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Chika Nadya

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Posts posted by Chika Nadya

  1. Chris we need to figure out more effective ways for not just you to share your articles but for others to do the same on your behalf.


    I think the data you shared is helpful, certainly, but what is more helpful is the context.


    For example, most people would simply say, "Hey, I sold $6,000 worth of product using social media," without mentioning what it took to make those sales.  This draws others in thinking they can do the same.


    Really this is the problem I see with social media marketing.  Too many of us are hyping the benefits and downplaying the problems and challenges small business will encounter. 


    Book sellers have it even harder, because the margins are razor slim, competition from Amazon is tremendous, and search favors corporations.  


    The world does not really seem to mind having only a handful of companies they can buy sneakers from.  Over the last 40 years I've only brought athletic shoes from 4 different companies.  If you ignore the one pair of Asics running shoes I brought 4 or 5 years ago (that I still use), it would be 3 different companies, and one of those companies was Puma.


    Today the vast majority of books are brought from Amazon.  No one seems to mind that much either.  Indeed many are glad, except people like me who remember what was...


    I think social media, such as facebook, is still have its heart to billions people worldwide. There are a lot of companies, online stores, businesses, communities create groups and pages on facebook nowadays, and still counting.


    And many of people even can make a good income by using social media; with facebook, twitter, youtube, etc.


    With social networking sites, people can make deals with or without a website.


    And with the right social bookmarking techniques or tools, we can boost our website's SEO presence in a short period of time.


    Not only that, there are also so many great SEO tools with low-cost priced and easy to use.


    As an example, one of my favorite pages which inform on How To Make Money Online is facebook.com/MoneyOnlineNews - I have using some of making money tools from this page, and they are working pretty well indeed. I think you shall to try them sometime, and for sure, every single of them are covered with money back guarantee.

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