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Posts posted by raydal

  1. You keep jocking the Republicans as the party of the Emancipation.  Yeah right, until the Southern Democrats became the Dixiecrats and embraced the racist Republican Party which has no use for any Blacks but Uncle Toms.   Banning religion sounds like a good idea to me.  Just about everything wrong with this world can be traced back to religion.  Who cares if Gays want to marry each other?  Is that any worse than shooting down unarmed black kids? 

    You obviously know nothing about history. Look at an election map from anytime before 1980. The South is solidly blue whereas the Northern and Western states are variably red. Even Wikipedia will tell you this. Before 1964, black voters were about evenly split with both parties.


    If you truly believe the party behind Abolition and Reconstruction simultaneously created the KKK, then you are horribly misguided. You might as well blame Lincoln for "taking jobs away from black people."


    You claim to be in favor of individual freedom and then bury black conservatives for not thinking monolithically, i.e. using race as an excuse for not succeeding, when they themselves have succeeded by rising beyond race. I'm not telling you so much "vote Republican" as I'm telling you people should have the right to vote for whomever and whatever they want regardless of what they look like and without fear of being ostracized and called racist slurs by you and other race-baiting liberals.


    Seriously, how is this form of Democrat harassment all that different from Democrat harassment a century ago? Intimidating voters to only vote a certain way is pretty much the same as intimidating them to not vote at all. Furthermore, how is "Uncle Tom" any different from "nigger?" They're both racist and demeaning.


    Look at what atheism has done to society: children don't respect their elders, degenerate behavior runs rampant and is constantly being promoted, people no longer think they have to be held accountable for their actions, and believers are ridiculed just for saying "Bless you."


    A 6'4 thief assaulting store owners and even cops is anything but "innocent." You may not want to believe it, but society has changed during your lifetime. Look how long ago the Amadou Diallo shooting was, and how long before that the Rodney King beating was. These events have become so rare since the days of Jim Crow that they do draw much attention when they do happen. Contrary to all the media spin, it's not like they're happening every day like black youths killing each other. Where's the outrage there? Is black on black not newsworthy? How about brown on black? Lord knows black on white never gets any coverage.

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    I'm not sure if you're really a racist idiot or just a troll. Look at what race-baiting liberalism has done to the black population. They have been voting mostly Democrat for decades yet they still have to deal with proportionately higher crime and poverty within their solidly-blue communities.


    These three folks you mentioned, along with Allen West and Clarence Thomas, are proof that you don't need government handouts and "race-quotas" (i.e. legalized racism) to make it in America. Instead of being mad, you should admire them. 100 years ago we had White Democrats attacking Black Republicans because they were black, but now we've got White Democrats attacking Black Republicans because they're Republican, or at least that's what these double-standard liberals claim anyway.


    If you want to complain about racism, go after these race-baiting hypocrites who dictate what party all people of color should vote for under the threat of being called an "Uncle Tom" or "traitor" or "acting white." They'll cry "racism" regarding criticism of Obama but then say the most horrid things about Carson, Cain, Rice, West, Thomas, and any other black conservative who isn't "down with the struggle." There is nothing "white" about being financially and socially responsible. Compare Asia's success to Africa's blight.


    I think you meant "...objective enough to know what the hell they are talking about..." and of course that would apply to Thomas Sowell too, but to a much lessor degree than most people I suspect.


    I've have read several  Thomas Sowell's books.  I discovered Sowell in a local tabloid newspaper that I have not read in years.  Cynique I think you would like his columns too.  I have not kept up in recent years, partially because I've read them for a decade and there does not deem to be any new ideas.  I always find his "Random Thoughts on a Passing Scene" articles interesting and funny.  You and he are close in age, so you can probably relate to his opinions more than I (despite his right wing stance on many issues).  From time to time, I check him out to get his perspective some current news story.


    When I hear an Ann Coulter speak I don't assume that she speaks for white people or even all white republicans.  However I get the feeling that white people think Al Shaprton speaks for all Black people.  But given that Al's view point is supported by the main stream media, and even Obama, while people like Sowell's are unknown in the Black community. 


    Also Cynique you can book mark this link:

    http://aalbc.com/tc/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=viewNewContent&search_app=forums or simply click "View New Content" in the menu above to find the most recent posts that you have not read.

