level. I think this is because Africans on a whole are not xenophobic and do not demonize/dehumanize other human beings even when at war with them The Exception is the Hutus demonize the Tutsi which resulted in Genocide....it is now known that France play a role in Fomenting this occurrence. Consumerism and Materialism is a result of Marketing or as @ProfD the opiate we use to hide or survive our hardship Good day.....Yaaaaah
  7. So Goes Africa...so goes Black America and other Blacks from the Diapora....our fate is One - sealed in our skin color. We live in a World Lorded over by Racist....who seek to impoverish and disempower black skinned peoples everywhere. Europe defeated Africa because Europe united under skin color...Making them a Continental power - whilst we were still Nation/states. They Met In Berlin and devise a plan of Conquest - as a continent against nations The Slave trade and Black Africans took their Freedom because the Haitians defeated France Spain and England The Three Great European powers and Haiti was the sole major supporter and supplier of Simeon Bolivar Conquest of a large swath of South American countries. This shook white supremacy to its core. Hidden from us is the full extent of the Role Haitians played in the American Revolutionary war Our Skin color is our Mark of Cain and says to the world.....The Oppressed The Permanent Under Class - Globally There is a concerted effort by very powerful and connect organizations that still practice promoted and institutionalize White Supremacy as the De facto and De jure state of Affairs on a Global stage. Most Black Africans do not like Black Americans or Blacks from the West....we are called Akata or Obruni. The same is true for Most black Americans do not like Black African and Blacks from the diaspora. In Short we all do not like each other. WHY??? We live in a Global Culture that teaches ALL to hate BLACK SKIN Features and Culture....We Black People are part of that ALL We are Taught Self Hate and we express what we learn.....Hate and distrust of people who look like ourself as ugly and unhealthy. Yes Most African countries are politically free today...because of Pan Africanism Many are progressing toward Economic Freedom....Because of Pan Africanism It is called functional Unity....like when Russia and The US Allied to defeat Germany White Supremacy is ingrained Ideology of Western Europe...Eastern Europeans mostly learn of it when they go west or come in contact with Non-whites European are not Oppressed based on their Skin... Tell me if their are any Black led Country/Nations/States in NATO....do not be tricked by the name/nomenclature They all share and benefit from those who are oppressed because of their skin color...Berlin Conference/Scramble for Africa The Only Reason Racism still exist is because money and power is being made from and because of it What do you think US/Western support for Israel is? Show me a time when any socalled White Nation/State came to the Aid of a colored state against a white population or state or Nation.? The opposite is common place. The Exception is Russia and Communist States. That is Geo Politics....The US is Moving NATO on the Borders of Russia - Cuban Missile Crisis in Reverse Russia never practise Imperialism based on White Supremacy or Codified Institutional Racism. Nations and States go to war for many reason.....and because they share white supremacy in common does not mean they no longer fight among themselves and if they do that does not mean they no longer are racist. Christians fight among themselves so do Arabs and Muslims....that does not mean they are no longer Christians Arabs or Muslims The Peoples of Korea were victims of a proxy war and had little to do with the Split that was between Russia The US and China....the Koreans are victims of Cold war politics Like Vietnam almost was and Germany was for a time. We came together for Civil Rights....Functional Unity The Black Peoples of Africa fought together for their political sovereignity....Pan Africaisn African Culture is not a fantasy....if it was it would not have been outlawed in the West. Prior to the 1900 all people where part of a Kingdom and as such the King or Queen was the Official and Constitutional Father and Mother of the Nation Tribe Clan or Subjects. Africans were here in great Numbers before Columbus set sail....These Pre- Columbian Africans were all over The Caribbean and North and South America That is because you do not know African History. In Short Africans had a Global Civilization all over the World based on Trade. Civilization was founded by Africans....Africans brought civilization to Europe. We are no longer a Civilization...in a civilization commerce reigns supreme - Reason and civility We are living in a Barbarization...in a Barbarization Conquest reigns supreme - Violence and greed As it should and you are entitled to your own interests.. Blacks in the West because of Racism mostly vote out of Fear or Desperation hoping that thats whats best for themselves and the country. Elections are One every 4yrs...The Power of the Vote is so ephemeral it should be considered a Distraction a ceremony of lies and promises. Real Political Power is in Agitations Organizations and Institutions Africa and African at Home and Abroad in the Diaspora and their Descendants...The Whole World is Africa - All Peoples are Africans Descendants. Yes Africans and Africa is my first Love Please do check out META AI Your Questions are the best and most interesting I have Had in Years....and thats not an exaggeration. My fear is that I was not adequate for the task they required. Please I love these queries....I live for them - bring it on Thank you.
  8. @ProfD is correct. The individual has chosen - that is free will....but lacks the Discipline Commitment or Ability to follow through. This lack of Discipline/Commitment will result in a yielding to the path of least resistance which is usually previous habits formed...Which is still an expression of their Free Will. Habits are informed and influenced by previous experiences and thoughts that now are the default setting Habits are like a body in motion - force of habit....To change the trajectory or speed another force/body must act upon it - Form new good habits that are desirable.
  9. I cannot see existence without influences known and unknown....that is the default setting of human existence Our senses mental and physical bodies are organs design to seek out and to understand our situation and environment. Maybe we should define what we mean or think free will means Free Will is the ability to decide or choose among a given set of Options...Instinctive Reaction or Intellectual Response. Real Free Will is the ability to Create Options - Divine Discontent....Intuition True Free will is the Ability to achieve a Desired Out Come - Divine Volition...Not My will but thy will
  10. HAPPY JUNETEENTH ONE AND ALL I believe Free Will exist at the point of Decision....The Choices we make are the extent of our free will The results or outcome from the choices we make are beyond our control...except through know-how Whether or not one answer the call of various influences affecting you from within yourself or from without. Every action taken or not taken is the result of influences....that is inescapable. You can or could decide now or may have made the decision long ago in the past Looking back we can and will ascertain the reasons why a particular decision was made. The circumstances and influences does not take away free will....it explains it Every action reactions or response is a Decision....be it Prepared rehearsed or completely unexpected surprise The more knowledge we have....the less free will it seems we have - understanding the mechanics of decision making robs it of its independence only in our Minds.
  11. South Africa’s ruling ANC reaches coalition deal with rival parties South Africa's ANC reaches coalition deal with DA | DW News It is my opinion that the white led Democratic Allaince have Many Plans but one Mandate......Maintain the Land and Economy in the hands of whites for as long as possible. South Africans voters have been distracted and misled by white owned Media ideas sorrounding ANC corruptions.. Democracy's greatest flaw is that it greatly favors those with Money.... It Appears the Constitution of South Africa does not address the consequences of Colonialism and Apartheid. Colonialism and Apartheid are Crimes Against Humanity and must be uprooted replaced addressed and repaired. Let me be clear when I say white people I am addressing Racist Europeans or people who see themselves as white and as different and superior to other human beings. Section 25 of the South African Constitution must be removed and abandon For this the constitution must be abolish... as it enshrines and cements in law ill gotten gains theft rape pillaging plunder and dispositions.
  12. And what was the Purpose...To Marginalize Criminalize Afflict/Sicken Unhinge and Destabilize etc - in short Dehumanize Basically the Criminalization of Black Culture....So as to Debase people with Black Skin or Making Black Skin synonymous with Criminality Illness Dysfunction and Disease. When it comes to Drug Abuse in the Black communities.....it is a Criminal Issue In the White Communities it is a......Public Health Issue. True...so as to Malign and Destroy any Potential for Growth Success Education and Political Activity. Great book on this subject is - Bruce Wright's Black Robes White justice. Racism and Political Expediency
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