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Blog is for notifications or status or developments of projects or various news about the video game world.







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Cyberpunk2077 is getting an update

Check out some art inspired by the game   https://www.deviantart.com/rayseb/art/Neon-934411845 https://www.deviantart.com/roseberriidotart/art/Night-Owl-888026638   The following is a set of art based on the game   https://www.deviantart.com/search/deviations?q=Cyberpunk2077  


richardmurray in Game Art

Super Smash Bros. Collab 2023

Here is the character list and after it is the image. Find your favorite   CHARACTER LIST: (⭐️=Claimed ❤️ =Finished) ❤️⭐️1) Mario - Nicostud916 ❤️⭐️2) Donkey Kong - SunbeamStone ❤️⭐️3) Link - ShimoDuck ❤️⭐️4) Samus - Joker2735 ❤️⭐️4e) Dark Samus - SolarBiscuit96 ❤️⭐️5) Yoshi - Little-Papership ❤️⭐️6) Kirby - InnocentBunny101 ❤️⭐️7) Fox - VixDojoFox ❤️⭐️8) Pikachu - KoraNight ❤️⭐️9) Luigi - Waluigi-Wah ❤️⭐️10) Ness -


richardmurray in Game Art

Rainforest Pokemon Collaboration

Once I made a plushie form of a pokemon for a positive donation to make a wish.   Here is the link to my work, can you find it in the image above? https://www.deviantart.com/hddeviant/art/Bedtime-with-Sudowoodo-plushie-944022157   Now, to make positive donations to the nature conservancy, I created another. When the collab image comes up I will post it, for now, you can see mine.  https://www.deviantart.com/hddeviant/art/Sudowoodo-in-the-rainforest-Color-98113


richardmurray in Game Art

Bayonetta of A Super SMash Bros. Collab is done

When the entire collaboration is finished this image will be complete. Do you see where Bayonetta is?   The Following Are Links To My Bayonetta but before a little poem     Mistress Cherry, quite contrary How does your spellbook grow? With shapeshift ghouls and summon'd tools And so my spellbook grows   Bayonetta super smash bros collab part https://www.deviantart.com/hddeviant/art/Bayonetta-super-smash-collab-2023-Color-980504646 Bayonetta colori


richardmurray in Game Art

A potential firework project for us all

Imagine if we all made a firework with what we learn in this book referring to a game for juneteenth.  Fashion tech tutorials are linked later in the post, if you get any ideas share. Just put your email FREELY and in comes in your email  https://make.co/making-fireworks-premium-download/     AND wearable tech tutorials, maybe make a game out of clothes, any ideas? Wearable tech tutorials https://www.wearabletutorials.com/   and some others


richardmurray in Game Art

Faefarm visions

I can't wait for Fae Farm, I hope it is a similar game like my beloved Fantasy Life, which is finally coming out with its second edition too.  But, Fae Farm asked Here's some pictures I took while exploring Azoria! 📸  I love hanging up photos to make my space look as cozy as can be~  Maybe you can use these pictures in your cozy space as well and show us how you've done it! 🖼️ 💖 https://twitter.com/FaeFarm/status/1634252925022158848   So I made two versions, the fir


richardmurray in Game Art

Schomburg Black Comic Book Festival

BLACK GAMES ELITE QUESTIONS 1)What defines a Black comic book to you, no answer is wrong? 2)From your definition of Black Comic book, which will you like to see made into a video game?  I ask the two questions cause the point of Black Games Elite is to create, not to preach or talk.    Website https://www.schomcom.org/ Registration https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-schomburg-center-s-11th-annual-black-comic-book-festival-registration-525127088257


richardmurray in Game Art

Queen Plush from Mysticskillz

To Order personal message here https://www.deviantart.com/mystic-skillz or place order her https://www.twitch.tv/mysticskillzms   ANimations + games from Mystic SKillz https://aalbc.com/tc/search/?&q=mystic skillz&type=blog_entry&quick=1&nodes=62&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy  


richardmurray in Game Art

The Copyright Office and Artificial Art

Copyright Registration Guidance: Works Containing Material Generated by Artificial Intelligence A Rule by the Copyright Office, Library of Congress on 03/16/2023   HTML https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/03/16/2023-05321/copyright-registration-guidance-works-containing-material-generated-by-artificial-intelligence PDF https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2023-03-16/pdf/2023-05321.pdf   Printed version: PDF Publication Date: 03/16/2023


richardmurray in Game Art

Street Fighter of the 80s

I only have two points to make, outside that enjoy as you well 1) the haircut from guile:) I want to see somebody wear that:)   2) Chun-li's arms!!! ahh why? why is it so hard for people to realize that a woman fighter's body is not going to look like barbie. Look at female olympian runners or weight lifters or acrobats, all of them have developed arms, veins/muscles. Look at chun li, come on!!! Who does this chun-li fight in the street against? pooh bear?:)  P.S. I don't


richardmurray in Game Art

Stevie Wonder selling Atari 2600

I Quote with bracketed inlets by me:) stevie isn't superstitious... <oh no> by rule...but when it comes to fun, he knows what what <who wrote this?> and when it comes to a game console system, only the atari 2600 will do. "my friends tell me the graphics are the best. I don't know what that means, but I know with th atari 2600 they must be upright and out of sight" <ok, now can you give me a dy-n0-mite! wow! who wrote this>   Concluding thoughts Atari would


richardmurray in Game Art

Chun Li in barcelona

Photographer: JAVIER IBAÑEZ GRAFFITIS BARCELONA 2022       GRAFFITIS BARCELONA 2022 | JAVIER IBAÑEZ | Flickr     Title: SONIC in underhill brooklyn Photographer: Julia O       


richardmurray in Game Art

MY THOUGHTS TO- Silent Hill Transmission Live Reaction With YongYea

Silent Hill Transmission Live Reaction With YongYea   I want to say it bothers me that in these shows, they make people wait an hour and a half hour... is this business? Not my gaming company. if own a firm and I say we have a release, it will be given at a specific time, none of this welfare line business. it started ast 31:46  33:16 what the hell is that these horror games 33:38 one man alone, among all these freaks 34:34 that pyramid head guy thing right? 35:13 this


richardmurray in Game Art

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