    I'm sure only white liberals think that way about Sharpton. He's nothing but an opportunist who shows up during times of turmoil to stir up tension and grab attention. Of course Sowell and other black conservatives like Armstrong Williams are going to be relatively obscure because they don't get the same media exposure, or positive spin, as liberals like Sharpton or Jackson, which is intentional because it would contradict the notion that all black people vote Democrat and all Republicans are white supremacists. It's ironic given that the GOP was the party of emancipation while the "Solid South" was reliably Democrat well into the 1970s. It's also worth pointing out that the Democrats' policies of banning religion and supporting gay marriage seem to contradict the views of many black voters who, like many whites, are devoutly spiritual and against homosexuality in general.


    I don't have much to say about Ann Coulter other than her views on the Iraq invasion don't sit well with me, and her swipe at John Edwards, while I don't care much for him, was disgusting. Still, it's interesting to hear her views on other issues, some of which I do agree with.


    You really sound like a racist fool. Africa has been in African hands for decades, yet they've had to deal with one criminal regime after another. Those nations could be doing well, yet they stubbornly insist on denying Western values in governance and society, calling it "acting white." Look how well Asia has been doing "acting white." Their economies are rising as Europe declines under Socialist policies.


    You want to talk about Genocide? How about the genocides in Rwanda and Darfur? Where were the "evil whites" during those times? Do you think Western liberal media cares at all about the farm murders in South Africa? No, because the victims are white and according to race-baiting liberals "whites are evil and racist and deserve it because Apartheid." A mob destroyed an Ebola clinic in Liberia to "free" the patients yet you'll probably blame the white missionaries and doctors for that, too.


    The media has been obsessing over Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown yet there was never any mention of the deaths of Marley Lion or Jonathan Foster, or the vicious mob assault on Matthew Owens who was admittedly attacked because he was white ("justice for Trayvon"). Black on black violence runs rampant in Chicago, Detroit, St Louis, and everywhere else the Democrats have been in power for decades, yet the liberal media is Hell-bent on burying the accomplishments of the civil rights movement by making it sound like white on black racism and segregation still run rampant, as if Jim Crow is still in effect despite having people of color in business and in government, including the White House.


    Another thing: Latino is not a race. It is not "an oppressed minority profiled by 'racist whites.'" The biggest racists are the left-wing hypocrites who not only stubbornly bury the racial diversity of Latin America just so they can claim "Latinos are oppressed minorities," but flat-out ignore the millions of White Latins throughout the Americas and Europe. That's right: Italians, Frenchmen, and Romanians, those "evil white demons" you hate so much, are Latino, and those "light-skinned Hispanics" you say only "look white" are White. Are you going to start hating them, too?


    What is the goal of ethnic cleansing? Those in control need minority underlings to do  the menial labor necessary to maintain the higher standard of living enjoyed by the white majority. Or, do Black Americans need any outside help in decimating their ranks. The black underclass perpetuates its woes by indiscriminately breeding the offspring who grow up in unstable families without father figures. This creates an environment for a population at war with itself.

    That's actually the point of illegal immigration: a permanent underclass who will loyally vote Democrat. The high corporate tax encourages businesses to look for cost-cutting measures, including unscrupulous and even illegal practices like hiring cheap alien labor, resulting in citizens either losing their jobs or having to settle for lower wages. They cannot makes ends meet, so they apply for welfare and food stamps, thus increasing the need for higher taxes. With these citizens on welfare, the smug open-border politicians then bury Americans as "lazy and spoiled" while "immigrants do the jobs Americans don't want." All the while, the liberal Democrats purposely leave out the illegal in illegal immigration so they can claim everyone who is against "immigration" is racist and xenophobic and that only they are capable of "compassion." They've alienated so many people with their high tax spending, political correctness, race-baiting, double-standard atheism, and overall pseudo-intellectual arrogance that they now need to import a new voter base under illegal alien amnesty so they can have their permanent underclass as reliable supporters.


    Black people are no longer the largest minority in the US (or won;t be very shortly).  But most importantly, there is essentially no "Black community"  this might sound odd coming from me.  But we are essentially a conglomeration of competitive factions separated by class, income, and education, whose most successful members strive to separate themselves from the so-called Black community.  Given our population this is an astonishing thing to say but I believe it is largely true.


    I would be happy for someone to prove me wrong.


    If you disagree ask yourself the following;

    • What percentage of communities in the US are majority Black and not poor (what is the largest one and where is it)?
    • What percentage of job offers are given by a Black person to another Black person (a decent paying job with the potential for career growth)?
    • What percentage of Black people, who are murdered, are murdered by a Black assailant?
    • What percentage of Black income is spent with a Black owned business?

    I could go on for days with examples.  Some of the answers to the questions above are available, some not as no one has bothered to look, or ask. 


    But at the end of the day, none of the answers, to the questions above, would point to any semblance of what one would call a "community."

    Black people are still the largest racial minority and are projected to be by mid-century. If you are referring to Hispanics, that is not a race and is not a minority of anything. Blacks, both mulattos and negros, are the majorities in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Equatorial Guinea.


    The only thing the successful people are trying to separate from is the race-baiting liberalism that holds people down by telling them that they can never succeed on their own, because America is so hopelessly racist and evil that they need the help of government intervention to get anywhere. Case in point, look at the blue states California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and Michigan, It's no coincidence that these left-wing strongholds have the worst ghettos. Crime, poverty, and taxes run high in these states, yet the politicians here continue to blame conservatives.


    Black voters have supported the Democrats for decades but have little to nothing to show for it. The irony in this is how that same party created the KKK and Jim Crow, yet that history has been buried while the GOP, the party of emancipation, is constantly labeled "racist." Before the "war on poverty," black voters were evenly split with both parties and most households had both parents. The welfare state and modern day feminism, the selfish idea that women don't mean husbands to raise children regardless of the children's needs, have made single-parent households more prevalent.


    Color-blindness is a myth when it comes to race.  No matter what class a person of color falls under, his skin color will still deny him the perks of white privilege  The black community may be stratified and its members unsupportive of each other, but it is still a monolithic bloc to white America. 


    If all black people were to disappear from America as a result of ethnic cleansing, would white people really be glad? Black people are an integral part of the economy. This country is  like a plantation that needed the slaves, who were considered valuable property.   


     Prisons, are indeed, a profitable industry, not to mention all the social services that are divisions of the Welfare system, which is also a profitable industry.  And what would predominately white police forces have to do with no Blacks to profile and arrest?  They'd have to lay off half their staff. What would the courts do with no defendants to prosecute? America needs the necks of black folks to keep its foot on.  It's in their DNA.  LOL They do not want to get rid of black people.  They just want to oppress them.

    Not when it comes to Latin Americans. Anytime a celebrity's or politician's life story is described, politically-correct descriptives like "established" or "well to do" are used if they're white while "racially-oppressed" or "Latino pride" are used if they're Amerindian, black, or mixed.


    Only white liberals think they're guilty of "white privilege" and that all black people allegedly think and act the same, hence why they expect them all to vote Democrat or else be slandered as an "Uncle Tom" or "traitor." The only plantation is the race-baiting-welfare plantation, which is also owned by the Democrats.


    I'm not sure if you're being facetious with that whole  "white cops are shooting innocent black men 24/7" nonsense, but the idea of blacks looting and rioting and burning down their own communities and then blaming white people for the subsequent moving away of businesses and people is just pants-on-head retarded.


    The only thing keeping black folks down is the misplaced sense of entitlement and victimization.


    Perhaps Mexicans will be the "New Black." 


    The upper class could/would dispense with Black folks, including our beatified president,  tomorrow if it were feasible.  It really does not matter to them as long as there is an underclass to perform the low level tasks and manual labor.  Indeed white folks use other white people when they have to


    But again, I don't believe this is about race.  It is about those with the most financial resources and power increasing it; in America virtually all of these folks happen to be white but that is incidental not the cause. . 


    Since these folks happen to be white, Black folks have had the misfortune of being easily targeted.  Our best strategy would be to combine our resources, but this simply is not happening.  The activism, organization and institutions of the civil rights era are a distant memory...

    Mexican is a nationality, Troy. There are Black Mexicans and White Mexicans. The idea that all Mexicans are racially-distinct from blacks is itself racist, and exists on both sides of the border, unfortunately.


    If we want to discuss anti-black racism, let's look at La Raza. They are openly and unapologetically racist towards whites and blacks, yet they obsessively whine about being victims of "racism" and "profiling" as they slander the U.S. Jamiel Shaw's murder went largely unnoticed by the liberal media because his killer was an Amerindian mestizo and a gang member and an illegal alien. The only news anchor to ever mention it was Lou Dobbs, whom these same liberals viciously slandered as "racist."


    They only "care" when the story is allegedly white on black because they're nothing more than race-baiting liars who don't want blacks and other people of color to realize that it's not whites or conservatism holding them down but the cynicism, anger, and sense of entitlement and victimization being spun by the relentless left-wing propaganda. They don't want people to realize that they can succeed without government handouts and race-quotas because it would then become clear that such liberal policies are ruinous.

  4. Another insulting habit brought on by politically-correct propaganda and media-sanctioned ignorance is the misuse of "Latino." Every time these politicians and open-border "activists" say it, they always mean Hispanic specifically, and even then White Hispanics are patronized as "light-skinned" if not outright ignored.


    "Latino" means Latin and includes Portuguese, French, Italian, and Romanian heritage in addition to Spanish, both in Latin America and Latin Europe and even the Latinized regions of Africa (Cote d'Ivoire, DRC, Angola, etc.). It does not mean "Hispanic only" and is certainly in no way indicative of race.

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    The leading country-of-origin for White Hispanics is Mexico (9.8 million), followed by Puerto Rico (1.6 million) and Cuba (1.1 million). A smaller number of White Hispanics originate from various countries in South America (0.8 million), Central America (0.7 million), and the Dominican Republic (0.2 million). Approximately 2.5 million White Hispanics come from “other” places of origin.[34]

    "Other" is most obviously Spain. The only other places are Equatorial Guinea or the Philippines. Even with more descendants than Puerto Rico or Cuba, it's disgusting how the U.S. Census seems to blatantly disregard Spanish ancestry by burying it under "other Hispanic or Latino."



    Blacks comprise 13% of the population, Latinos (most of whom are not white) 15%, Asians roughly 5% and Native Americans about 1.5. That alone places whites at considerably less than 75.05% of the fucking US population, doesn't it????

    White: 72%

    Black: 13%

    Asian: 5%

    American Indian: 1%

    Two or more/Biracial: 3%

    Other: 6%




    Latino is not a race and it never will be, no matter how mad or delusional you may get.


    This is an idiotic statement that is unworthy of any further discussion. Nice demographic explanation bookfan. Your commentary was on the money. You saved me some writing.

    All the race-baiting liberals and anti-white racists are constantly trumpeting how whites are going to be a minority as they obsessively deny the existence of White Hispanics by calling them "light-skinned" or "white-looking" or "biracial" or "acting white" or "self-hating" because these self-absorbed, patronizing liars and hypocrites are so Hell-bent on spreading their propaganda of Hispanic meaning "brown migrant race" just so they can have their open-borders, permanent underclass/new voter base, and cheap alien labor. They don't care whose lives they have to disrupt and ruin as long as they get what they want under the pretense of "compassion."


    Now if that is how you believe as well, then yours is the idiotic statement.


    Nobody's tricking anybody. You're just not understanding the information. The "majority-minority crossover" that's projected to happen by 2050 refers to the number of all non-whites plus Hispanics rising above the number of whites who don't identify themselves as Hispanic. Yes, that new "minority" will include some caucasian Hispanics, and because the tipping point is just barely reached in 2050, people of the caucasian race could still outnumber non-caucasians. But the trends driving that shift aren't going to stop in 2050. Whites will eventually make up a smaller percentage of the population than non-whites, no matter whether it comes in 2040, 2050, or 2060.

    Here's the word from the horse's mouth: official Census Bureau population projections through 2050.

    "In all five series, the racial and ethnic diversity of the U.S. population is shown to
    increase. With the minority groups projected to maintain or increase their shares of the
    population, the proportion of the population that is non-Hispanic White alone is projected
    to decrease.3 The amount of net international migration that occurs during the next four
    decades could affect how quickly the minority share of the population grows. In each of
    the four series where migration occurs, the size of the minority population is expected to
    increase to the point that they represent the numeric majority between 2040 and 2050, we
    refer to this as the majority-minority crossover (see Figure 5).

    3 In this document, minority is defined as people who are races other than White alone or are Hispanic."

    What Figure 5 shows is the minority population increasing from about 33 percent today to just over 50 percent by 2050.

    That's all minorities (that includes Hispanics) combined slightly outnumbering whites. Remember that "Hispanic" is an ethnic category, however, not a racial one. Some Hispanics are causcasian, some are black, and some are AmerIndian. This report explains in detail why the Hispanic portion of the population (already outnumbering blacks) is going to grow faster than any other group over the next 40 years. The reasons: Hispanics are younger, have more kids, and make up most of the immigrants. The top three categories within Hispanic are Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban. I don't think you can argue that most of those folks are caucasian.

    The liberal race-baiters and their low-information lackeys have been obsessively promoting "Hispanic" as though it was a race for the sake of affirmative action, illegal immigration, and other divisive, politically-motivated policies. That's been their strategy for years: repeat a lie often enough, and people will start to believe it. This lie is based on a 40-year old stereotype that would have ceased to exist along with most other ethnic stereotypes had it not been for "affirmative action" and multiculturalism preserving it under the guise of "diversity." During the civil rights era, the Chicano movement was in essence an Amerindian movement, but all the political opportunists saw was "Spanish-speaking brown people" and decided that "everything Spanish is nonwhite" should officially be government policy.


    "Hispanic" never should have been manifested into anything beyond Hispanophone ancestry. Creating a "minority" demographic based on the Spanish language, a language native to Europe and therefore white people, just for the sake of ethnocentric pandering should be as stupid and pointless as creating a "minority" based on the French or Portuguese language. Claiming it to be an "ethnic minority" implies there's an "ethnic majority," which there currently isn't. With all the different ethnic backgrounds, "Anglo" is a plurality at best.


    Even if the white population does eventually become a minority, it will have nothing to do with "Hispanics."


    Thanks, Xeon, but I've got to backtrack a little bit.

    I took a closer look at the numbers I linked to earlier, and realized I need to apologize to kenno for being a little too quick to dismiss his contention that most Hispanics are white. The article he quoted said something about 90 percent of Hispanics being counted as white, and the 2050 report appears to do something similar.

    Here’s the link again to the Census Bureau’s projections for minority population from 2010 to 2050. The 2010 racial breakdowns in the first column in the first section of Table 1 support kenno’s point. If you subtract non-Hispanic whites (64.7 percent of population) from total whites (79.5 percent), you come up with 14.8 percent of the population being in the subcategory of white Hispanics. Those white Hispanics would account for virtually all Hispanics (listed as 16 percent of population). And, as kenno said, that would mean that in 2050 the population would still be overwhelmingly white.

    That prompts these thoughts:

    1) The idea that the total number of whites would still be a majority was right there in the report from the beginning. In the far right-hand column, the 2050 projection puts non-Hispanic whites at 46.3 percent but total whites at 74 percent. The point of this report was never that all whites would be less than half the population, but that non-Hispanic whites would be less than half.

    2) I seriously doubt the figures that imply over 90 percent of Hispanics are white. They conflict with the actual count of race and ethnicity in the most recent census. As you can see from the (hard) data from 2000, a slim majority — 50.2 percent — of the people who described themselves as Hispanic also described themselves as being some other race than white. I think the actual count has to be more reliable than the projections.

    3) Whichever figures are right, there’s a problem with any projections that assume what’s happening now will continue to happen for a long, long time…because change is the only certainty. There’s a horrendous example from U.S. public policy: in 2000, the federal budget was in the black for the first time in a long time. The economists in the White House and the Congressional Budget Office assumed the new-found solvency would be permanent, so they issued reports projecting that federal budget surpluses of 4 or 5 trillion dollars would accumulate by 2010. Bush and Gore both campaigned on those projected surpluses — Bush said we should spend it on tax cuts, while Gore wanted to spend it on new programs. Now that it’s 2010, however, we all know those predictions of overflowing government coffers were utterly meaningless.

    I don't expect this will interest anyone else as much as it did me, but I had fun kicking it around.

    Unless Hispanic in this instance is being used for Spanish ancestry, I also doubt that 90%. Any sizable majority seems difficult to believe considering how rampantly it is portrayed in the mainstream media as a racially nonwhite entity. I honestly find that 2050 projection difficult to believe in its entirety because it's based on current immigration patterns and does not factor in changes like mass deportations, accelerated migrations, or changes in migrant origins. We could very well see a sharp decline in Latin American migration along with a sudden rise in migration from a different region of the world.


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